Chapter 370: Division & Clash

Chapter 370: Division & Clash

0In the meantime Tianlong Yun was having a look around the Rocky Fortress, he had a bad feeling that this place was a bit weird.     

People were still pillaging through the place like crazy but there seemed to be no signs of the locals. Like they had disappeared or never existed.     

This clearly couldn't be the case since this place was too clean and well kept for that to be the case. So where had all these people disappeared to?     

Besides that where was the passage for the other part of the space? There was clearly much more to this place than just this little Rocky Fortress, or at least that was what it looked like.     

With those thoughts in mind, Tianlong Yun headed north towards the City Lord's residence and also where the possible passage was thought to be.     

The more he approached the place the more crowded his surroundings became. Clearly the bigger the crowds, the bigger the troubles, and the bigger the fights.     

What attracted more his attention though, was the fact that the fights in this place were even more aggravated due to the fact that only one person could enter a room.     

Everyone else would be automatically restricted not to enter. This divided the cultivators, making them fight on who would enter, and then gang up on the one who entered after he got out.     

At the 'pill area' there were the substances that drove people crazy, and letting them act only on their instincts, in this area was the fact that each place could only be entered by one person.     

It was clear as the light of the day for him that these were strategies devised by the locals so they could divide the explorers and make them fight each other.     

It would be clear to whoever saw this situation from an objective point of view, but right now most of the people were concentrated on the pillaging and the treasures in front of their eyes.     

One had to say that there were a lot of good things coming out of this place, there were even Qi stones of different purities, passing hands from one to another cultivator.     

At some point, Tianlong Yun was also getting tempted to join in with the crowd and try to make a profit, but the more he thought like that, the more attentive he became.     

Wasn't all this situation too good to be true!? People were pillaging all these good things without even the tiniest struggle inside the houses, and offices, and there was no one to stop them.     

He himself had taken a huge amount of resources from the warehouse earlier, and no one had stopped him do it.     

Even the mysterious cultivator that was possessing Elder Tao didn't even try to do anything to him. There was clearly something wrong with it.     

While he was making his way through the city in his stealth mode, he started thinking about something that seemed impossible, but that might actually become true.     

What if, the passage to the other part of the space allowed only one person to pass through, what would happen then!?     

But the situation was still looking calm at the moment, so most probably that wouldn't be the case when suddenly he heard a big explosion happen not far away in front of him.     

It didn't take long after the noise for the pushing force of the explosion to come, and he had to use all the strength he could to resist the wind that wanted to take him for a flight.     

It was strong, really strong, Tianlong Yun should be powerful enough to resist the attack of a powerful expert close to the Soul Formation Realm, and yet just the pressure of that attack almost sent him flying.     

He seemed the only one able to hold on at that moment as people were sent flying all around him, as a big cloud of dust was raised around them.     

There were even a few people screaming as they were caught unprepared from all this, and were sent flying like a headless planet.     

It took a while for the dust to settle down and the people fall down from the sky, as slowly the scene turned to its earlier clarity, with the difference of being a serene moment.     

No one was screaming, fighting, or creating trouble at the moment. They didn't even dare to buzz of breathing roughly as they all turned their heads towards the direction of the explosion.     

Most probably the people responsible for that attack had not only crossed the Soul Formation Realm but also were high up in that Realm.     

Did he just evoke this situation with his thoughts? Was it truly the case that these old men were fighting about who would be the one to enter that place?     

Recomposing himself quickly, Tianlong Yun directed his eyesight towards the location from where the explosion came from, only to see two majestic-looking old people confront each other.     

In fact, they didn't seem to be fighting and neither was there any sight of a clash between them. That big exploding sound everyone heard a moment ago seemed to be coming from the clash of their auras.     

It seemed incredible, just the clash of their auras had spread in an area of more than 1 mile, and the force of that clash was equal to the attack of an expert in the late levels of the Soul Formation Realm.     

They didn't even seem to be trying to pressure each other as they looked more like they were just trying to test their opponent.     

At the moment they were both looking at each other with a solemn and serious expression as if they were calculating their chances of success over the other.     

While they both had the assurance that they wouldn't fall to the other, they didn't have the confidence that they could pressure the other down either.     

Their difference in strength was almost inexistent and there would be no winner even if they fought. With these thoughts passing through their minds, the one on the left broke the silence first, and said,     

"Old Jenk aren't you a bit too old to intervene in the matters of juniors. An old man like you should know not to bully the juniors of the other powers.     

Why don't we allow the juniors to deal with this matter on their own! After all what kind of manliness would they have, if they can't even fight for the ladies they are trying to vow!?     

Don't tell me that your younglings need their Elders' support and are just empty shells."     

The other old man seemed to be getting angrier at the old man's words the more he spoke, but still, he managed to control himself and not pound over him.     

That kid that had fought against his grand-grand-grand kid was an unscrupulous and really arrogant kid, but he had the right to be since he was a genius and really strong.     

His grand-grand-grand kid had been the same, but someone had poisoned him, and he had lost his talent for cultivation, even then he was still a Golden Core Realm Expert.     

His one big and damned problem, that had even been the reason he got poisoned were ladies. He couldn't keep his willy inside his pants and would go from one flower to the other, just like the bees.     

Even in this case, the reason that he had gotten into a fight with someone from the Orientalist organization was precisely for a lady, or better said for two ladies.     

It was true that the two seemed like fairies coming out of a fantastic world, and especially with their demeanor and attitude of two cold beauties.     

One was like a fresh clove, while the other was like a full-blown rose. Each one having its own beauty and value, but still, he was throwing the family's honor like that.     

He was weak, and he should understand that he was no longer that genius he was. Not to mention that those girls didn't seem like they even cared about the situation.     

If he let him in the hands of his opponent then it was certain that his grand-grand-grand kid would die. He couldn't allow that to happen.     

Willingly or unwillingly he had grown attached to that little fellow, so he couldn't allow that to happen as he said,     

"Old Feng don't you think that your younger generation is going a bit overboard, after all, there are two flowers, and two bees, I am sure there is no need for them to fight!"     

He was throwing away his face trying to reach an agreement like that, but there was nothing he could do about it, and he had to do it for that grand-grand-grand kid of his.     

The old man in front of him didn't seem to share the same line of thought as him though, as he said in a laughing voice,     

"Old Jenk I didn't think that the rumors of you going senile to be true! Since when have you started to forget the true face of this world!?     

Strength and power rules in here and only the strongest deserve the best, no matter the count. The same applies to the young generation!     

If your sprout dares to fight for what he wants, even if he dies he will be respected, if he doesn't dare, then he better stop breathing other people's oxygen."     

His words were harsh, but he seemed to have the facts backing him up, strength did rule the world. If you weren't strong enough to protect what you held dear, then you were just committing a crime.     

The biggest mistake of a poor man was and would always be carrying jade!     

That Old man Jenk didn't seem able to go on with this talk, and seeing that his grand-grand-grand kid didn't dare to fight and die, then it was useless to continue with this, as he got down.     

At the same time Tianlong Yun didn't understand why, but the moment he heard the two old men talking, he felt like suddenly he had two more enemies that needed to disappear from the world…     

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