Chapter 389: Test, and Master’s identity

Chapter 389: Test, and Master’s identity

0The end was true as expected, Tianlong Yun was able to turn the four ladies into his sex-slaves easily.     

Right now, they were down on the ground having a heavy breath and resting a bit after their first harsh battle.     

Even though they had trained a lot to be able to handle everything that came their way, this was the first time that the ladies were having the real thing.     

Furthermore, Tianlong Yun wasn't even the average kind of guy, as his skills, abilities, measures, and experience were enough to make them fall short for breath in a short time.     

One thing was certain though, they had never felt something like this, and most probably if they hadn't, they would become addicted to this.     

But now wasn't the time to think about that, as they were having problems even staying conscious after what had happened.     

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun just got a bit sweaty, as only the four ladies on the ground weren't enough to truly tire him out.     

Right now, he was thinking about his next course of action, while the four ladies were an added variable to the situation, it didn't truly change his plans.     

He still had the plans to stay for a while around here, gather a few more experimental subjects, and then go and explore the Nightmare forests.     

With that thought in mind, he let the four ladies on the ground recollect their selves, as he filled the bathtub he brought in here with water, to have a relaxing bath.     

It was a perfect combo with the refreshing feeling he had after the battle with the four ladies. Women were the best medicine for men!     

The view in front of him was the cold and grey walls of the lab room he had created, together with the smell of sweat, and the love juices they had released until now.     

  It was a weird combo if one looked at it, especially with the fact that it was dimly lightened at the moment, and once could even hear the rough breathing of the ladies on the ground.     

But Tianlong Yun didn't care about any of these, as he just entered inside the bathtub sealed his eyes, and ears and just sat there in meditation.     

He stayed like that for more than an hour, and by the time he woke up from his mediation the ladies had regained their strength, and energy as they were looking at him and discussing while he meditated.     

They were still totally naked, with the smell and juices all over their bodies, as they had no water so they could shower or clean themselves, and no way to find clothes in that room.     

The only person who could provide them with these things was Tianlong Yun, but none of them dared to disturb him from his relaxing bath.     

They were trained to be the best guards and slaves at the same time, so they would never dare to do something against their Master's wishes, or comfort.     

In fact, even though Tianlong Yun had sealed his eyes and ears, he was still able to clearly 'see' what they were doing all this time through his spirit sense.     

In a way, he decided to use this empty time not only to relax but also as a little test for the four ladies that joined his harem, even though as simple slaves.     

And he wasn't disappointed, as a matter of fact, he was satisfied with their behavior and wanted to personally congratulate their trainer.     

He had truly found some rare specimen this time around, as new things were popping around him all the time.     

His appetite was getting larger and larger, but he knew how to control himself, and keep his feet on the ground.     

There was no free lunch in this world, as everything had a price. Even turning these girls into his sex-slaves had a price as he would be creating trouble with Jayden and that Old Man.     

But he had already decided to have them as his enemies so there was nothing new to this. This could be considered as a little interest collected in advance for him.     

Returning to the situation at hand, Tianlong Yun looked at them calmly, to see their reactions, as he started observing them once again from head to toe.     

The ladies didn't seem to mind his sharp observing eyes, as they even pushed their assets forward to show him what they had.     

The only person who seemed to have a problem with this was Maria, as she didn't have much to show to him, but this didn't mean she didn't try.     

After his observing look, Tianlong Yun started saying with a natural voice,     

"From now on you are my sex-slaves, and also my women. No one else besides me has the right to touch you, as you are property of Tianlong Yun, the patriarch of the Shadow Clan!     

Apart from that just act normally outside, and pretend I am that idiot in front of others, I will tell you when I decide to take that guy outside for a walk! Are we clear!?"     

The four ladies were a bit surprised and startled at his words, earlier they hadn't had the appropriate time to think or process his words properly, due to the situation at hand.     

But now that they were able to process them, they were almost shocked by the identity of their new Master.     

Who hadn't heard about the Shadow Clan in the cultivation society, as they seemed like a new power that could control all of China.     

There were rumors that this Clan had enough power to compete with the biggest organizations on the World rankings, which was something that not many could say.     

This was even more clear seeing the forces they had sent to explore this space. Truly they had no Body Integration powerhouse with them, but still, the numbers were insane.     

No matter how big an elephant is, it can be still bitten to death by a colony of ants, and these ants looked more than capable to achieve something like that.     

Yet they had become the sex-slaves of such a figure, as he was now standing in a bathtub in front of them, as they stood naked in front of him, covered in their, and his juices.     

It was truly weird, and impossible for this to be true, and yet here they were. It looked like some kind of weird illusion at that moment.     

As they tried to pinch each other to confirm they weren't dreaming about all this! As for the fact that Tianlong Yun might be lying, it never crossed their minds.     

Not to mention that he was their Master now, and it held no meaning for him to lie to them. So that option was immediately erased from their mind.     

What made them think deeper though was the fact that the Shadow Clan had brought such a big force with them, so why wasn't Tianlong Yun leading them, but his two wives?     

Now that they thought about it, most probably the fact that Tianlong Yun was dealing with their useless Young Master Jayden, was because of his intentions towards his wives.     

The stronger, and more powerful a cultivator was, the less could he accept, or control himself when something like that happened.     

It wasn't only because of love, but also because of his face, and honor. Who would respect someone who couldn't even protect his own wife?     

There were a lot of questions running through their mind, but they knew that they had no right to ask them, and could only wait for Tianlong Yun to tell them himself.     

But there was one thing that worried them a lot at the moment and was precisely the situation regarding this space, and more importantly this Fortress city where they were.     

With these thoughts in mind, Alexa who seemed to be like the representative of the four, in this case, asked in a well-mannered, and serving tone,     

"Master, we are truly surprised by your identity, but there is something that is weighing in the minds of each one of us, and it's about the current situation!     

How much of what we know is real?"     

Tianlong Yun was once again satisfied with their conduct, but his calm and natural expression didn't change, as he said,     

"What you know is totally true, and the threat is real for whoever that is still residing inside this Fortress City, but there are a few things you don't know.     

What I can tell you now is that while everyone else is stuck in this place, and can't leave, I have a way to leave this place, and we will soon get out of here to explore the outside more!     

All you need to know at the moment is that you need to increase your strength, and prepare for our journey!"     

Hearing those words Alexa, and the other girls were clearly shocked because one had to say that the rumors were that the barrier was almost impenetrable.     

All the exploring cultivators needed to work together to destroy it at first, and even then it took more than a few days.     

But Tianlong Yun claimed to be able to have a way through it alone, so how could they not get surprised at this fact.     

In their mind though, Tianlong Yun was either blowing his own horn, or he was even more special than the whole World made him be.     

They would only believe his words when they saw it happen, until then, they would just go along with his orders, and assignments. Unwillingly or unwillingly they had become his sex-slaves.     

Thinking like this, Alexa made a slight bow, as she said,     

"Understood Master, thank you for answering my question, and let me formally say that from now on we will be in your care!"     

Tianlong Yun just let a slight 'mhm' sound as with one thought, he and the ladies disappeared from the lab room inside the Old Pouch, and appeared inside the bathroom space inside the tent…     

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