Chapter 374: Pill, Decision, & 1st Sacrifice

Chapter 374: Pill, Decision, & 1st Sacrifice

0Jayden was still shocked by everything that happened, and everything he saw in those moments, everything seemed so true, everything seemed so real.     

What was all that he saw!? Were those the dreams or thoughts of someone, or something else altogether?     

Could it be that everything he saw in there was real and had happened in the past? What about now!? Would the same thing happen again?     

But more importantly what was this pouch, and what held within!? It seemed like it was some kind of devil or demon, but it was really powerful.     

He had never felt that pressured even when facing his own grand-grand-grandfather. In there he felt like he couldn't even breathe, like the air around him had totally disappeared.     

At that moment he could even feel like his heart, and his sea of conscience were being pressurized and there was some kind of a heavyweight on top of them, ready to crush them to pieces.     

Everything felt so real and surreal at the same time, so he couldn't really understand what had happened in there.     

While, he was still wondering what he had gone through a moment ago, his eyes fell on the little jade bottle in front of him.     

Looking at that little jade bottle made him slowly relax, he could feel that his mental state, the emotional state was slowly resting and relaxing.     

Slowly he started to think about things without panic, but on what mattered most at the moment. The old pouch was still in his hands.     

Even though he had been inside that space, he had come out of it alive, and whatever happened in there was still a possibility.     

Relaxing more, he got more concentrated on the jade bottle, if the bottle itself was so precious, then what about what it held inside.     

Opening the lid of the jade bottle Jayden's nostrils were immediately hit by the deft medicinal aroma of the pill inside the bottle.     

At that moment he could feel like his cells, and the whole being was craving for this medicine. It was like this medicine was vital for him.     

It was so weird this was the first time he could feel something like this, but he didn't take it immediately, there was the chance of this thing being a poison in disguise or something to harm him.     

But inside that space, he had already been in that being's order, and will. His life and death were at his will, and so was his body, or mind.     

Furthermore, he was already poisoned, and that being probably had not even the least interest in possessing such a weak and powerless body.     

Remembering what he saw inside the space, his mind started to quickly work and he thought that perhaps what that being wanted or needed were sacrificial lambs.     

Perhaps he was just being tested, or raised to become some kind of disciple or student for that being, after all, if he hadn't been poisoned he would be a genius to this day.     

Thinking like this without holding back anymore, deciding to try his last drips of luck, he took the pill with a little bit of hesitation.     

The moment the pill entered his throat, and then stomach though he could feel a warm stream of energy pass through his system, and was slowly being spread in every cell of his body.     

Whenever the energy went, it would slowly enrich the cells with energy and take out any waste or poison inside them.     

Jayden was clearly stupefied at this moment, because his grand-grand-grandfather had used so many favors and so much wealth to find him a cure or anything of like, and he wasn't able to.     

The closest he had gone to finding something that could help him was a level 6 Body Cleansing Pill, he didn't know if what he had just taken was precisely that but the truth was that he didn't care.     

His body was being cleansed from the poison he had in his system, and slowly he could feel his strength and potentially get back to him.     

All the mocking and bullying he had suffered until now from his brethren, his brothers, his cousins, his uncles, and aunts would now stop.     

He would once again show to all of them who he was, and why his grand-grand-grandfather had once trusted and became so attached to him.     

The genius of the Smith family would once again rise above all and would take its former glory once again. This time nobody would be able to stop him in any way.     

As his body and all his cells were being cleansed from the poison inside his body, a black-green matter with a putrid smell was coming out of his skin, all over his body.     

  But he didn't have the time or the desire to think about that, as right now there was something more important for him, he was finally getting cured.     

When the warm stream inside his body disappeared, he could feel that his entire body was almost totally clean, there was still a bit of residue, but he could take care of it slowly by cultivating.     

Right now he felt himself like a reborn man, he felt like this was a second chance for him in life. From now on, with the help of the pouch, he could be the strongest person on the whole planet.     

Being remembered of the pouch he didn't understand what it really was, but it surely had big plans for him, since it gave him such a precious pill.     

Perhaps it was too early to be directed to the old pouch, and the beings in there as his masters, but he would try to become one day.     

He couldn't keep with his line of thought as at that time he was finally able to smell that putrid stink around him and on his body.     

He almost threw up as he felt that, but still he was able to hold himself from doing that, as he screamed to his servant,     

"Sylvia immediately prepare me a bath and a change of clothes."     

As he said that, he got out of the part of the tent which was supposed to be his cultivation space, and went towards the space where his bath was supposed to be.     

Even though it was just a tent, it felt more like a small house in the middle of a park made of cloth and plastic.     

In fact, even though there were a lot of empty rooms inside the palace of the Fortress Lord, none of the people in there were daring enough to sleep in those rooms.     

For that reason, they all set up camp in the surroundings of the palace. Of course, the area, and the position they were able to get depending on their status, and power.     

Jayden was able to get something like this because he had his grand-grand-grandfathers backing, and he would settle for nothing less than this.     

The moment he approached the bathroom area, he could see that Sylvia the blonde-haired maidservant he had taken by his side was working like a scared cat to prepare his bath, and his change of clothes.     

But something weird happened the moment he entered the bathroom area, his pouch was slowly reacting to Sylvia.     

Not like it had some kind of relationship with her, but a malicious aura was starting to take shape, and it seemed like it was asking for a sacrifice from Jayden.     

Looking at the pouch's reaction, and understanding what this entailed Jayden was in a dilemma for a split second.     

While Sylvia was just a small maidservant for him, he still felt really happy, and macho when he put her under him, as she writhed like a worm.     

But that was only for a second because the next he said in a serious and solemn tone towards the pouch,     

"Please Honorable Master, take this sacrifice as this little one's first gift!"     

Sylvia who was preparing his bath was surprised at that moment and didn't understand what he meant, in fact, she thought that she had misheard or deluded those words.     

But before she could turn around, and look at her Young Master, she felt some kind of veil covering all her body, and then pull her towards a foreign and mysterious place.     

On the other hand, Jayden was calmly watching at how the pouch on his hands pulled his maidservant inside its space.     

He didn't really care about her right now, as what mattered the most at the moment, was getting cleaned of all that stinking black-green matter over his body.     

Without losing any more time, he jumped inside the bath and started washing his body, as the water around him turned black.     

He didn't spend a lot of time washing himself, as he got out of the bath, and wearing his new clothes he was thinking of his next course of action.     

First things first, he had to confirm if what he saw inside that surreal dream was real or not, and also give his grand-grand-grandfather the good news of his recovery.     

There was one big dilemma inside his head at the moment though, should he tell his grandfather about the pouch or not.     

The truth was that he was attached to his grand-grand-grandfather and trusted him a lot, but what if the thing he held in his hands had more value to his grand-grand-grandfather than him.     

Wasn't that like punishing himself for a crime that wasn't a crime? He still believed in human feeling seeing his grandfather still treat him like before.     

But he was still a kind of cultivator, a mage, who was cultivating for a longer lifespan, and greater strength and power.     

For that reason he decided against it, as he sent one of his guards to have a look at the barrier at the gate of the fortress city, he went towards his grand-grand-grandfathers tent.     

While he was walking through he was stunned by how much his senses had sharpened. He could feel the batting of a fly's wings and even that old man having fun with someone inside his tent.     

Perhaps he had forgotten to raise an isolation barrier, or he simply didn't give a fook, as he continued to pound into her, but when his spirit sense concentrated on the woman, he was left speechless…     

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