Chapter 368: Current Situation & Vampires race

Chapter 368: Current Situation & Vampires race

0From the moment that he had seen Tianlong Yun through the eyes of his puppets, he had felt that this kid was truly interesting and had attracted his attention.     

With the passing days, he felt that Tianlong Yun was an ambitious and greedy cultivator that he could use, especially since he wanted to expand his power outside of the 'Eternal Heaven' Space.     

For that reason, he had also tried to test him and set him up with the warehouse that Tianlong Yun emptied, and he wasn't disappointed.     

The problem was that he had never thought that Tianlong Yun had some special ability or way to disappear like he did, without him noticing in the least.     

Apparently, he had underestimated the kid, but no matter what he was inside the Rocky Fortress, which was his dominion.     

He wouldn't be able to stay hidden for a long time, and what was most important he wouldn't be able to leave this place without his permission.     

At least there had been no one who had been able to do such a thing. In this Rocky Fortress, he was the Lord and God. No one could enter or leave without his permission.     

With those thoughts in mind, the mysterious cultivator pulled his spirit sense out of Elder Tao's body, who immediately turned into a soulless puppet that got destroyed under Elder Knife's attack.     

Elder Knife on the other hand was clearly surprised by the effect of his attack, but he didn't have much time to live as his life essence had already been burned, and he didn't have much time to live.     

The only thing he could do in his last moments was warning Master Qin, and the other members of the Qin family about the situation, and tell them to be careful.     

But he wasn't able to achieve what he hoped, because just as he was talking, that kid and that man he had thrown away a moment ago, appeared in front of him and dug their long nails through his heart.     

The last thought that passed through his mind was the fact that both of his attackers had no sign of injury on their bodies, even though he was sure he had left them half dead at least.     

His words clearly surprised the whole Qin family, as they didn't understand what was going on or what he meant by his words.     

They only knew that two important elders of their family had died, and Tianlong Yun was nowhere to be found.     

People started creating their own possible happenings, as no one would be able to tell what happened if they didn't have a witness.     

This would be really difficult to find since the place where Elder Tao and Elder Knife had died, had turned into an arena of wild human beasts trying to destroy each other.     

In the meantime, Tianlong Yun hadn't immediately left the place where everything happened. He was still in there, he had just used his Vanishing Powder, and his stealth skills to hide in the crowd.     

Looking at Elder Tao's and Elder Knife's battle he felt that their fate was sorrowful, but not that it mattered much to him.     

Right now he was curious and concentrated on something much more important. Even though he had been with Elder Tao for more than one week, he hadn't understood that he was just a puppet.     

This meant that either the person who had turned him into one was that much stronger, or the technique he was using was that good.     

He wasn't worried that his plans might be spoiled because no matter how strong that person or how good that technique, he wouldn't be able to surpass Elder Tao's body limits.     

Not to mention that he had left Zi Qian behind for any unexpected situation, but he was worried about his situation and the Shadow Clan members that had entered inside this space.     

He had already sent them a mental message, informing them about the current situation, and everything he knew at the moment.     

He instructed his Lu Bing and Tianlong Yue to use their trusted subordinates, and stealthily check all the members of the Shadow Clan.     

They were to check their systems for any possible weird substance and at the same time check their conduct, and behavior.     

While he hoped that his Shadow Clan members were clean, he couldn't be careless to think that it was impossible for an Elder Tao to be amidst them.     

Tianlong Yun didn't tell them how to deal with this situation because he had trust in them to be able to think for a solution themselves, but he did tell them not to lower themselves in front of no one.     

He had already seen at the entrance that there were a few idiots looking at them with weird and malicious looks, and he had already booked their tickets for a one-way trip to the Yellow River.     

When he finished all this, Elder Knife was burning his life essence to make that final attack on Elder Tao, and that mysterious cultivator left Elder Tao's body to disappear in nothingness.     

Tianlong Yun wanted to try and follow him, but he was afraid that he would be discovered and marked, losing all his advantage at the moment.     

Since he didn't know the plan, nor the place of the people in the dark, he had to stay vigilant and use all his advantages, that he could.     

For that reason, the moment he had disappeared he had also placed all the space rings, and materials he had collected inside the Old Pouch.     

Since the Old Pouch was a special, separate space, it was impossible for anyone to track him with any possible soul searching technique.     

He had already noticed the moment that he took everything inside his space rings, that there were a few souls remains in them, which would make it easier for someone to track the materials.     

It was just that he was unable to accurately ascertain the person's cultivation and strength from those soul remains, as those things gave him a weird feeling.     

It was like they were parts of a full, and not a copy of it. Normally when a cultivator placed a soul mark on an object, he would do so by copying his soul information and duplicating it.     

But what he found on the objects he collected, was like the soul mark was just an autonomous part of the whole, and it seemed like it could exist outside of the main part.     

He had read in some records that there were some soul cultivation techniques and manuals, that concentrated on the division of the soul, and then cultivation of each part uniquely.     

The general idea of the technique or the manual was that the cultivator could divide his own soul into many pieces, and cultivate them separately.     

The more pieces that the cultivator could divide his soul the better would be his results when he decided to fuse them together again to reach another lever.     

Of course, these manuals and techniques weren't for the soft-hearted as they were truly painful and horrifying as one had to piece their own soul avatar, but at the same time, their benefits were great.     

Placing all the pros and cons by a side, it was a fact that at the moment the Immortal World had almost lost all the techniques or manuals on soul cultivation.     

At least there was no such technique in Tianlong Yun's knowledge and memories. To him, at the moment such a thing was only a small possibility, while the probability wasn't zero was infinitely close to it.     

But considering the information that he had, and what he had found he could only hope it would be true, and that he would be able to find it, so he could finally start cultivating his soul.     

With these thoughts in mind, he let the mysterious soul mark disappear in space, as he concentrated more on what happened around him.     

The gore show that the mysterious cultivator couldn't enjoy due to his disappearance, was now taking place in front of his eyes.     

What attracted his attention at the moment though, was that arrogant kid that had started all this a moment ago.     

While he seemed to have lost all reason fighting like a madman, together with the 5 people that seemed to be the same race as him, he was still alive!     

Actually, the weird part wasn't just him being alive with his strength, but the fact that he had already been 'killed' more than 5 times.     

It would be more accurate to say that he had suffered more than 5 deadly wounds all over his body, lungs, and heart, and every time he would only take 10-15 minutes to recover back brand as new.     

Tianlong Yun could do the same with his Nirvana flames in a way, but this seemed completely different. All the regenerative effects of these guys seemed to come from their blood.     

Whenever their blood fell under a certain level, or they suffered a heavy blow, their blood cells would immediately start separating to create new ones, which would later mutate according to the needs.     

Tianlong Yun had already heard about the Vampires of Earth and their regenerative abilities but this was the first time he was witnessing it.     

What surprised him the most was that there was no such race in the Immortal World. The closest being to them, that he could think of in the Immortal World was the Blood race.     

But even them weren't as excessive as these guys, as they could only regenerate some limbs and some easily replaceable organs.     

None of them could regenerate their hearts, or any vital organ in such a short time like it was happening in front of him.     

This just increased his curiosity about this new race, and the small planet he was on. The earth seemed to carry much more secrets and importance than he thought…     

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