Chapter 358: I will pound you to obedience! [R-18]

Chapter 358: I will pound you to obedience! [R-18]

0Her unbreakable thought formation had suddenly been destroyed in one single moment like it was some delicate glass.     

Yue Que had never thought that something like this would ever happen, and even more in such a short and unexpected moment.     

She didn't have any time to react as Tianlong Yun appeared behind her and some chains of flame left his body to chain up her hands, legs, tail, throat, and horns.     

As soon as she was chained up, Yue Que couldn't move anymore or use any small drop of soul power to defend against Tianlong Yun, let alone wanting to fight against him.     

It was a bit weird because the flaming chains didn't seem to burn the skin of her limbs, but it had a terrifying burning and freezing feeling to it at the same time.     

Yue Que was still shocked and confused about how everything happened until now. She still couldn't make sense of what had just happened.     

But the most confusing matter she couldn't make sense of was how was it possible that Tianlong Yun had a more powerful soul than she did.     

Before she passed the space channel to this place she had had the cultivation of a Mid God, their number alone wasn't that big, not to mention for someone like her who had a greater soul power.     

 Yet right now, she was completely detained from Tianlong Yun who didn't seem to even have broken a little sweat, with a still angry look on his face.     

He clearly was still angry at the fact that she had called him little boy, he had taken that comment extra personally, and now was thinking what to do about it.     

He himself didn't understand why he reacted like that at the moment, but still, he planned on releasing his anger and negative feelings on her.     

As Yue Que was too shocked to even speak at the moment, he approached her with a look full of rage and anger, and said,     

"Little boy, huh!? How do you feel being in the wits and fits of a little boy, old hag!?"     

Tianlong Yun's words were like a wake-up call for the still stunned Yue Que, who after hearing his last line almost lost it.     

Age was the Achilles heel for any woman, no matter who she was, even for someone who had Yue Que's power and her standing.     

But the truth was that she was truly in his wits and fits, he was able to do everything he wanted to her, while she couldn't even move a millimeter to defend herself.     

She was unwilling, she didn't like this situation at all, but there was nothing she could do about it. She could only wait for Tianlong Yun's decision.     

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun didn't want to lose too much time with this woman, as he immediately sent some small flames towards her soul avatar that were combined in a seal.     

As soon as the flames burned into the depth of her soul avatar and the seal was inscribed, he let her go from his chains, and with a devilish grin, said in a nasty voice,     

"Well then, since this is done, I will wait for you outside! I will pound you to obedience!"     

Yue Que didn't understand what he meant at first, but she was relieved that Tianlong Yun disappeared from her sea of conscience and the flaming chains in her soul avatar disappeared.     

She was surprised by his actions since she didn't understand what he did at all. Probably that seal he inscribed in her was a slave seal.     

With this thought in mind, she looked deep inside her soul avatar only to be stumbled by what she saw. She had never expected this.     

It wasn't just a slave symbol that she was looking at, but a sex-slave seal symbol. To a powerful woman like her, this was the most humiliating thing one could do to them.     

Well ex-powerful woman at the moment, but soon she would once again reach her previous heights of strength and power, so how could she admit something like this.     

But while she was extremely shocked about all this, she felt her body was being carried, so she immediately came back to her senses outside, only to find Tianlong Yun carrying her towards the bed.     

He was holding her into a princess carry, with one hand at her back mountains, and the other in a parallel line with her chest.     

Even while he was carrying her like that his hands were restless on her body, one was fondling her left soft pillow from the side, while the other was grabbing tight her left back mountain and thigh.     

But she was extremely angry right now, there was no way those two little ministrations would work on her body.     

While she had the urge and desire to scream and attract the attention of the people in the mansion, she found out her voice was gone.     

This discovery made her even more gloomy and enraged, especially after finding out that she couldn't move even a single muscle of her body.     

She could feel every inch of her skin, but couldn't move any of her limbs, fingers, toes, or even her tongue.     

How was this possible, she had heard rumors of this in the Immortal World, but she had never even thought of it as a nightmare, that someday she would fall a victim to this treatment.     

And yet that wasn't the worst part, as the worst part was the fact that Tianlong Yun was sending small strokes of Qi in his ministrations, teasing her spots, and slowly but surely she was giving in to the pleasure.     

She didn't want to give in to it, but there was no way she could resist it, as Tianlong Yun placed her on the bed, he looked her right in the eyes, and said,     

"How do you feel about losing your purity to a 'little boy', old hag? I am sure you must be thrilled aren't you!?"     

His question was rhetorical as he didn't expect an answer, he had blocked her cords after all, and with every bit of Qi inside her body, she could only breathe, feel, and function as a woman, nothing more than that.     

The look in her eyes, had plenty of mixed feelings, like hate, wrath, anger, regret, unwillingness, and many more others, but Tianlong Yun didn't seem to care about those feelings.     

The big world was cruel, unpredictable, and terrifying, a few moments ago she had wanted to kill him or damage his soul, and now he was close to placing a sex-slave seal on her.     

Without caring more about the look in her eyes, Tianlong Yun was attracted by her sweet cherry lips, as he gave them a kiss, a lick, and then a bite, to taste them thoroughly.     

It was clear that her lips were being tasted for the first time in this body of hers, and when Tianlong Yun ripped her clothes, a few drops of water fell from her eyes, as realization finally dawned on her.     

She was going to become a sex-slave for real. There was nothing she could do as her fate was sealed. She didn't even have thoughts of emotional blackmail as those were original tears.     

She had thought that this was a second opportunity that life was giving to her, but right now that second opportunity was taken off of her hands.     

Tianlong Yun didn't have time to look at her tears, as he was concentrated on heating her body up, as he was planting kisses all over her neck, and chest area, as he approached her soft pillows.     

Those were still protected from her bra, but it didn't matter to him, as he immediately took her bra off, and was met with the view of two average soft pillows, with a pink are on top of it, with a small bud each.     

Those looked like cherry popped cupcakes, as he approached them slowly, letting Yue Que feel his breath over those buds, as he started licking, and sucking on them like a little child.     

No matter how much Yue Que didn't want this to happen, and no matter how much she tried to resist his advances, she couldn't hold back anymore as her body started to heat up.     

She didn't want to accept it, but she really liked the feeling that was coming from her chest, and especially the buds on top of her cupcakes.     

This 'little boy' that she had called him, had some really good skills in treating women. This was the first time she was feeling something so masterful, and heat up so fast.     

But that wasn't the end of it, as Tianlong Yun started going down, and down upon her body, aiming for her cute belly button, and then towards her secret garden.     

His trip to there though couldn't have been slower, as he took his time in teasing her sense, and even when he reached there, and ripped her panties, he didn't start attacking her.     

No, he was just attacking her with his warm breath for a few moments, as juices were leaking out of her secret cave non-stop.     

There was no way he would let this go, as he looked a bit above her body, towards her face, and said,     

"Old hag, aren't you too excited about this!? After all, I am just a little boy, aren't I!?"     

Then without delaying this any further he gave her beautiful pink secret garden a powerful lick, that sent shivers through her all body.     

As he started to lick it, and munch on it, just like a little kid eating on icecream, attentive to how much he ate, but always slurping.     

'slurp, slurppp, slurp…'     

Even though she didn't want to accept it, Yue Que was quickly reaching her climax, as everything was losing sense around her.     

But as soon as she was about to finally climb that hill, Tianlong Yun stopped and got up, as he removed his pants, to reveal the big monster he had kept restraining inside.     

Earlier she hadn't really paid much attention to it, but right now it was right in front of her eyes, and it was big, like very, very big…     

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