Chapter 299: Start of the refining the ‘Heart of the Madman’

Chapter 299: Start of the refining the ‘Heart of the Madman’

0The problem was simple actually Mu Xiya wasn't paying attention to any one of them. To her after going through the hands of Tianlong Yun, both of them were waste.     

That was why at the moment everything seemed to be in a stalemate, with none of them making the first move.     

This didn't affect the atmosphere in the city at all though. Nobody seemed to care about the two of them and were more concentrated to make the most of the development.     

The same was happening with the two Young Masters, while they were competing against each other, at the moment they were more concentrated on making money, and growing.     

None of them had the power to get rid of the other, and neither did the big guys behind them care about what happened to such a small place right now.     

Tianchang city had a lot of developing potential, and things were going in the right way, but at the moment the potential was all it had.     

That was why none of the big powers paid much attention to this place, and Tianlong Yun could keep his rule from the shadows while growing his foundation.     

While all this was happening outside, Tianlong Yun was inside the Old Pouch doing his last preparations for the 'Heart of the Madman'.     

In just two days he would be ready to start its refining, he had postponed it a bit, so that the 10 shadows that were on the African Continent could return.     

He guessed that the refining of the 'Heart of the Madman' would go on for 1-2 weeks. While it wasn't a short time, it wasn't a long time either.     

While he would convert most of the Qi inside it, to his cultivation, the excess would help the people by his side a lot too.     

For that reason, he had decided that during the refining of that herb, all of the shadows and his foundation would be there with him.     

During the time that he and his Clan foundation would be in secluded cultivation, everything on the outside would be under Hui Xi Yin's orders.     

All this time, Hui Xi Yin had been staying away from him as not to raise suspicions and stay as a secret guardian elder, of the Shadow Clan.     

But now her help was needed in a way that was why she was going to take Tianlong Xia's role for at most two weeks while keeping her identity a secret of course.     

She was going to get helped by the DIG, Yang Xiu, and Chu Feng in her responsibilities, all she had to do was just keep things going.     

Two days passed in a blink of an eye, and it was finally the time for everyone to enter the Old Pouch, and Tianlong Yun to start the refining of the herb.     

 It wasn't really difficult for them to enter the Old Pouch using the 'Vanishing Powder', all they had to do was get in proximity of Jake Long.     

For most of the people that entered the Old Pouch, it was a really emotional moment seeing their Patriarch after such a long time.     

Especially for Tianlong Yun's women who hadn't been able to see him, talk to him, or spend some time with him for more than 2 months.     

But even now they could only see him from afar because Tianlong Yun could not lose his focus and concentration on what he was doing.     

They were all warned by Tianlong Xia to not do anything that could distract Tianlong Yun. Not that he could get distracted easily but better be safe than sorry.     

So they all gathered around with Tianlong Yun and Huo Li in the center. The air was a bit chilly but they were kind of used with Huo Li around.     

Not to mention, this was when she had the cold Qi in her body in check. If she lost control of it or released it totally, then the whole place would have turned into an ice scene.     

Right now though they were all concentrated on feeling the Qi around them, sensing that they were all here, and they were ready to go, Tianlong Yun started the refining.     

As soon as Tianlong Yun stimulated the 'Heart of the Madman' terrifying Yang Qi started to emulate from it, and immediately the surroundings felt like a big fire.     

The temperature immediately increased, and sweat started appearing on everyone around the herb. While the situation of Tianlong Yun was even worse.     

Sensing this situation Huo Li started releasing the Yin Qi inside her body slowly, and normalize the situation.     

It was a fight between ice-cold and hell-fire for domination, but none was supposed to win, it should be in a balance all the time.     

That was why Tianlong Yun and Huo Li had to be in synchronization all the time. At the same time though, the amount of Qi in the area was preposterous.     

While the people around were only able to refine threads of Qi from the area they were in, Tianlong Yun was taking Qi as a hungry person in the desert.     

He needed this food, his body needed this food, his bloodline needed this food. It seemed like he was a bottomless pit of Qi, together with Tianlong Xia.     

But she was trying to take it slowly since she didn't have the vessel that Tianlong Yun had. But even then, she was already passing two levels in her realm.     

We can use just imagination to think of how powerful that herb was, it wasn't called 'Heart of the Madman' for no reason.     

This was just the beginning though, this was just the outer cover Qi of the herb, and this would be going on for 2 days or so.     

During these 2 days, everyone had to stay concentrated and cultivate as much as they could, which wasn't a big problem for them.     

Huo Li would have it the hardest though since besides her cultivation she also had to keep her Yin Qi under control so that she could balance the environment.     

But slowly using that Qi not only normalized the situation outside but also started to relieve her body, since that was pure Qi created by her own body, that she couldn't use properly.     

That Yin Qi was like body fat to her meridians, and she had surpassed the limits of health in there, but now that fat was slowly burned, and she was getting her health back.     

The biggest preparations that Tianlong Yun had to take care of refining this herb was preparing and teaching Huo Li to keep concentration and deal with the 'fat' inside her body.     

But everything seemed to work out well, until now she didn't seem to lose her concentration or destroy the balance achieved.     

Slowly the time passed, and they were getting more and more used to the new temperature and the Qi in the environment.     

At the same time, the rate of refining the new Qi was slowly increasing for each of them, but even though there were 327 people in there the Qi didn't seem to end.     

The results of the hard work of the Shadows and his Clan members had brought him such a number of reliable and loyal followers in such a short time.     

They were all gems selected from the rough diamonds. Not all of the shadows went to the mercenary camp for training, no some of them had different routes.     

Like the army, police, school, college, and a lot of other options. Tianlong Yun didn't want a brainless army, he wanted to have the army of a dynasty.     

That was why he was training and teaching them all for different purposes. The fact they had different ways didn't mean they weren't strong though.     

They were the best at both, brawns and brains. That was why Tianlong Yun didn't care much about some soldiers lost, as long as he had the generals in his hands.     

Wars are fought by soldiers but are won by generals and leaders. This was Tianlong Yun's belief, but let return to the current situation.     

There was a continuous flow of Qi from the herb to the area around it. It never seemed to stop for the first two days but as soon as the third day would start, it suddenly finished.     

Almost all the people around there thought that it was over and that this was the end of it. In these two days, they had made great advancements in their cultivation.     

It was something that they never thought possible, but it happened. At the moment most of them were around the 2nd level of the Foundation Establishment Realm.     

While Tianlong Yun and Tianlong Xia had entered the 9th level of Foundation Establishment Realm since they were getting the most of it.     

Thinking like this, the shadows and the selected people around them were about to open their eyes and see what had happened around them, when a voice sounded in all their heads,     

Tianlong Yun:" This was just the outer cover Qi of the herb, and it lasted us this much. Now I am giving you 12 hours time, to try and dense your cultivation.     

After that, I will stimulate the inner cover of the herb, which will last for more than 10 days. That is the real cultivation gift for you.     

After that, you will have to leave this place and follow the instructions I have left for you. Don't forget it's for your best to follow the instruction letter per letter.     

While I won't be watching your following of them, I will be able to tell how you did once I get outside. I can only tell you this though, the ones affected the most will be you if you don't follow.     

With that said, I wish you luck and a good harvest!"     

As soon as the words finished, everyone around was extremely surprised, since they didn't expect such a thing, but they immediately followed his words.     

They started to dense their cultivations as much as they could, they weren't able to get much though, at most they could drop down a level or two, but more than that was impossible.     

12 hours passed like a fleeting moment, and now it was the time for Tianlong Yun to stimulate the inner cover Qi of the herb...     


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