Chapter 410: Borrowing a Knife

Chapter 410: Borrowing a Knife

0The moment she gulped down the potion she could feel extremely aggressive and hot energy passing through her meridians, as even her blood inside her veins started boiling up.     

It seemed like she had just received a powerful boost up, every cell of her physical body was working at least 10 or more times faster.     

At the same time, her pain receptors were totally numbed, and she could feel no pain at all, it seemed like her pain had disappeared at that moment, as she got clarity over her mind.     

Her recovery and regeneration were working at least 3 or 4 times faster, but the problem seemed to be the efficiency, as it was more of a short time remedy than a permanent one.     

Still, the most surprising fact was that now she could use at least 150% of her normal strength and power. The effects of the medicine seemed truly amazing.     

But she had no time to think about it, or even ask the girl who gave her the potion where she had found it, as their followers were already on their tracks.     

Even though the girl by her side would be some kind of a burden against the duo that was following them, with the new boost in power she was confident in sending them both away.     

This was just a big, happy thought though because she was already experienced and old enough to understand that there didn't exist such a thing in the world, so she asked with a solemn look,     

"How much!?"     

The Ruthless Princess seemed a bit startled at first, but then said in a serious, and solemn voice,     

"Sigh~! 3 minutes! After that, the after-effects will kick in, and most probably you will fall unconscious!"     

Even though the time was extremely limited, for experts like her that was more than enough to either kill, or severely injure their opponents, or enemies.     

Furthermore, those two old fogies were most probably thinking that she was still injured and wouldn't be able to use her full strength, so this was to her advantage.     

Just as the Princesses words finished, two silhouettes appeared on the horizon, as two old men were running in their direction at full speed.     

In fact, the two old fogies, seemed just like two big powerful wolves, as their bodies were covered in steely fur, and their limbs had turned into something paw-like.     

They were a bit startled and surprised at the fact that the two ladies had stopped there, but they thought that this was just because they had nowhere else to run to, or might have given up on hope.     

Even though their noses were catching some weird smell as if some kind of a bad premonition smell they didn't stop. No matter what it was they couldn't miss this chance, as their lives depended on it.      

Their Thirteenth Princess and all their escort had already disappeared in nothingness, and the girl in front of them was the last to see her alive.     

Even if she had nothing to do with it, at least they were hoping to get a clue from her. If they were unable to bring her back, then their fate was sealed, as other factions would exploit this to kill them.     

With those thoughts in their minds, they ignored the smell and their senses, as they didn't care even if this was some kind of trap prepared for them, as they charged towards the duo head-on.     

Werewolves and Vampires were both races that were more developed in their physical skills, and it was precisely these areas that they depended on.     

This was precisely the reason that even at a moment like this they were using their physical strength against their enemy.     

One of the ladies was clearly surprised at their actions, and their attack, but she didn't have time to lose right now, as this was the perfect opportunity for her, she had to make the most of the 3 minutes.     

Thinking like that, she allowed them to approach them at a really close distance, from which they would be unable to retreat, as she instantly used every ounce of power she had to charge against them.     

In an instant, she transformed totally into her true form, with the bat-like wings, her nails, and her dark eyes, as she went full strength ahead.     

In the first view, it looked like some kind of kamikaze effect, like she was doing anything to at least injure her killers, but the strength she exploded with completely reversed the situation.     

She was just like a wounded Lioness being hunted by the hunters, just as they had thought they had captured her, she exploded with such a strength that should have been impossible.     

Forgetting the fact that she was injured, the amount of strength and power she was showing in these moments clearly surpassed what she had shown earlier in the fight.     

There was only one possibility appearing in their minds, she had burned her life essence for this single strike, there was no other possibility.     

The problem was that now they were too far ahead in their attack that they were unable to pull back, they could only continue it and further enhance it.     

As long as they survived this attack, they would easily capture her, and that little girl behind her. They only needed to survive this one attack.     

Thinking like this, they both decided to not hold back anymore, as they used any bit of their cultivation and strength in their attack, and defense.     

Too bad that it was already too late, and that their enemy was already in front of them, releasing an ultrasound vibration attack to attack their surroundings.     

The purpose of the attack wasn't them, and their lives, but to disturb the natural flow of Qi in the environment, and their bodies, as her nails appeared in their eyesight.     

Right now, they could only hope that it was enough and that they wouldn't die in that clash, as the next moment, her nails destroyed their attacks and continued deeper for their hearts and necks.     

Immediately after a high-pitched screeching sound was heard, that would make anyone feel distressed, then it was the sound of cutting through steel, and finally another screech.     

There was no second cutting sound, but this didn't mean that the second elder was able to escape damage-free, as the first one had two holes in the area close to his heart, and a slit on his throat.     

The first one wasn't dead yet but surely wasn't far from it. He immediately gulped down a recovery pill and tried to meditate and work on his recovery.     

The other one was clearly in a better state than his friend, he didn't have any noticeable injury after the attack, but still, he was shocked by what had just happened.     

While he understood that the attack would be truly powerful, what he experienced was still out of his expectations.     

The only thing he could do right now was to be happy that this was a only one-time thing, otherwise, they were doomed.     

Even if he was prepared to receive such a strike, and used everything he had to withstand the attack, he would still barely be able to protect his life.     

But this should be the end of it!      

Or not!?     

As he was having those thoughts running through his brain, he could clearly feel a looming danger coming from behind him, where she was supposed to have disappeared.     

His instincts were alarming him like some kind of police siren, as he immediately gathered all the strength and Qi he could muster to protect himself and his life.     

He didn't understand why she was still able to come after him, or how was it possible that she still had energy left, but now wasn't the time to think about it.     

He had to protect his life no matter what, he had no other choice. He could only try to survive and see what the future held.     

Just as he finished setting up his defenses, he was hit by almost the same powerful attack that had sent his colleague with a foot in the grave.     

It should be impossible for her to surmount another attack of that magnitude, but there was nothing he could do about it. He could only curse at the Heavens for treating him harshly like that.     

Once again there were a few blinding sparks flying all over the place, as the same screeching sound was heard once again, but still, it didn't manage to cut through the steel-like fur of the target.     

There were a few metallic spikes falling to the ground, but the old man was still up there, clearly in a worse shape than before.     

Still, he was happy to have survived once again, as this should be the last time such an attack was directed at him.     

This should be the end of his sufferings and his clear win over this life-threatening fight. She shouldn't be able to make the same attack three times.     

It would be clearly out of any logic for her to be able to. If she attacked him one more time like that, then he would most probably end up just like his friend.     

Heavens clearly wasn't on his side apparently, because even before he could even cheer up himself for being able to survive, he felt the same looming danger over his shoulder.     

Once again he did everything he could to protect his life, but this time her nails pierced through his fur, and he felt those cold nails dug 5 holes close to his heart, and on his heart.     

This was the end for him! He was unable to understand by what kind of strange miracle she had been able to attack 3 times in a streak with that strength, but he could do nothing but hate Heavens.     

On the other hand, his attacker seemed to have finally gained some kind of peace for reaching her goal, as she fell to the ground right after him, but her satisfaction was frozen on her face the next instant…      

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