Chapter 379: Decision and Preparations

Chapter 379: Decision and Preparations

0With these thoughts in mind he got out of his sea of conscience, and awakened inside the lab room he had been in earlier, he was sweating like crazy, his breathing was rough, but he was smiling like an idiot.     

He was satisfied with all that he got on his hands, even though he would have wanted to not lose this chance, and experiment a little with this partial soul.     

But he wasn't disappointed, he already had another one waiting for him in the other room, now he was more prepared about what to expect, and could better deal with the situation.     

With these thoughts in mind, he got outside of the lab room where he was, and started walking outside, he was really tired and needed some rest.     

Meanwhile on the outside people were getting restless. Jayden's guard had returned from its duty and had reported back to him.     

"Young Master, your doubts were real, the defensive barrier had been reactivated. There were still no signs of the locals in this place, but at the moment we were trapped inside this place!"     

When he heard that, Jayden started to remember once again everything that he saw inside that surreal dream.     

Could it be that those events had truly happened? Could it be that this was possibly even their end? No, he couldn't allow that to happen.     

He had to make sure that he would be able to leave this place safe and sound. He didn't want to die in such a place, not now that he had a second chance at life.     

"You come with me, and report the same thing to the Old Man, we need to warn him and all others if we want to face this difficult situation in front of us!"     

With that said he took his guard and left towards the Old Man's tent, and he was immediately taken in. The Old Man was already expecting news from him.     

Even though it was something crazy, and over-imaginative inside his head, he still took Jayden's words really seriously.     

Hearing the report he was really startled, he had taken the doubts seriously even though Jayden didn't give him the source of that news, but still hearing this confirmation was a bit startling.     

He didn't really know how to answer when a guard entered inside carrying important information,     

"Master, we just got the news that something happened to the formation and that the passage will open earlier than previously thought.     

They say that they are confident to open the passage in a week's time now!"     

If he had heard this two news with a time period in the middle it would have been just a weird coincidence, but hearing them now made him feel that something was wrong.     

He was a sly old fox that had survived a lot of bad and dangerous situations, and his instincts had developed quite well.     

Right now his instincts were telling him that these two matters were 100% related to one another and that most probably Jayden was right.     

But forgetting the fact that he believed this at the moment, now there was a bigger problem, how should he deal with what he knew?     

Surely he could go and spread the words around, but who would believe him? While he was an Old Man with his own face value and reputation, the place and timing couldn't be more wrong.     

Who would believe him now that everyone's faces were blinded from greed? Especially, now that the formation would open in such a short time.     

What these guys didn't understand though was the fact that they were like moths close to a huge flame, as they weren't going towards riches, but towards their death!     

Would they believe him if he said these words? Clearly, they would treat him with jest and fanfare, thinking he was just trying to scare them off and keep everything for themselves.     

Frankly even he was having a hard time deciding on what to do, and whether he should truly believe Jayden and his instincts.     

After all, he had brought a big line-up from his family to this place with the only intention of what was lying ahead.     

But thinking about it carefully what use would be to him whatever treasure lied ahead of him if he lost this powerful line-up from his family.     

He wasn't young anymore, and he couldn't gamble with his family members on the line, no matter if that made him looks like a scared old man or anything.     

With those thoughts in mind, he turned towards Jayden and said,     

"You go on and make your own preparations, I am sure that you already have thought of what to do, no matter my decision.     

I will take care of the things on my end!"     

Jayden just nodded his head and left the Old Man's tent. It was true he had already his plans and ideas on what to do.     

First on the list was leaving this place! After the passage opened, and the war broke, this place would be the most heated battlefield.     

Staying here would be a huge mistake on his part, as he was really weak, and would be more of a burden than an asset to the Old Man and the family.     

The best chance he had to live was going back towards the gate, or around the city, and find a place where he could cultivate in peace.     

He could feel that there was a lot of remaining medicinal Qi inside him that he could use to strengthen his cultivation.     

The cleansing pill he had taken had been truly powerful and he still could feel its effects and the remaining medicinal Qi.     

He had to live in hiding for some time, to develop himself, but also until the situation got a bit relaxed, and his warning took effect on the others.     

Thinking like this he immediately went towards his tent, as he sat up and wrote two letters, sending them to Tianlong Yue and Lu Bing, regarding this situation.     

While he didn't want those two to die, there was nothing more he could, their survival would depend on their own abilities, and how much they trusted him.     

After that, he started thinking of the rest of the things he needed to do. There was still one week to the opening of the passage, and 2 days would be more than enough time for him to find a good spot.     

So he had 5 days to prepare his space ring, and leave this place. With these thoughts in mind, he started thinking about his next course of action.     

Certainly, people were going to notice his departure, and some people might even send someone behind him to teach him a lesson or kill him.     

He wasn't stupid to think that no one would dare to harm him if he wasn't close to the Old Man, one could say that his free and unfettered space was under the Old Man's shadow.     

Now that he was planning to leave that safe space, he had to make sure he could protect himself from whatever came his way.     

Certainly, his guards were coming with him, and they had a good cultivation realm, being on the 5th and 6th level of the Nascent Soul Realm, but still, he couldn't depend only on them.     

No matter how he looked at it, the best thing he could do at the moment was to cultivate and increase his own strength, that, and to ask for help from that weird pouch he had.     

After absorbing his maidservant inside it, there had been no signs of existence from his pouch, it looked like he was in some kind of deep slumber right now.     

If that was true, he didn't dare waking it up, otherwise, his life and death would be uncertain. His maidservant Sylvia had already gone as a sacrifice, and he didn't want to be the second.     

Now that he thought about it, wouldn't he be lonely and bored during his cultivation breaks only with him and a few guards? He needed some company, didn't he?     

With this thought in mind, he handed his guards a letter for the Old Man, and then went on to cultivate inside his tent.     

He woke up from his cultivation state only after more than 17 hours, with a clearly happy and satisfied face, as he was really close to a breakthrough to the next level.     

But he had to wait until they left the camp so he could truly breakthrough as not to raise suspicions around him.     

When he woke up and left his cultivation space, he was immediately greeted with 4 new beautiful faces, that his grandfather had sent him.     

"Welcome Young Master, I am Nina!"     

"Welcome Young Master, I am Natalie!"     

"Welcome Young Master, I am Alexa!"     

"Welcome Young Master, I am Maria!"     

Each one of them was a better-than-average beauty with dangerous curves that would make his blood boil just thinking about them.     

That Old Man had truly been generous by finding these beauties in a place like this. What surprised him more though was the fact that each of these girls was the same or stronger than he was.     

They were clearly older than him, but still, the fact that those women possessed this strength was a clear indication of their talent and potential.     

While looking at them, he had a crazy idea of nurturing them and keeping them always by his side. It was a good thing he had a lot of time ahead of him so that he could train, and shape them the way he wanted.     

Of course, that look of his was clearly misunderstood by the ladies, who thought that he was just assessing them lustily.     

They were really disappointed at the Old Man for giving them to this little lusty beast. After all, his reputation preceded him.     

At this moment they were still surprised how he hadn't already jumped over them, and taken them right then and there.     

On the other hand, Jayden noticed their thoughts and ideas, but didn't mind much about it, as now there were more important things to take care of…     

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