Chapter 377: Soul Heaven

Chapter 377: Soul Heaven

0Seeing that it had no possible runaway the partial soul decided to self-implode and take all the information of what it was with him.     

The self-implosion was of course the last resort, as it would not only destroy the partial soul, but it would also damage the main root soul.     

The damage on the root soul would certainly depend on the number of the soul divisions that the main root soul had, and the part that this particular partial soul had on the main root soul.     

Nonetheless, this was not important to Tianlong Yun right now, he didn't care about the damage on the root soul, what he cared about was to prevent this little thing from imploding, or at least preserve the information.     

With these thoughts in mind, he concentrated more on better controlling his sea of conscience as he increased the pressure on the isolating blob around the partial soul.     

On the other hand, the partial soul was trying to concentrate his power, and all the information it possessed in a smaller point, so it could cause a bigger explosion.     

It wasn't only trying to destroy itself and all the information it held, but also cause damage to Tianlong Yun's sea of conscience.     

Tianlong Yun noticed that immediately, as he stopped trying to preserve the soul, and immediately sent his flames towards the partial soul.     

The partial soul seemed to have felt a new danger going its way as it started to coagulate his everything quicker.     

But everything was useless because the moment those flames fell in contact with it, all the energy he had gathered in one point disappeared, as it was eaten by the flames.     

That wasn't the only thing that went away though, as those flames ate even the soul print of the partial soul, making him only a blob of information that Tianlong Yun immediately consumed.     

While this wasn't the perfect solution it was still the best given the situation that was created. At this moment Tianlong Yun understood that he had been too immature and careless earlier.     

He had never thought that the single partial soul would be as powerful as him in terms of soul power, and soul cultivation.     

He had been too naïve all this time, as everything was going according to his plans, and the fact that he almost had China on his hands, he had become too naïve.     

Unconsciously he had fallen prey to his own ego thinking that he was becoming invincible here on Earth and that even those guys in the Immortal World were just a few steps away.     

He had completely forgotten the wisdom of those words that said, there is always a higher mountain and a deeper sea.     

Even though cultivation was hard and difficult, experts were like clouds. He wasn't the only one who had lucky encounters and weird happenings in his life.     

He was just one of the lucky ones until now, and thinking that he was invincible only because of this was something beyond stupidity, at least for him.     

While he was thinking like this, gaining insight from hindsight, a lot of new information integrated with his sea of conscience.     

Even though the partial soul seemed weak and small, it had stored a lot of information over the years. According to the primary estimates this partial soul had lived for at least 200 years.     

To have a better grasp on the information Tianlong Yun separated it into 3 big servers or boxes. Like this, he could better process and find what he wanted.     

The first server or box contained every information related to the space he was in, its history, population, rules, and everything else related to it.     

Apparently, this space was millennials old, and from all that was written the Red Ball Crystal, meaning the Eternal Flame had been there from its creation.     

The whole space was in the shape of a sphere with the planet being in the middle of it. The planet they were in had a surface area similar to Mars, but its composure was 60% water, and 40% land.     

There were three big continents namely the center continent the north continent and the southern continent.     

They were all three as three stripes of land, the north, and south ones were on the poles, and the central continent was a large rip of land circling the planet through its middle area.     

There were a lot of islands of different shapes and measures in between them making for 5%, the central continent had around 70% of the land area, while the two others shared the rest equally.     

The natives of this place liked to call this place Heaven and themselves as Soul Race, this was what their Soul God had called them.     

The Soul God had lived with them for a long time according to history, as it had disappeared one day without leaving a trace.     

Even when their Soul God lived with them, their lives were survival of the fittest, but at least there was some kind of protection for the weak people.     

After their Soul God's disappearance that protection was lost, and there were only two social divisions in this world, the rich and royal layer of society, and the slaves.     

Each layer had three sub-levels, as each level increase assured better treatment, and better living conditions, as people could increase their sub-levels, but never their layer.     

One could fall from grace but never ascend it. The only exception was the kids born from the mix of the two layers, in case that a family was wiped out, they would enter the picture, but that was only as a last option, and really rare.     

In this world, there was only one truth and that was strength. The slaves remained slaves because they were weak, maltreated, and hopeless.     

If one had the strength it could directly become a high-ranking noble, but the strength that really mattered in this space was Soul Cultivation.     

The gate opened once in 100 years and it would stay open for 1 year, if during this 1-year people had not gained the permission of the Soul God they would be banished from this space.     

The Soul Race though had found a way to go around it, as it was branding the foreigners with slave seals, and leaving their soul imprint on them.     

In this case, they were considered as part of their possessions and they were able to keep them in this space.     

The foreigners were always treated as slaves and would always start from the bottom of the slave ladder.     

The only problem was that with the passing of time the foreigners had become stronger, and also in numbers, forcing the Soul Race to think of a way to protect themselves and not occur big losses.     

For that reason they had decided to leave their fortress cities empty, in the care of their formations, as they built bigger cities around those ones, this place was only one of the 13 fortress cities.     

The fortress cities turned into cages for the foreigners that entered their space, that they could later start hunting at their will.     

Most of the foreigners would turn into new slaves for them, a part of them would die fighting each other in the cage, and the rest would end up killed by them.     

Now that he thought about it, it was a bit weird that Tianlong Yun hadn't seen any sign of the other big families of China in this place.     

The Yao family and the Tang family were almost inexistent inside this city. But that was most probably because Master Qin had decided on this point of entrance.     

But at the same time, this also cleared a few doubts on Tianlong Yun's head, as it also prepared him about what to expect on the other side of the barrier.     

The mountains and the nightmare forests before entering the barrier were impassable according to the legends, as not even the locals could go throw.     

There were legends that these forests were the locations where the Soul God had its lodgings, and probably where his inheritance lied, but none dared to test it anymore.     

The fortress city where Tianlong Yun and the others were found was called the Burning Heaven City, as it was the closest to the Big Red Crystal.     

The City Lord of the Heaven Burning City was called Soul Chaser and was a powerful expert on soul cultivation with the cultivation of a Soul King.     

The number of slaves, puppets, and retainers he had could be easily said to be 10 or 20 times the number of people that were inside this fortress city.     

And this was only his known personal army to keep in control the other nobles in his rule, as there were 7 Soul Lords, tens of Soul Grandmasters, and hundreds of Soul Master in his control.     

Tianlong Yun lost all his confidence for a moment as this was beyond his expectations, this place was hidden much more than he could have ever thought until now.     

To think that this was only one of the 13 fortress cities where people ended up, there were 12 other fortress cities having the same or more powerful line-ups inside this space.     

But that was only for a fleeting moment because the next moment his face became red with excitement, this would be a good training and forging place for his Soul Cultivation.     

One thing that caught his attention though was the fact that while the Kings of this planet had a one-year armistice every century, the other 99 years they would fight against each other for more possession.     

They even had some kind of raking table for the planet, as Heaven Burning City was ranked only 6th, which wasn't bad, but wasn't the best either.     

Of course, the biggest role in the wars was played by the slaves they got during their hunt, so they all tried to get the best slaves, and also why they let them kill each other at first, to pick the strongest.     

All this information could make even the most-willed fighter lose confidence, after all, they were all just chickens on a chicken farm…     

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