Chapter 367: The trapping starts

Chapter 367: The trapping starts

0When that kid without any kind of warning took out his sword and cut through Tianlong Yun's body at the waist.     

His intention was clear he wanted to cut Tianlong Yun in two pieces for not abiding by his words, and ignoring him.     

But even before the strong-looking sword could even touch Tianlong Yun's hem of clothes was shattered into small pieces.     

It was like all that strong and priceless feeling that gave a moment ago was nothing more than a boosted fake crap.     

The kid seemed to be surprised by what happened in front of his eyes, as he almost lost all reason as he screamed,     

"You motherfooker, how dare you destroy my 'Incinerating Sword'! Do you know who I am? Do you know who my family is?     

You are a dead man!"     

In actual fact, his sword was smashed to pieces from Elder Tao, but he thought of him as Tianlong Yun's lackey, and that he did that with his order.     

At this moment he didn't seem to care that his 'undestroyable' sword, had been smashed to pieces as his nails elongated, and started heading towards Tianlong Yun's face.     

Elder Knife didn't expect this kid to act like this, he seemed to have lost all reason, or like he had some kind of death hate with Tianlong Yun.     

But he wasn't the only one, as the eyes of the people surrounding them started to change slowly, their eyes were losing their natural calm, and turning like the eyes of some beasts.     

They looked to lose all rationality and were slowly turning into some instinctive-driven wild animals. There was killing intent and brutality in their eyes.     

At the moment Tianlong Yun wasn't paying much attention to the kid that was trying to kill him, because he was held back by Elder Knife, he was paying more attention to his surroundings.     

It looked like the aphrodisiac was starting to take effect on the weakest people, and soon there would be a bloodbath in this place until they were almost all dead.     

Just like he expected Elder Tao had a confident and amused smile on his face like he was about to witness a good show.     

Tianlong Yun was thinking about how to use this situation in his favor, as it was clear that his cooperation with the Qin family here was coming to an end.     

In the meantime, Elder Knife was holding the kid's nails with his hands, but contrary to his expectations the nails were really tough and were cutting through his hands.     

This was the first time he experienced something like this, as even the elongated nails of a sprout kid were tough enough to pierce his skin.     

While the kid seemed to get angrier and angrier with the passing of time, he seemed to be close to losing all reason, when another elongated nail guy jumped towards Tianlong Yun.     

He seemed to be stronger than the kid, as his nails were longer, and his skin complexion was a tad whiter.     

Looking at these characteristics, Tianlong Yun came to the conclusion that these guys were part of that Vampire's Clan on Easter Europe.     

This guy didn't seem to be strong enough to frighten him, most probably because this was just their natural strength, and they didn't have an appropriate manual to cultivate their strength.     

But this didn't matter much to him at the moment, as he just looked at the guy coming for his life indifferently.     

Right now there was one thing he wanted to confirm, and that was if Elder Tao would reveal himself and his intentions or not.     

On the other hand, Elder Tao was just looking at the situation in front of him with a carefree face and a smug look.     

He didn't seem to have any intention of helping Elder Knife and even less Tianlong Yun. He was just admiring the show in front of him like someone in the audience.     

Tianlong Yun expected something like this but the same couldn't be said for Elder Tao, he was already getting angry with the sprout on his hands, and now this new attacker.     

Not caring anymore for how the situation went, or who he offended, he grabbed the sprout attacking him by the nails and threw him towards the crowd.     

Then he came close to Tianlong Yun and using his hand as a knife hit the new attacker on the chest, as his hand pierced through the guy's right chest.     

Then using a stretching motion with his hand, he threw the body away as he looked at Elder Tao and said in a solemn voice,     

"Elder Tao, what do you think you are doing? Master Qin ordered us to protect Young Master Tianlong, you shouldn't stand there watching!"     

Elder Tao seemed to change a bit after hearing Elder Knife's words, as he approached the position where he was standing while saying,     

"You are right, I should help you a little bit!"     

Elder Knife seemed to be a bit more relieved and turned around to look at the crowd and at the idiots that would dare to attack them, but then he felt something pierce through his back.     

Turning his head to look at what was going on, he was stunned to see Elder Tao's hand holding a black knife that had went through his kidney.     

He didn't understand what was going on for a moment, or better yet he didn't believe what was going on for a moment.     

He had never expected that he would be stabbed on the back by someone who was his ancestor, and one of the leading figures in his life.     

His brain was overworking right now, but he couldn't find a decent reason or motive for Elder Tao to do something like this.     

For that reason, the only thing he could do right now was ask in a clearly confused voice,     


Elder Tao, on the other hand, had a weird and devilish smile on his face, as he said with a smiling voice and face,     

"Really simple actually, because I am not the Elder Tao that you know and respect. Furthermore, I need to punish this little sprout that emptied my warehouse, he needs to suffer!"     

But the moment he turned around to look at the place where Tianlong Yun was supposed to be he was shocked to see that there was no one in there anymore.     

It looked like some strange and weird joke, but he hadn't been able to notice when Tianlong Yun had disappeared from where he was, and he wasn't even three feet away from him.     

He didn't have much time to get shocked and worried about, as Elder Knife's eyes turned fully red, and his teeth crackling, as he didn't hold back anymore and started to attack him.     

The treason sent him beyond his boundary, but the drugs and aphrodisiac were sending him far beyond that limit, turning him into a boosted wild beast.     

He didn't seem to care more about his life and death anymore, as everything he wished was to take revenge and kill this impostor.     

For that reason he decided to not care more about his wound, and collecting all his strength to his fists, he sent two powerful punches towards Elder Tao.     

Elder Tao easily dodged the two punches coming towards him, as he pulled even the knife that was still on Eder Knife's back.     

Elder Knife didn't seem like he would give up, as he increased the power and speed of his punches, he was looking like some kind of punching machine.     

None of them seemed to be working as he started to include even his legs into the fight, and his Qi was slowly isolating the area around them.     

But no matter how much he tried it seemed to be useless. He was injured and bleeding, not to mention that originally he wasn't a match for Elder Tao.     

This was clearly seen as Elder Tao, or the person controlling his body could easily, and without problems dodge or block his attacks.     

Every once in a while he would also use his knife to cut someplace on his opponent's body, adding to Elder Knife's injuries, and pain.     

This scene was clearly making the crowd excited. These guys seemed to have forgotten about Tianlong Yun as they were concentrated on the fight in front of them.     

As for Elder Knife even though blood was already falling down as a waterfall from his back, he didn't give up. It seemed like he could understand that death was inevitable for him, but he wouldn't die easily.     

Seeing that his death was inevitable and that he didn't have much of a chance to escape alive, he decided to burn his life essence blood, and take a temporary boost to his strength.     

If he couldn't kill him, he wanted to at least deal him some damage before he died, at least that would be an honorable death in his eyes.     

With these thoughts on his mind, he could feel his strength surging from his abdomen and collecting towards his hand, and legs, as he was more and more giving the frightening aura of a deadly knife.     

This was also from where he got his name, his strongest martial skill turned his whole body into a living knife, he could cut through everything in this state.     

But a powerful martial skill, needed a massive amount of Qi, if he hadn't burned his blood essence and not care about his wound anymore, he wouldn't have been able to perform it.     

Now that he did, he was finally able to use it, as he didn't hold back in the least, and jumped towards Elder Tao like a knife holding only killing intent, and instinct.     

On the other hand, Elder Tao, or the person controlling him didn't seem to care much about it, as he just left the body of Elder Tao to the whims of fate, as it was impossible for him to block that hit unscathed.     

Not to mention that right now he had a more urgent issue to take care of, Tianlong Yun had disappeared…     

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