Chapter 328: Surrendering and Party start

Chapter 328: Surrendering and Party start

0Too bad that Tianlong Yun didn't seem to plan on saying anything else to her, and as for the part of having her body, while he was interested, it would just place her into more confusion.     

So with that said, Tianlong Yun and Yu Qing started undressing without caring about the salesgirl being in the same room as them.     

She was kind of embarrassed since she was still an 18 years old virgin girl, but at the same time, she was expectant and curious about how her dream hubby looked like.     

But while she was about to have her crazy expectations fulfilled, Tianlong Yun's voice rang through her ears,     

Tianlong Yun:" While I don't mind you watching me change, you will have to keep responsibility for your own actions. If you stay here longer, probably you will end up devoured tonight."     

These words were really heavy for a virgin girl like her, even though she was just in her lingerie, she still had a lot of misgivings.     

This would be her first time, even though she had looked ready for everything a while ago, now that she was faced with this situation she was hesitant.     

But thinking of how she made up her mind and found her resolve a moment ago, she bit her red cherry lips, and in place of leaving she said in a weak voice,     

Salesgirl:" If Master would like me to serve him, then I would do it wholeheartedly."     

At first, Tianlong Yun didn't want to harm her resolve and gave her a way out, but this girl seemed to be set on giving her body to him.     

What kind of man would refuse such a tempting order, as he turned towards her and said with a teasing look,     

Tianlong Yun:" Then come here, Master wants you to serve him well!"     

A bit hesitant and frightened at first, but later her steps were firm and resolute, as she approached Tianlong Yun, and her face was becoming more and more determined.     

Seeing that girl approaching Tianlong Yun like that, Yu Qing didn't seem to mind at all, as she was continuing to undress, and wear the outfit she had selected.     

But she wasn't able to do that, because, at that moment, Tianlong Yun grabbed the salesgirl on his arms, heading towards the desk in there, and said in between their kisses,     

Tianlong Yun:" Little demoness come and join us!"     

With that order invitation in place, she had no other choice but to obey, and join the two of them in a short one hour time of loud moans, and carnal pleasure.     

There was one reason why Tianlong Yun had order invited her earlier, and it was precisely due to her hate, and arrogance towards humans.     

He hoped that slowly she would not only accept human blood descends but also would be able to have good relations with them. He didn't want fights in his harem.     

Surely Tianlong Xia was the same as him, as for her the harem was even more special because it symbolized a new family for her, her group of sisters.     

In the end, he was able to only take Jun Feng's purity today, she was the salesgirl, but she seemed like she had already steeled her resolve.     

He let her inside to relax a bit, as he and Yu Qing got out with their new outfits looking like a happy couple of the high society, while Jake Long followed behind them, as their butler.     

After leaving instructions about how to deal with Jun Feng later, he left the place with Yu Qing and Jake Long. It was already time for the party, so it was unavoidable for them to be a bit late.     

When they arrived at the door, the party should have started around 20 to 30 minutes ago, but they didn't really care, it wasn't like Tianlong Yun was a guest of honor or something.     

But when he showed his name to the guards at the door, he found out that he couldn't have been more mistaken.     

With the sudden appearance of the Shadow Clan and their show of strength, it was no brainer that a figure like the mayor would give them a pretty high amount of face.     

To be more precise the mayor hadn't started the party yet, even though almost all of the high-ranking important guests had arrived, including the Tang family's fairy.     

These people and figures had obviously started to become restless and impatient since it seemed like the mayor was surpassing his bounds, but he kept saying that he was waiting for an important guest.     

At the moment he was in the middle of a group of middle-aged men, their beautiful wives, and an eye-blinding beauty, who was covering her face with a thin veil.     

But one could tell from her demeanor, her hazelnut colored silky hair, and that rosy white smooth skin, that she was a country toppling beauty, that many men would fight over.     

Even the 55 years old mayor couldn't stop his gaze from landing over her and releasing a bit of lust intent from his weak body.     

That country toppling beauty, was precisely the Tang family's little princess, Tang Qingyun. As for the old men around were important figures of the big families' branches in Shanghai.     

They were all placing fake smiles and fake looks, trying to deceive themselves and their counterpart, and at the same time try to read between the lines.     

There was one person who didn't seem really in the mood for attending this party though. He was extremely dark and gloomy, and seemed like a beast in a cage, waiting for his meal.     

Seeing this expression in the face of the Yao family's representative, the mayor Fu Chen seemed a bit confused as he said,     

Fu Chen:" Mister Wu you look really gloom and irritated right now, I wonder if something has happened to sour your mood tonight.     

This is a party and we are supposed to be happy and celebrating. But you seem like you are preparing a coffin for someone."     

Yao Wu wasn't in the mood to join the usual nonsensical and hypocritic word exchange, and he said without trying to conceal his intention and purpose,     

Yao Wu:" Mayor Fu, this world is full of idiots that think they have grown to stand the heavens when they are still wet behind their ears.     

One such fool set for a meeting with me in this party, and I don't seem to be able to find him, and give him my hello."     

In his speech, one could notice his strong killing intent, after all his son who had just returned from abroad had been turned into a eunuch as soon as he arrived.     

Earlier he hadn't paid much attention to the identity of the guy who had done it, he was still in a fit of rage and would make him regret being born no matter who it was.     

He had his men at the entrance waiting for that man to show up, but he was a bit surprised since his name wasn't on the list.     

Had he, just been played for a fool by the manager of a little shop, or was there something more to it?     

Now that he thought about it, the Tianlong surname brought something to his mind, but he didn't bother to think much, since he was still enraged inside.     

The mayor could understand that something unpleasant might happen tonight, but this was his party, and this guy had no right to act in here.     

Just as he was about to say something about it though, a servant came close to him and whispered in his ear that the important guest had arrived.     

Hearing that, the Mayor's smile spread from one side of his face to the other, as he said with a slight bow,     

Fu Chen:" Gentleman, Young Miss, you will have to excuse me but the guest of honor for tonight has just arrived, and I have to go welcome him."     

The surprising thing was that right at that moment, Master Yao Wu took a sign from his people that his expected 'guest' had arrived, but the people at the gate were behaving weirdly.     

It looked like the guards at the door were really reverent to him, and looked at him like he was someone they couldn't dare to offend even if they had 1000 lives.     

Of course, this strange occurrence surprised Master Yao Wu, but he thought that this guy was just trying to act high and mighty because he had some kind of connection with the Mayor.     

Did he really think that a weak chess piece like the mayor would be able to help him fight against the Yao family?     

Even though he was just the head of the first branch, he was still a descendant of the first line, and Shanghai was second only to Beijing in importance.     

The fact that he was the head of the family in such a place was a clear indication of the power and influence he had in the Yao family.     

If it wasn't for his father losing to his uncle for the post of the Master for the family, then he would be the next Master, since he was an only son to his father.     

Even in this state he hadn't totally lost his desires and greed for that post though and had been secretly increasing his strength if he ever had a shot at it.     

But now that one of his sons had been turned into a eunuch, his line was almost extinct as his only way of continuing the bloodline were his daughter or his illegitimate children.     

And this weak ant, not even dared to do such a thing to his son, but he even thought he would be able to escape this situation with the help of a weakling like Mayor Fu Chen.     

While he was thinking like that, Mayor Fu Chen brought Tianlong Yun and his entourage towards the middle of the huge hall, and asked for attention as he said,     

Fu Chen:" Ladies and Gentlemen, sorry for the tardiness in opening this party, but finally our chief guest has arrived.     

Everyone allow me the honor to introduce in front of all of you, Young Master Tianlong Yun, a direct disciple of the Shadow Clan!"     


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