Chapter 290: Subjugation and Tracking

Chapter 290: Subjugation and Tracking

0It was the first time she was called like this by her Master, at this moment she just felt happy about herself, and determined to work, train, and cultivate harder.     

On the other hand, after giving his instructions, Tianlong Yun turned his head towards the room where his little snakes were biting each other.     

It looked like this would go on for some time, so he decided to just enjoy the company of his women at the moment without caring what happened on the other side of the glass.     

He had taken so many measures just for this little snake, which showed his importance to him. He could let him have some fun after all.     

After some quality time with his two ladies, which he had missed so much, especially this month being all alone, he let the two ladies go their way.     

They had a lot to do and take care of right now. Meanwhile, he needed to take care of his little snake that seemed to be relaxed now, after releasing his steam.     

Inside the room, Jake Long got up from the bed, where two women's bodies were lying like they didn't breathe anymore.     

There were signs of violence in their bodies, and special white milk was coming out of every hole in their body.     

Jake Long didn't mind his manners at all, he took everything he could from the women, now the only thing left was his deal with 'Tianlong Yun'.     

The 'Tianlong Yun' inside the room was beyond recognizable, his head was made like a pumpkin, his eyes were black, like those of a panda, and blood-colored his face.     

His teeth seemed still attached but they were in different directions. It was a total mess of a person.     

Jake Long was still naked, he didn't mind showing his manliness, to trash like this that called himself the Patriarch. Especially seeing that he was nothing special.     

In a way made him see himself as more fit of being the Patriarch than the trash on the ground. So without losing much time he said,     

Jake Long:" Well then trash, here is what you are going to do!     

You are going to make me a double shadow, since I defeated two shadows, and make me part of your personal security, and give these two b*tches here to me.     

While I would love to have a ride in your little harem, it's still early, and we don't want any doubts around. So be glad about it, otherwise, you would lose all of them.     

Secondly, you are going to ask me for any big decision you make from now on, and also enter a soul subject contract with 'The Justice Sect'.     

I will be your representative with them. Your little organization will be a bit low in the structure, but with me there, you can have some favorable conditions.     

Thirdly, I like this artifact you have, pass it to me.     

Are we clear!?"     

The 'Tianlong Yun' inside the room looked terrified at this demon, especially seeing the state the two women in that room ended, he understood this guy was a demon.     

So with that fear in mind, just nodded his head, and said,     

'Tianlong Yun':" Ye-yes of course!"     

Satisfied with the 'old Patriarch's ' answer Jake Long showed a dark smile of someone winning easier than expected. Then remembering something he said,     

Jake Long:" Oh by the way you can go and check about the poison from the best doctors, they will all tell you the same thing, that you can't be saved.     

Only we have the antidote to that poison, so you better behave!"     

With this decided, Jake Long left him there and went towards the bed. He was really tired and wanted some good refreshing sleep.     

Meanwhile, the real Tianlong Yun who witnessed this scene seemed to think about some things with a big grin. He didn't think that things would go so smoothly.     

The dummy he had placed inside the room turned out to be more cooperative than he thought. But this would finally give them a moment to breathe.     

While they would be in a fake vanguard, they would also lie under the shadow of a big tree. Like this, they could grow stronger and bigger without attracting attention.     

His organization would play the role of a small worm growing in a big tree, they would slowly eat the entire tree from inside.     

This was Tianlong Yun's big plan, for the next years until the clash. But he was surely satisfied with the illusory effects of his new concoction.     

This was an improved version of what he used the night he killed that Royalist's group leader.     

This powder was able to affect a Soul Formation Realm cultivator, so a Golden Core Realm cultivator like Jake Long was nothing.     

Feeling satisfied with how things were going on, Tianlong Yun passed partial rights of using the 'Old Pouch' to Jake Long.     

While the connection with Jake Long was made, and he could use this artifact, his usage was restricted. To him, the Old Pouch was only what he had gone through until now.     

While this gave him the fake feeling that he was in control of this artifact, the executive rights of the Old Pouch still belonged to Tianlong Yun only.     

Inside here, Jake Long was just like a servant with his own room. So relaxing a bit with the current situation, he returned to his cultivation outside.     

While Tianlong Yun was cultivating, Tianlong Xia and Qin Bao were returning to the underground facilities of 'the Mansion'. That's where their headquarters were at the moment.     

On their way, they had gotten another instruction, from Tianlong Yun,     

Tianlong Yun:" Jake Long thinks he is in charge, make the appropriate adjustments."     

While this seemed like a small issue, there was a lot to do, and that in only one day too.     

They had to make a fake Clan headquarters, a fake disciples training camp, and everything that came with it.     

It was a good thing that they didn't have much staff shortage at the moment, and Jake Long's expectations should be low as well.     

Especially after his 'meeting' with the Patriarch. So at least none of their key members didn't have to go and be there.     

With that thought in mind, they immediately selected the new headquarters at the Tianlong's house and placed there only the disciples from the last two groups.     

Of course, the really prominent ones were omitted from this. While they also turned the place around the house as training and cultivating ground.     

While it seemed impossible they were able to achieve it. As part of the staff supervising it, and the women that should be part of the harem, they chose from Shen Hong's team.     

After passing Shen Hong's training and testing, those women were close to her in being mental, but the loyalty towards the Clan and Tianlong Yun was even bigger.     

As for the cultivation technique that they spread in this headquarters, was a normal one that could make people cultivate until Soul Formation Realm.     

While they felt sorry for losing these disciples at the moment, they had no other choice, anything fancier than this would make even that idiot doubt.     

With these set-ups and Jake Long's own stupid arrogance, they were sure to make him believe this was all true.     

With that finished the people could finally return to their important assignments at hand. At the moment, their situation was good.     

But they had to make sure that it got even better, time was passing by too quickly and they had to meet their Patriarch's expectations.     

While everything was prepared, Tianchang City, and especially the new Canyon got some new visitors. Visitors were normal, but these guys gave a weird feeling.     

It was like something was trying to push all other people away from them. They gave a weird bloody feeling that made one terrified.     

They didn't seem to care about the crowd though, they just kept walking on their line, and enter the canyon.     

Their mission was quite an easy one, they had to locate a disappeared agent of theirs. Which was in a very important mission.     

And if needed they were to provide him all the help they could. The team was made up of two women and three men.     

Entering the Canyon, they immediately made their way to the last location that their agent was sensed. But while being careful of not being spotted all the time.     

Their mission was supposed to be a secretive one, and if possible not to raise any doubts on the way. Pretty soon they reached there, but until now they had sensed nothing and no one.     

Either this was a trap and their enemy was better than they thought, or there was really no one in this place, and their agent had been sent someplace else.     

They were really in a dilemma about what to do from now on. While they might be skillful trackers this place was too big, and there were no prints left behind.     

Besides the ones showing towards this direction, that most probably their agent had left on purpose, for them to find him if something went wrong.     

Just as they were looking around, and trying to find any clue, someone suddenly appeared at the same place their agent had disappeared.     

Startled by this sudden appearance they all turned towards him, with their stances ready for a fight. But upon seeing them, the guy said with a reproachful tone,     

Jake Long:" You guys are late, much later than I expected. You should have been here as soon as you lost contact, but anyway everything is okay now.     

My mission was a success, you can report that to the higher-ups. Tell them that from now on this small thing is our own."     

Then taking a look around he saw the entire team in detail, while his eyes were stuck on the ladies. While they were only above average in looks, their curves seemed dangerous.     

Then with a dominating voice, he turned to the guy who seemed to be the leader of the team, and said,     

Jake Long:" Take your two buddies, and go report my words. I need the two ladies to accompany me, to make sure nothing like this happens again."     

The leader was about to leave, but hearing Jake Long's words he was in a dilemma, the truth was that one of the ladies was his girlfriend…     


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