Chapter 275: Tianlong Hu Die (1/2)

Chapter 275: Tianlong Hu Die (1/2)

0Right now she was thinking of the good rewards her 'daddy' was going to give her if she did a really good job. She couldn't wait to start with her assignment.     

The same thrill and enthusiasm were going for a lot of people that were part of the foundation that Tianlong Yun had built.     

Each and every one of them had a target, a goal they were working hard towards. Some of them for themselves, and some of them for their Patriarch.     

But anyone was going to give their best, not only for these three years but all their life, until their last breath.     

One of the most enthusiastic people in these three years would most probably be one of the youngest and wisest Tianlong Hu Die.     

Even though she was still really young, her intelligence and maturity placed her into the higher-ups of the Shadow Clan.     

She had already earned and secured her place as one of the higher-ups but she was still working really hard to achieve more.     

She wanted to show her new family, her new Patriarch, and everyone else that she was needed and that she deserved to be by their side now and in the future.     

Of course, such an attitude had been noticed by Tianlong Xia and even Tianlong Yun but there was nothing they could do at the moment.     

She was working really hard and was doing her best all the time. One can't really reproach someone doing his best, even though the motives are a bit off.     

This was the situation with her. Right now Tianlong Hu Die was getting ready to start her special mission outside of the city. It was time for the real part of her mission to start.     

She had already prepared her team, it would be Tianlong Yan Guang, Shi Qi, and 3 shadows from the original 16, the foreign-looking twins, and Tianlong Mei Gui.     

Shi Qi was Young Master Qing Fang's girl slave that they had turned to their side in their raid at Flowers Fragrance.     

For a moment she wanted to take Chen Ling too, but after having a talk with Tianlong Xia she gave up on the idea.     

She was too untrustworthy and too dangerous to have in this important mission. She was under Tianlong Xia's control but the distance might weaken that control.     

That was why it was better to not have her on the team. Furthermore, with Tianlong Yan Guang's presence, they could easily pass their words as hers.     

Like this, the next morning Tianlong Hu Die and her group got in a car and started driving towards the next city.     

Shi Qi was an unknown factor in their team, and she was relatively more powerful than a part of the team, but Tianlong Hu Die was her Master, and she could easily keep her under control.     

As for Tianlong Yan Guang, there weren't many doubts about her at the moment. She had already told everything she knew and slowly had started to become part of the foundation.     

It wasn't that they had a blind trust in her though, and she personally asked for a seal on her powers to make her team members feel more relaxed around her.     

It looked like she truly wanted to be a part of them, and wasn't just faking it so that she could backstab them later.     

If someone normal looked at the car, they would think that they were just two friends taking their kids for vacations or something.     

Especially looking at Tianlong Hu Die and the other 3 shadows, that looked no older than middle school students.     

The drive was calm and normal, and by noon they had already arrived at their destination. Their lodges were already booked in advance, so they could immediately start their work after a small break.     

Tianlong Hu Die didn't want to lose time, since time was precious to her. She wanted to do as much as possible in these 3 years so that she could make everyone acknowledge her.     

For that reason, she was working herself to the ground, even though she was still a 10 years old little girl.     

But no one in her team had the right or the possibility to oppose her decisions, so after only a short break they started their mission.     

The first step was to have a look at the headquarters of EITS in this city, and not only that, but also their member's information, and the spies of Young Master Qing Fang.     

Since their ambitions lied beyond the small country of China as he himself said, Young Master Qing Fang had already started placing his moles everywhere in EITS's structure.     

These moles and other members were precisely Tianlong Hu Die's possible targets and future members of the information she wanted to create.     

She had already even thought of a name for her information organization, Double-Edged Pavillion. The reason for the name was simple, all the members would be double or even triple agents.     

Because of that, she had to be really careful about selecting her possible targets. She had come to this city to start planting the seeds herself, and she would have to make a lot of traveling.     

First things first though, she started by having a look at the members of EITS in this city and also at the moles of Young Master Qing Fang.     

Well the ones that Shi Qi had knowledge of, there was a high chance that those were only smoke bombs though. Young Master Qing Fang didn't seem like one who trusted his underlings a lot.     

So while Shi Qi's known moles were a start, they were by no means their targets, they were just a start.     

Tianlong Hu Die had gone through these data a lot of times, but she would only decide after monitoring them one by one.     

For that reason she decided to divide her team into 5, giving each member a target they needed to monitor and give a report at the end of the day.     

She had decided that to have a good report on each of her targets they had to spend a total of 5 days of monitoring.     

Time was precious, but so were the seeds that she had to select for planting. The headquarters of EITS in this city was a small tavern in the poverty-stricken part of the city.     

The tavern had cheap but good liquor and a lot of people frequented it daily. Some of them were small agents of EITS, but most were drunkards and drug addicts who would do anything for some merch.     

That included a lot of information about anything on the market. This was a market where you could find and hear anything you needed.     

The targets of the team were people from the staff of the Tavern, three waitresses, the bartender, and the manager.     

Tianlong Hu Die decided to tail the manager herself, he was the real target she was after. If she could turn this guy to her side, it was like having the whole place for herself.     

But first, she had to find his weakness or something that she could use to control him. She couldn't waste a slave-seal on any Tom and Jerry out there.     

She needed to control them through their weakness, money, women, fame, anything. Only in special cases would she use a technique such as the slave-seal.     

The start of anything was good old tailing, she would have loved to have the identical twins as part of her team for targets like this, but that was not possible at the moment.     

Anyway, she could do this herself. What was so hard about following one guy that she couldn't do? She had been trained just like the twins and should be fairly good at it.     

When he was working at the Tavern it was easy, and she only had to pay attention to his dealings with the staff, and the agents coming with information.     

But when he got out of the Tavern things started to get messy, it was clear that he had higher cultivation and sharper sense than Tianlong Hu Die, so it would be hard to follow him.     

It was a good thing that after Tianlong Yun came out of the inheritance exploration, he started producing 'Vanishing Powder' in mass, and it was distributed to almost all clan members.     

This was precisely the card that allowed Tianlong Hu Die and her team to tail their targets without being noticed.     

None of them were allowed to confront their targets though, in case of being noticed or being led to a trap, they were told to abandon their mission and try to escape.     

Tianlong Hu Die was tailing her target towards the red district. Tailing him towards that place she was thinking that she would easily bag this guy if this was his weakness.     

But the manager didn't seem to enter any of the public houses in there, he was just entering more and more into the red district.     

Tailing him from a good distance Tianlong Hu Die had for the first time the thought that she might be led towards a trap, but this was too important, she couldn't give up.     

It was like she was walking willingly towards the trap, but she couldn't give up, she had a feeling that she would have him in the bag if she kept tailing him.     

It was precisely this feeling that gave her the courage and determination to follow him. Not to mention that she wanted to win her competition with her Big Sister Xia.     

With these thoughts in mind, she kept following the manager deeper and deeper into the red district. He walked for more than 10 minutes before, he suddenly took a right turn and entered a dark alley.     

It seemed to be a dead alley, but that feeling was now telling her that there was something in that alley. There was definitely something in there.     

Even though she was panicking a bit, she took a deep breath and followed the manager, entering the dark alley.     

Just as she entered the alley though…     


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