Chapter 230: Deal with the Masons

Chapter 230: Deal with the Masons

0Qin Bao:" Master Ming Tong do you think that the alliance that I managed to put together with the other three organizations earlier would be able to stay together and win?"     

Her question may seem simple, but it was a truly tricky and thorny loaded question.     

While she was asking only for his opinion on this matter, his position made it difficult to give an answer. At the end of the day, he was one of the members of the opposing side.     

But the part that made it more difficult to answer was that no matter what his answer was, he would be forced to reveal some information if he wanted to make his claim believable.     

Not answering was not a solution, in this situation. But of course, Master Ming Tong wasn't a soft bone, that's why he said,     

Ming Tong:" I don't know Young Miss Qin Bao, I don't have detailed information about my organization's strength, let alone the other three big organizations.     

Especially I have the least idea for you, and your part in this game."     

Hearing those words Qin Bao gave a dazzling smile once again and said,     

Qin Bao:" Master Ming Tong please don't play the fool with me.     

If you are really such a low-ranked person in your organization then, I wonder how they let you start a ruckus with the Yao and Tang families.     

A low servant wouldn't be able to create such a ruckus while being on a mission.     

Not to mention the fact you are not here for me or for this place, or even for the deal we just sealed. No, your interest and purpose lie in that inheritance.     

As for your mission, there is definitely something that your organization and the EITS are desperate to take from that place."     

She stopped for a moment to look at the stunned face of Master Ming Tong, and then continued,     

Qin Bao:" But that doesn't matter to me, and I don't care. What I am interested in, is having a truthful answer to my question.     

So let me rephrase my question once again Master Ming Tong, how convinced are you in destroying those three organizations, if they collaborate and if they don't?"     

Master Ming Tong was stunned when he heard her explanation and then her lucky guess. But he couldn't help but be confused at her question.     

What did she mean by what she said, especially with that last part?     

Master Ming Tong didn't know why, but he thought that this might be a chance for him, that was why he decided to tell her a disguised truth and see her reaction.     

Ming Tong:" No matter how all-seeing and all-knowing an eye can be, it is always useless in front of the human body.     

As for the second case, I would like to mention a saying, not everything that glitters is gold.     

Seeing your intelligence tonight then I think that this is enough for you to understand the situation."     

Just when he thought that he could finally have the upper hand, and think for a way to leave this place without fighting, Qin Bao said something that shocked him.     

Qin Bao:" Then Master Ming Tong, what are the conditions of joining hands with your organization?"     

Master Ming Tong was really speechless, it wasn't that he didn't think of inviting Qin Bao over to his side, it was just that seeing that she was the conceiver of the alliance then she would not accept it.     

But now, there she was asking him herself to change sides and join his organization.     

Unable to speak for a few moments Master Ming Tong was looking seriously into Qin Bao's eyes, trying to find something in there.     

He was trying to find something that could explain this, but there was nothing in her 'blue' eyes.     

Recollecting better himself Master Ming Tong, cleared his throat with a dry cough and then said,     

Ming Tong:" Young Miss Qin Bao, you?"     

But before he could finish his question, he heard Qin Bao's answer,     

Qin Bao:" You heard me right Master Ming Tong, I want to join hands with your organization too.     

What I want is to have a good time enjoying the chaos that the two sides will bring.     

I am pretty sure you know about my past Master Ming Tong, well I want to make certain people pass that too.     

And of course, the second reason is that I want to have good relationships with both sides, and then celebrate with the winner.     

I am too young to die or be used as a lust object, aren't I?"     

At the beginning Master Ming Tong was a bit apprehensive of her reasons and thoughts, she seemed like a wrathful soul.     

At that moment he couldn't help but remember that saying, 'hell hath no fury as a woman scorned'. Right now he was feeling kind of bad for the Qin family.     

They were in for a ride to hell and had no idea.     

But for him, this was just a good opportunity to pull on his organization's side, a terrifying, talented, and intelligent woman.     

Then hearing the second reason he was stunned, this was the first time he had heard someone admit this thing so naturally and shamelessly.     

It was truly out of his thinking that she would admit to such a reason, but this just made him value her more. Her objectives were clear from the beginning.     

As for the last part he gave her a look from head to toe, smiled a bit, and said,     

Ming Tong:" Well you have a really nice body, and a really slender waist Young Miss Qin Bao, people would give riches for you."     

But as soon as he finished his words he could feel a tangible killing intent from Qin Bao's master.     

That killing intent was terrifying, he could feel like he was in the middle of a big, dark, cold room. He couldn't move at all from fright, even his lungs and heart were not moving.     

He felt like someone on his last drops of life, he could feel himself dying, slowly.     

Then suddenly, he noticed two deep blue eyes looking scornfully at him. Just that look almost made him have a heart attack in there.     

The person who directed his killing intent at him wasn't someone he could joke with. He had felt that pressure earlier, but seeing that nothing was happening to him he was getting suspicious.     

Only now he understood that they were just seeing his actions and resting. They didn't want useless skirmishes with a future partner of their disciple.     

That horror striking killing intent made it clear, they were watching him and he better not surpass the boundaries, otherwise, with their strength, he was just like a chicken.     

In reality that killing intent seemed a bit lacking in strength and power, but since it was coming from the person who was supposed to be poisoned, and on the verge of death, that frightened him more.     

Getting out of that illusion created from his fear, Master Ming Tong looked with a scared look towards the cloaked Tianlong Xia and said,     

Ming Tong:" I am really sorry for my rudeness, Young Miss Qin Bao. I apologize, senior, maybe my joke passed the boundary.     

I ask for your forgiveness."     

His words sounded really apologetic, and honest, so the cloaked Tianlong Xia just released a cold harrumph, and said,     

Tianlong Xia:" Hmph~ You better be honest, otherwise…"     

She didn't finish her words, leaving the ending open. But her meaning was clear, what happened was just a warning, should he continue, well what he saw would become a reality.     

Grabbing his chance Master Ming Tong immediately continued,     

Ming Tong:" Of course Senior, this Junior was unnecessarily rude a while ago."     

Then taking a deep breath to relax his rapidly beating heart he continued,     

Ming Tong:" Well, returning to our topic Young Miss Qin Bao, actually when I came here I wanted to offer you submit to the Masons organization."     

At that moment he could once again feel that cold killing intent rise on him, but he immediately continued,     

Ming Tong:" Of course that was at the beginning when I didn't have information about your Master, or the alliance that you managed to create, or your intelligence.     

But after seeing all of this play one by one, I no longer have that thought or even that idea.     

I got to admit that I don't have anything in mind at the moment about what to offer and ask from you. Like you said my mission here is something else, and this place was just a justification.     

Normally our organization doesn't compromise with outsiders, nor do we have alliances. We only work with people who have become part of our organization.     

But at the same time, I don't want to lose on someone so resourceful and intelligent like you.     

So the best I can do is to help you with all my authority to become a member of our organization."     

As soon as he finished his words, that killing intent just become stronger and thicker, but this time Qin Bao spoke out to her master,     

Qin Bao:" Master, please. I think that is for the best.     

Furthermore, I am sure that Master Ming Tong wouldn't allow anything bad to happen to me, I have you as support after all."     

Hearing Qin Bao's words, the cloaked Tianlong Xia seemed to relax a bit. She controlled her killing intent, released a long sigh, and then said,     

Tianlong Xia:" Sigh~ If you think so then I can't do anything, but still I will let that happen only if your Senior Sister Gao Ling comes with you."     

Then turning towards the still hard breathing Ming Tong she said,     

Tianlong Xia:" It's for the best that nothing untoward happens to my disciples, otherwise, even though your organization may be a giant, it takes only one sharp knife to cut his head."     

At this moment though…     


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