Second World

Chapter 100. Learning skills from Technique Books

Chapter 100. Learning skills from Technique Books

0It was nighttime already when Jack left the Warrior Academy, so he decided to go straight back to Amy's bakery to rest. As he walked, he felt that the number of players in the streets had increased in number.     

'Maybe it's just my imagination,' he thought.     

He walked down the wide shopping street; the shops mainly were still open, even at night. He saw the shop where he had bought the lockpicks.  Now that he had lots of coins, he decided to stock up on them. He spent ten silver coins for 100 lockpicks.     

When he reached Amy's Bakery, the shop was closed; just like the other evening when he brought Samantha back. But this time he was alone, and he didn't have a key to the shop. He felt awkward standing outside. Should he knock? What if they had fallen asleep? If they had, wouldn't they get annoyed if he woke them up? He was, after all, just a guest. He would feel bad if he caused them inconvenience when they had given him free accommodation.     

He considered using the lockpicks he had just bought to unlock the door. But he soon thought better of it; what if somebody saw him and reported him to the guards? Even if he got in okay, things might get awkward with Amy and Samantha if they found him in their locked house.     

In the end, he decided not to think so much about it and just knocked on the door.     

It opened before he could finish his third knock.     

Amy stood behind the door with a smile when she saw it was him.     

'What the hell? Did she stay behind the door waiting for me?' Jack wondered.     

"Uh, hi. Is the offer for me to stay still valid?" Jack asked.     

"Of course! We were worried that you had decided you no longer wanted to stay here," she replied. "Where did you stay yesterday night?"     

"Outside the city. My friends and I made camp at the foot of Siren Hill."     

"Really? How exciting! Isn't it dangerous outside the city wall? Are there a lot of monsters?"     

"Yes, there are, but we can take care of ourselves."     

"Come in! We are just about to have dinner. Come join us and tell me all about it."     

And so Jack joined Amy and Samantha for dinner. They chatted like they were family. It all felt so normal that Jack began to stop thinking of them as NPCs in a game world.     

After the dinner, he went to his quarters.     

Before he slept, he took out the two technique books Gilbert had given him, containing the Sword of Light and Life Burning Art skills. Now that he had made Warrior class, he should be able to learn them.     

He joined his consciousness with the book of Sword of Light and saw a holographic interface asking if he would like to learn the skill.     

Jack accepted.     

A system notification said, "Congratulations, you have learned the skill: Sword of Light."     

Jack repeated the process with the other book and learned Life Burning Art as well.     

Afterward, he checked them on his Skill page.     

Sword of Light, level 1/20 (Active skill, range, require melee weapon)     

Send sword energy in a linear direction, sword energy deals 200% physical damage. 30% added Critical Chance     

Range: 10 meters     

Cooldown: 3 minutes     

Stamina: 50     

Life burning art (Active skill)     

Consume 30% HP to increase attributes by 100%.     

While art is active, lose 1 HP each second     

Duration: 10 minutes     

Cooldown: 6 hours     

Jack thought the Sword of Light skill was pretty badass. It had the highest single damage output of all his current sword skills, and it could strike from a distance even farther than Charge. And it also increased the chance of dealing critical damage. This skill was tailored to cover a Warrior's weakness in range battle.     

Life Burning Art was the only skill Jack had ever seen that had no level. Meaning he didn't need to use up skill points to improve it.     

'It's already pretty powerful,' Jack thought, 'this skill can practically double my attributes.'     

On the downside, he would be sacrificing his life to use it, as its name implied. He made some calculations. If he activated this skill with his current HP without consuming any restorative items, he would last a bit over seven minutes before he completely ran out of HP. He would die before the skill duration expired. Using this skill was a double-edged sword.     

But it was a good thing that this skill didn't need any skill points invested in it. There were already many skills Jack wanted to upgrade from their basic levels; with the Warrior class skills he would get soon, he would need even more skill points. He had the Container of Souls, but he hadn't yet collected enough souls to upgrade even his basic skills.     

Jack looked at his free skill points; he had eight free skill points saved up. Since the basic skills would require fewer souls to upgrade, he would just leave those until the Container of Souls filled up. He decided to use all his available free skill points for his advanced skills; he invested 3 points on Charge and 5 points on Sword of Light.     

Charge, level 4/20 (Active skill, melee, require melee weapon)     

Charge through a direction. Dealing damage and knocking all within the direction     

Deals 135% physical damage     

245% movement speed     

Range: 8 meters     

Cooldown: 20 seconds     

Stamina: 30     

Sword of Light, level 6/20 (Active skill, range, require melee weapon)     

Sent sword energy in a linear direction, sword energy deals 300% physical damage. 30% added Critical Chance     

Range: 10 meters     

Cooldown: 3 minutes     

Stamina: 50     

The upgrade to Charge increased movement speed and the damage he could inflict; this would be the skill to use when he needed to reach an opponent quickly.     

The damage increase on Sword of Light was insane! A single hit from Jack would likely kill any level 10 Ranger or Magician with low defense. If he activated Life Burning Art, he could even single-hit-kill higher-level ones.     

"Gilbert gave you good stuff," Peniel commented.     

"Yes, he did," Jack agreed. "Is the Body Double skill as good as this?"     

"That skill doesn't do any damage."     

"Huh? Then what good is it?"     

"Get to Mage class soon and find out for yourself," Peniel replied.     

Jack had learned that he would not get anything out of the Fairy if she did not intend to share the information from the start, so he just dropped the matter. He closed his skill page and went to sleep.     

After eating Samantha's delicious breakfast in the morning, Jack went to the shopping district and stocked up on cooking ingredients. He had used most of his supply before John's quest.     

Next, he planned to go to the Adventurers Association to pick up a silver-grade quest. But Peniel told him to go to a different place instead.     

"Hunters Association?" Jack asked.     

"Yes. Ask the locals for directions," Peniel confirmed.     

"Sounds similar to Adventurers Association. Do they give out quests as well?"     


"Then why invest in two associations? Shouldn't I focus on one so I can increase my grade more quickly?" Jack argued.     

"They have different functions. You can do them both. You will find out when you are there."     

"Then why only go there today?" Jack continued to ask.     

"Because you need to be an advanced class to join the Hunters Association," Peniel replied. "Now stop wasting time and just do as I told you!"     

"Fine, boss," Jack said helplessly.     

He asked around for NPCs who knew the way and proceeded as directed. It turned out the building was just two blocks away from the Adventurers Association.     

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