Dual Cultivator Reborn[System In The Cultivation World]

Lightning Asura

Lightning Asura

0Thousands of men were seen standing in front of the forest and ahead of them three figures were looking straight towards their direction with seriousness.     

"All men...prepare for the battle. Leave no one alive! We are about to enter the deserted valley. Our young master is fighting out there for our sake, and we are going to accompany him with all of our strength and devotion." Arjun raised his sword and boosted the morale with his powerful words.     

Natasha and Vinyaraaj tightened the grip around their swords and the next moment three of them rushed inside the deserted valley, along with thousands of soldiers who followed them behind. The ground started to shake as they marched inside the barren area. These soldiers cautiously yet effortlessly slipped down the high slope of the valley in no time.      

"Just wait for me young master yohan, I will be there soon." Natasha mumbled as she took a deep breath, while glancing towards the enemy soldiers who were patrolling inside the valley. The facial expressions of the enemy soldiers became dark upon witnessing the swarm of armed men approaching in their direction. No one expected a seemingly foolish night attack on an army which was ten times huge in size.     

"We are under attack by the enemy forces. Notify lord Nicholas immediately!" One of the soldiers shouted at top of his lungs as he saw a few men behind him, but alas the next moment an arrow pierced through his head. His dead body was about to fall on his knees, when in an instant his head went flying into the air.     

"Go to hell bastard, your words are not fast enough in front of my speed. There is no way I will let you spoil my plan." Arjun growled with courage as he looked towards the headless body. Upon witnessing the brutal attack the remaining soldiers of the Nichole army fled for their lives. But they were instantly beheaded by Natasha and Vinyaraaj, which satisfied Arjun's bloodlust.     

"Kill them all!"     

"Leave no one alive!"     

The soldiers of the Nichole clan started roaring with panic upon witnessing the whole scenario. All of them became excited as they looked at the dead bodies of these men.     

"You guys go and lead the army. I am going to look for young master Yohan." Arjun looked at Natasha and vinyaraaj as he instructed them to proceed as planned.     

Natasha and vinyaraaj exchanged glances and nodded their heads, as they heard Arjun. And the next moment they entered deep inside the deserted valley along with the Lin clan's soldiers. While Arjun disappeared from that place to look for yohan.     

Meanwhile, somewhere else.     

"You are deaf or what? Your face reeks of fear or you know that you are going to die?" The two men pointed their swords towards the mysterious figure who wanted to meet lord Nicholas.     

"Sigh, I think I don't have any other choice." The figure said, looking towards those two guards with disgust, and the next moment the metallic sound was heard.      

*Clang, clang*     

In an instant two daggers were seen piercing through the guards necks. It happened so fast leaving no chance for them to react or comprehend anything.      

That figure retrieved those daggers and daringly entered the Nicholas camp, leaving those two guards there on the ground waiting for their painful and slow death.     

Meanwhile on some other side of the battlefield, two of the mysterious figures were carrying out another task.      

"What are you two doing here?" A group of four soldiers stopped the two figures, who were wearing the armour of Nichole clan. As they were about to enter the Nichole army's main camp, which is reserved for Lord Nicholas and his generals; the guards tried to stop their intervention.     

Hearing those words the figures halted their movement and one of the armed men stepped forward towards the guard.     

"We are on the petrol." That figure responded to those four soldiers, who hearing those words, the soldiers exchanged meaningful glances.      

One of the guards approached the figures and spoke curtly while confronting them.      

"We are not blind, we can see that you are from the patrolling unit. But what are you doing here around the main camp, no one is allowed to enter here besides the lord Nicholas personal unit."      

The guard cautiously waited, while his suspicion rose.     

"Is that so?" That figure mumbled and took a sigh as he heard that soldier, and the next moment a punch landed on that soldier of the Nichole clan. He went flying a few hundred metres away from that place the moment he got hit by Yohan's fist.     

Yohan removed his helmet and looked towards the remaining three soldiers, who were in daze as they saw one of their pals getting defeated effortlessly. It happened rapidly as they became incapable of comprehending the current situation.     

"This damn helmet is extremely heavy and I am getting suffocated by these damn things. I am pissed off right now, there is no point in hiding myself more as our army is on the way." Yohan looked at Jasmine as he groaned upon the unnecessary disguise.     

Jasmine was taken aback as she heard him, this was all of Yohan's plan but now he was spouting things which didn't make any sense to her.     

"Why are you still hiding your beautiful face inside these uncomfortable helmet? Throw that damned thing away, there is no point in hiding yourself now?"     

Yohan smiled as he instructed her.     

Jasmine took a deep breath and followed his suggestion. "What the hell are you doing? We are surrounded by more than a hundred soldiers and you decide to reveal yourself now? Are you out of your mind young master Yohan?" Jasmine growled in half anger and surprised, she was utterly confused upon his acts.      

Yohan chuckled as he heard her concerns about their safety. "Call me Yohan, that young master is pretty annoying and there is no point to hide as he already knows we are here." Yohan responded to Jasmine and his gaze went towards the sky, where a masked figure was floating without anybody noticing.      

A masked figure looked towards Yohan and Jasmine with a meaningful keen stare.      

"How amusing you are, the heir of the Lin clan!" The masked man mumbled as his gaze studied both of them, however his voice didn't really sound praising Yohan.      

Yohan clenched his fist seeing that masked man as he felt uneasy. That looming thing had been looking over them the moment they entered inside the deserted valley, but Yohan ignored him as he didn't radiate any killing intent up until now.     

Jasmine's attention was straight upon the matter and she took a step closer to Yohan, with her face creased with a frightful expression.      

"Don't worry no one can harm you as long as I am around!" Yohan assured her without looking at jasmine. She glanced at him and the expressions were replaced with a blissful gesture on her face.     

That masked figure giggled evil as he saw the little act. "We will meet again young master Yohan, you are very lucky that I am still bound to my master's orders." An eerie voice echoed in the whole surrounding and the next moment that figure disappeared from the sky. The whole surrounding became dead silent; those three remaining soldiers came to their senses, as they heard the name of Yohan from the mouth of the unknown masked man who was standing into the sky a moment ago.     


"Kill him, we are infiltrated by the Lin clan!"     

Those three soldiers panicked after seeing this and those words slipped through their mouths hurriedly. Jasmine unsheathed her swords as she heard those soldiers, she knew there was no turning back now as things became like that. Within a moment those words spread like a wildfire inside the whole enemy camp, and thousands of soldiers started pouring into that place to kill yohan.     

Yohan didn't give any reaction to those soldiers as they looked at him with killing intent, but he looked towards the particular side as he saw a soldier coming at him with a furious gaze.     

"Die you bastard go to hell!" That man roared as he looked yohan.     


"You are a thousand years too early to kill me." With lightning-fast speed Yohan appeared in front of him and grabbed him by his neck. It happened in the blink of an eye as those soldiers took a few steps behind unconsciously.     

"I don't have time to play with you all, call your master or die."      

Yohan ordered curtly giving them an ultimatum and next moment a frightening sword appeared in his hand. The sword was burning with a dark black fire, making those people kneel before him for their lives. A few soldiers came to their senses as they realised how capable the man was, accompanied by a woman and having a strange kind of weapon he could eradicate them no matter how many!     

"Kill the women first!" One of the soldiers shouted to his men, and within an instant more than hundreds of soldiers dashed towards the jasmine to kill her.     

Jasmine tightened her swords as she awaited to play with those fools, she smiled and was ready to kill or be killed. But one thing had certainly changed, that now she was not afraid to spot so many armed men in front of her eyes.     

"You changed me Yohan, I am not afraid of anyone anymore. No matter if I live or die, being with you I fear no one!" She looked at him as she mumbled loudly while thanking him. Yohan shook his head with a smile, as he heard Jasmine's words. And shifted his gaze in the other direction where those soldiers were approaching Jasmine to kill her.     

"Fools are everywhere no matter wherever you go." He mumbled the next moment.     

[Thousands steps sword technique Lightning asura]     

Yohan mumbled and the next moment hundreds of heads exploded and went flying into the air. The frightful spectacle presented an unnatural scenario, within a moment Yohan beheaded hundreds of Nichole soldiers. He was hundreds metres away but within the blink of an eye he was standing in front of her, using his lightning fast speed and behind him heads were flying into the air.     

Everything ran in slow motion, Jasmine's gaze was fixated on Yohan's face, she forgot everything in those moments. Her heart pounced louder upon finding Yohan closer to her face.     

"I told you no one can harm you." Yohan smirked as he took a step closer to her.      

Jasmine smiled with an admiring glance and slipped her hand on Yohan's neck, the next moment her lips were on his as she passionately enjoyed his closeness. Arjun appeared in the sky, Natasha and vinyaraaj arrived along with their army as everyone saw Yohan and Jasmine into each other's arms.     

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