Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Coercion—— Xiao Hua gets choked.

Coercion—— Xiao Hua gets choked.

0Yu Dong did not know that she was being targeted. She asked Ye Liu to go around the village and hire a few mers who were widowed or had disabled wives or parents to take care of. She asked him to bring them to their house such that she could teach them how to make bread and jam. Even though her family had a lot of members, each one was responsible for a certain thing.      

Currently, she and Chen Mi were trying to make butter out of milk which was why she wanted to make use of an old method that consisted of a rope, a large round pole and a pot made from mud, the function was simple, they only needed raw milk and continue to whip it until buttermilk was formed. Once done they would need to squeeze out the buttermilk which would only leave butter behind.     

Such things were definitely simple in the eyes of the modern world people but for people in this era it was going to be a novel thing and Yu Dong was going to make full use of it!      

While Ye Liu was outside, Qiao Sha once again came to talk with Yu Dong. She wanted to say something to Yu Dong about the current situation but more than that she wanted to taste the bread and jam since Jiang Fenhua sold it at a high price to her.      

" Can you three just fight among yourselves?" Yu Dong was speechless when she found Qiao Sha sitting in her living room again. Clearly, she was a marquis but instead, she stayed in the village all day long and hardly did any sort of work. Was being a Marquis this simple?     

Even Yu Dong had to work harder than this!      

"It's not that I don't want to but they are not listening to me what can I do?" Qiao Sha replied while eating the bread and jam that she found a delight to feast upon. She wanted to buy it as soon as possible but Yu Dong told her that it would take a few months before they could start selling the bread and jam.      

What was more they needed a lot of mer power before they could prepare to sell these things at a large scale.      

The two of them were talking when suddenly Yu Dong heard the sound of the door opening with a bang. Startled she turned to look outside only to find two tall and muscular-looking mammies standing outside. They were holding Ye Liu and Xiao Hua in their arms while the two of them tried to resist their hold but no matter how much they struggled. There was no way they could get out of the hold of the mammies.      

" I am telling you! To let go of me!" Xiao Hua stomped on the foot of the mammy who was holding him. " I don't give a fck that you are here to talk business with my fiancée! If you use coercion against her, I will shove this umbrella in your coochie and open it? Got it!" He waved the paper umbrella in his hand as he tried to hit the mammy holding him.      

On the other hand, Ye Liu's face was ashen, he could not believe that he couldn't run away from this mammy who approached him and asked him to take her to his wife. He knew that she was not a good woman but before he could turn around and run, she hit him in the back of his legs and caused him to fall.      

"What's going on?" Chen Mi peeked out of the kitchen, he wanted to go outside but Yu Dong stopped him while calling Lang to lock the doors that were opened at the back and then asked her husbands to stay inside. She and Qiao Sha stepped out of the house and only then did Yu Dong take a good look at the mammies.      

Though her heart skipped a beat, she calmly looked at the mammies and asked, " Who are you?"      

One of the mammies turned to look at Yu Dong and then said, " Our boss wants to talk to you."      

Yu Dong's sword-like brows furrowed as she looked at her struggling husband and fiancé before asking, " Who is this boss? I don't think that inviting someone to a talk requires capturing my family."      

" Our boss said that as long as you follow us, she will not touch your family," said the other mammy.      

Though Yu Dong did not know who these mammies were, she could see that they were not from the imperial family as Qiao Sha was still calmly standing next to her.      

" Sure," said Yu Dong but she pointed to Qiao Sha and stated, " But I will have to bring my sister."      

" Our boss said that you need to come alone," remarked the mammies.      

But Yu Dong did not budge, she calmed her anxiety and then said, " Then you might as well forget it. You might have captured my mers but they are not important than my life, are they? I can always find someone else."      

Though Yu Dong was taking a gamble here, she hoped that her gamble would succeed.      

The mammies saw how uncaring Yu Dong sounded and then looked down at the mers, seeing how listless they looked they half believed Yu Dong. After all, there was no lack of mers in their town, even more beautiful mers could be found but even so, one of the mammies reached forward and then caught hold of Xiao Hua's neck while the other raised her hand to slap Ye Liu.      

Yu Dong clenched her fists but she was stopped by Qiao Sha as the latter shuffled closer and tugged her sleeve.      

Only then did Yu Dong bite her bottom lip and stop herself from rushing forward and even though she wanted to break the hands of the mammies who were clutching Xiao Hua's neck and raising her hand to slap Ye Liu, she held herself back.      

" AHHHHHH!!!"      

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