Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Its all right, it worked fine

Its all right, it worked fine

0Xiao Hua felt his scalp prickle when this thought came to his head, he could not believe it. Just how many lives did this woman take to get what she wanted? She could have brought any orphan from the city but she actually chose Pei Yuyan and for the sake of adopting her, she even killed Pei Yuyan's parents causing the latter to become an orphan for her selfish desire and Li Li who was sick to fend for her self, just how cruel was this woman who was sitting in front of him acting like she was not in the wrong?      

It made his instincts scream, they were telling him to hop out of the window and smash his head open rather than be caught and dragged to a lonely place by this woman.      

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