Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 91

Chapter 91

0"Though I do not think draining yourself of mana was particularly commendable."     

"Th-That was my first time healing such a severe wound… I did not know it would use up so much. I was also unaware… of how dangerous mana depletion could be."     

"Unsurprising, considering you learned from the personification of irresponsibility himself," said the princess, her tone suddenly sour. "I find it hard to believe that he failed to teach you the most important thing one must keep in mind when using magic. I would advise you to find a more reliable mentor as soon as possible."     

"Ruth… is a good mentor. He did his best to instruct me… despite how busy he was."     

"But it was not enough."     

Maxi wanted to defend Ruth, but she pressed her lips together at the princess's cold tone. It seemed the princess was more antagonistic toward Ruth than Maxi had first thought.     

Taking Maxi's silence as agreement, the princess said, "How about this? Why don't you come to the capital with Riftan? I will arrange for you to learn magic from an exceptional royal sorcerer. If you truly wish to learn magic properly, it is important for you to have the right guidance."     

"I-I am… happy with Ruth, and… I do not think…. Riftan would want to leave Anatol."     

"I am sure he will change his mind if you tell him you wish to stay in the capital. Please think about it. You would be able to enjoy a far more opulent lifestyle in Drachium. The palace holds grand banquets every day, and there are so many things to see around the city. You would also be able to socialize with the other noblewomen more freely."     

Maxi looked up at the princess's captivating face. The capital would have no shortage of similarly beautiful women. Surrounded by such company, Riftan would surely grow sick of his wife in no time.     

Beyond that, Maxi felt no attraction to the kind of lifestyle the capital had to offer.     

"I th-thank you for the invitation, Your Highness… but I am happy with my l-life here," said Maxi as resolutely as she could.     

The princess's lips parted as though she were about to say something, but she let out a sigh instead. "Both of you are as stubborn as mules."     

"Do you… wish to take Riftan back with you to the capital, Your Highness?"     

"His Majesty wishes to keep Riftan close to him. He wants to quell any division in the kingdom by displaying Riftan's fealty to the crown before all the noble families. Having a powerful knight like Riftan Calypse on his side would certainly strengthen the loyalty of the other nobles."     

The princess's lips suddenly twisted into a bitter smile.     

"That is also the reason why His Majesty attempted to have us wed. He was worried Riftan might desert Wedon and defect to Livadon or Osiriya. Every ruler in this world would want the greatest knight in their service after all."     

"Riftan… is quite attached to Anatol. He would never… abandon this land for another," Maxi hastily replied, surprised by how greatly the royal family doubted Riftan's loyalty.     

The princess shrugged. "That is what I think as well. From what I've observed these past few days, it is obvious that he is putting everything on the line to breathe new life into Anatol. He would not be pouring in so much effort if he intended to defect to another kingdom. I'm sure His Majesty will be similarly reassured if I relay this fact to him."     

Maxi carefully studied the princess's face. "Did you come to ascertain… if he had no intention of leaving, Your Highness?"     

Instead of an answer, the princess gave Maxi an ambiguous smile. That in itself was answer enough.     

"It was not my intention to disturb your rest for so long… It seems I've unsettled you by saying too much. I should go."     

"N-No. I am grateful that you came to see me."     

Princess Agnes rose from her seat and gave Maxi a gentle smile.     

"You'll need to rest for a day or two to recuperate. I pray that you will return to full health soon."     

"Th-Thank you."     

The princess's blue eyes, which had somehow always felt cold, sparkled with warmth for the first time. After regarding Maxi with a gentle gaze, the princess turned around and left the room. Exhausted, Maxi slumped into the bed.     


Maxi fell asleep. When she finally awoke and scanned the dim room, the sun had moved to the other side. She sat up rubbing her dry eyes. Despite the substantial sleep, she still felt dazed and her body listless.     

"How are you feeling?"     

Startled by the sudden voice in the room, Maxi turned toward it. Riftan sat before the fireplace with his legs stretched out in front of him.     

"W-When did you return? I heard that… you went to the training grounds."     

"Right after I received the knights' reports about the wyvern attack. I thought someone should keep an eye on you."     

He spoke in a somber murmur, absentmindedly stroking the cat sitting atop his knee.     

"I was unable to do anything because I was too worried about you getting out of bed."     

"I… d-didn't leave the chambers."     

"I know. I was here, watching you," he answered bluntly.     

Maxi rolled her eyes. Just how long had he been sitting there? She knew she was not the only one who needed rest. Concerned, she studied his face, but Riftan placed the clinging kitten back into its basket and walked over to the fireplace.     

"You must be hungry. You haven't had anything proper all day. I've warmed some soup — do you think you can stomach it?"     

"I think… I-I could have some."     

Grabbing a ladle, he stirred the cauldron before pouring some soup into a wooden bowl.     

"Be careful. It's hot."     

Maxi took the bowl from him and stirred the clear liquid with a spoon. It was watery, made of ground herbs, steeped barley, and eggs.     

She blew on the rising steam before taking a small sip. The moment the warm, savory soup passed down her throat, her stomach began to grumble. Only then did she realize how famished she was, and she began to eat in earnest.     

Riftan, seated at the edge of the bed, quietly watched her. He released a sigh of relief.     

"Your appetite is back. You must be better now."     

"I kept… t-telling you I was all right."     

"But that's what you always say, even when you aren't," he replied coldly.     

He stood and walked over to the fireplace to hang a small kettle over the flames. Clutching her spoon, Maxi gazed nervously at his back. Was he still angry with her? Although he looked calmer than when he had left that morning, he still looked overstrung.     

After a few moments spent staring absently into the fireplace, Riftan broke the silence. "I heard Agnes came by this morning… Did she say anything impertinent?"     

"N-No. She didn't say anything. She just…" Maxi trailed off, unsure if she should tell him about the princess's suggestion that they come live in the capital.     

Riftan turned to look at her with a quizzical look. "She just what?"     

"She said that… there had been a breach in her barrier… which is how that monster managed to wreak havoc on the camp yesterday. I-It seems that she feels responsible for it. She blames herself for putting me in danger… and apologized."     

"I see."     

An awkward silence fell over the room once again. Uneasy, Maxi studied Riftan's face. She did not know how she was supposed to act when her husband was so obviously angry with her.     

Whenever her father had been in a foul mood, she had tried to make herself as inconspicuous as possible. Her words would stoke his anger, so she knew better than to speak.     

However, Riftan's mood only seemed to worsen the longer she kept silent.     

Riftan's face was grim as he went back to staring into the flames. Finally, he spoke in a low voice. "Maxi, what happened yesterday can never happen again. Do you understand?"     

Maxi's shoulders flinched at his calm tone. Although he had not been explicit, she knew exactly what he meant. Riftan poked at the fire, then slowly turned his head to look at her, his gaze intense.     

"I know you were trying to do your duty as my wife, but Anatol is different from the Duchy of Croyso. Countless monsters dwell in Anatolium, and it's impossible to know where or when they might cause trouble. You heard about the lives that were lost, correct?"     

Maxi nodded stiffly. For a brief moment, hesitation lurked in Riftan's eyes. Then, as if trying to shake off his reluctance, he continued.     

"It could have been you."     

A chill settled in Maxi's stomach, and she hunched her shoulders like a turtle. Were it not for Ulyseon's quick actions, she could have been gravely injured. She could not deny Riftan's claim; all she could do was hang her head.     

Riftan's voice seemed to grow harsher. "You don't even know what you're doing. The fact that you used your magic until you were out of mana is proof. If I had known you would be so reckless, I would never have allowed you to study it."     

"I-It was only because I was inexperienced. I will be… more careful next time."     

"There will be no next time."     

His voice was as cold as ice.     

Maxi looked up at him in disconcertment. "B-But you were the one who said… I could do as I wished."     

Riftan stalked over to the bed. "Not when it compromises your safety! You are my wife. It is my duty to keep you safe. I cannot stand the thought of you in danger, nor can I bear to see you in pain. What happened yesterday can never happen again."     

"Then… what shall I do? What shall I do… w-while you are fighting battles and enduring all kinds of hardships?"     

"You don't have to do anything."     

His broad chest heaving, Riftan cupped Maxi's face in his hands.     

"Have I not told you countless times that I have no expectations of you? You've turned this place into a new castle, and you're already managing the household. That is more than enough."     

Maxi wanted to argue, but she did not know what to say.     

Her lips quivered pitifully. Everything she had done so far had been to appear useful to him. She had worked so hard to be someone he could rely on. Yet, Riftan did not require her help in the least. Unable to accept this fact, Maxi pressed her lips shut.     

Riftan's face crumbled. "I'm begging you… Don't make me worry."     

Tears welled up in Maxi's eyes. How could she argue against such a plea? Unable to remain obstinate against the man who had been beside himself with concern for her, Maxi nodded weakly. Riftan pulled her into a tight embrace.     

Maxi rested her head on his shoulder and mumbled in a choked voice, "I'm sorry… for worrying you."     

His hot breath grazed her neck as he sighed. He drew her head tightly against his chest, and Maxi slowly closed her eyes. She could not figure out why his warm, sturdy arms, which had always put her at ease, now felt so confining.     

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