Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 85

Chapter 85

0Riftan studied her face as if seeking confirmation.     

"But that doesn't mean you wish to lie with him, does it?" he said sharply.     

"O-Of course not!"     

The fact that Riftan was even bringing up the notion offended her. Maxi frowned. Was he still bothered by her spending time with Ruth?     

Her temper rising, Maxi said, "I-I… swear to you, I… have never entertained… such immoral thoughts! And… Ruth would n-never betray your trust—"     

"I know. I'm just trying to explain to you how it is between me and the princess. I do not dislike her… In fact, I would go so far as to say I regard her in a good light. But I have never once wanted to kiss her."     

Riftan murmured in a low voice, gently sucking her lip. The feel of his stubble grazing her face felt good.     

"It's different from what I feel for you."     

"What… do you feel… for me?"     

With nervous eyes, Maxi glanced up at his masculine face. The only thing they shared was their bed, and this tiny portion was the only part of his life she could claim as hers.     

Riftan looked at her before pulling her to his chest. She heard his voice above her head.     

"You are the only family I have," he said with a sigh.     

She had not been expecting that. Maxi felt her heart ache. Catching her breath, she silently repeated his words. Family. She had never once thought of Riftan as her family, but he was right — they were family. He was her husband, and she was his wife. Maxi felt a lump in her throat.     

Riftan seemed disquieted by her silence and brought his hand to her belly.     

"Though it would be three of us if you ever give me a child," he said humorously, caressing her stomach.     

"D-Do you… want a child?"     

"It would be nice. A little nipper with red hair and big gray eyes crawling around. What's not to love?"     

"I-I… would like our child… to have… black hair," Maxi murmured, her throat tight with emotion.     

Just imagining a baby that resembled Riftan was enough to fill her with joy.     

Our child.     

Ever since she had arrived in Anatol, she had been far too busy to even consider children. But thinking about it now, it was about time they had one.     

Maxi's drowsy eyes sparkled. She imagined holding a soft baby in her arms and breathing in its milky scent as she ran her fingers through its thick, black hair. What would the feeling of a baby suckling on her with its plump, rosy lips be like? What about the joy of seeing the child come running into her arms calling her mother? The anticipation made Maxi's heart flutter. Then, a sudden thought broke through her pleasant reverie.     

It had been almost half a year since she had come to Anatol. Was it not strange that she was not yet pregnant? Her nursemaid had told her that her bleeding would stop once she was pregnant. If that were so, should it not have stopped already? Although Riftan had been away a few times, they had not been negligent of their marital duties.     

Remembering how her own mother had struggled to conceive, Maxi grew anxious.     

"Let us sleep."     

Riftan reached over to turn off the lamp before tucking the blanket up to Maxi's chin. She snuggled into his warm embrace and shook off the terrifying premonition. It was still too early for such worries. There were couples who had to try for years before finally conceiving a child. She was certain that if she waited… she would be able to give him the good news.     


The next day, Maxi once again woke to find herself alone in the sunlit bedchamber. Her eyes still heavy with sleep, she glanced at the empty spot next to her and sighed as she sat up. Riftan's diligence was astonishing.     

In low spirits, Maxi got out of bed and dressed herself. She intended to tackle the tasks she had been unable to do due to the excursion with the princess. These included checking the progress of the landscaping and making sure the guests had everything they needed.     

It was another usual, busy day, but Maxi felt her spirits had lifted. She smiled as she recalled Riftan's warm arms that had held her throughout the night. It felt good to know that his passion for her had not waned.     

When Maxi stepped out of her chambers, the maidservants who had been cleaning the windows bowed and greeted her with bright smiles.     

"Good morning, my lady."     

"Did you sleep well, my lady?"     

"Yes. Did the guests… have a pleasant night?"     

"Yes, my lady. They all said that they slept well. All of them except the princess are currently resting in their rooms."     

"What about Her Highness?"     

"Her Highness has gone to the knights' training grounds with his lordship early in the morning."     

"With… his lordship?"     

Seeing her face fall, a keen maidservant quickly added, "The royal knights were also with them, my lady. I heard that they will be watching the sentries' training."     

"I-I see."     

Embarrassed that the maidservant had read her displeasure, Maxi quickly turned away. Riftan had made it clear last night that he felt nothing for the princess. Yet, it still perturbed Maxi to hear that he was currently with Princess Agnes. Had she always been such a jealous woman?     

Maxi rushed down the stairs rubbing her flushed face. Her unease, however, lingered while she inspected the gardens with Rodrigo.     

It was not as if her husband had gone to have a secret tryst with another woman. So why did she feel like she was being driven into a corner? Maxi found herself pacing around the garden. Finally, unable to bear the anxiety any longer, she made her way to the training grounds. It could be awkward with her there, but she did not think she could regain her peace of mind unless she was with them.     

Holding that thought in her mind, she briskly walked past the gate. That was when she heard a loud cry, and she looked down from the entrance.     

The knights must have been holding a special training, for there were more than the usual number gathered on the grounds. Princess Agnes and her attendants stood off to the side, and Maxi spotted the squires amongst the group on the opposite end.     

Everyone's attention was on the two knights making their way to the pitch. Maxi's eyes widened. Both knights wore helmets, but she immediately recognized Riftan.     

Is Riftan going to fight the knight? But, why?     

The two knights drew their swords. From his armor, it was apparent that Riftan's opponent was one of the princess's royal knights. Had a conflict arisen between Riftan and the guests?     

The royal knight suddenly charged at Riftan with such speed that it was hard to believe he was wearing armor. The knight was like a weighted ball shooting through the air.     

Maxi shrieked and staggered back, but her voice was drowned out by the thunderous clashing of swords.     

Riftan deflected his opponent's sword like a flash of light. The royal knight promptly swung his sword again. Their metal blades proceeded to clash faster than a hummingbird flapping its wings, and the deafening clanging rang across the grounds.     

Maxi watched in stunned silence. The two knights lashed at each other with such force that their feet dug into the ground, scattering dust around them like fog.     

The duel was so intense that it was surprising that one had not yet sliced the other in half. Unable to watch the frightening sight any longer, Maxi looked away and saw Sir Elliot. He was approaching her with a look of concern.     

"Are you all right, my lady?"     

"S-Sir Elliot…"     

Maxi instinctively clutched at his cape.     

"W-What on e-earth is happening? W-Why is Riftan…"     

"Rest assured, my lady, they are merely sparring with one another."     

She looked at him in disbelief. "S-Sparring?"     

She could still hear the thunderous clashing of their swords behind her.     

"H-How can this be considered sparring! W-What if they get hurt?"     

"I don't know about the royal knight, but the Commander is just humoring his opponent."     

Elliot tried his best to reassure Maxi, but her heart pounded each time their swords met. It made her indignant that the knights looked on with their arms crossed, not concerned in the slightest.     

"If you do not feel well, my lady, please allow me to escort you back," said Elliot, looking worriedly at her ashen face.     

Maxi unwittingly leaned against the knight as he supported her. At that moment, a sharp clang rang out, and silence fell over the grounds.     

Beside herself with worry, Maxi looked back to make sure Riftan was not hurt. Much to her relief, he was standing as steady as a stone statue. He brought the tip of his sword to his opponent's neck. After a long silence, the royal knight slowly raised his arms, admitting defeat.     

The tension eased, and Maxi let out a sigh of relief. Neither of them seemed to be hurt. As she loosened her stiff shoulders, she felt a hot gaze land on her.     

Maxi reluctantly looked back down. Riftan, having cast off his helmet, was staring at her with a thunderous look. Sheathing his sword, he strode to where she was and pulled her away from Elliot.     

"Explain to me what you are doing with my wife."     

Elliot took a step back.     

"I was trying to support her ladyship. She was shaken by the sparring," he said, clearly flustered.     

Riftan glared at him before turning his gaze to Maxi. "You should not be here. It's no place for someone as faint-hearted as you."     

With that, he grabbed her arm and turned in the direction of the gate. Maxi let out a whimper when his gauntlet dug into her skin, and Riftan immediately released her as if he had been burned. Rubbing her aching forearm, she looked up at him in confusion. She could not understand his sudden displeasure.     

"I-I am all right. I was… merely surprised… because I've never seen… knights sparring like that before."     

"Have you never attended a joust or longsword tournament, Maximilian?"     

It was Princess Agnes.     

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