Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 84

Chapter 84

0Maxi, Ludis, and Sybil all grimaced in disgust. Seeing their reactions, Princess Agnes laughed.     

"They are only rumors. Being caught would lead to immediate banishment, so I doubt there is anyone mad enough to do such a thing."     

"That is a heavy punishment indeed, but… I cannot fathom why anyone would want to consume such things in the first place," Sybil remarked as he made a small gagging noise into his sleeve.     

"Anyhow, it is no easy feat to create a magical device in Drachium. Not only do mages need a cleric's permission to purchase the items needed, they must acquire them on the black market at an inflated price. This is why mages in the capital come to the southern regions of the kingdom where the influence of the Reformed Church is greater."     

"Does that mean… mages would flock… to Anatol as well?"     

"I think a lot of them are already here. I saw quite a few doing business with the mercenaries. I bet more mages would come to Anatol once they find out how lax the church's influence is here."     

If the princess was right and more mages did come to Anatol, then it would benefit the land. After all, Anatol was in dire need of more mages. They would need at least three or four more to be able to treat people more efficiently if another catastrophic monster attack were to happen.     

But even if more mages do come to Anatol, they would all be gone once winter returns… They would not be much help unless they could be convinced to settle here.     

Maxi was deep in thought when the princess, who had been studying Maxi silently, asked in a cryptic tone, "Are you an adherent of the Reformed Church, Maximilian?"     

"To my knowledge… the Duchy of Croyso… followed the Orthodox Church. The doctrines… were always strictly observed," Maxi replied. Then, not wanting the princess to misunderstand, quickly added, "But… that does not m-mean… that I consider magic… immoral. I consider magic… a talent… bestowed by God. No different from swordsmanship… or cleverness."     

"How nice of you to say so," the princess said with a gentle smile.     

Although Maxi had meant what she said and was not simply trying to please the princess, she chose not to share the fact that she was also learning magic. She was too embarrassed to call herself a mage in front of such a great sorceress. The mere thought of doing so made her blush. Clearing her throat, Maxi tapped the panel to signal the coachman to start moving.     

"Where are we off to now?"     

"Back to the castle, Your Highness. We wasted so much time at the market that I'm afraid I am already exhausted and covered in dirt," her attendant complained, stretching his legs. "I should like a nice bath and a good rest before the sun goes down."     

They had reached halfway across the outskirts of Anatol. All the passengers of the carriage beside the princess were exhausted, and it was decided that they would return to the castle. The sky blazed red from the setting sun.     

When they arrived, Maxi stepped out of the carriage and looked up at the indigo clouds across an amber sky. She had been a bundle of nerves the whole trip, and now her shoulders and neck felt stiff.     

Wincing, Maxi began walking up to the great hall when she felt an arm wrap around her waist and pull her against a sturdy chest. Maxi turned around, startled. It was Riftan, in full armor, hugging her from behind.     

"You must have found it tiresome, being dragged around all day."     

The princess, stepping out of the carriage with Ursuline's assistance, covered her mouth in mock indignation. "Heavens, what a mean thing to say. You make it sound as if I forced Maximilian to accompany me today."     

Ignoring the princess, Riftan looped an arm around Maxi's shoulder and planted a kiss on the top of her head.     

It was an affectionate gesture he had not shown in quite a while. Maxi's face flushed. Although such public displays of intimacy still embarrassed her, her heart raced and a tingling sensation made the fine hairs on her nape stand up. A shiver ran down her spine when he gently caressed the side of her neck.     

"Back so soon, Commander?" Hebaron asked, looking up from the luggage he was unloading from the carriage. "I thought the soil inspection for the road construction would take a while, so I assumed you would be returning late. I hope there is no problem."     

Riftan let out a sigh and released Maxi.     

"I'm afraid there is, which is why I've been waiting out here for you and Ursuline to return. Gather everyone in the council room. There's something I wish to discuss."     

"God. At this hour?"     

"Correct," Riftan answered firmly.     

Hebaron stuck his lip out like a duck. Maxi bit her lip as well, except in disappointment. Irritation at having to spend the night alone again rushed through her.     

Oblivious to her discontent, Riftan turned to Maxi. "You must be tired. You should get some rest."     

With that, he gently pushed her in the direction of the great hall. Maxi reluctantly began walking away with Ludis trailing behind her when something made her stop in her tracks. The princess was following the knights instead of going to her own chambers.     

"Let me join you. I will help you if I can, for old times' sake," Princess Agnes said to Riftan.     

Riftan gave her a curt nod. "How kind of you."     

Maxi vacantly stared after Hebaron, Ursuline, Riftan, and the princess as they headed toward the knights' quarters.     

Maxi's chest felt tight. An unpleasant feeling swelled in her stomach. Desperate to shake it off, Maxi hurried up the stairs.     


The evening went by with Maxi dining alone in her chambers and whiling away the time by watching the kittens play. She wondered what deliberations were keeping the knights in the council room until this late into the night. The servants told her that Riftan had asked for supper to be served there as well.     

Despite her exhaustion, Maxi lit a candle and began reading an ancient text at the desk. She was determined to stay up until Riftan returned. After a while, she heard the door open, and Riftan quietly walked into the room.     

"You are… back."     

Riftan froze in the middle of casting off his armor and turned to her.     

"I thought you would be asleep."     

He threw off his robe and strode over.     

"Why are you awake? Today's excursion must have tired you."     

"It was not… that tiring."     

Furrowing his brow, Riftan cupped her chin and brushed a calloused thumb over the dark circle under her eye.     

"I know you've been busy with the garden and the welcome preparations. You need not exert yourself so much."     

"I am… all right. It is you… who needs rest."     

His touch melted her. Maxi impulsively leaned her cheek into it and pressed her lips to his palm. She felt his hand twitch. With a groan, Riftan crushed his mouth on hers. His lips were slightly cold, and Maxi tasted traces of wine on his tongue.     

"I have been frustrated with need lately," he mumbled, a hint of self-deprecation in his somber tone.     

He cupped her cheek and swept away the curls covering her ear. Candlelight illuminated his face, making it look almost sinister.     

"But I do not wish to tire you. If you do not want to…"     

"I-I… don't mind."     

Maxi cautiously reached for his arm. She had missed him terribly.     

Riftan's eyes bored into her face. A beast-like growl rumbled in his throat, and he began sucking on her lips with a fervor.     

Maxi responded by running her hand through his hair. Heat simmered inside her. Riftan hurried out of his clothes and began fondling her breasts. As he stroked them until they were tender, Maxi caressed his hard chest and neck. He was like a frenzied hound freed from its leash. Nothing could have cooled his feverish desire.     

Riftan hungrily kissed her lips as if he wanted to swallow her whole while he stroked the flesh between her legs. It was only when she was frantic with need that he finally entered her.     

The sharp pleasure she had not felt for a long time made her feel as though she were melting. The climax he took her to was so intense that it burned away the lingering emotions that clung to her heart. However, even within that moment of pleasure, Maxi felt a void.     

Her eyes took on a faraway look as she lay in his arms and stared at the canopy above the bed. It was unbelievable that there was a hunger within her that would not be sated by passion. Why was it that she could not rid herself of this anxiety when he clearly cherished her more than she deserved? The loneliness felt like a stain that refused to be scrubbed off.     

"Did I tire you after all?"     

Sensing her tension, Riftan rubbed her sweat-slicked skin. He sounded concerned.     

Maxi buried her face in his shoulder and shook her head. Not reassured, Riftan caressed her swollen, pink breast and peppered her shoulder with kisses.     

"Did Agnes say anything?"     

"What… do you mean… by anything?"     

Riftan propped his head up, a faint line creasing his forehead. "Are you trying to get something out of me?"     

"N-No… I really don't know… what you mean."     

"The princess has a temper, and she has a knack for talking cryptically in such a way as to make you reveal your inner thoughts. She is also quite skilled at riling people for the sake of it, or manipulating them to do as she bids. I only ask because I was concerned she might have done the same to you."     

Riftan was speaking ill of the princess, and yet Maxi still felt upset. It baffled her. She placed her leg above his rock-hard thigh and wriggled her toes, pretending to be unconcerned.     

"You must get on with her… very well."     


Riftan's eyes widened. Then he burst into laughter as though he found her comment ridiculous.     

"Have you not seen how I am with her? What in the devil makes you think we get along?"     

"You also treat… Ruth, Sir Hebaron… and the other knights s-similarly… but you have a good relationship with them… do you not?"     

Riftan studied her, his gaze intense. A fierce flush colored Maxi's face. She was mortified that her jealousy was so blatant. Riftan's lips twisted into a churlish smile.     

"If you put it like that, then I suppose I can't say that we are on bad terms. She is a talented, albeit annoying, woman. And she's not as arrogant as the rest of the royal family."     

Maxi hid her face against his shoulder again to conceal her disheartened expression. Riftan pecked the top of her head and teased the taut and rosy tips of her breast.     

"But that's it. I may be on amicable terms with her, but I have never wanted her as a woman. I'm sure it is the same for the princess."     

"How… would you know that?"     

"Near the end of the Dragon Campaign, she and I moved together as a team for almost a year, but she never once made any advances."     

Maxi wanted to ask him what he meant by advances, but she kept her mouth shut. The answer would only upset her more. She hated the fact that they had spent a year together. She knew she could not resent Riftan for it, but it bothered her greatly.     

Sensing that her mood had not improved, Riftan looked troubled.     

He brusquely blurted out, "You also get on well with Ruth, do you not?"     

The unexpected mention of Ruth's name startled her. Maxi's head snapped up in shock.     

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