Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 81

Chapter 81

0Riftan turned back to the smiling princess across the table with a stony expression.     

"Would that be to your satisfaction, Your Highness?"     

"As a mere unwanted guest, I would not dare complain. I am nothing but grateful that you would allow your cherished wife to accompany me."     

Placing a hand on her chest, the princess postured as though she had just received the highest of honors.     

Maxi's face flushed. Riftan had only expressed concern for his wife's safety while showing none for the royal sitting right before him. It would not have been surprising for anyone had the princess taken offence. Instead, Princess Agnes seemed to find Riftan's reaction amusing.     

"It seems I am not the only one who hasn't changed, Your Highness."     

Riftan shook his head as he regarded the grinning princess. He spoke as if he wearied of her, but his tone suggested a familiarity that made Maxi's heart ache.     

The princess condoned Riftan's insolence with good humor, and Riftan had been able to predict that she would do so. The bond they shared was one of easy understanding, forged between two people who had been in the trenches together.     

Maxi felt like an outsider. She stared down at her goblet. Though she felt despondent, how could she begrudge them of the camaraderie they shared? Princess Agnes had fought alongside Riftan during the hardest and bleakest time in his life. The Remdragon Knights, Ruth, Princess Agnes… They all deserved Riftan's friendship and trust.     

And what about Maxi? Had she done anything to earn his trust and affection?     

Seeing Maxi's face darken, Riftan furrowed his brow and stroked her hair.     

"I already said you should do as you wish, so stop frowning."     

Maxi smiled lest he notice her petty jealousy, and Riftan looked relieved. He gave her a faint smile and filled her goblet with wine.     

When Maxi saw his affectionate expression, she was momentarily overwhelmed with the urge to climb onto his lap and shower him with kisses. She wanted to caress the sharp outlines of his masculine face, to sit on his firm lap, and bury her face in his broad chest to breathe in his scent.     

What could she possibly do to make this man hers completely? Maxi raised her goblet to her lips, shielding herself from discerning eyes that might recognize her possessive desires. Disoriented and lonely, she felt like a lost child in an unfamiliar place.     


It seemed that Maxi had indulged in too much wine. In an attempt to drive out her gloomy thoughts, she had taken sip after sip, and in the next moment found herself lying in bed. Feeling groggy, Maxi blinked into the darkness. Riftan sat beside her removing the ornaments from her hair and undoing the straps of her bedraggled dress.     

"This is torture."     

He grunted as he pulled her dress over her head.     

Maxi peered up at him with dazed eyes. He looked over her lying prone in her thin chemise and scowled as if regarding a mortal enemy.     

"Not when you're like this. Do you have any idea… how hard it is to hold myself back?"     

Maxi wanted to tell him he did not need to hold himself back, but her drowsy lips would not cooperate. His restraint only made her more anxious. She did not want his consideration; she wanted him to take her with urgent need. Perhaps then she could forget how worthless and wretched she was.     

She would gladly bear the pain and exhaustion if it meant being in his arms, where all her anxiety and loneliness could melt away.     

Riftan sat quietly on the edge of the bed, his fingers grazing her disheveled hair. He lightly traced her burning cheeks before seemingly giving into his desires and cupping her breast.     

Maxi released a moan and pressed her chest further into Riftan's hand. He let out a low growl and pushed his wet tongue into her mouth. He tasted of wine.     

Drowsy pleasure overtook her, making the blood rush to her ears and her heavy eyelids flutter. She waited for him to lift up her skirt and stoke the heat between her legs. Her stomach burned with the desire to feel his big, calloused hands on her body.     

Riftan pulled back. Maxi sensed him rising from the bed and heard his long sigh. There was no time for the disappointment to set in before she drifted off to sleep.     


Maxi's eyes slid open when she felt a rough tongue licking her face. It was Roy, the black kitten, nudging her nose. His long whiskers tickled her.     

Maxi sat up rubbing her face. As always, Riftan was already gone. With a disappointed sigh, Maxi performed her morning ablutions and asked Ludis to help her dress. The wine headache was fortunately not as splitting this time.     

"The princess went to visit the training grounds early this morning and asked that we inform her when you awoke, my lady. Shall I go inform her now?"     

Maxi wondered if all participants of monster raids simply never ran out of stamina. Despite the long journey, Princess Agnes had arisen earlier and had already started the tour of the grounds. Maxi frowned as she threw on a cloak.     

"I-I wish to go down to the village… with the princess. M-Make all the required preparations… Ask the stables to prepare a carriage… and I would like a servant… who knows the village well… to accompany us."     

"I shall accompany you, my lady," replied Ludis assuredly.     

Maxi looked relieved. She had offered to show the princess around, but the reality was that she did not know her way around at all except for the path that led to the square and the market.     

"Then… I'll leave the preparation to you. I-I… shall go inform… Her Highness myself."     

Maxi reluctantly made her way to the great hall. Princess Agnes did not seem like a bad person, but Maxi still felt uncomfortable around her.     

Aside from the fact that she had almost married Riftan, Maxi found the princess's penetrating gaze and inhibited nature unsettling. On top of that, her intentions for coming to Anatol were still a mystery. Maxi could not help but be wary of her.     

Princess Agnes was a renowned sorceress in her own right. Would the king truly send her to such a far-flung region just to inspect the land?     

But even if she has ulterior motives… it's not as if I can do anything to stop it.     

Realizing that she was spiraling into despondency again, Maxi collected herself and made her way to the knights' training grounds.     

It was sunnier than the previous day. The wind was chilly, but the sunlight was warm, and the green-tinted ground hinted at spring. Puffy clouds glided across the blue sky, and Maxi gazed up at them before passing through the garden gate and onto the training grounds.     

She was met with an alarming sight: the princess at the center, sparring with a knight.     

Once again, the princess was dressed like a man except this time in silver armor. Her movements were graceful as she swung a sword at the knight. The knight easily deflected her attacks as he barked instructions.     

"Your lower body is open. Bend your knees!"     

Maxi reflexively shrunk back when the knight's sharp voice rang out across the grounds. It was Sir Ursuline.     

Although Maxi had run into him several times since his altercation with Riftan, she was still uncomfortable around him. There was an air of unfriendliness between them. Maxi hesitated at the top of the stairs, wondering if she should return. She saw the princess suddenly slump to the ground in exhaustion.     

"Darn! Still can't land a blow after all that training!" Princess Agnes grumbled.     

Ursuline smiled and sheathed his sword. "If I were to be bested by a sorceress, it would only be right that I be kicked out of the order."     

His voice was so gentle that Maxi found it difficult to believe that this was the sullen knight Maxi knew.     

"Still, you have improved since I saw you last."     

"I would have believed you if you were at least a little out of breath," the princess muttered, looking deflated.     

After a moment of hesitation, Maxi slowly descended the stairs. An attendant handed Princess Agnes a towel, and she was wiping her face with it when she noticed Maxi.     

"Good morning, Maximilian."     

"G-Good… morning, Your Highness. I trust… you slept well… last night?"     

"Very well indeed." Princess Agnes frowned. "But more importantly, I recall asking you to simply call me Agnes."     

"It would be improper… for me to address you… without your title…"     

"I see that you are quite guarded, Maximilian."     

The princess regarded Maxi with probing eyes before nodding.     

"Fair enough. Then, at least call me Princess Agnes. That is my name after all. I prefer to be seen as myself rather than just a princess."     

The princess's self-assurance was evident in her statement. Unable to meet Princess Agnes's penetrating gaze, Maxi looked down. An unpleasant emotion began swelling in her chest.     

"As you wish, Princess Agnes."     

"Good. I would like to see the village now. May we leave right away?"     

"I have asked the servants… to prepare a carriage."     

"I would prefer to go on horseback."     

"I have asked a servant… to accompany us."     

The princess furrowed her brows but soon shrugged.     

"All right, then," she said jovially, turning away. "I shall go summon my attendant."     

Ursuline had been quietly standing behind them. He regarded Maxi for a few moments before giving her a nod and following the princess.     

Before long, a luxurious carriage drawn by two horses was waiting for them at the castle entrance. Maxi climbed in with Ludis and took the back seat. The princess, having finished up her preparations, entered with her own attendant and settled into the seat across from Maxi. Two royal knights, Hebaron, and Ursuline also accompanied them. They were on horseback and stationed themselves on either side of the carriage. Once they were ready to leave, the coachman flicked the reins and led the carriage out of the castle grounds.     

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