Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 40

Chapter 40

0Riftan pushed his hand between Maxi's legs, muttering under his breath. A startled cry escaped her throat, and she was torn between a desire to spread her legs open and the instinct to squeeze them together. But before she could move, Riftan spread her legs wide open and lowered his head between them. Startled, Maxi twisted her body and pulled at the sheets.     

But her efforts to escape were futile. Riftan put his mouth on her without a moment of hesitation.     

"R-Rif— ah!"     

She instinctively squeezed Riftan's head with her thighs. He seized her ankles to hold her legs open and continued to caress her with his tongue, the obscene act leaving Maxi gasping for air. She writhed and bit down on the sheets.     

Though this was not the first time that he had used his tongue, Maxi felt overwhelmed. Panting, she hungrily accepted his tongue as heat coursed through her. She moaned softly at the sensation of his soft hair tickling her thighs and the sound of his uneven breaths. Just as she was about to reach climax, Riftan stopped.     

"I'll be inside you soon enough."     

Maxi began to rock her hips urgently. Seeing her plea, Riftan stroked her gently and swiftly undid the straps of his trousers. As he lowered them, something rigid sprang out from beneath.     

But Maxi had little time to feel embarrassment. Unable to contain the heat surging through her body, she pulled Riftan closer. When he brought his hips to hers, she rocked her lower body and rubbed herself against his hardness, frantic with desire.     


Riftan grabbed her hips to put them in position and plunged into her, making her legs spasm and jerk. His hardness thrust into the deepest part of her before slipping out swiftly. Maxi desperately clung to him.     

Riftan let out a low moan before thrusting into her again. After the long break from engaging in such acts, the movement was painful, but Maxi was hungry for more. A little more. And a little more… Crushed by the weight of Riftan's cold armor, she urged him on by rocking her hips faster.     

Riftan devoured her flushed body with flickering eyes, his lips aquiver. But soon, he was the one being devoured as Maxi wrapped her legs around him and tightened herself. She surprised herself with her own hunger. Riftan let out a long exhale.     

"I swear… The things you do to me."     


Maxi looked up in exasperation at Riftan, who appeared to be trying his best to restrain himself. She had wanted him to take her with greater urgency, to crush her like a man blinded by desire as he had done in the past. And so she used her legs to pull him in deeper.     

Riftan drew a sharp breath. His restraint snapped, setting his desire loose. And like a horse galloping through the fields, the silver-plated giant began to thrust into her like a madman tearing apart her delicate body. Maxi's hunger grew. Wanting to feel him deeper and deeper inside her, she stretched out her legs and pushed against the sheets.     

Riftan had carried her up the stairs with ease just moments ago, but he was now breathing heavily. Her ears went numb at the sound of their bodies bumping against each other and at the creaking of the bed and his armor.     

"Maxi… Maxi…" Riftan panted, his voice breaking.     

With his face flushed and his eyes clouded with longing, Riftan looked beautiful. When Maxi caressed his face, he pulled her to him by the waist and crushed her lips against his. Like two animals in heat, their bodies came together, sucking, biting, and licking.     


Maxi writhed as his cold armor pressed her against the soft sheets. He thrust again and again, trying to bury himself deep inside her. But even that wasn't enough. She wanted him deeper still, to fill her completely.     

"Dammit, I haven't even taken off my armor."     

His convulsions had stopped. He tried to get up, but Maxi impulsively clung onto him when she felt him slide out of her. Her body still throbbed with need. He gazed down at her feverish face with dazed eyes before slowly pulling out. Maxi shuddered as she felt something lukewarm trickle down between her legs, and Riftan gently rubbed her thigh as if to soothe her.     

"Just wait. It's not over yet."     

"N-No… I-I'm…"     

Suddenly overcome with embarrassment, Maxi quickly brought her legs together. Riftan threw off his remaining armor, greedily taking her in with his eyes. After dropping his breastplate, spaulders, and greaves onto the floor, he pulled his tunic over his head.     

His broad back glimmered beneath the light streaming in through the windows. Maxi stared transfixed at the bronze muscles covering his body like golden armor.     

Male bodies had always frightened her, but Riftan's imposing body, which had made thirty knights cower in fear, did not alarm her. Instead, the sight filled her with a strong urge to touch it.     

"Come here." Riftan reached toward her.     

He was now sitting on the bed stark naked. As Maxi approached hesitantly, he began to stimulate himself with his hand.     

"Climb on top of me."     

"R-Riftan, I…."     

"I know you weren't satisfied. Let me fill you again."     

Riftan parted her thighs and sat her on top of his knees. Embarrassed by the position, she tried to get up, but Riftan had a firm grip on her waist.     

He took her breast into his mouth, nipping and sucking at it while grinding himself against her. Feeling faint, she held onto his head and rubbed her cheek against his soft hair.     

Panting, Riftan plunged into her. Sharp pain and pleasure coursed through her body as their bodies merged, their limbs entangled like snakes.     

"Did you miss me terribly?"     

She gazed at him through misty eyes. As their bodies began to pound against each other faster and faster, Maxi feared that her heart would burst.     

"Tell me that you did."     

"I m-missed you t-terribly," Maxi stammered in a daze.     

Her body writhed in anticipation as his body melted into hers. Riftan clenched his teeth and began to thrust deeper. Maxi clung to him tightly.     

His hardness relentlessly chafed against her sensitive flesh, mirroring the friction between their sweat-soaked bodies. Though they were pressed so close together that not a hair could have passed between them, Maxi needed him to be closer still. Whimpering, she pressed her quivering body against his.     

More, more. A black snake called desire reared its head inside her stomach. She wanted to swallow him whole, for him to possess her, and for her to possess him.     

"Maxi… Maxi…" Riftan whispered, his voice shaking.     

Maxi gazed at him with misty eyes, hardly able to believe that such a dazzling man was looking at her with such rapture. Tears welled up in her eyes.     


Maxi was awoken by the sound of firewood being thrown into the fireplace. Outside, it was already dark. She blinked and looked around the room. When she saw Riftan standing in front of the fire, she quickly tried to get up.     

But her body went limp when she felt the throbbing between her legs. She groaned quietly at the sharp ache. Hearing her, Riftan swiftly turned his head. He was dressed in a fresh black tunic and looked as if he had just finished bathing.     

"You're a light sleeper," Riftan said, a faint smile on his lips.     

Maxi shook her head. "I d-didn't even n-notice you g-getting up to wash."     

"I wanted to wait till you were awake so we could bathe together, but I had to go interrogate those damned intruders."     

He walked toward the bed and planted a kiss on her bare shoulder. Blushing, Maxi looked up at him with worry in her eyes.     

"Y-You interrogated them?"     

"Yes. I even summoned a cleric to confirm their leader's identity."     

"A-And? W-Were his claims t-true?" Maxi asked cautiously.     

Riftan frowned.     

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