I Can Extract Everything

Mystic Treasure Store

Mystic Treasure Store

0One month has passed quickly.     

In the northeast of Blackwater City's market area, there is a five-story purple building with three golden characters, "Mystic Treasure Store" written on the plaque.     

Mystic Treasure Store was a store that Qin Yi opened a half-month ago. He bought it at a great price.     

The store's name originally was "Cloud Treading Store"; it belonged to a small cultivation clan with the highest cultivation base in the Core Formation. Later, this Core Formation cultivator mysteriously died, and the entire clan, including the clan's business, was swallowed up by the hostile clan.     

However, due to a shortage of manpower, the hostile clan decided to sell Cloud Treading Store, which was later successfully bought by Qin Yi through a broker, and he renamed the store "Mystic Treasure Store".     

As the main body, Qin Yi can peek at the memories of his clones. He knew that Qin Feng had opened a shop in Owl City.     

Qin Yi thought that the name of the shop that Qin Feng opened was quite cool, so he decided to name his shop the same name.     

The clone's store is naturally also his store.      

In the future, Qin Yi also plans to open Mystic Treasure Stores in other cities, making its name famous throughout the region.     

Of course, this is just a moment of ambition; whether it could be implemented or not depended on his clone's ability.     

The store Qin Yi opened has a wide range of businesses, such as pills, artifacts, formations, talismans, etc.     

These treasures are extraction products.     

There are many treasures in the storage system. Some are unsuitable for sale because they are unique, and only certain people have them. It would be troublesome if they found things similar to theirs being casually sold here.     

Therefore, only treasures that Qin Yi considered 'commonly spread' that he could display in his shop.     

Qin Yi sat peacefully behind the counter, waiting for the customer to arrive.     

His hand holds a golden book with the character "Medicine Saint Journal" written on its cover.     

Ever since he let Qin Yao take over his identity as an Alchemist, Qin Yi rarely practices his alchemy skills.     

The knowledge recorded in the Medicine Saint Journal is not all related to the way of alchemy; a lot of it is also related to the way of medicine that generally only Physicians can learn.     

From now on, Qin Yi will take out a lot of medical liquids made from Powerbox. Learning to be Physicians is a cover in case people are suspicious of where he got the medical liquids from.     

Time was ticking, and Qin Yi, who was engrossed in reading a book, suddenly heard faint footsteps.     

He immediately closed the book and put it on the table.     

His gaze fell on a girl in a black dress with a cultivation base at Seventh Stage Qi Condensation.     

"Welcome to Mystic Treasure Store~."     

Qin Yi greeted the black-dressed girl who had stopped before the counter.     

The black-dressed girl did not immediately respond. Her eyes looked around and found the entire hall was clean and spacious.     

There were no other customers besides herself here, but she noticed that there were seven clerks in similar black robes. Each sat behind the counter, a distance away from the other. Strangely they didn't pay attention to her arrival and seemed busy writing something in a book.     

"I heard this store can provide an appraisal for free..." The black-dressed girl  said hesitantly.     

Originally she wanted to go to another store to appraise her treasure, but she caught wind that she could get a free appraisal if one went to the Mystic Treasure Store.     

She was poor, so she was tempted.     

If you can get it for free, why should you pay?     

After that, she directly inquired about the Mystical Treasure Shop, including the address, which ultimately led her to this place.     

She came here with great anticipation.     

"That's right. We can provide free appraisals for customers. What treasure do you want to appraise?" Qin Yi confirmed.     

He knew where this black-dressed girl heard this news from. After all, he was the one who deliberately asked Yin Chen to spread it.     

However, he is not precisely giving his customer an appraisal for free.     

Items that need to be appraised are usually unrecognizable. If the owner is lucky, they might get a rare item.     

Qin Yi's role here is simply to rub the opportunity of the owners of these rare treasures.     

Even if they were unwilling to sell their treasures, Qin Yi could at least extract them.     

"Please, put the treasures you wish to appraise on this tray."     

Qin Yi pushed a white square tray in front of the black-dressed girl.     

The white tray was made from a piece of thousand-year-old White Jade Wood that was specifically resistant to hot and corrosive objects.     

The black-dressed girl took out a crystal ball the size of an egg and placed it on the white tray.     

Upon seeing the object, Qin Yi immediately pretended to examine it by touching and caressing it carefully.     

'System, extract it!'     

Qin Yi said inwardly.     

[Extraction completed!]     

[Obtained Soul Crystal. Grade: Rank 2.]     

[Note: Soul Crystal has a function to store souls.]     

Soul Crystals!     

Qin Yi's eyes lifted slightly.     

Soul Crystals were relatively rare heaven and earth materials typically born in places with heavy Yin energy. Their primary function is precisely the same as the system described.     

The soul is the most mysterious part of all living beings. Once they die, their soul will disappear and return to the underworld.     

Soul Crystals are one of the few natural treasures that can capture souls before they dissipate entirely.     

Qin Yi looked at the black-dressed girl and truthfully described the object.     

"Dear customer, do you want to keep it or sell it? According to the market price, you can get 8000 low-grade spirit stones. That is if you are willing to sell it elsewhere. However, our store can give you 10,000 low-grade spirit stones if you want to sell it here. How is it?."     

The black-dressed girl was stunned.     

10,000 low-grade spirit stones?     

What kind of concept is that?     

Poor her...      

She had never even held a thousand spirit stones before, but someone suddenly told her she could get ten thousand low-grade spirit stones by selling this piece of crystal.     

How could she not be overjoyed?     

"Can I really get 10,000 low-grade spirit stones?" The black-dressed girl eyes fill with naivety and anticipation.     

"Of course. You wouldn't get such a high price if you sold it elsewhere." Qin Yi said with a convincing tone.     

Moreover, with the black-dressed girl's low cultivation base, others would likely easily take advantage of her.     

Qin Yi is doing a favor here.     

"I'm willing to sell Soul Crystals to your store. Can I convert some spirit stones into something else?" The black-dressed girl said after careful consideration.     

"Of course. However, I'm only responsible for appraising treasures. If you want to buy treasures, you can go to another counter." Qin Yi said, his palm pointed at one of his clones.     

Prior to opening the store, Qin Yi had created eight more clones. If added to the number of clones already in Mystical Garden, the total was twenty clones.     

After that, he drew ten clones to help him manage the store.     

Mystic Treasure Store has five floors; The first floor only sold Rank 1 products and was managed by five clones with a cultivation base of the Ninth Stage Qi Condensation.     

The second floor only sold Rank 2 products and was managed by five clones with a cultivation base of the Early Stage Foundation Establishment.     

As for the third, fourth, and fifth floors, Qin Yi left them empty for the time being.     

Qin Yi has a few treasures above Rank 2, but it's impossible to sell them to others, at least not now. Besides lacking products, he also lacked sufficient strength to guard these three floors.     

The black-dressed girl was taken aback.     

Ignoring her reaction, Qin Yi took out a storage bag containing ten thousand low-grade spirit stones and handed it to the black-dressed girl.     

"This is your spirit stones. Please come again if you have any unknown treasures again in the future~."     

Qin Yi's pleasant voice sounded in the teenager's ears.      

The black-dressed girl soon came to her senses. She received the spirit stones with an excited expression and immediately moved to another counter to buy some cultivation necessities.     

Qin Yi stared at her back for a moment before shifting his gaze toward the notifications in front of him.     

"Only one Soul Crystal... Just a lucky girl..." Qin Yi mumbled silently.     

The extraction results show that the black-dressed girl has no Soul Crystals apart from the ones she took out.     

He held the Soul Crystal in his hand, and a smile couldn't help appearing on his face.     

"With this Soul Crystal, I can start collecting a powerful beast soul to practice Ten Thousand Illusionary Forms."     

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