I Can Extract Everything

Reunion With A Friend

Reunion With A Friend

0According to Clone Qin Yi's last memory, he and his team found a spiritual cave behind this waterfall. They suspect that this cave is hiding a treasure in it.     

However, as Clone Qin Yi inherited the danger instinct from the main body, he could sense that the spiritual cave was not simple.     

His guts even told him to stay away from that place, but he ignored it because he was curious.     

That's right, the cause of Clone Qin Yi's death was not carelessness or greed but curiosity.     

He knew this spiritual cave was dangerous, but he didn't care.     

As long as it satisfied his curiosity, he didn't care if he died. After all, he's just a clone.     

Qin Yi's temples are throbbing, "How should I explain this sect..."     

He was unwilling to throw away his identity as a disciple of the Sleeping Dragon Sect. After all, this identity holds special meaning for him.     

However, the fact that he survived alone was suspicious... some even thought that he killed his team. The sect might punish him if he couldn't provide definite evidence of his innocence.     

Qin Yi ruffled his hair in frustration.     

"Let's report this to Sister Qiao first."     

Qiao Na has a relationship with the Outer Elder; she might be able to provide some help for Qin Yi.     

A moment later, Qin Yi arrived at the sect gate. He looked up at the majestic plank in a daze and felt he had been away from the sect for a long time.     

He's only been away for three months, but it feels like three years for him.     

Qin Yi took a deep breath before he set foot through the sect gates.     

He strode toward the Mission Hall and saw Qiao Na, who had just finished handing over a mission to disciples.     

Qin Yi walked over to her with a slightly panicked expression, "Sister Qiao, please help me!"     

"Yi? Little Qin, I thought you were going to Demon Sealing Mountain..." Qiao Na was stunned when she suddenly watched Qin Yi whining at her.     

"That's right, Sister Qiao. I went to Demon Sealing Mountain, but something happened—— It's a big deal!" Qin Yi anxiously said.     

"Oh? What's the big deal? Did you perhaps find an earth-shattering treasure?" Qiao Na chuckled teasingly.     

"That's not it. Sister Qiao, do you still remember who I went to Demon Sealing Mountain with?"     

"Of course, this elder sister remembers. You went with Wang Yun and his little group. What's wrong?"     

"Sister Qiao, I think they are missing or... dead."     


Qiao Na looked at the boy and blinked her eyes several times.     

"Little Qin, were you silenced them?"     

"Why would I?!"     

"As this elder sister said, you may find an earth-shattering treasure and have decided to silence the witness's presence."     

Qin Yi twitched his mouth, "Sister Qiao, you're slandering me. I didn't silence them, not to mention I'm not a match even for Wang Yun, let alone against the whole team. Besides, I'm just a little Alchemist; how could I have the capability to kill them all?"     

Qiao Na snorted, "Who said Alchemists couldn't kill people? Besides, you are also an archer, not an ordinary archer at that. Even if you try your best to low key, that still doesn't hide the fact that you're a talented archer; your archery is even commensurate with Duan Zhong. Now you're Fifth Stage of Qi Condensation; shooting down the Sixth Stage of Qi Condensation like Wang Yu and others is not unattainable for you. However, don't worry, I will listen to your justification."     

"... Thank you, Sister Qiao." Qin Yi rolled his eyes, but he was still thankful nevertheless.     

Following that, Qin Yi starts to confess-... no, tells what really happened at Demon Sealing Mountain. Of course, he didn't include the part that he also died in the incident.     

Qiao Na listened attentively and concluded, "So, you, Wang Yun, and others found a spiritual cave and decided to check it out. However, you didn't go in because you felt the danger of the spiritual cave?"     

Qin Yi nodded and explained, "Sister Qiao, I'm not bragging, but since childhood, I have had a strong sense of danger. I safely arrived at the sect from my hometown as a mortal, all thanks to that sense of danger. At that time, I was able to I felt a great incomparable sense of danger from that spiritual cave. I had tried to warn Wang Yun and the others, but they didn't listen. So, when they entered the spiritual cave, I decided to complete my mission of gathering herbs. However, when I returned, I could no longer sense their existence or aura with my Divine Sense."     

"What do you mean you can no longer feel their presence or aura?" Qiao Na frowned.     

She felt it was premature to judge that Wang Yun and the others died because of it.     

Qin Yi hesitated for a moment before he answered, "I- I don't know how to explain... when I returned, I couldn't find the spiritual cave anymore... it disappeared along with Wang Yun and the others; I couldn't find a single a trace of it as if it had never been there."     

Qiao Na's face changed greatly as soon as she heard this.     

Qin Yi noticed something wrong with her expression, so he asked: "What's wrong, Sister Qiao?"     

Qiao Na hesitated and said, "The spiritual cave you've mentioned... I think I know that. If I don't guess wrong, that spiritual cave was supposed to be a magical beast in disguise; it's Swam Worm Rock, to be exact. They have a disgusting hobby of disguising themselves as spiritual caves, attracting other creatures, and eating them. However, Swam Worm Rocks are high-rank magical beasts; even the weakest are Rank 3 magical beasts, and they live in sector three. How could it appear in sector one?"     

"A magical beast that can disguise itself as a spiritual cave?" Qin Yi was astonished.     

Doesn't that mean that thing eats his clone?     

No wonder the last thing Qin Yi could retrieve from his clone's memories was the pain of being crushed to death by something. That was why he concluded that Wang Yun and the others most likely met the same fate as Clone Qin Yi.     

Qin Yi listens as Qiao Na continues speaking, "Recently, I've also been getting reports of many disciples missing in the Demon Sealing Mountain for unknown reasons. I suspect this is also related to the unusual appearance of high-rank magical beasts in the first sector, and I'm afraid this is not a simple matter... I need to discuss it with the elder. Little Qin, you should stay in the sect and don't go anywhere until the sect confirms everything."     

Qin Yi nodded obediently and said, "Don't worry, Sister Qiao, I'm not going anywhere."     


Heading straight to his Dragon Cave, Qin Yi once again felt a "welcome home" surge in his heart.     

His Dragon Cave is a primitive cave with only a wooden bed, table and chair, and several simple decorations. It was crude, but he liked it here.     

He regarded this Dragon Cave as his second home.     

Qin Yi's business in Shi Mansion is finished so that he can stay in the sect without concern.     

The poison he made for Nether Son was called Seven Days Reverse. As long as the target inhales the poison for seven nights in a row, the system in their body will slowly change. Of course, such things are unnoticeable in the early stage, but they'll become severe later.     

Nether Son's fate is doomed the moment he finishes his "seven-day treatment".     

While Qin Yi was resting in Dragon Cave, someone came and touched the formation.     

Qin Yi raised his eyebrows and then walked out.     

"Brother Gao?" A surprise appeared on Qin Yi's face upon seeing who came.     

"Brother Qin, it's been a while. I heard you've returned to the sect, but unfortunately, I'm in the middle of a mission, so I can't welcome you sooner." Gao Peng said with a smile.     

Qin Yi shook his head and said, "Brother Gao, your mission is more important than mine. How can I complain about it? Instead, I'm glad that you came back unharmed. Let's talk inside, Brother Gao."     

Both of them went inside; Gao Peng sat comfortably in front of the table, and Qin Yi served him a cup of tea.     

Gao Peng was surprised, "This is... Rank 2 spiritual tea? Brother Qin, you're being extravagant!"     

"Haha, no need to be polite, Brother Gao, it's just a tea." Qin Yi laughs it off, treating it like a cheap tea.     

Gao Peng shook his head helplessly and decided to enjoy the tea.     

"I heard you were busy hunting down someone from the Red List. Have you completed the mission?" Qin Yi asked curiously.     

The Red Lists are people who are considered notorious criminals by the Sleeping Dragon Sect. Apart from earning many Merit Points, hunting them could also gain prestige in the sect.     

Gao Peng sighed, "Don't mention it. I failed so much in this mission."     

"Oh... is your target that strong?"     

"Do you remember the Yang Brothers? They chased us     

like dogs a few months ago, and now I'm trying to get them back. Unfortunately, they are so damn slippery, and I can only hurt one of them, the weakest ones at that."     

Thinking about it, Gao Peng couldn't help but clench his fists in frustration.     

"The Yang Brothers?"     

Qin Yi remembered this name.     

They were the outcasts of the Yang Clan, and they were also the ones who chased after Qin Yi and Gao Peng on their way back from the Seeking Miracle Pavilion.     

To be honest, had it not for Gao Peng's reminder, Qin Yi had almost forgotten about this grudge.     

How could he call himself vengeful if he let go of this grudge?     

What a failure!     

Qin Yi clenched his fists tightly and thought.     

"Brother Gao, please include me next time you hunt those bastards. Although I'm not good at fighting, I'm good at hunting. Recently, I managed to concoct a poison that could bring down Rank 2 Magical Beast. I don't mind letting them taste it first."     

"Oh, as expected from our genius Alchemist!" Gao Peng clapped in admiration.     

The person being praised has a nose piercing into the sky.     

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