I Can Extract Everything

Taking The Kids To School

Taking The Kids To School

0At night, after Clone Qin Yi goes back to the sect unnoticed, Qin Yi sneaks into his younger brother's bedroom.     

Seeing his little brother fast asleep, Qin Yi's face could not help but soften a lot.     

It reminds him of when he first time arrived in this world; he woke up in a completely unfamiliar bed with an unfamiliar baby crying beside him.     

Amid the confusion, he had no choice but to calm the baby, give him milk, change diapers, put him to sleep, and think about his own strange situation later.     

Nine years have passed, and that baby has become a big boy. Although Qin Hao is still a child, he actually matured a lot compared to other children.     

But in Qin Yi's eyes, his younger brother is still adorable as ever.     

Qin Yi took out a rice-sized crystal from the storage system; it was blue as the ocean, clear as the sky, and beautiful as a diamond.     

According to a note left by the system, this Aptitude Crystal is a consumable item. That means that as long as his younger brother eats this, he will get martial aptitude automatically.     

Hopefully, it didn't choke him.     

Qin Yi slowly opens Qin Hao's tiny mouth, puts the Aptitude Crystal inside, and uses his spiritual qi to insert it into Qin Hao's throat.     

The process is extremely delicate, but it happens very quickly.     

A moment later, Qin Hao's body suddenly emitted a green light; it lasted less than a minute.     


Qin Yi nodded in satisfaction.     

Tomorrow he would take Qin Hao, Tang Baobao, and Yuyu to the Heavenly Martial Hall. They would learn cultivation from his clone.     

Speaking of Yuyu, that brat still hasn't come home at this hour.     

Did he still stick to his old profession?     

Stealing was bad, but Yuyu's talent in the art of stealing was quite noteworthy.     

In the cultivation world, this kind of talent can be handy. If Yuyu could master the art of stealing, deception, and concealment, equipped with several assisting artifacts, he might someday become a second Faceless Lord.     

Qin Yi pinched his chin.     

He was suddenly interested in transforming Yuyu into a remarkable thief.     

Qin Yi suddenly heard a loud noise; it was like the sound of a door opening.     

It must be Yuyu...     

The corner of Qin Yi's mouth lifted slightly, but he didn't check on him or reprimand him.     

—— Some people wouldn't stop their old habits just because they were told to.     

If Yuyu wants to keep stealing, then let him be.     

He would come to learn when the town guards caught him.     

Qin Yi wasn't against stealing because he is practically a thief— an incredible thief.     


In the morning, Qin Yi brought Qin Hao, Tang Baobao, and Yuyu to the Heavenly Martial Hall.     

"Big brother, can I get delicious food in Heavenly Martial Hall?" Tang Baobao asked Qin Yi with an innocent look.     

Qin Yi laughed, "You foodie. You won't get any food unless you practice properly."     

Tang Babao was scared as he held Qin Hao's arm; suddenly, he no longer wanted to go to Heavenly Martial Hall.     

Qin Hao ignored the scaredy-cat. His eyes looked up to Qin Yi and asked, "Big brother, why did you only bring the three of us? What about Yutong and Yaoyue? They are also past the age of ten."     

"Well, I just gave Yutong a new recipe, and she was so excited that she didn't want to come along. As for Yao Yue... she wants to learn to write and read with the other kids. Although big brother is eager for them to become cultivators, big brother will not force them..." Qin Yi answered with a sigh.     

He didn't want to say that these two girls had no martial aptitude because he would make them have it soon.     

However, he also had no intention of saying that he would be the one to do that.     

After all, he just wants to be their normal elder brother.     

"I heard the chance of getting martial aptitude is small. If possible, you didn't bring that because they don't have one?" Yuyu carefully looked at Qin Yi.     

As expected, this clever little brat is not easy to fool...     

"Hmm..." Qin Yi groaned for a moment before he smiled and mysteriously answered, "Maybe yes, maybe no~"     


Not getting a proper answer, Yuyu could only swallow his words.     

"Here we are."     

Qin Yi and the three boys finally arrived at Heavenly Martial Hall.     

He carefully looked at them and spoke, "Alright, boys, be good and study well. If you listen to your teacher and practice properly, I will give you a gift. So, what kind of gift do you want?"     

Tang Baobao, "I want delicious food!"     

Qin Hao, "New painting tools!"     

Yuyu, "Tell me how to open your purse!"     

Yuyu's answer made Qin Yi a bit speechless.     

'Are you still not done with that?'     

Qin Yi still remembers that his answer back was crystal clear. However, it seemed that Yuyu was still unwilling to believe that.     

"What purse? Can I find food in it?" Tang Baobao looked at Yuyu curiously.     

Qin Hao was also curious about it.     

Qin Yi bent down a little and ruffled Yuyu's hair, saying: "You will find out after you become a cultivator."     

Seeing the three boys gradually enter the building, Qin Yi felt like dropping his younger siblings off at school.     

After dropping the three boys to the Heavenly Martial Hall, Qin Yi dressed up as a Collector again and entered the Mystical Garden.     

Ever since Qin Yi kept ten of his clones here, everything was going on the right track, especially on Star Pearl Island.     

This place is full of a variety of exotic plants, especially flowers; they are beautiful beyond words. If Lan Qianhua or Elder Hua saw them, they would suspect him of stealing them from Spirit Flower Peak.     

From this beautiful scenery, Qin Yi could see that his clones were doing their job very well.     

When he walked to the inner area, his eyes were drawn to an enormous giant tree whose branches scratched over the sky as its leaves almost covered the entire island.     

Semenjak Willow Tree maju ke Rank 2, dia menjadi dekorasi terbesar di pulau ini. Also, thanks to its magical skill - Spirit Bud that blossoms every week, the spiritual energy in this island is denser than before, even the Outer Sect of Sleeping Dragon Sect is nothing in comparison.     

Looking closely, Qin Yi saw about ten houses made of wood hanging from the branches of the Willow Tree. This portrait reminded him of the elves' houses that he had often seen on the internet in his previous life.     

Suddenly, he heard a shout from one of his clones.     

"Children, time for breakfast!"     

That was Clone No. 2, the one responsible for cooking for the children of Green Willow Village.     

Before the appearance of Clone No. 2, the person in charge of feeding the children is Qin Yi. However, now he no longer had to bother going back and forth to town to buy food.     


Mumu suddenly called Qin Yi out from behind.     

Qin Yi smiled wryly.     

He doesn't want to be called grandpa but never minds...     

Qin Yi picked up the little boy and carried him.     

"How did you find me?"     

Children's perceptions are always keen, but Mumu's is truly something.     

The Hidden Night Cloak's ability is not something that Qi Condensation cultivators can discover, let alone mortals. And yet, Mumu, a mortal child, could find his presence like it was natural...     

Mumu tilted his head, not understanding the grandpa's question.     

"Would you like some breakfast?"     


"Good. Let's go together~"     


Qin Yi and Mumu joined the rest of the children for breakfast. He chatted with them for a long time before he mediated in one of the miniature houses Willow Tree built.     

Soon, the blue transparency UI appeared in front of him.     


Name: Qin Yi     

Martial Aptitude: High-Grade     

Bloodline: Shadow Bloodline (Shadow Assimilation, Shadow Weapon)     

Cultivation Base: The Late Stage of Foundation Establishment (0/10,000,000)     

Body Cultivation: The Ninth Stage of Qi Condensation (0/500,000)     

Spiritual Mind: 102     

Cultivation Points: 350,000     

Body Essence: 0     

Mastery Points: 0     

Energy Box: Spiritual Energy (1,000,000), Impurity (1,000,000), Neutralizer (1,000,000), Heal (1,000,000), Stamina (500,000), Qi [1,000,000],...     


Qin Yi's body cultivation improved a lot.     

The last time he was in the forest, he encountered many Magical beasts, including several Rank 2 Magical Beasts. However, he didn't engage with them, only visiting them one by one and saying "Hi", which pissed them a lot.     

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