I Can Extract Everything

Cloud Wing Tiger

Cloud Wing Tiger

0Meanwhile, a white-haired old man with a bright complexion. Carrying both a divine poise and sage-like features, looking very extraordinary, arrives at Heavenly Martial Hall.     

He stood before the entrance for some time until a young man came out of the Heavenly Martial Hall and spotted him.     

"Excuse me, do you need anything?"     

The white-haired old man's appearance was rather eye-catching; he was the type of person to be the first noticed among the crowd.     

"Old ma-"     

The young man intends to get closer, but he is surprised when he finds out that the white-haired old man is so young.     

"Young man, is this Heavenly Martial Hall?"     

"That's right... and you are?"     

"This old man is-"     

"Old man?" The young man suspiciously looked at the white-haired man, who claimed himself an old man.     

"This old man's name is Qin Longtian, 321 years old. I'm here to be a teacher." Qin Longtian introduced himself.     

The young man was bewildered, "A teacher?"     

"Someone who teaches some knowledge to their students." Qin Longtian explained specifically to the young man.     

The young man rolled his eyes.     

Of course, he knows what teacher means.     

He looked at Qin Longtian with doubtful eyes, "Are you really 321 years old?"     

How could people live that long?     

"That's right. This old man will be 322 years old this year. Too bad this old man has no family to celebrate my birthday..." Qin Longtian said with a sad expression.     

The young man looked at the old man with sympathy.     

"Don't worry, Teacher Qin, all the disciples in the Heavenly Martial Hall, are family. Once you officially become a teacher, we can celebrate your birthday together."     

"That's not necessary." Qin Longtian shook his head. He looked up at the sky and sighed, "This old man is too old to celebrate a birthday. I guess I'll just stare at the moon and drink wine like I usually do every year."     

"That's sad- no, I mean, that's poetic." The young man smiled awkwardly.     

"So, Teacher Qin, what are you going to teach? Physical combat? Sword arts? Archery? or something else?"     

Qin Longtian stared at the young man closely and answered, "I teach cultivation."     


After sending a clone to Heavenly Martial Hall, Qin Yi did not go to his siblings but went somewhere else.     

He went to a forest very far from Maple Town. It was a forest that had many Magical Beasts.     

Qin Yi visited this forest when he was on his way to Black Water City.     

He came here because he wanted to extract Body Essence from those Magical Beasts to strengthen his physique.     

So far, he had always focused on his cultivation base. It's time for him to shift his focus on his physical.     

Walking through the forest, his five senses remain vigilance. Last time he and Yin Chen was ambushed bunch of Rank 2 Magical Beasts called Blood Rabbits.     

Had it not for his great sense of danger, Yin Chen would probably die from that ambush. Therefore, he dares not to be careless.     

Qin Yi remembered a pair of Cloud Wing Tigers' lair around here. They were Rank 2 Magical Beasts, powerful but mild. They usually don't attack other creatures unless they are attacked.     

He camped in their territory once, and they only gave him a roar as a sign of warning without any attack.     

At that time, he had the intention to kidnap them and place them in his Mystical Garden, but he didn't because they were fully grown Magical Beasts.     

Magical Beasts in the adult phase are very hard to control neither they like it. Meanwhile, his Mystical Garden is too young and very difficult to control powerful things.     

Besides, Qin Yi prefers raising his pets from the cubs rather than adults.     

Qin Yi was walking when he suddenly stopped his footsteps. He took out the black bow from his system storage, turned around swiftly, and fired the arrow.     


It took only a few seconds for him to pin hard a little snake on the tree with his arrow; its blood dripped and dyed the grass under the tree.     

"Rattle Snake?"     

Rattle Snake is a Rank 2 Magical Beast; it's very aggressive and deadly.     

"System, extract it!"     

[Extraction completed!]     

[Obtained Rattle Snake's leather. Rank 2]     

[Obtained Rattle Snake's Poison. Rank 2]     

Qin Yi sighed.     

That's why he didn't want to kill Magical Beasts. He will get nothing except for the precious materials on their bodies.     

He shook his head and headed toward Cloud Wing Tiger's lair. The last time they met, the female Cloud Wing Tiger was pregnant and about to give birth.     

Qin Yi wants to try his luck to get his hands on its cub.     

At this time, a tiger's roar sounded like a mountain, and rock cracked, making the souls of people who heard it tremble. Qin Yi's very familiar with this, except it didn't have much effect on him; it was significantly different from last time.     

However, he was sure the roar this time was not for the warning but something else.     

Initially, he didn't want to use Void Jump because it would alarm those Cloud Wing Tigers, but now there's no room for hesitation.     

Those Cloud Wing Tiger might be in danger.     

When Qin Yi arrived there, the tiger roar no longer appeared.     

He entered the cave and found two big tigers with two cloud-shaped long hairs behind the shoulders with exaggerated scratches on their abdomen; deep inside the body, their internal organs had been severely damaged; they should have been scratched by other Magical Beasts.     

Cloud Winged Tigers' blood flowed everywhere, and it had already reached the point where it had run out of oil; they died.     

On the female Cloud Winged Tiger's head, there is a small Cloud Winged Tiger one foot long. It stalked on its mother's head, raised it, and uttered a tiger roar, shocking Qin Yi.     

It's just that this tiger roar really has no deterrent effect.     

Qin Yi walked over and stood in front of the grass nest.     

He quickly approached the two Cloud Wing Tigers and checked whether they still could be saved or not.     

Unfortunately, he was too late.     

Qin Yi looked at the small tiger and said sympathetically, "I'm sorry, little one, I can't save your parents."     


The small tiger got off its mother's head, licking its mother's torn belly and then looking at Qin Yi hopefully.     

Qin Yi shook his head and said sadly, "As I said, I can't save your paren-"     


Qin Yi stiffened.     

He looked at the small tiger speechlessly before saying, "I see, you are hungry..."     

"Right, of course, you're just a baby... several months old. What do you even know about your mommy and daddy being dead? You probably think they're just sleeping... ah, whatever!"     

Qin Yi couldn't believe that he felt frustrated.     

He took out a bowl filled with Beast Raising Pills and let it eat them.     

The small tiger smells the pills for a moment before it plunges its head into the bowl, eating greedily.     

Qin Yi served it two bowls of Beast Raising Pill.     

The small tiger roared at Qin Yi, unknown when it was for thanks or something else.     

Qin Yi squatted down in front of the small tiger and patted its head gently.     

"Come follow me. I'll feed you more food."     


"I assume you agree with that."     

It protested as it gave another roar, "Roar~"     

Qin Yi pretended not to hear. He smiled fatherly and picked up the small tiger.     

"System, extract it!"     

[Obtained 5 Spiritual Energy]     

[Obtained 3 Body Essence]     

[Obtained Wings of Cloud Wing Tiger. Grade: Rank 1]     

[Obtained Magical Beast Skill — Tiger Claw. Grade: Human]     

"It's still too young after all..." Qin Yi sighed.     

Cloud Wing Tigers were not weak Magical Beasts. They are Magical Beasts who can do ground and aerial fights.     

Their famous skill is Soul Shattering Roar; it can shatter an enemy's soul with their roar.     

However, what Qin Yi wants is their flying skill. After all, Qin Yi's original intention was to raise Cloud Wing Tiger as his flying mount.     

But never mind... this small tiger would grow up healthily and eventually become a big Cloude Wing Tiger, big enough for Qin Yi to sit on and ride.     

"Let's bury your parents first before I place you in a better place."     

Qin Yi dug a hole for the Cloud Wing Tigers using Earth Moving Technique and buried them together...     

In the moment of thinking, he suddenly stopped the process.     

"Nevermind, let's bury your parents in Mystical Garden. In the future, you won't have to bother running back into this forest to respect your parents' graves." Qin Yi said while patting the small tiger's soft fur.     

Though he said that, he still finished the graves, making them like actual graves with a tombstone engraved "Small Tiger's Parents".     

After making fake graves, he looked around and found a Cloud Spirit Tree.     

Cloud Spirit Tea is Rank 2 heaven and earth material. It has the function of clearing the mind.     

Cloud Spirit Tea and Cloud Wing Tiger have a mutualistic symbiosis.     

Cloud Spirit Tea cannot survive without Cloud Wing Tiger, while Cloud Wing Tiger needs Cloud Spirit Tea to clear their violent mind.     

The tiger kind has a tendency to slaughter things as their mind is always filled with killing intent. Cloud Wing tiger can't run away from that fate.     


That was why they depended so much on Cloud Spirit Tea.     

If Qin Yi wants to raise the Cloud Wing Tiger, he will need Cloud Spirit Tea to keep its mind mild.     

Qin Yi asked the system to extract it before transporting it to the Mystical Garden.     

Inside the Mystical Garden, Qin Yi asked one of his clones to take care of the small tiger, bury its parent, build its home, and plant its favorite tea.     

After that, he leaves Mystical Garden and continues his journey to seek the Magical Beasts to extract.     

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