I Can Extract Everything

Catching A Thief

Catching A Thief

0Within a dark alley in Maple Town, a few people in worn-out cotton jackets were crowded together. Among them was a middle-aged man with a scar from a knife wound on his forehead, glaring at a dark-haired, dark-eyed, 12 or 13-year-old girl in very skimpy clothing.     

The little girl was skinny, her complexion like pale yellow wax and her medium-length hair like a curtain above her nose, making it difficult to see her face.     

She was shivering from the cold. Through the curtain of her hair, her big bright eyes watched the middle-aged man with fear.     


The middle-aged man hit the little girl to the ground and scolded, "You damned girl, you are so dumb, can't even finish such a simple task. If it weren't for your brother bringing you back, you would have gone and apologized to that Old Grandma. I must have been blind. How could I keep such useless trash? You only know how to eat, don't know how to do anything else."     

Next to the middle-aged man, a teenager around 13-15 years old, slighter taller than the little girl, rushed to help her up, carefully wiping away the trace of blood at the side of her lips.     

He foolishly told the middle-aged man. "Uncle Li, forgive Yao Yue again, one more time. I... I'll go catch a few more fish and bring them back."     

Uncle Li snorted, looking at the similarly dark-haired dark-eyed youth with a worried face. He's mocking: " Yuyu, aren't you famous now? Your news is all over the place. It won't be long for town guards and Heavenly Martial hall martial artists to capture you."     

Following that, he brought the few other kids along and walked towards the outside. Still, before reaching the alley entrance, he turned back and said pleasantly to Yuyu, "Before that happens, I hope you can teach these children a thing or two about how to become a proper thief!"     

Yuyu nodded stiffly, and Uncle Li was satisfied enough to leave.     

This group of people lived in Maple Town as its lowest level petty thieves; they were unfit to be called real thieves or robbers as they relied on small, petty thefts to sustain their lives.     

The so-called "catching a fish" refers to stealing things, and Uncle Li is their leader. He controlled roughly ten kids; Yao Yue was the only girl, and all these kids were orphans picked up from the streets. Among these kids, the boy called Yuyu was the most capable.     

Although he was a capable thief, he is still nameless in Maple Town. However, things were different after he failed to steal the Aptitude Stone.     

Maple Town is small, and town guards are spread everywhere; it won't be long for them to spot him, capture him, and he will undoubtedly be a prisoner.     

Uncle Li's silhouette finally disappears at the end of the alley. Yao Yue immediately threw herself into Yuyu's arms and started crying loudly.     

Yuyu stared at the small figure within his arms and gently patted her shoulders, "Yao Yue, don't cry. I'll help you fish today."     

After quite a while, Yao Yue's sobs lessened. She raised her head to look at the boy in front of her; with teary eyes, she said, "Big Brother Yuyu, my cheeks are hurt a lot!"     

"Of course, you were slapped," Yuyu said.     

Yao Yue, "..."     

"Let's go. We have a job to do!"     

Five minutes later, Yuyu and the other children arrived at the market.     

Yuyu let the children wait and watch his action.     

He walked through the crowd; he smiled when he saw the black-cloaked young man walking toward him. At first glance, Yuyu knows that this person is wealthy.     

Facing him directly was the best position to strike. He hurriedly calmed his state of mind and walked toward that young man.     

The young man was very tall. Yuyu only reached his stomach region. The distance between them unceasingly shortened; Yuyu scratched his head of hair.      

When they were roughly a meter apart, Yuyu stumbled and bumped into the man.     

Yuyu instantly felt like he had bumped into a metal plate, his whole body in pain. He inadvertently looked up and saw that young man's face. He had a youthful and pleasing appearance.     

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean it," Yuyu immediately apologized.     

The young man just threw Yuyu a smile, didn't say anything, and continued walking ahead, apparently unaware that a slit had been sliced ​​open in his cloak, the purse at his waist now missing.     

Seeing that the other party would not bother him, Yuyu happily ran ahead to an alley and met the other children.     

"Did you all see that?"     

"We saw that. That was amazing. How did you do that?" Yao Yue looked at Yuyu with admiring eyes.     

"???" Yuyu was baffled.     

Didn't you just say that you saw that?     

"Okay, children, you've seen how I do fishing. Don't be nervous. When you spot the target, you need to appear casual and innocent. In the moment of the carelessness of the targets, you must grasp the opportunity and carefully take their possession. Do you understand?" Yuyu said to the children.     

The children nodded before they dispersed in different directions.     

Taking out the purse, Yuyu was filled with happiness.     

The purse was intricately made of leather, and a dragon pattern was sewn onto it in gold thread. Yuyu had never seen such a beautiful purse before; he hurriedly opened the drawstring and put his hand in.      

He was imagining, what if there was a gold coin inside? How amazing would it be!     

As he put his hand in the purse, he was shocked into stillness. The purse is empty. He found nothing in it.     

But that's strange. Yuyu could feel the weight of the purse, but it didn't contain anything.     

He lifted the purse upside down, hoping it would drop something, but unfortunately, not.     

"What the hell? I feel cheated." Yuyu was pissed off. Unfortunately, the children are not here. He will die from embarrassment otherwise.     

Yuyu was about to throw the bag, but suddenly a raspy voice sounded in his ears, "A thief was cheated. Isn't that ironic?"     

Yuyu jolted, and he staggered back.     


He looked around him, but there wasn't anyone around.     

"That purse is mine." The voice is heard again. This time Yuyu clearly heard it; the voice seemed to be coming from behind him.     

"Ah---" Yuyu cried out in alarm when he turned around, throwing the purse away, his whole body involuntarily shaking.     

"You- you, you..." Yuyu was frightened because the voice belonged to the black-cloaked young man who had stolen his purse earlier.     

The young man stood by the purse, slowly bent down to pick it up, and sighed, "There's no way mortal can open up the Storage Bag. It can only be opened by people who have spiritual energy."     

He lightly threw the Storage Bag at Yuyu, saying, "You can open it after you practice in the Heavenly Martial Hall and become a cultivator."     

"Wha-, what are you talking about?" Yuyu tried his best to appear low, holding the Storage Bag with both trembling hands.     

The young man smiled mischievously and said, "You touched the Aptitude Stone, made it glow, and that made you a candidate to become a cultivator. You have to go to Heavenly Martial Hall."     

Yuyu was shocked, "You're going to capture me for stealing that big stone!"     

"Trying to steal to be exact. Also, I'm going to capture you because you stole my Storage Bag." The young man corrected Yuyu's words.     

"Let's go. Follow me to Heavenly Martial Hall unless you want to go to town prison instead." The young man put his hand on Yuyu's shoulder.     

Yuyu panicked and shook his head, saying: "No, I can't go to Heavenly Martial Hall. My younger brothers and sisters still needed to be taken care of."     

"Fret not." The young man reassuringly said, "You can take your siblings to my orphanage. They will have a decent life there. Gather them and head to Little Star Orphanage at the border of Maple Forest."     

"Do it now before that mean uncle slaps you or your siblings again."     

Yuyu stiffened, "You knew?"     

"Tell them that Big Brother Qin Yi sent you when you get there." After saying that, Qin Yi smiled and disappeared from the spot, leaving Yuyu amazed.     

He looked at the right and left, but nothing to be seen.     

"Is he a ghost?"     

Looking at the purse in his hand, Yuyu thinks that what happened earlier is real.     

That person wasn't a ghost!     

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