I Can Extract Everything

Forgotten Island

Forgotten Island

0"Ladies and gentlemen, our Black Water Auction House appreciates everyone's enthusiastic support. Next is the best and final treasure of today. It will perfectly conclude our auction." Seductress Jiang introduced the item.     

"This is the climax." People became excited. Some stood up in order to get a better view of the item being brought up on stage.     

The guests in private and VIP rooms were moved as well. These Black Water Auction House's ultimate items were always fantastic.     

The thing was brought up on stage. However, it was fully covered. No one could really tell what it was.     

"Our Black Water Auction House has prepared an incredible treasure to end this auction. This precious treasure was entrusted to us by a friend from a faraway place! Also, our friend made a specific request; this final item will not be auctioned away with spirit stones!" A complex look emerged on Seductress Jiang's face.     

  Her words made the audience incredibly confused.      

Everyone was wondering what treasure it was, and they were even more curious as the rules had been changed.     

Under the inquiring eyes of the entire audience, Seductress Jiang lifted the cloth cover, revealing a palm-sized jade bottle that emerged on the top table. It was a golden-colored jade bottle, and no one knew what material it was made from. Just this jade bottle alone was a rare treasure.     

When this jade bottle appeared, a pure Yang aura instantly leaked out from it, shocking everyone who sensed the aura.     

"Ladies and gentlemen - the ultimate auction tonight - Nine Heaven Holy Water, precisely three drops of Nine Heaven Holy Water!" she shouted.     

"It's a Rank 5 heaven and earth material, and I believe everyone knows about it! As for how precious it is, I don't think I have to explain."     

Seductress Jiang's words once again brought a gigantic storm to the entire audience. No one could remain calm any longer. Numerous powerful auras could be sensed from the private and VIP rooms on the second floor. Clearly, even some bigshots in the VIP room, which initially only intended to watch the fun, were shocked.     

"Nine Heaven Holy Water? How can anyone be willing to auction this godly heaven and earth material?"     

"Excuse me, friend, what is Nine Heaven Holy Water?"     

"You don't know? Brother, you should read more. Nine Heaven Holy Water is a special heaven and earth material that mainly cleans the demon heart within a cultivator..."     

"Heaven! It can clean the demon heart?" A shocked expression appeared on the questioner's face.     

The so-called Heart Demons were things that cultivators feared the most. They are a kind of negative emotion such as obsession or other mental barriers which hinder their training or cultivation.     

The stronger these obsessions were, the stronger the heart demons were.     

Moreover, the more powerful a cultivator, the more formidable these heart demons would become. Once these types of dreamlands appear, or in a critical moment when trying to make a breakthrough, these heart demons might appear to haunt the cultivator and cause problems. If they suddenly manifested, it was possible that a cultivator could go crazy or fall into Qi Deviation or depravity.     

Basically, unless cultivators solve their source of heart demons, there are no other means that could completely solve their heart demons.     

"That's right! Nine Heaven Holy Water also has another function: cleansing the mind, soul, physique, and bloodline of anyone who consumes it. In short, it can stimulate potential and turn waste into a genius! More importantly, this thing is not limited to low-level cultivators; even Nascent Soul cultivators would benefit greatly from just a single drop of it."     

"Hisss, I never thought the auction's final item would be something like this..."     

"Black Water Auction House's final items were always heaven-defying!"     


Everyone present were stirred up again. The Nine Heaven Holy Water led to yet another storm that swept through the entire audience, including Qin Yi in the private room.     

"Nine Heaven Holy Water..." Qin Yi mumbled in amazement.     

Medicine Saint Journal also mentions this kind of heaven and earth material. Therefore, he is very clear about its greatness.     

Nine Heaven Holy Water is a whole different level from Heart Purity Lotus.     

Heart Purity Lotus could only improve the aptitude; moreover, it needs to process into a pill before it can be consumed. However, Nine Heaven Holy Water is a consumable thing, and its significance is too big; it is not only limited to increasing aptitude but all!     

Heaven and earth materials such as the Nine Heavens Holy Water were of little use to Qin Yi, but they were essential to his family.     

Therefore, he determined to obtain these three drops of Nine Heaven Holy Water.     

The audience calmed down after a short moment of making noise.     

Everyone stared at Seductress Jiang on the auction stage, waiting for her to announce the requirements for getting the Nine Heaven Holy Water.     

Seductress Jiang cleared her throat and continued, "This girl has mentioned it just now; a friend entrusted the Nine Heaven Holy Water to our auction house. He doesn't want any spirit stones or other treasures. He only wants assistance to accompany him to go to Forgotten Island."     

Seductress Jiang's words caused many people to stare at her, dumbfounded.     

"Forgotten Island? What is that? Why have I never heard of it before?"     

"Me neither, but it sounds like a hazardous place considering he needs assistance to go there..."     

"Forgotten Island? I seem to remember that name from somewhere..."     

"Ah, how could I forget the name of that place! Wait... the fact that I can remember that name, doesn't that mean Forgotten Island is about to appear?"     


Many people had confused looks on their faces, including Qin Yi.     

"What kind of place is Forgotten Island?" Qin Yi couldn't help but ask Yin Chen.     

However, Yin Chen could only embarrassedly shake his head at this question. It's also the first time he's heard that name.     

Qin Yi immediately rang a golden bell provided by the auction house.     

Soon, Liu Yi knocked on the door before entering the room.     

"Master Collector, do you need anything?"     

"Do you know anything about Forgotten Island?"     

"Forgotten Island?" An expected look appeared on Liu Yi's face.     

"Manager Lu has already told me about Forgotten Island in advance in case the Master Collector will be curious about it." Liu Yi showed his professionalism and slowly explained, "According to Manager Lu, Forgotten Island is a unique place that can only be remembered when it is about to appear, and it will be forgotten again when it disappears."     

Surprise appeared on Qin Yi's face.     

"Such a place exists?"     

Yin Chen was also surprised by the description the attendant gave.     

"It is, Master Collector." Liu Yi nodded and continued, "The fact that people are starting to remember it says that it will appear very soon. Forgotten Island only appears once every fifty years; once any signs appear, it is expected to emerge within a year."     

One year?     

One year might be just a blink of an eye to other cultivators, but it was long enough for Qin Yi.     

"So, this Forgotten Island is a dangerous place?" Qin Yi asked.     

Liu Yi shook his head and replied, "No one knows about it. The opening of Forgotten Island only lasted for one month. Once it is closed, the island will be forgotten again, including anyone who enters it."     

Qin Yi was shocked, "Even the people who entered were also forgotten?"     

"Apparently so..." Liu Yi nodded.     

Qin Yi immediately fell silent.     

Such a magical place!     

As expected from the cultivation world, it is nothing short of strange and dangerous places.     

"Has anyone ever been out of that place?"     

Liu Yi hesitated for a moment before shaking his head and answering, "No. Those who enter Forgotten Island are either dead or trapped there. Some even speculate that anyone who enters Forgotten Island will forget everything, including their identity and purpose. That's why no one made it out of Forgotten Island and and explained everything there."     

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