I Can Extract Everything

The Old Man And The Turtle

The Old Man And The Turtle

0Qin Yi was taken aback.     

"Maybe it's Old Wang!" Qin Yi's clone spoke carelessly.     

"Old Wang?" Qin Yi felt it was possible.     

Old Wang is Qin Yi's closest neighbor; He is an old man who lives alone not far from this house.     

He was very kind to the Qin Siblings and came to their house every day to check on them.     

However, one day, Old Wang did not come like usual.     

  Qin Yi immediately felt worried that something might happen to Old Wang, considering his old age.     

After all, Old Wang lives alone in his house and is a bit far from the other neighbors.     

When Qin Yi came to see Old Wang's situation at home, he was already unconscious on the floor.     

After that day, Qin Yi offered Old Wang to live with him and his younger brother.     

Even though Old Wang was a little reluctant to leave his house, he still approved it in the end.     

Qin Yi and Qin Yi's Clone immediately went to check the backyard. It turned out that what the clone said was true. From then on, this old man became the caretaker of another orphanage beside Qin Yi.     

They saw a short old man wearing a farmer hat and a small dry towel on his shoulders when they got there.     

He was squatting and cutting the grass around the small pond with a sickle. What surprised Qin Yi and his clone was that there was a huge turtle at his side; it was basking in the sun while occasionally glancing at Old Wang.     

However, it doesn't look hostile; in fact, it seems more like it's looking after the old man.     

However, what surprised the two of them the most was that this turtle had a cultivation base— this turtle is obviously a Rank 1 magical beast.     

"Old Wang!" Qin Yi called out.     

Old Wang's response was a little slow, maybe because of his old age. Still, he was quite taken aback as soon as he saw the one who called him.     

"You are..."     

Qin Yi smiled, "Old Wang, have you forgotten about me in just two years? It's me, Qin Yi."     

"Qin Yi?!" Surprise appeared on Old Wang's wrinkled face.     

He stood up and walked toward Qin Yi with trembling hands as he said, "Little Yi, you are finally willing to go home..."     

Qin Yi's nose reddened slightly, his eyes too. He was deeply touched if only this old man didn't hold the wrong hands.     

Old Wang walked over and caught both of his hands Clone Qin Yi.     

"Little Yi, you are getting tall now, and… why are you wearing such clothes? Aren't you hot?"     


Qin Yi's clone could barely contain his laughter. He looked at the main body with a jest eye.     

Qin Yi's face instantly blackened.     

He coughed and explained correctly, "Old Wang, the hands you are holding is my friend's hands. Meanwhile, your Little Yi is here!"     

"Oh- Oh... It's you!" Old Wang had just realized that he had misrecognized people.     

"Aiya, I'm getting old. My vision is getting blurry lately..."     

Qin Yi was a little sad to hear this. He comforted, "Old Wang, you are still in your prime. How could you say that you're old? I have an elixir to cure your bad vision. At that time, I will take you to see many beautiful women in the town."     

"That's... that's not bad." Old Wang's wrinkled face flushed in excitement as he demanded, "If possible, I want fairies with 8-curved figures."     

Qin Yi's face twitched slightly.     

This pervert-old thing is still never holding back when it comes to women.     

"Sure, anything you want." In the end, Qin Yi still obeyed the will of the opposite party. Then again, he threw another question, "But Old Wang, what is that on the pond?"     

"On the pond?" Old Wang confusedly turned around then he realized something.     

"You mean that turtle?"     

Qin Yi nodded.     

That turtle is a Rank 1 Magical Beast after all.      

He was curious how Old Wang managed to get along with it.     

Old Wang recalled something as he replied, "I saved this turtle in the river two years ago. At that time, I saw that it was injured. I brought it here, and it has lived peacefully in this pond since then. Also, it was just a little turtle at that time, but now it's grown this big."     

Qin Yi stared at the turtle in a daze.     

From what Old Wang described, this turtle was just an ordinary animal or an even wild beast. However, within short two years, the turtle became a Rank 1 Magical Beast.     

However, is that possible?     

Qin Yi felt a little doubtful.     

As far as he knew, for wild beasts to become magical beasts, they required an environment rich in spiritual energy and then gained sentience...     

Facing the confused face of the main body, Qin Yi's clone suddenly spoke: "Main body, don't you think that the spiritual energy in this place is thicker than in the town?"     

Qin Yi frowned slightly.     

Indeed, he had just realized that the spiritual energy in this place was much thicker than in a more populated area.     

Its density is even on par with an unnamed mountain, where Willow Tree used to live, and it is still unnoticedly growing at that.     

This discovery somewhat confused him.     

In the past, Qin Yi was just a mortal, so he didn't know the difference in spiritual energy density in each part of this town.     

But now, he could feel the difference very clearly.     

Qin Yi and his clones couldn't think of the possibilities for now. Putting that thought aside, he asked again in a worried tone.     

"Old Wang, are you still going to the river? Didn't I tell you many times to stop going there? What if something happened to you there? Nobody will notice if you fall into the river and end up being eaten by the fish there-"     

"You stinky brat, how dare you curse me to death!" Old Wang immediately fumed in anger. He said, "I just went there to fish and not do anything dangerous."     

"Fishing?" Qin Yi suspiciously looked at the old man.     

"I think you just want to peek at the women who occasionally bathe in the river. Don't think I don't know what's on your mind."     

Old Wang's face changed slightly. He said griavely, "No one wants to bathe in the river anymore ever since the wild beasts become so active. Those old women don't even dare to wash clothes on the riverbank anymore. I was trying luck there and accidentally saw this injured turtle..."     

Qin Yi was quite speechless hearing this.     

This old thing knew that the women would never appear again in the river, but he was still trying his luck.     

His obstinacy really made one speechless.     

But then again, if Old Wang had not gone there at that time, perhaps he would not have met the turtle and managed to bring it here.     

Since this turtle did not attack Old Wang, that only meant that it was grateful to its savior and was even willing to protect him in this dangerous place.     

It was Old Wang's luck indeed.     

With this turtle's protection, no wild beasts would dare attack this area.     

Perhaps this is why Old Wang didn't leave the orphanage with the others. Though, very unlikely that this old man could discover the turtle's extraordinariness.     

Qin Ti finally shifts his attention and asks, "Old Wang, what exactly happened in this town? And where are the children?"     

Old Wang's expression suddenly turned serious.     

"That happened two years ago; the wild beasts suddenly went on a rampage and attacked the town. However, they didn't dare to approach this place for some reason. This old man and the children lived peacefully even though the town was attacked. Even so, your aunt is worried about us and insists on evacuating us to a safer place."     

Old Wang sighed and continued, "This old man couldn't say no when it was your aunt who ordered it. However, she is doing this for our safety, so your siblings have decided to comply with her arrangement. They are currently in a very safe place. Hence, you don't have to worry about them."     

About the arrangement of his aunt, Qin Yi naturally trusts it. It was just that he didn't understand why Old Wang didn't come with the children.     

Old Wang could understand Qin Yi's doubts.     

He turned his head to the turtle that was still leisurely bathed in the sun.     

"If this old man leaves this house, no one will take care of this turtle."     

Qin Yi raised his eyebrows slightly.     

Take care of turtles? Isn't that the opposite?     

"If this old man brought it with me, it would only cause panic among the citizens. People would easily mistake it for a wild beast and even kill it with its large size. This old man can't let that happen. Because of this, old man decided to stay here. Anyway, no wild beasts dare approach this house, so I'll be fine." Old Wang said while waving his hand carelessly.     

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