Warlock of the Magus World

Chapter 870 – False God

Chapter 870 – False God

0 False God    


addition, stop performing large-scale blood sacrifices. There’s no need     

for such obstructive activity before you hear further from me,     

especially something that’ll attract the attention of the churches,”     

Leylin reminded them again before leaving.    

“Of course, Chosen of     

our Lord!” The devil priest answered without hesitation, not that he had     

any authority to go against Leylin’s words. Moreover, the reason for     

their enormous blood sacrifices was to attract Beelzebub’s attention.     

Now that he had already sent a substitute, there was no need for that     


“Lord’s substitute, please grant us your name!” The aged devil priest plucked up his courage to ask right before Leylin left.    

“My name?” Leylin smirked beneath his mask. “My name is Kukulkan!”    


power of faith essentially came from fear and obedience, respect and     

admiration, or from one’s soul force. Godhood originated from that as     

well. With a specific name, great power, and falsely assuming the     

identity of Beelzebub’s Chosen, he could win the reverence of these     

devil worshippers. He could even disseminate and spread Beelzebub’s     

faith before usurping everything.    

However, this was the only     

mature organisation of Beelzebub’s that Leylin found somewhat     

acceptable. When he would build his own church in the future, these     

people would not be of much help. After all, Leylin would not want his     

own church to be a gathering point for devil worshippers.    

The next     

step was to cancel certain blood sacrifices and evil rituals that     

violated his core values. This was the domain of a benevolent god, and     

also an essential step for a divine being to gain extensive approval in     

the prime material plane.    

“Lord Kukulkan, we will do as you wish     

and prepare for the recovery of our Lord!” Leylin was startled from his     

reverie as he watched the devil followers shouting his name loudly. A     

special energy akin to soul force enveloped him within the zealous     


The false divine power of devouring almost went out of     

control and wanted to swallow this energy to transform completely, but     

Leylin resisted it.    

‘The power of faith?’ Leylin signed internally before disappearing into a private room.    


heard the Lord’s orders!” The devil priest straightened his back and     

looked at all of the followers, especially directing his gaze at the     

nobles. Having lost the powers that the devil bestowed upon him, the     

arrival of this divine being allowed him to regain some confidence.    


the tasks done quickly so that we can welcome those paladins of the God     

of Justice!” There was no room for reconciliation between devil     

worshippers and paladins. If they met, it would be a fight to the death.    


one paladin was more than enough to slaughter an entire room of devil     

worshippers, strategy, allocation of manpower, and hidden actions would     

make things difficult for them.    

“Of course!” A few of the nobles     

laughed sinisterly, the shadows they cast on the wall behind them     

looking like terrifying demons themselves.    


‘I can’t     

believe I have to play to dress up as god and play the devil twice in a     

day…’ Leylin had currently arrived outside the city.    

He looked     

around vigilantly. His appearance of a powerful divine being was but a     

pretense, and he himself was only a rank 10 wizard. Had the devil     

worshippers just now rebelled against him, he was not sure that he’d     

have been able to suppress them. However, as he’d borrowed the superior     

aura of a high-ranked devil, he was certain he wouldn’t lose out.    


him pretending to be a divine being, on top of his possession of the     

Devilblood Dagger, was enough to scare the hell out of those followers.     

Moreover, those who had offered sacrifices to the devils already had     

shackles on their souls. If they did not wish to be tortured even after     

death, they had to act according to Leylin’s wishes.    

‘Compared to     

dealing with those low-ranked followers, this needs more attention…’     

Leylin pulled himself together with a slight sigh, and a thread of     

flames appeared on his figure, taking the shape of a flame-winged     

serpent. The small blaze lit up the Gloomwood, giving off a demonic     


‘He’s here!’ Leylin turned quickly. A black spirit was     

running towards him so quickly that it couldn’t be followed by the naked     


‘Advanced Barrier!’ ‘Advanced Protection!’ ‘Advanced     

Invisibility!’ A few enormous spell barriers were erected, separating     

the area from the outside world completely.    

‘A high-ranked     

Professional? No, he’s even stronger than Odge and Boruj, almost a     

Legend…’ Leylin inwardly assessed as the person he was thinking of     

arrived in front of him.    

“Tiff!” Formidable divine power     

circulated around the area, making Leylin seem like a god as he called     

out to Tiff. At the same time, the aura of his original form also rolled     

off his body.    

“You’re not my God, but you have his power!” Tiff     

was indeed standing in front of Leylin, but he did not look like his     

previous self. His hair was now greying at the temples, and his vigilant     

eyes glared unwaveringly at Leylin.    

Leylin felt several different     

probing spells targeted at him immediately, and if not for the fact     

that he was the original body and had the A.I. Chip’s help in concealing     

his abilities, it would be have been difficult to deal with the fellow.    

Brilliant divine power floated above Leylin’s hand as he stared Tiff in the eye, “So, do you still have any suspicions?”    



wouldn’t dare! You are the favoured one of my Lord!” Tiff pressed his     

right hand to his chest as a form of respect and bowed, showing his     

acknowledgement of Leylin’s identity.    

Strong beings like this were     

not easily subdued. Honestly, if Tiff were to make any moves, he would     

have found out that Leylin was only a pretentious false god. Once he     

figured that out, taking care of Leylin would be as easy as popping a     


“Since you’ve summoned me, what can I help you with?” Tiff still looked suspicious about the whole situation.    


Lord has already defeated the Archdevil Beelzebub and I’ve received     

orders to take over everything Beelzebub has in the prime material     

plane!” He kept to the truth. Tiff was the one person Leylin trusted the     

most here, even if he seemed doubtful of everything right now.    

Even if the boy decided to go against him, Leylin could use the power he’d formerly left with Tiff to make him turn back.    


he was able to use the energy I left behind as a foundation to receive     

magical powers and become similar to a bloodline holder… Or should I say     

half-chose? He’s somewhat talented…’ Leylin seemed to have already seen     

beyond Tiff’s facade.    

“You’ve defeated the Archdevil? The     

Sovereign King of Gluttony?” Tiff’s voice involuntarily cracked. He had     

obviously heard about this earth-shaking rumour. The loyalty of these     

worshippers, who’d already lost the magic abilities bestowed by the     

devil, had long been shaken. Some information had spread out.    


in the prime material plane were shallow. If Leylin had waited to make     

his move a couple of decades later, Beelzebub’s people would have almost     

completely disappeared. Thankfully, that was not the case.    


I’ll need your help, how much manpower do you have in the Dambrath     

Kingdom?” Leylin asked. Unless his background wasn’t optimal, a     

near-legend like Tiff would have a certain amount of influence.    


created an organisation with faith in our Lord. There are fewer than     

300 followers right now, and the highest ranked among them is a Baron…”     

Tiff clenched his teeth, and told Leylin unwillingly. The familiar soul     

suppression was too strong on him, and he had no choice but to speak the     


‘An organisation in worship of me?’ Leylin was pretty     

taken aback. ‘To sustain a miniature organisation without the support of     

divine power… He has a lot of potential…’    

The difference between     

true and false gods was that one could grant their priests divine spells     

and other powers, ranging in ranks from rank 1 to rank 9. With the     

great power separating their planes and the prime material plane, the     

highest rank of spell a powerful devil or demon could bestow upon their     

worshippers was rank 5. Anything past that would require a blood     

sacrifice to go through, or have some other such restriction. This type     

of worship of false gods would suffer a unanimous crackdown by the true     


Demigods were similar. Without enough power to grant     

high-ranked spells to their followers, they were not widely spread. The     

Feathered Snake God, Kukulkan, that Leylin had made up previously was an     

otherworldly demigod who was still in deep sleep! He would not be able     

to grant even a rank 1 spell.    

Leylin felt a special respect for     

the fact that Tiff could still sustain worship for Kukulkan under     

conditions like these, to the extent of enticing a baron. While he’d     

have used his own methods for it, it was still rather amazing.    


I can’t let this situation continue for too long... I’ll soon have to     

give them some hope!’ Leylin decided. A god that was unable to respond     

to prayers and grant spells would be eliminated like Beelzebub sooner or     


‘If his original form is still recovering from his     

injuries, it doesn’t make sense for me to confer divine spells in his     

stead!’ Leylin’s original form as a near rank 7 Magus was from another     

world after all, and the World Will of the World of Gods was hostile     

towards his power. Not to mention the amount of energy that would be     

consumed by crossing the crystal sphere shell. If he were to use his     

original form to bestow divine spells, he would quickly go bankrupt and     

even die.    

‘The only way is to advance to become a Legend is the     

and condense my divine force. By doing that, I’ll have the most basic     

capability to respond to my followers.’ Leylin gritted his teeth.    

“Devout follower of our Lord, Tiff! I have something for you to do. Let us meet at the capital city of the Dambrath Kingdom.”    


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