Rolling love

Chapter 80

Chapter 80

0Chapter 80    

Outside the suite, the man silently left.The lamps on the wall of the corridor elongated his shadow as he walked down until his footsteps disappeared.    

In the suite.    

Two bottles of red wine were enough to make Yan Liang drunk    

She heard the sound of the wine being poured again in a glass. She looked up and accepted the drink, then sat down on the ground. Lu Zheng was playing with the glass in his hands. There was some strange emotion in his eyes. He looked at Yan Liang opposite him,” What makes you so happy today ?”    

Yan Liang made a face at him, “ That’s a secret.”    

Lu Zheng did not ask again.    

The air conditioner was at a low temperature, Yan Liang rubbed her arms absent mindedly. Lu Zheng saw this and immediately put down his glass. “ I’ll get you a coat.”    

When he came back with a coat, he saw her really drunk, lying on the ground next to the coffee table. He was angry at himself    

On the white carpet, her black eye shone, but he could not figure out the emotions behind her eyes    

Lu Zheng also sat back on the carpet and leaned near her to hear her humming a song    

This was the first time he had heard her singing . It was like the whining of a mosquito. He could not help but laugh. He was about to pat her shoulder and laugh out loudly when his smile froze    

…… …    

Want to get out of your control    

But compared to your arrangements for this war situation    

I am not prepared enough    

And there is no retreat    

Want to escape your snare    

But fell into another trap    

I have no courage to win    

Not lucky enough to escape    

I’m like a pawn    

It’s all up to you now    

I am not even important in your eyes    

Just a humble soldier    

…… …    

…… …    

The song gradually faded. Lu Zheng looked at her as she lay there with her eyes closed    

Lu Zheng finished the rest of the wine. But strangely he wasn’t drunk at all. His mind was in fact more sober as it echoed her song again and again ..    

I’m like a pawn    

It’s all up to you now    

Was in your control..    

Looking down at her, he realised she was asleep    

He looked at his watch, then gently held her up and took her to the bedroom    

After settling her down on the bed, he hesitated. He was in no rush to leave.    

He looked at her for a long time, them leaned over. He almost kissed her eyebrows, but stopped , then kissed her lips    

Perhaps it wasn’t really a kiss, just a light touch on her lips, but he saw her eyelashes tremble    

He knew she had woken up, he put his hand on the bed and leaned against it till she opened her eyes.    

“ Give me a chance, but also give yourself a chance.” His voice was very soft    


“Do not rush to answer me.” He stood up before she could push him, “every year our family goes on a vacation during the Christmas holiday. This year we are going to Zurich. Come with me.    

You should not be busy at that time. If… when you are willing to go with me, you give me the answer. ” ”    

“……” “…”    

“good night.”    

*** ***    

Christmas was getting closer and closer, but Yan Liang was still hesitating.    

The Li Launch was also getting closer and closer    

The more the conspiracy, the more quiet the surface. At this point, Yan Liang was absolutely sure of what she was doing    

Jiang Shi Jun had picked November 1 as the day of the Li news conference. Of course apart from the date of launch, everything else was a big secret so that there was a layer of mystery over the entire Li Group    

J’appelle scheduled it’s news conference on November 3. Yan Liang also kept the reason for the conference a secret.    

The two companies obviously keeping things in the dark meant the media was making all kinds of speculations. They gathered outside the company to accost Yan Liang    

She had intended to get caught, otherwise she would have avoided the main entrance.    

The moment she was visible, the reporters flocked to her.” Ms Yan, J’appelle set up its news conference on the third and Li Bo set it up on first. Do you think you should also move the conference ahead ?”    

“ November 3 is an important day for Xu. It was the day Xu was officially set up. And I believe that this will help us continue the the good luck.”    

” “This time you are so secretive of your new product, are you also worried about … …”    

Yan Liang did not answer, only smiled at the reporter. Her security escorted her to her car    

The driver immediately started the car , Yan Yan glanced through the rearview mirror at those reporters, then looked at the time on the phone, today was … …    

October 21. She and Zhu Chengzhi had reached an agreement a month ago.    

According to her,complete victory was only ten days away , she could not    

wait to see Jiang Shijun suffer a crushing defeat.    

… And as for Xu Ziqing, she was already in the first step of learning a very painful lesson..    

The final verdict of her case was to come out on October 26    

On that day she arrived at the court. Zhou Cheng spotted her, was surprised , and interrupting his conversation with the lawyer, walked towards Yan Liang, “Why did you come?”    

“ To see the fate of the wicked.”    

Yan Liang’s words were full of ridicule, Zhou Cheng seemed to be angered by her and he frowned.    

He was the woman who always fought for Xu Ziqing, Yan Liang was long accustomed to his anger and turned a blind eye    

He sighed, glanced at the entrance of the court and almost begged her, “ Please don’t go in. If she sees you, she will feel even worse.”    

She smiled and walked around him to enter the court    

In half an hour, Yan Liang saw Xu Ziqing in the court.    

In fact, she was not behaving as expected. Her head was down as she was sitting in the gallery, was this because of her emotional instability ?    

Infact, some people did not even recognise the defendant. Her appearance had not changed but her entire demeanour had changed, she was no longer the smart and arrogant Xu Ziqing    

She was desperate    

Only when the final verdict was announced did she raise her head    

This time, she cried hoarsely.    

Yan Liang sat in her place, motionless as she saw Xu Ziqing cry piteously when she was sentenced to imprisonment    

For the first time in her life , she saw her sister helpless, but she didn’t feel any joy    

Neither was she sad.    

The lawyer sitting at the defence table also bowed down his head aa he went up to the gallery, “ I’m sorry”    

Zhou Cheng bit his lips but did not say anything, and continued looking at Xu Ziqing    

He told the lawyer, “ Did you not say that your firm had the lowest number of defeats ?”    

“ We have lost the lawsuit, we will think of other ways, Ms Xu may get a medical parole.”    

“ That’s the only way left.”    

As he said this, a figure passed by. He looked up. It was Yan Liang. She exited without even saying hello    

This woman acted like a true bystander. She only wanted to see the outcome of the trial.    

With her back to everyone, she would finally bid farewell to all this and really begin her new life    

*** ***    

Yan Liang was really looking forward to the new conference of Li Bo    

Li Bo was the biggest trend in the cosmetics industry for the past two years, the conference therefore attracted a lot of attention    

Yan Liang did not get the invitation, but Lu Zheng did. With Lu Zheng as her companion, they walked into the hall and were blocked by a horde of reporters interviewing the Li Bo CEO Jiang Yu Nan    

Feeling Yan Liang at his side slow her pace, lu Zheng could not help but look at her    

Although there was no sound, Jiang Yu Nan suddenly looked up , and over the hordes of reporters, his eyes met hers.    

It was too late to withdraw his gaze, the reporter immediately caught on and rushed to her side    

They called out ,” Ms Yan! Mrs Jiang !” Yan Liang was stunned at first then laughed    

The reporters were most interested in her. Not the conference. “ Miss Yan, did Li Bo invite you ? You are..” their eyes meaningfully glanced at Lu Zheng on her side    

Obviously everyone was guessing, she would surely not be invited to Li bo conference with the identity of Mrs Jiang , right ?    

But with a smile, Yan Liang slowly moved forward through the reporters and remarked, “ Although we are now divorced, we are still friends. Mr Jiang, aren’t you going to welcome me ?”    

miumiu- and because I couldn’t resist ,,an exceirt from chapter 81    

The other people in elevator looked at him, but Jiang Yu Nan acted like there was no one else.    

If he could, he would look at this woman quietly forever, memorising every inch of her face, but after all, he had to stop himself.    

“ I do not think we will meet again later”, he said    

He withdrew his hand from the door of the elevator and the door again slowly closed. Suddenly he reached out through the door and pulled Yan Liang out    


Everyone was stunned. The door closed and Jiang Yu Nan pushed her against the wall and kissed her    

There was an air of overwhelming despair around Yan Liang, as if she was back to that drunken night , late at night, when a man kissed her in anguish .    

That man.. that night..    

Was it him?    


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