The Great Ruler

Chapter 1485 - The Battle of the Ancient

Chapter 1485 - The Battle of the Ancient

0Chapter 1485: The Battle of the Ancient    


Nyoi-Bo Studio     



Nyoi-Bo Studio    


The mottled stone door opened slowly. It was dark and deep within. An aura filled with    

the vicissitudes of time, ancient and mysterious, was emitted.    

Under the mountain, all eyes were shining hot while gazing at the opening stone door.    

The gazes were filled with both desire and greed. But if they did not know that only    

those who cultivated the Immortal Golden Body can enter, perhaps the stronger ones    

would have lost their patience and stormed in.    

After all, the Primordial Immortal Body was highly desired.    

On the huge stone platform, Maha Tian was also gazing at the opened stone door. His    

glance was complicated with a longing expression and a strong desire of possession.    

Among the five ancient clans, the other four each possessed one Primitive Celestial    

Body. This is because in the past, the four ancestors cultivated in success, therefore    

the Celestial Bodies were passed down since. However, till now, not another soul from    

the other four clans were successful in cultivating the Primitive Celestial Body…    

Even so, the others each possessed one, but they were merely protectors.    

The Maha Ancient Clan was even a step slower. Back then, their ancestors fought for    

the Primordial Immortal Body against the Immortal Emperor, but the latter was stronger.    

The Immortal Emperor finally cultivated in success and became the strongest in the    

Great Thousand World.    

Perhaps this is the reason why the Immortal Emperor handed the Primordial Immortal    

Body to the Maha Ancient Clan for protection.    

Since the other four clans owned a Primitive Celestial Body whilst the Maha Ancient    

Clan were mere protectors, the clan leaders’ hearts of each generation had been filled    

with jealousy and vexation.    

Therefore they had a huge obsession for the Primordial Immortal Body.    

“Immortal Emperor, Maha Ancient Clan helped you to protect the Primordial Immortal    

Body for so long, shouldn’t you properly hand it over to us, the Maha Ancient Clan    


“You took the Primordial Immortal Body from our clan leaders that time, you should    

return it to us now, should you not?    

Maha Tian squinted slightly, darkness flitted across his eyes, and was hidden swiftly.    

His sight swept over the hundred over figures nearest to the mountain. These people    

were those who were qualified to enter the Ancient Pagoda.    

“The Ancient Pagoda has opened, but I am making a reminder here. The competition in    

the Ancient Pagoda will be brutal. Half of the people will be eliminated in every floor.    

So, try your hardest to chase others out if you want to continue to the end.” Even    

though Maha Tian’s voice that resounded through was faint, it sent a chill to countless    

people’s hearts at the scene, and their faces tensed up immediately.    

“Half of us eliminated in one floor…”    

Mu Chen frowned slightly, this drop-out rate is indeed terrifying. This meant that    

entering the Ancient Pagoda, one would face extremely brutal battles.    

From certain views, this Ancient Pagoda is like an insane house, only those who    

persisted till the end can see the true Primordial Immortal Body.    


When Maha Tian’s voice dropped, Maha You took the lead and shot out, forming into a    

streamer across the sky. Without a single speck of hesitation, he stormed into the    

opened stone door.    

Swish! Swish!    

After that, it could be seen that Ye Qing, Shi Luo and Tuoba Cang also stormed to the    


With their lead, the heaven and earth bustled up. Light rays burst towards the stone    

door one after another like rainstorm.    

“I’m going too.”    

Mu Chen said to Qing Yanjing and Budur Xuan.    

“Be careful.” Qing Yanjing nodded slightly and expressed in concern, “Just give up if    

you really cannot make it, this Primitive Celestial Body is indeed powerful, but you can    

also try for our Budur Ancient Clan’s ‘Endless Light Body’, it is also a Primitive Celestial    

Body, not any bit weaker than the Primordial Immortal Body.”    


Budur Xuan forcefully coughed at the side and said, “Even though you’re now the Great    

Elder, you cannot simply let others to lay hands on the ‘Endless Light Body’, that will    

require the Ancestor Pagoda’s to agree!”    

However Qing Yanjing paid no attention to him and only said, “I’m the Great Elder, I can    

make recommendations, and how do you know that the Ancestor Pagoda will not    



Looking at the two of them having a conflict, Mu Chen cannot help it but smiled and    

shook his head. Without saying anything, he swiftly transformed into a streamer across    

the sky and stormed through the stone door quickly.    

Shortly, within a mere minute, the hundred over figures threw themselves into the    

pinnacle. Following their entrance, Maha Tian waved his sleeve once, and lights of    

spiritual energy condensed mid-air one after another, finally forming over hundreds of    

huge light glasses of spiritual energy, which highlighted all the figures that were    


When the figures were storming into the stone door, Mu Chen immediately sensed the    

strong spatial fluctuation. However, he did not resist it, he instead allowed the    

fluctuation surround himself. A few moments later, the darkness in front of his eyes    

dissipated, and a barren ground appeared in his field of vision.    

At this moment, Mu Chen was standing on a small hill in a wasteland. An ancient and    

aged aura filled the entire sky and the earth.    

Mu Chen stood still, while his perception spread outward. He then realised that this    

space between the sky and earth was in a twisted condition, as if it was cut into many    

small regions.    

However, using his exceptional perception, he could still barely feel that there was still a    

very violent Spiritual Energy fluctuation raging on between the earth and the heaven.    

“The battle has started, hasn’t it…” Mu Chen spoke to himself softly.    


When his voice dropped, a fluctuation occured in the space not too far in front of him,    

then a light shadow appeared, a sharp gaze locked on Mu Chen fast.    

However when that individual could make clear of Mu Chen’s appearance, his face    

changed and without hesitation, he turned around and ran.    

This individual appeared to be middle-aged, his strength in the later stage of Spiritual    

Grade, but he obviously recognised Mu Chen and knew that although Mu Chen was    

also in the later stage of Spiritual Grade, his strength in fighting was known to be    


“Why are you running away when you have just came here?” However right at the    

moment he turned around , the space in front of him fluctuated, Mu Chen’s figure    

appeared like a ghost, smiling at him faintly.    

Currently, those who entered this Ancient Pagoda are all competitors, there were no    

distinction of good or evil, only different standpoints and views.    

“I have the pleasure of knowing of Estate Owner Mu’s glorious name much earlier, I    

should widen my views today!”    

The middle-aged man saw that he could not escape, so without fooling around, he    

stomped his foot, and golden beams condensed. Then, a huge Sovereign Celestial    

Appearance appeared behind him, with violet light emitting mysterious waves.    

The Sovereign Celestial Appearance which was familiar, was the grand Immortal    

Golden Body.    

Mu Chen gazed at the familiar golden gigantic figure, exclaimed in his heart. After all    

this was the first time he saw another person summoning the Immortal Golden Body.    

“Immortal God Rune!”    

The middle-aged man shouted, golden rays surged on the Immortal Golden Body.    

Divine runes like pythons refined and discharged one after another, as many as three    

hundred of them, very powerful.    


More than three hundred Immortal God Runes condensed together, and combined to    

transform into a Violet Light Sword. The sword was so sharp, it could even cut through    

the void. With a swish, it tore through the space and swinged towards Mu Chen    


A long trace were torn on the barren ground beneath, by this one swing.    

Mu Chen raised his head, a crystal pagoda appeared in his black pupils, the Spiritual    

Energy in his body surged and wholly conversed into the majestic Crystal Spiritual    

Energy. His robe was fluttering without any wind, causing whipping sounds at the time.    

He folded his hands together, and Crystal Spiritual Energy surged out as tides, forming    

a crystal torrent tearing the land and sky, crashing hard, head-on against with the Violet    

Light Sword.    


A loud noise resounded, and a Spiritual Energy Windstorm charged forth. The moment    

the crystal torrent touched the Violet Light Sword, they morphed into hundreds and    

millions of intertwined crystal light thread, encircling the sword.    

And under the circling of the crystal light thread, the vast spiritual energy of the Violet    

Light Sword dimmed instantly, forming into light spots that lit the sky finally and    

dissipated into light spots all over the air.    


Mu Chen bent and snapped his fingers, it could be seen that the hundreds and millions    

of crystal light thread penetrated the space and appeared outside the Immortal Golden    

Body next instance, bursting downwards.    

“The Power of Sealing?”    

The middle-aged man also felt the divine power harboured on the crystal light thread.    

His face immediately changed. He then summoned the Immortal Golden Body    

hurriedly, and golden beams surged and formed rings of solid defense for his protection.    

However the hundreds and millions crystal light thread still winded over, the last    

cinctures forming into a gigantic crystal light cocoon immediately, which shrouded the    

whole Immortal Golden Body within it.    

Mu Chen looked at the gigantic crystal light cocoon between heaven and earth. Spiritual    

Energy surged in his eyes. Aat that time, he was getting increasingly near to the later    

stage of Spiritual Grade, the overwhelming level of the Crystal Spiritual Energy in his    

body, it was enough for a head-on collision with the initial stage of the God Grade. At    

that moment, using it to cope with an opponent of middle stage of Spiritual Grade,    

clearly it was not that difficult, even though this opponent has also cultivated the    

Immortal Golden Body…    

The light cocoon stood between heaven and earth, waited like that for probably a long    

while. Mu Chen swinged his robe’s sleeve, the light cocoon cracked open immediately    

and morphed into crystal light spots all over the sky.    

The light cocoon faded away, and violet light could be seen to be surging inside. The    

huge Immortal Golden Body stood straight while that middle-aged man stood on its    

shoulder, but his face was filled with bitterness at the time.    


A crack appeared on the Immortal Golden Body suddenly, it spreaded out swiftly, finally    

with a loud bang, it exploded open…    

Crystal light thread emerged out of the middle-aged man’s body, Spiritual Energy in his    

body dimmed, it was clear that it was sealed temporarily.    

“Estate Owner Mu’s reputation is not vain, I accept my defeat.” the middle-aged man    

said bitterly.    

As his voice dropped, a light immediately descended to this world, the light shone at the    

middle-aged man, spatial fluctuations emerged, it was clear that it would send the man    

out of the Ancient Pagoda.    

“You let me win.”    

Mu Chen nodded slightly, and calmly said so.    

A spatial light shone, the middle-aged man’s figure disappeared. However, right at the    

moment that he was about to get expelled from the Ancient Pagoda, a violet light shot    

out from between his brows and rushed straight to Mu Chen.    

Mu Chen held out his palm and catched the violet light. The violet light was filled with a    

mysterious aura of ancient and immortality..    

“This is…the Immortal Aura of the Immortal Golden Body…”    

Mu Chen’s gaze sparked slightly, he was too familiar with this kind of aura. This could    

almost be said as the Immortal Golden Body’s nature, the stronger the Immortal Aura,    

the more valiant the Immortal Golden Body was.    

“Those who failed, their Immortal Aura will be drawn by the Ancient Pagoda…”    

Mu Chen’s expression became complicated. This Immortal Aura, could be almost    

counted as the Golden Immortal Body’s origin. Once it is removed, the Golden Immortal    

Body’s power would undoubtedly weaken.    

This, is the price of failure.    

From certain degree, this Ancient Pagoda, was brutal indeed.    

However, ultimately, Mu Chen did not have excessive clemency. The path for a    

matchless master, was supposedly filled with battles. If he did not had the drive to keep    

moving forward, perhaps one day, he might also end up like that.    

Mu Chen slowly gathered his palms, and violet light shadows emerged faintly behind    

him. He then sucked in the Immortal Aura with one breath. The violet light shadows’    

radiance had suddenly became deeper, and the mysterious air became even vaster.    

Mu Chen opened both his eyes, the violet light shadow behind him was fading, and he    

was feeling the subtle changes of the Immortal Golden Body. He had also suppressed    

all his interests, he then turned around and stepped into the twisted space with full    


Even if only one person can pass through this path of prickly thorns, he, Mu Chen, must    




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