A Record of a Mortal’s Journey to Immortality

Chapter 503: Another Clash

Chapter 503: Another Clash

0Chapter 503: Another Clash    

The burly man     

amongst the Core Formation cultivators saw the old man’s face and asked     

with surprise, “What is it? Was there something amiss? Was his identity     


The old man twirled his beard with his finger before     

revealing a green jade slip in his palm. “There is nothing wrong with     

his identity. We’ve long acquired the portraits of the two elders from     

our agents in the Exquisite Sound Sect. His appearance is an exact match     

for what we were given. There is no doubt that he is Elder Han. Even if     

he was a pretender using some sort of secret disguise technique, he     

won’t be able to escape Elder Wang’s discerning eye when he leaves the     


The burly man snorted with dissatisfaction, “Since there is no problem, why did you wear that expression?”    


muttering to himself for a second, the old man said, “The Exquisite     

Sound Sect’s Elder Han is no simple character. I fear that even if we     

were to both take him on, we would not be victorious.”    

The burly     

man was stunned before shaking his head as if he were beating a drum     

with it. He doubtfully said, “What does that mean? Isn’t he an early     

Core Formation cultivator just like us? Moreover, he is a vagrant     

cultivator. How could he compare to the two of us who have received the     

frequent teachings of our Divine Ancestor?”    

The old man wasn’t     

annoyed by his words in the slightest and calmly gave him an     

explanation, “Enforcer Liu should know that although our Seven Fiends     

Arts can’t be considered a top grade cultivation technique, we are     

extremely sensitive to the amount of baleful Qi one possesses. The     

baleful Qi that he possesses is the heaviest I’ve ever seen from a Core     

Formation cultivator. No small number of cultivators has died by his     


The burly man objected, “That’s nothing. So what if he killed a few low grade cultivators? I could do that too.”    


not the same. Although you can accumulate a bit of weak baleful Qi from     

that, it would last for but a short moment, and would easily disappear.     

As for this person, not only is his baleful Qi exceedingly dense, but     

it is also extremely cold. This is something that can only be developed     

by killing a great number of cultivators of similar rank or higher.     

Unless he uses a few specific secret techniques to rid himself of the     

baleful Qi, it will forever haunt his body.”    

After a cold glint     

flickered from his eyes, he imposingly continued, “Furthermore, he seems     

to have comprehend a few miraculous sword Qi techniques, causing the     

span of his baleful Qi to be exceptionally large. It is truly     

astonishing. If an ordinary cultivator were to fight him, not only would     

their bewitchment and illusionary techniques be weakened, but if his     

baleful Qi were to be fully cultivated, his opponents could temporarily     

lose their will to fight if they do not protect against it. If he were     

to cultivate our Seven Fiend Arts, he would make rapid advancements.”    


course, the old man didn’t know that Han Li had sparsely killed Core     

Formation cultivators, but instead killed several hundreds of their     

equivalent, grade five demon beasts. The reason for his heavy baleful Qi     

was completely different from what he had imagined.    

The burly man     

blankly stared for a moment before puzzlingly asking, “Enforcer Cang,     

could it be that you wish to take him as a disciple? Regardless of his     

baleful Qi, he won’t become your disciple. Don’t forget that he is a     

Core Formation cultivator as well.”    

The old man calmly said, “Take     

him in as a disciple? Of course not. I was merely interested in the     

method he used to accumulate such strong baleful Qi. He must have a     


Having heard that, the burly man lost interest. He     

reckoned that in the entire Scattered Star Seas, any cultivation arts     

that draw on support from the baleful Qi to progress all belonged to     

renegade sects. As his own cultivation art was not one of them, he felt     


But the burly man soon thought of something and     

asked with a puzzled expression, “You said that the young master was     

interested in the Exquisite Sound Sect’s Fairy Violet Spirit. Why     

haven’t I heard of this before? Could he have told you in private?”    


The young master need not tell me anything. You should know the     

cultivation art that the young master cultivates. With the widespread     

fame of Fairy Violet Spirit’s beauty, if we are able to present the     

woman to our young master, there will be many rewards. The young master     

has just reached late Core Formation stage. With the Sacred Ancestor’s     

pointers and protection, I reckon that he will become a Nascent Soul     

cultivator in less than a hundred years!”    

The burly man was rendered speechless for a moment before he excitedly nodded his head.    


burly man then rubbed his hands with a sinister smile and said, “Then     

when should we act? It appears that the young master is about to leave     


The old man calmly said, “There is no need to rush. It     

would be best to do this after the next great battle. After all, it     

would be better to act after we have displayed the might of our Starfall     

Coalition. If they are unwilling to yield when the time comes, we’ll be     

able to seize her under the pretext of that she possesses secret ties     

to the Star Palace. As she established her sect in Heavenly Star City,     

she will have to obediently comply.”    

The burly man rejoiced and     

laughed, “Good! Since they only have two early Core Formation elders,     

they won’t dare to stop our scheme. Fellow Daoist Cang is truly clever!”    


old man smiled upon hearing him. At the same time, he contentedly     

thought, ‘Like this, I will be able to pressure the Exquisite Sound     

Sect’s Elder Han into obediently handing over his secret for     

accumulating baleful Qi. Two birds with one stone!’    


With that thought, the old man narrowed his eyes and wore a strange expression.    



Li had now reached the end of the harbor. After taking a few glances at     

the bustling Starfall Coalition cultivators on the island, he decided     

to speed up.    

But at that moment, a formidable spiritual sense     

suddenly enveloped him without restraint. Han Li was startled, but he     

soon stopped and remained floating in the sky.    

This was something     

that he had earlier anticipated. How could the Starfall Coalition allow     

Core Formation cultivators to be released on something as simple as a     


Han Li reckoned that the owner of the spiritual sense was     

their leader, a Nascent Soul eccentric, using his spiritual sense to     

examine him. It seemed this was a measure to prevent Core Formation     

cultivators from using secret techniques to alter their appearance and     

escape the island with a false identity.    

Han Li’s expression was     

completely calm and didn’t reveal the slightest panic. He hadn’t even     

bothered to consider using a false identity from the very beginning.     

This was because these techniques could be seen through by those with     

formidable spiritual sense, unless one used a legendary technique from     

antiquity or an extremely precious magic treasure.    

Had he     

superficially changed his appearance and used a false identity, he would     

appear quite suspicious were he to be caught, causing a huge backlash.    


he would rather take advantage of his status as an elder of the     

Exquisite Sound Sect and take the risk of leaving a trail behind for     

Zenith Yin and the others. By the time the eccentrics tracked him down,     

he would already be in the Outer Star Seas, and be completely     


With that in mind, Han Li calmly allowed the Nascent     

Soul cultivator to examine him with his spiritual sense. As expected,     

the spiritual sense soon disappeared without leaving a mark on his body.    

Han Li let out a long sigh and calmly flew towards the sea.    

Not long after Han Li left the island, he began to fly at his top speed.    

As the blood-red cloak would attract too much attention near the conflict, he could only fly through normal means.    


a day later, Han Li was wondering how he should enter the city while he     

flew when he came to a sudden stop. He frowned and examined his     

surroundings with a puzzled gaze.    

His expression suddenly     

stiffened as he gazed into the distance. He enveloped his body in a     

layer of faint azure light and motionlessly floated in place.    


a short moment, a blue and a red streak of light flew towards him with     

the speed of lightning. The lights arrived in front of Han Li in an     

instant, fading away to reveal two middle-aged cultivators wearing     

silver robes with gold lining.    

Starfall Coalition cultivators!    


of the men were early Core Formation cultivators. One of them appeared     

scholarly, possessing a pale face and no beard. The other was a rather     

robust man with tan skin.    

Since they had both appeared, they just     

coldly stared at Han Li without a word. Their spiritual senses were     

obviously locked onto Han Li as if they were about to take action.    


Li’s expression stirred for a moment. He then asked them with a deep     

voice, “What business do you two have? I am in a hurry. If you have     

nothing to say, then I will take my leave.”    

“Wrong! You will be coming with us!” The robust man icily spoke with a commanding tone.    


Li scowled and his eyes coldly glinted. “Have I offended you two? Or     

has the Starfall Coalition taken to tyrannically arresting people as     

they please?”    

“Fellow Daoist, please do not be angry. We are under     

orders to pursue and eliminate any Star Palace remnants. We managed to     

wound a Star Palace cultivator just recently, but he managed to escape     

in this direction using a strange technique. It just so happened we     

found you while in pursuit of him. According to our knowledge, the Star     

Palace cultivators possesses face changing techniques. As we are unable     

to tell if your appearance is genuine, we must ask you to accompany us     

until we find the cultivator that escaped.” The scholarly middle-aged     

man spoke quite politely, but he obviously had no intention of letting     

Han Li go.    


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