Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou (WN)

Volume 2 Chapter 8

Volume 2 Chapter 8


The day Hajime and Yue met, and survived their life or death struggle with the scorpion.    


Kouki and the rest of the heroes once again arrived at the 【Orcus     

Great Dungeon】. However, those who came were only Kouki’s Hero group, a     

small group of rogues, and another group consisting of five boys and     

girls led by a bulky judo guy called Nagayama Jugo.    


The reason was simple. Even if they didn’t bring up the topic,     

Hajime’s death had casted a deep, heavy shadow over their hearts. If     

they couldn’t face the reality of “death in battle”, they wouldn’t be     

able to fight properly. This was a type of psychological trauma.    


Of course, the officials from the Saint’s Church wasn’t sympathetic.     

Thinking that as long as the students experience actual combat     

incessantly, they should be able to fight again after some time, they     

continued to urge them to return to the battlefield everyday. However,     

there was a vehement protester. It was Aiko-sensei.    


Aiko did not participate in the expedition at that time. Due to the     

fact that her job was the special and extremely rare Agriculturalist,     

rather than combat training, the church hoped she would put her effort     

towards agricultural cultivation instead. As long as Aiko-sensei was     

around, there’s a high possibility that their provisions problem would     

be solved.    


When Aiko learnt of Hajime’s death, she was so shocked that she was     

left bedridden. Faced with the fact that one of her students died while     

she was just leisurely spending time within the safety zone, and the     

fact that it was no longer possible to bring everyone back to Japan.     

Aiko, who had a strong sense of responsibility, suffered a powerful     



That’s why, she absolutely wouldn’t permit for students who couldn’t fight anymore to be sent to the battlefield. Aiko’s Class ⌈     



⌋ was     

an extremely rare one which had the possibility of bringing about a     

complete change to the world’s food issue. And that Aiko-sensei was     

protesting with unwavering determination against the students’ forced     

combat training. The church, which wanted to avoid worsening their     

relationship, accepted Aiko’s objection.    


In the end, only the Heroes, the rogues, and Nagayama Jugo’s party     

willingly continued with the combat training. After training for some     

time, they decided to challenge the 【Orcus Great Dungeon】 once again.     

This time, they were also accompanied by Commander Meld and several     



Today was the sixth day of their dungeon exploration. They were     

currently on the sixtieth level. It was just five levels before reaching     

the highest confirmed level. However, Kouki’s party was currently     

stuck. No, rather than being unable to advance, it was an involuntary     

recollection of the nightmare from that time that brought them to a     



Yes, despite being clearly different from that time, similar steep     

cliffs spreaded before their eyes. They must cross a suspension bridge     

in order to get to the next level. This isn’t much of a problem per se,     

but as expected, they couldn’t help but recall that event. Especially     

Kaori, as she stood there motionlessly, staring over the cliff into the     

darkness of the endless abyss.    




As Shizuku anxiously called out, Kaori who was looking down with a     

strong gaze, slowly shook her head and smiled towards Shizuku.    


“It’s alright, Shizuku-chan.”    


“I see…… You are not forcing yourself right? You don’t have to hold back because of me.”    


“Eheh-heh, thank you, Shizuku-chan.”    


Shizuku also smiled at her close friend. Kaori’s eyes were giving off     

a strong radiance, without any despair or escapism within. With her     

excellent insight and sensitivity to people’s subtleties, Shizuku     

realized that Kaori saying “It’s alright”, was from her true feelings.    


(As expected, Kaori is strong.)    


Hajime’s death was almost a certainty. It’s hopeless to even     

half-heartedly say he survived. Nevertheless, Kaori chose to neither     

escape nor deny, but advance to reach her own understanding. Shizuku was     

proud of her close friend.    


However, being unable to read the mood is one of the hero’s quality.     

In Kouki’s eyes, reflected the appearance of Kaori grieving at the     

thought of Hajime’s death while staring below. He concluded that the     

kind Kaori is currently suffering over a classmate’s death.     

Consequently, under the filter of his assumption, Kaori’s smiling figure     

appeared to be forced as well.    


Then, without the slightest consideration that Kaori thought     

specially of Hajime and still believed in the possibility of his     

survival, Kouki repeatedly gave Kaori misplaced consolation.    


“Kaori…… I like that kind side of yours. However, you can’t let     

yourself be trapped by our classmate’s death forever! You have to move     

on. Surely, that’s what Nagumo would have wanted.”    


“Hey, Kouki……”    


“Shizuku, be silent for a while! Even if it’s harsh, as her childhood     

friend, I have to say this…… Kaori, it’s alright. I will stay by your     

side. I wouldn’t die. I wouldn’t let anyone die anymore. I promise I     

would never make Kaori sad.”    


“Haa~, reckless as always…… Kaori……”    


“Haha, it’s okay, Shizuku-chan…… Well, I know what Kouki-kun was trying to say, so it’s okay.”    


“Oh, you understood!”    


Kaori could only smile bitterly at Kouki’s completely misdirected     

words. It seems that even if Kaori were to honestly talk about her     

feelings now, it probably wouldn’t be transmitted to Kouki. For Kouki,     

it is already a fact that Hajime is dead. Thus, it is unthinkable that     

the reason why Kaori is zealously training and exploring the dungeon is     

due to her belief in Hajime’s survival. It is in his nature to persist     

in his beliefs without any doubts, he could only seem to interpret     

Kaori’s feelings as a psychological illness stemming from escapism. From     

their long association, Kaori somewhat understood Kouki’s thought     

patterns, which was why she didn’t say anything.    


By the way, the nuance which appeared to be nothing but completely     

wooing her was said by the person himself without any ulterior motives,     

it only showed Kouki’s extreme earnestness. Shizuku and Kaori, who were     

already used to Kouki’s words and actions let it slide as usual, but if     

the other girls heard that, they would probably all fall together into     

sugary expressions at the sweet atmosphere.    


Generally, a handsome guy with good character, proficient in both     

sports and studies would cause any female childhood friend to fall in     

love. However, influenced by her strict father, Shizuku had been in     

contact with and was raised by the adults under her house’s dojo from     

young. Coupled with her natural insight, she was aware that his sense of     

justice could be said as Kouki’s flaw, and he had displayed it numerous     

times, making her unable to harbour any feelings more than a childhood     

friend towards him. Although, for the others, the more important thing     

hasn’t changed.    


Kaori was naturally insensitive about love and hearing about various     

things from Shizuku, her heart was unable to throb over Kouki’s words or     

actions. He is considered a good-natured person and thought caringly of     

as a childhood friend, but would never lead to any romantic feelings.    


“Kaori-chan, I am rooting for you, if there’s anything I can do to help, please say.”    


“Yeah~, Suzu will always be at on Kaorin’s side!” ⌈     





Joining the conversation were Nakamura Eri and Taniguchi Suzu who     

were listening to Kouki’s chat nearby. Both of them are Kaori’s close     

friends since entering high school and they have an excellent     

relationship. They are also capable people who were added into the Hero     

party led by Kouki.    


Nakamura Eri is a bespectacled beauty with black Natural Bob hair.     

Personality-wise, she is mild and meek, and basically makes everybody     

want to keep an eye out for her. She loves books and gives off the feel     

of a stereotypical librarian. As a matter of fact, she was in the     

library committee.    


Taniguchi Suzu, she is a chibi whose height was only around 142     

centimeters. However, it was unimaginable where her inexhaustible     

liveliness could be hidden within that small body. She always jumps     

about happily with her drooping braids bouncing along. That     

heart-warming sight secured her role as the class mascot.    


When the two of them saw Kaori’s discomposure the day Hajime fell     

into the abyss, they understood her feelings and approved of Kaori’s     



”Nn, Eri-chan, Suzu-chan, thank you.”    


Kaori smiled happily at the two close friends made in high school.    


“Oooh~ Kaorin got her spirit back~ That Nagumo-kun! How dare he make Suzu’s Kaori-chan so sad! If he died, Suzu will kill him!”     


“S-Suzu? If he died, how are you going to k-kill him?”     


“Don’t mind the details! Oh yeah, if he really died, Eririn can just use necromancy to make him serve Kaorin!”     


“S-Suzu, watch what you’re saying! Kaori-chan sincerely believes that Nagumo-kun is still alive! Moreover, my necromancy is…”    


Eri remonstrated the reckless Suzu. That is the default. Looking at     

the usual boisterous scene between the two, Kaori and Shizuku displayed     

pleasant expressions. By the way, Kouki and the rest who were a short     

distance away didn’t hear the conversation just now. Of course, it was     

Kouki’s natural skill to miss the most important part of the     

conversation like this.    


“Eri-chan, I don’t mind, so it’s ok?”     


“Suzu too, you should stop it. Eri seems troubled no?”    


“Mu~” Suzu puffed her cheeks upon hearing Kaori and Shizuku’s words,     

which were mixed with bitter smiles. Eri, who had turned paled at the     

mention of “necromancy” just now, finally relaxed her expression after     

noticing that Kaori seriously did not mind Suzu’s words.    


“Eririn, are you still having trouble with necromancy? Even though it is such a rare Class…”     


“…Nn, sorry. It will be very useful, if only I can control it properly…”     


“Eri, everyone have their strengths and weaknesses. Besides, your magic aptitude is high, so don’t worry about it alright?”     


“That’s right, Eri-chan. though it is your Class, having talent in that     

field is different from liking or disliking it. Hasn’t Eri-chan’s     

accurate and precise magic helped everyone?”     


“Nn, but even so, I still need to do my best to overcome this. Because… I want to be of more help to everyone!”    


Eri clenched her small fists tightly to show her determination.     

Seeing Eri like this, Suzu said, “That’s the spirit, Eririn!” and     

glomped her, while Kaori and Shizuku’s cheeks loosened into smiles at     

their friend’s tenacity.    


Eri’s Class was 【Necromancer】. Dark magic was a type of Systematic     

Magic that affected the spirit and consciousness. It was basically     

recognized as a magic that inflicts abnormal statuses to the target in     

actual combat. And necromancy was one of the super-high difficulty dark     

magic. It was a magic that could gather the residual thoughts of the     

dead. In the Saint’s Church, there were also a few necromancy users     

among the priests. They draw the residual thoughts of the deceased and     

pass on to their bereaved family members, using necromancy in a way     

befitting of clergymen.    


However, the true essence of this magic lies elsewhere. The proper     

way to use this magic was to wrap the residual thoughts of the body with     

magic and     


granting realization ability     




make it possess the corpse and become a puppet. In other words, the     

necromancers would be able to control the dead, although their skills     

and true strength would be inferior compared to when they were still     

alive. Furthermore, even living humans could be possessed and trace the     

dead soul’s techniques and abilities to a certain extent.    


Although the dead could be controlled to a certain degree, they had     

pale skin and were devoid of life, like that of a ghost. And because Eri     

herself felt that it was ethically wrong to use the dead people like     

this, she was unable to use this magic ability efficiently.    


Behind the four girls, someone was staring, more specifically,     

someone was gazing at Kaori with dull eyes That person was Hiyama     

Daisuke. That day, after some time had passed upon returning to the     

capital, and after everyone had regained their composure, sure enough,     

severe criticism was awaiting Hiyama for bringing about that     




had already expected this to happen, so he earnestly plead for     

forgiveness while kowtowing on the ground. He knew that refuting at     

times like this would do nothing but only make things worse. The time     

and place for apology was also especially important.    


Hiyama’s aim was to prostrate himself before Kouki’s eyes. He     

predicted that if it was Kouki, he would certainly be forgiven with his     

apology, and would even help to mediate among his classmates. His     

expectations came true as Kouki forgave Hiyama and settled the criticism     

against him. Kaori was kind to the core, and did not especially rebuke     

Hiyama who was apologizing in tears. It was as he calculated. However,     

Shizuku vaguely notice Hiyama’s scheme, and appeared to harbour disgust     

at the fact that her childhood friend was used.    


And THAT ⌈     




person’s orders made him go silent. It was an exceedingly terrible     

command. Or rather, it was a command which made him shudder in fear. He     

felt an intense sense of repulsion, but Hiyama could no longer stop, for     

he had long went past that line. However, that person who could     

integrate so naturally with the class while kneading such terrifying     

plans behind the scenes, made Hiyama fear while embracing joyful     



(That person is mad…… if I follow that person, Kaori will be mine……)    


Upon hearing that as long as he obeys, he would be able to get his     

hands on Kaori, his suppressed joy involuntarily formed a smile on his     



“Hey, Daisuke? What’s wrong?”    


Kondo, Nakano, and Saito were all looking suspiciously at Hiyama’s     

odd expression. The three of them were still hanging out with Hiyama.     

From the start, the four could be said to be the same kind of people.     

Although there was a period of awkwardness, Hiyama’s laudable attitude     

recovered their friendship. However, it is extremely doubtful whether     

this could even be called friendship in the truest sense……    


“Eh, no, it’s nothing. I am just happy thinking that we have cleared sixty levels.”     


“Ah~, that’s true. We are just five levels away from the previously highest recorded level~”     


“We have all become considerably strong. Good grief, the stay-behind team is too weak-willed.”     


“Well, don’t put it like that. It looks like we are special.”    


The three of them synced with Hiyama’s deception without any doubts.     

Becoming enthusiastic thinking of themselves who continued fighting as     

special, seems like small-time villains will always remain as small-time     

villains. They had a huge ⌈     




attitude towards the stay-behind group back in the royal palace. Their     

haughty attitudes often lead to many complaints. However, breaking     

through to the sixtieth level also speaks of their definite abilities,     

proving that they are not all words.    


Naturally, they are not at the Heroes’ party level, so they are     

docile around Kouki and the others. This seems to be the modus operandi     

of small fries.    


The group did not particularly encounter any problems, and finally     

they arrived at the previously highest recorded sixty-fifth level.    


“Concentrate! The map here is incomplete. I don’t know what will happen!”    


The voice of the accompanying Commander Meld resounded. Kouki and the     

others tightened their expressions and stepped into the unknown     



After a short while, they entered a large hall. Somehow or other,     

everyone present felt an unpleasant premonition. That hunch was right on     

the mark. At the same time they entered the hall, a magic circle     

emerged in the center of the room. It was a dark red pulsating magic     

circle of about ten meters in diameter. That was, a very familiar magic     



“D-Don’t tell me…… it’s that!?”    


Cold sweat formed on Kouki’s forehead as he shouted. The other members’ expression were distinctly nervous.    


“Seriously, it’s dead, isn’t it!”    


Ryutaro exclaimed, visibly shocked. Responding to that, with a grim expression but a calm voice, was Commander Meld.    


“We have yet to elucidate the reason behind the formation of magic     

beasts in dungeons. It is normal to encounter magic beasts that have     

been defeated before many times again. Brace your spirits! Don’t forget     

to secure the retreat path!”    


In case it was needed, to ensure that they could safely get away,     

Commander Meld gave instructions to prioritise securing the escape     

route. His subordinates obeyed immediately. However, it left a bad taste     

in Kouki’s mouth, as he retorted.    


“Meld-san. We are no longer the us from back then. We are many times     

stronger now! There’s no way we will lose now! We will definitely win!”     


“Heh, that’s right. We can’t keep thinking that we will lose forever. It’s time for our revenge match!”    


Ryutaro also responded with a fearless smile. Commander Meld shrugged     

his shoulders while letting out a “Dear me”. As he was thinking that it     

will probably be alright with Kouki’s and the other’s current strength,     

he let out the same daring smile.    


And finally with an explosion of brilliance, the former nightmare once again appeared before Kouki and the others.    




A strange figure raised a roar and stomped the ground. Behemoth     

glared at Kouki and the others with a fierce intent to kill dwelling in     

its eyes. Just as everyone was about to run from their nervousness, a     

single girl was indifferent and with a resolute expression, returned the     



It’s Kaori. Kaori declared not with an audible voice, but with strength dwelling in her indomitable will.    


“No one would be taken away anymore. I will defeat you and go to him.”    


Now, the battle to overcome the past has begun.    



Additional: Amanogawa Kouki’s current status    




Amanogawa Kouki    

17 Year old    



























Magic Power:    




Magic Resistance:    






All Elemental Aptitude • All Elemental Resistance •     

Physical Resistance • Composite Magic • Swordplay • Herculean Strength •     

Ground Shrink • Foresight • High Speed Magic Recovery • Presence     

Perception • Magic Perception • Limit Break • Language Comprehension     



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