The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2627 - No Retreat! No surrender! No Regrets! (4)

Chapter 2627 - No Retreat! No surrender! No Regrets! (4)

0Chapter 2627: No Retreat! No surrender! No Regrets! (4)    

“Gee, to think that human teenagers have such good archery; quite amazing.” Tian Jue, with an evil smile    

on his face, slowly withdrew his hand and looked at the fallen gure of the dead young archer. The warm    

blood on his palm made his eyes even more bloodthirsty.    

This time, mankind’s defensive ability was far beyond his expectations, and the intensity of the whole    

attack had undergone a radical change.    

But …    

This would only make him more excited.    

Only the prey that knew how to struggle would arouse the murderous spirit of the hunter.    

The other archers on the archer tower simply could not understand what had happened.    

Just now, their comrade who had been ghting alongside them quietly died in front of their eyes. He was    

still so young. They still remembered that before the war, he once said that his sixteenth birthday would    

come in a few days…    

But now, he was dead, dead before them, lying in a pool of blood. That childish and shy smile before his    

death still seemed to have determination.    

But in a second, he was dead.    

“Kill him!” With tears in their eyes, the archers took up their bows and arrows and aimed at the handsome    

devil man who had come up to the archer tower unnoticed.    

Tian Jue shrugged his shoulders, looked at the faces full of hatred, and said with a cruel smile, “Since you    

don’t plan to give up, then… why don’t you just die with him!”    

In a ash, red blood spattered all over the archer tower. In the blink of an eye, all the archers were killed    

and fell silently in a pool of blood.    

The blood beneath them converged into a river, dying the entire archer tower red, and the patter of blood    

kept dripping down.    

“Ha ha ha!!! I haven’t felt this feeling for a long time! Ha ha ha! ” Tian Jue stood in a pool of blood, his body    

covered in red and his hands clutching several fresh hearts. He watched the several corpses with    

fascination, then suddenly his hands tightened, crushing the hearts.    

Tian Jue’s face was full of killing madness, just like a demon crawling out of hell.    

Kill! Kill all the people here!    

Leave no one alive!    

The smell of death spread from this Desert City. Tian Jue enjoyed the feeling of killing.    

The city lord of the Desert City was greatly shocked as he watched the devil that kept laughing and killing    

his companions.    


He was indeed a devil!    

“City lord! The northern wall is broken! ”    

“City lord! The siege weapons are battering the city gate, and the gate will be broken before long!”    

“City lord! The devils’ ladders have been placed!”    

One bad bit of news after another came. The city lord’s eyes were bloodshot. He grasped the sword at his    

waist and called out his magical beast.    

“Gunners and archers, continue to attack, kill as many as you can! Others, come to the gate with me!    

Prepare to meet the enemy!”    


With a loud bang, the gates of the Desert City were nally breached. Countless devil soldiers, demons, and    

demon beasts rushed into the city. The people in the city and their allies jumped at them immediately,    

blocking the path of the enemies with their esh and blood.    

The blood of the injured and the dead gathered into a river at the gate of the Desert City, soaking the    

earth beneath their bodies with blood.    

Magicians continued to support their companions from the walls, but the demons who had rushed to    

these walls with the help of ladders had come behind them, and the Magicians and undead with very low    

defenses had become the most vulnerable targets. Until the moment the demons’ pikes stabbed through    

their chests, they had not given up on providing support to their companions.    


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