The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2635 - Division of Troops (2)

Chapter 2635 - Division of Troops (2)

0Ch. 2635: Division of Troops (2)    

Satan chose to split up his forces and let the twelve devil generals lead a portion of their troops to look for    

ways to break through via other areas.    

Once the defensive magical array was activated, it would continuously consume energy. In addition to the    

core energy of the ve main cities, the energy of the other large cities was limited, to a certain extent.    

Their energy would eventually be exhausted, and then their death would come.    

Anyway, Satan had plenty of time to play with them.    

The twelve devil generals led the way, and the devil army began to spread to all parts of the Barren Land.    

More cities were aected by the war, which blazed through the whole Barren Land like wildre.    

The division of the devil army was unexpected. The members of the Silver Hands, who had been lurking in    

the distance of the cities, were responsible for collecting information on every battle and sending it back    

to The Rising Sun City in the rst instant.    

But this time, the action of the devil army gave them no time to react at all. When they saw the devil army    

split up, they immediately acted to send the new message to Shen Yanxiao in the shortest possible time.    

Dividing the troops, no matter the kind of battle, was a very dangerous practice. It meant that the troops    

gathered together would be scattered and tens of millions of troops would be broken up into parts. If    

they were attacked by their enemy’s large army, they were likely to be dealt a heavy blow.    

However, Satan did not seem to have such worries at all. He was not worried that the alliance army would    

mount a counterattack.    

“Quick, send the message to the lord! We will continue to observe the movements of the devil army here.    

” A member of the Silver Hands made a quick judgment. They must send someone back immediately to    

inform Shen Yanxiao. If it were not too late, the lord might think of a good way to deal with the Devil    

Race’s new strategy.    

“I’ll be right back!” The man shouldering the task of sending messages immediately called out his magical    

beast, a Fengsu Bird.    

This kind of magical beast was very weak when attacking, but it was very fast, and was most suitable for    

delivering urgent messages.    

The man sat on the Fengsu Bird and immediately headed for The Rising Sun City.    

However, when the Fengsu Bird just risen into the sky, a huge ying demon beast suddenly pounced on    

the Fengsu Bird.    

It bit the bird’s head o in one bite.    

The members of Silver Hands did not even dream that there would be a demon beast here. The man on    

the back of the Fengsu Bird had been caught by the demon beast’s claws before he returned to his    


“I thought you would never act, but sure enough, you were unable to stay still.” Accompanied by a sadistic    

smile, Hei Jiao stepped out of the nearby hill. He looked at the three members of the Silver Hands, who    

were stuck on the ground, and said with a smile, “Lord Satan is really clever; he knew you despicable    

human beings would send people to lurk near the battleeld. How is it? Are you surprised to see our devil    

army split up? Are you in a hurry to send the news back? Ha ha.”    

Hei Jiao laughed wildly. Because they were normally too far away, these humans had never seen the    

appearance of the twelve devil generals, so they wouldn’t be able to tell who was who.    

Satan had already sent out the twelve devil generals. In addition to Tian Jue and Ji Ying, the other ten devil    

generals were no longer in the devil army led by Satan.    

Hei Jiao was just here to catch these mice.    

“I can let you choose whether to take us to The Rising Sun City, or… I’ll kill you.” Hei Jiao spoke with a    

smile; had it not been for the fact that they were still useful to him, he would have killed these lowly    

human beings at once.    


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