The Spearmaster and the Black Cat

Chapter 50

Chapter 50

0Chapter 50     


Fiftieth Episode~ Pleasure of Cooperation    

“Again! Everyone, get ready!”    


All of crimson tiger responds to Sarah’s commanding voice .     

Everyone attacks the drake together .     

Their movements are unified as well as their words .     

As expected of the B rank clan, 【Tempest of Crimson Tiger】    

Rollo and I watch their cooperative movements and act carefully .     

We contribute attacks that do not interfere .     

After defeating the drakes for several hours, the sun has already set .     

As you would expect, all the members of crimson tiger are beginning to show signs of fatigue .     

However, there is another magic essence reaction there .     

Moreover, there are multiple .     


Sarah’s forehead creases and she has a loathing expression .     

“It looks like it . ”    

In the direction Lushell points, a swarm of long-armed ants appear .     

Moreover, small two headed dragons appear soon after .     

“Ants and dragons? It can’t be helped . Everyone, go all out . ”    

“Butch, you’re tired so take a pill . ”    

“I’m fine . As for the captain, if you’re tired why don’t you drink a stamina restoration potion?”    

“Haha, you’re saying that? I’m all right . ”    

She who has been fighting for a long time does not disrupt her confident behavior .     

It seems they will be okay for a while longer .     

While I admire them, I turn my attention to the main monster .     

I look at an ant with long arms .     

This is my first time seeing the small dragon .     

The two heads of the dragon are extending from slim necks . Its scales are pale .     

When I observe it, the small dragon and the swarm of ants begin to fight .     

They are like cats and dogs, the fight between the monsters is strange .     

For a long time…I follow the fight between the dragons and ants .     

The ants and dragons that wander away from the war target us .     

There are five ants and two small dragons .     

“Here they come . There are five long armed ants, and two small sonic bang dragons . ”    

Sarah points her long curved swords in the direction of the monsters .     

The name of the two-headed dragon seems to be sonic bang .     

“Well then, I will-”    

Belize raises her bow, nocks an arrow, and fires .     

The arrow whistles through the air, piercing the ant’s eyes one after another, and striking the thin necks of the dragons .     

Amazing…she is more than a pair of tits .     

I can tell that the Elf Belize’s archery is at a considerable level .     

However, melon-san’s big breasts seem obstructive when using a bow and arrow . [ED: Holy… Author you need to get laid or something… . ]    

The breasts behind the red leather armor…    

“Still, we have a long way to go . It’s our turn now . ”    

Lushell talks casually .     

As an example of her composure, Belize winks while she fires her bow and arrow .     

Lushell being a magic user holds out a long staff in front of her chest .     

She raises the big staff in one hand and closes one eye .     

Her other hand moves to grasp the large staff as support .     

I confirm with magic observing eye .     

Lushell is manipulating mana .     

I can see mana is being transmitted into the staff from both of her arms .     

She does not seem to be using an aria .     

When the blue jewel at the end of the staff starts to shine, the wooden claw like branches shrink back so the blue jewel may be grasped . Countless blue particles come from the jewel and expand, the particles gather right above and form a big pointed icicle .     

“Be smashed by ice . ”    

The pointed icicles are produced continuously and they fly at the ants .     

One by one, the glistening icicles, wider than five centimeters, pierce through the abdomens of the ants .     

The ants pierced by the sharp icicles stop moving .     

The ants, which continue receiving the ice magic, become frozen white ice statues in no time .     

The icicles also hit the other two ants, dulling their movements .     

The heads of the slowed ants are pierced through by arrows and they stop moving .     

The long armed ants are wiped out by Lushell’s magic and Belize’s bow .     

However, the small dragons are still there .     

“The dragons seem to be resistant . ”    

Like Lushell said, the icicles hit the small two headed dragons but are being deflected by their pale scales .     

The ice system does not seem to work on those blue scales .     

On the other hand, a lot of arrows are stuck in them .     

“Let’s kill each dragon . ”    

Sarah declares her instruction with those few words .     

She is already running towards the sonic bangs with a bent forward posture and her two swords . (TL: So, like that one kid on the playground who watched too much Naruto and thought running like that would be cool . )    


The members of Tempest of Crimson Tiger all obey Sarah’s command .     

Butch follows up on Sarah’s attack and delivers a blow to the body of the sonic bang . Belize fires arrows from her bow as well .     

Lushell also releases sharp icicles from her large staff .     

However, the ice magic does not work on the blue scales .     

Lushell stops attacking with her large staff .     

I participate as well, undaunted . I aim for the small legs .     

Timing my attack in cooperation with Sarah and Butch, I extend the black spear and drill into the spot already injured by the sword and ax .     

Once one leg is cut off, and the sonic bang loses its balance . At that moment, Rollo sticks her bone sword into it’s small neck .     

Piercing through the head, one of the necks hangs loose, unmoving .     

However, the sonic bang dragon has a second head which raises a sound similar to a scream .     

It can make an awfully high-pitched sound despite it being small .     

The roaring reverberates as Rollo retracts her feeler and sneaks around the back of the sonic bang, preparing for the next attack .     

However, despite having its leg destroyed and losing its balance, the small dragon seems fine . Turning its remaining head around, it turns its body around quickly .     

The sonic bang opens its mouth towards Rollo and roars, a shock wave is thrown out .     

Rollo receives the shock wave and rolls back once .     

She collapses with her stomach exposed .     


I shout her name, but she is okay .     

Rollo extended her feels as she fell to absorb the shock .     

The sonic bang opens its mouth again .     

“Show me your back will you, good-bye-”    

The moment Sarah says good-bye, mana circulates in her arms . Her long swords warp and red hair grows out from her arms . The muscles of each arm swell and they become gigantic .     

Her hair is bushy too .     

Using both arms the “Attack skill” called “Quadruped Strike” is delivered, blowing away the small dragon’s skull . [ED: @TL Changed text and raw removed . ]    

It is amazing no matter how many times I see it .     

Seeing it up-close, her arms and long-swords become larger .     

Is the sword special too? Everything has already returned to it’s original size .     

Her gigantic arms were covered in red hair and her agility seemed to increase as well .     

So much so that her arms became blurred .     

The four-sword slash of the curved long swords .     

The wound is terrible because it is caused by four simultaneous sword slashes .     

The slashing attack that blew away the drake’s head seems to be a technique from a similar skill system .     

On the other hand, Butch attacks the remaining sonic bang on his own .     

The simultaneous attacks of the two heads are deflected by the large ax . He used the broadax like a shield to defend against the shockwaves from the sonic bang’s mouths .     

As though responding there, Belize hits the eyes of the small dragon with arrows .     

There are two heads, so a total of four arrows find their marks .     

Her bow skills are amazing . The dragon can no longer pick a target so it releases shock waves and roars in random directions .     

Then, a magic that looks like thunder magic smashes into the small dragon .     

Two thin yellow flashes of light, three, they all land direct hits on the sonic bang-    

The sonic bang seems to have become weakened, trembling, but still alive .     

However, its movements are noticeably slowed .     

Butch makes use of his strength and delivers an attack with his broadax, easily cutting through the pale scales into the flesh beneath .     

His movements are like a baseball player striking a home run .     

Seeing the attack with the broadax, I am reminded of Raguren .     

Still, I never heard an aria but Lushell made lightning fall from the sky .     

Even if I think such a thing, it started with Sarah’s three-stranded slashing attack .     

Butch’s attacks continue to happen .     

Butch jumps- swinging his broadax from the sky .     

A helm splitting type skill .     

The thin wings are completely shattered and twisted by the fierce blow of the ax skill and seem to be torn off .     

Following up on Butch’s broadax skill, Lushell continues dropping down lightning magic . The scales are blown off and its flesh roasted, causing a smell to rise .     

The small dragon’s entire body is trembling, seeming to be caused by the numbness .     

I see . That lightning magic was a scroll .     

There is a sheet of paper attached to a belt over Lushell’s head .     

The paper is thick . It looks like a bound book and there is a lot of paper .     

A piece of paper is ripped from the magic book . After being thrown, the paper becomes a thunderbolt .     

Then Belize fires am arrow from a tightly-strung bow which pierces through the scales into two sections of burning dragon flesh .     

The sonic bang has survived until now…    

It looks pitiful under everyone’s concentrated attacks .     

The blind sonic bang is full of openings .     

Late to the party, Rollo also attacks the small dragon and extends a feeler bone sword .     

The bone sword splits an arrow in half driving even deeper past the eye into the head of the dragon .     

I attack as well . My foot firmly on the ground, power flows through my twisting waist, and I throw out my arm in a .     

The twisting black spear drills into the small dragon, penetrating deep .     

Again, everyone continues to attack .     

The small dragon is unable to run away, and it cannot even scream .     

In an instant, it becomes scraps of flesh .     

Complete overkill .     

The dragons and ants fighting seem to have stopped and there are no signs of dragons or ants in the immediate area .     

First team game . This is considerably easy .     

The surroundings are open as well . Cooperation is fun .     

Rollo’s cooperation is interesting too, still a different kind of fun .     

“Yosh . I don’t see any more enemies in the area . Were all the ants and dragons springing up around here cleared up… Strip them of their materials but leave them here, we can collect them later . ”    

“That’s right . Like the captain said, there are no more “signs” coming from the left side . There seem to still be wyverns in the sky though…”    

Lushell seems to have a presence detection skill, or can use search magic .     

“As one would expect, if it’s that distance, I don’t know if even my bow could reach…”    

“Anywhere is fine as long as I can swing my ax around, I trust the captain’s judgement . ”    


Then, waiting for my opinion, Sarah turns her eyes to me .     

Making eye contact, I nod lightly .     

It is true, I can only feel magic essence signs from the sky .     

Same for pheromone touch .     

Everyone’s faces are weary with fatigue .     

So, should we take a break?    

I try to suggest it .     

“…seeing everyone’s faces, how about you take a break?”    

“Yeah . Let’s take a break for a little . Lushell, takes mana restoration potion with a high concentration . Everyone including me, let’s take stamina restoration pills and potions . ”    

Everyone nods to Sarah’s words, and medicine is removed from each person’s waist belt, brought to their mouths and drank .     

I do not take a potion, but I eat jerky since I feel hungry .     

I give Rollo some too .     

“Now, there are no monsters in this area, so we can take a quick break here before returning to the metastasis formation . The day has also become dark . I am worried about the battle between the wyverns and imperial guard ants . They are both ‘powerful enemies . '”    

“”Roger . ””    

I reply as well .     

“Understood . ”    

“Nya . ”    

“Fufu, Rollo-chan is too cute . Are you answering me?”    

“N, Nyaa . ”    

After calling out to say 『Let’s gyo back fast, nya』 Rollo jumps to my shoulder and claps my shoulder with a *pap*    

“Maa, surprising . You come to a ‘serious decision’ despite being so cute . This child has a good head . ”    

“Surely that’s…my familiar is well-informed, but this is my first time seeing a superior and cute ‘familiar’ like Rollo . ”    

“Rollo-chan wants to hurry too . Let’s go . ”    

Like this, we return to the metastasis formation together .     

I can see the bright metastasis formation .     

There are magic lights floating in many places and the ground is lit up by the magic formation carved into it .     

It is slightly dazzling .     

It shows the state of the adventurers fighting the long-armed ants in such dazzling light .     

Oh, the fight seems to be over .     

However, the center of the protective wall is gone .     

It seems to have been caught up in the war between the wyverns and imperial ants, crushed and broken without leaving a trace .     

The center is almost completely empty without a place to hide .     

Then, the adventurers that have finished fighting the longed armed ants return .     

“Tempest of Crimson Tiger . You’re returning?”    

“As one would expect, they seem to have finished dealing with the drakes . ”    

The adventurers have expressions of admirations as they whisper to one another .     

Then, the commander woman with the large staff on her back approaches .     

“You killed those drakes? As expected, you all should be the next called A rank . Tempest of Crimson Tiger-san…n? With are you together with that D rank…”    

While the commander woman is in the middle of talking, she notices I am with the Tempest of Crimson Tiger and acts doubtful .     

“N? It was precisely because of Shuya’s help that we were able to wipe out the drakes, sonic bangs, and ants so quickly?”    

Sarah speaks out in my defense .     

“Really? Why are you asking with that face? Shuya is an expert . ”    

Belize-san’s eyes sharpen and she becomes angry .     

“Surely . His physical ability was greater than most beastmen . What was most surprising, without communicating with us, he was able to join our cooperation flawlessly . Without ranking or confirming tactics . Something like that isn’t so easy to do . ”    

Butch-san raises his voice and praises me .     

It is nice to be recognized as an adventurer .     

“Eeh, that’s right . Eris has a bad habit of judging people by their ranks . 【Crimson Tiger’s Tempest】 establishes claim on Shuya-san first, no, we give our approval that he is an extremelytalented individual . The black cat is cute too . ”    

“Lushell…is that so . I was impolite . ”    

In response to the unexpected support from each member of crimson tiger, Eris has a surprised look, and lowers her head meekly .     

“What do you say, Shuya-san? I am Eris Fafunade . B ranked Mage . Leader of the adventurer clan 【Eight Maidens】 . I work as staff in the adventurer’s guild with my father’s connections . I apologize for earlier . I am sorry . ”    

The strong-willed pony-tail woman is named Eris .     

She is an acquaintance of Lushell . Our eyes meet .     

I am not particularly angry, so I will be polite .     

“…Yes . Eris-san . Everything is fine . I am Shuya Kagari . Either Shuya of Kagari, however you want to call me is fine . ”    

“…Good . All of 【Crimson Tiger’s Tempest】 recognizes you, Shuya-san must be a remarkable spearman . ”    

Eris looks at the black spear in my hand and says so . (TL: I’m not sure if author meant to write Lushell here . ) [ED: Makes more sense as Eris, Changed . ]    

“No, I’m just confident in my spear ability . ”    

“If that’s the case, thank you for fighting in the future . The remainder of the middle-!?”    

The shuffling footsteps of ants comes from inside .     

There are multiple magic essence reactions too-    

Eris looks back to the right, surprised by this sound .     

Everyone notices belatedly .     

“Ants again . ”    

There is a swarm of soldier ants and armored commander ants coming from the right side .     

“Soldiers and commanders, everyone, prepare to intercept-”    


“Let’s do this shit!”    

“Here it goes!”    

Eris shouts out instructions to the adventurers .     

-As expected her commands are fast .     

The adventurers who receive instructions are to vanguard, middle guard, rear guard, each respective clan groups together and confronts the swarm of soldier ants and armored commander ants .     

Their movements let you feel their agility .     

The adventurers seem to be clans with experience as well .     

“Eris-san, the crimson tigers will act as a mobile unit . ”    

“Yeah, there is no protective wall, crush them as you please . ”    

Lushell runs to Eris’s side .     

“Eris, work hard . ”    

“Lushell too . ”    

Lushell and Eris remove the large staves from their backs, slap them together in encouragement before walking away .     

The members of crimson tiger confront the ants with Sarah in the lead .     

Immediately, they aim for the soldier ants in the area and attack .     

Now then, this situation-    

Even if I work together with crimson tiger, it can’t be helped .     

The place with the lowest rate of extermination…    

What is the weakest point?    

While thinking so, I look around the battlefield-    

Over there it seems there needs to be some reinforcements . There are two armored commander ants going on a rampage .     

The commander ants are utilizing their large shells and rushing the adventurers bulldozers, throwing them around .     

I signal Rollo with my eyes .     

When we make eye contact and nod, we start running .     

Rollo’s limbs expand and she takes on her panther form .     

The adventurers are split in half because of the armored commander ants, so I aim for the one breaking through on the left .     

The armored commander ant starts to turn .     

Recalling the other day, I aim for its weak points .     

I thrust the black spear into the bundle of muscle in its joins, cutting a hole through the muscle . Several long legs fly into the air .     

The armored commander ant is knocked to the ground, unable to withstand the sudden impact, and exposes the lower part of its neck . Maintaining my momentum to the exposed neck .     

Waiting for this moment, Rollo repeatedly stabs her bone sword into the neck joint of the armored commander ant .     

The neck is stabbed through so many times that it nearly breaks off .     

And, when dark red liquid spurts out of the necks with a tearing sound, the head of the armored commander ant explodes off like a cannon directly into the shell of the other commander ant .     

The armored commander ant notices the impact and quickly turns this way with it’s red haired legs moving fast .     

Glaring at us, it raises a shout in our direction .     

Rollo extends her feelers into the distance and quickly retracts them, pulling her entire body . She avoids the charge of the armored commander ant .     

I activate .     

-With my increased speed, I move to the side of the charging commander ant .     

Aiming for the legs at this point, I aim for the same soft spots as before and send several severed legs flying .     

I harvest the armored commander ant’s legs until timer runs out .     

The armored commander ant cannot support itself with all the legs on one side of its body gone . It crashes to the ground, rolling over soldier ants before coming to a stop on its back .     

It receives a concentrated attack from the surrounding adventurers .     

The overturned armored ant looks like a turtle .     

It is a little cute, but I will leave finishing it off to those people .     

Once more, I turn my eyes to look over the battlefield .     

The crimson tiger group is fighting different armored commander ants .     

Their movements are restricted with magic, and each ant is killed .     

-It is all right there .     

I turn my eyes to the adventurer group around Eris next .     

I can see Eris gathering the attention of the armored commander ants and running away .     

A member of Eris’s clan is easily wiping out dozens of soldier ants, she is using herself as a decoy .     

Doing it like that may be dangerous for Eris .     

Should I kill the armored commander ants chasing her?    

She is a beautiful woman, I guess I will help her . (TL&ED: God damnit . )    

Eris is throwing fireballs at the armored commander ants, but they do not seem to be enough .     

The red hair on their legs is burnt . The armored commander ant that has its hair burned raises a battle cry and changes course .     

Its legs rustle and it turns its heavy looking body .     

A chance . I approach the armored commander ant while it is turning with fighting moji enhanced legs and cut off a leg with the black spear . The armored commander ant stumbles, defenseless .     

As usual, I release at the armored commander ant’s neck .     

The black spear penetrates deep into the neck .     

That moment, the disconnected head is sent flying by the pressure of its blood like a ping-pong ball .     

The flying head soars to the soldier ants fighting the adventurers crushing one’s chest .     

Hou, it’s good the head did not hit an adventurer .     

When the armored commander ants that were giving them a hard time decrease, the situation tilts in favor of the adventurers .     

With the advantage, the adventurers kill the remaining soldier ants .     

The soldier ants are quickly wiped out .     

The sudden swarm of ants has been immediately wiped out .     




The adventurers that wiped out the ants, they all raise their voices together .     

“We were able to defeat them really fast, we beat the ants . ”    



The adventurers raise their victory cries from various places .     

The black cat seems surprised by the sudden shouting and quickly returns to my shoulder .     

“-Everyone, it is too early to celebrate! Collect the dead’s belongings, and then would the wounded each get a potion . A portion will report those who died to their respective leaders . Magic users with the water attribute and who can use healing magic, those with light attribute and priests please use healing magic on those who cannot take a potion . I can use light healing too, so recover . Afterwards we can all celebrate!”    

As expected, Eris seems to be a commander .     

An aura of recovery magic hangs over those who were injured earlier, healing them .     

Everyone, the adventurers here seem to have a lot of experience, there are only two dead . Most people only need to swallow a potion and healing magic is only needed for three severely injured .     

Once treatment is finished, Eris talks .     

“Shuya-san . Thank you for earlier . You defeated the officer we were facing . ”    

Her pony tail has slipped because of the intense movements and becomes something strange, but it might be rude to point it out so I do not mention it .     

“No, no, it is because Eris-san attracted the attention of the armored commander ant that I was able to aim so easily . ”    


“Is that so? You’re a person who doesn’t bring attention to themselves . Fufu, a-”    

Then, Eris seems to notice that her red pony tail has slipped .     

She uses both of her hands to fix it .     

Eris’s bashful face is good, now, the smile she showed for a moment is good too . The expression created a gap with her usual unyielding and intellectual behavior .     

“Yo, Shuya seems to have killed several commanders as well . ”    

Butch-san’s voice appears there .     

The crimson tiger group is approaching .     

“Aah, their charging is difficult . ”    

When I say so, Belize reacts .     

“Shuya-kun, you appear young but you are unexpectedly collected . I thought you would fight the ants and commander ants with us…”    

“As Belize says . You were able to understand the movements in the chaotic fight, able to act in the weakest links . ”    

Sarah says such a thing as well .     

For some reason, I feel uneasy when I am praised .     

“…It was a coincidence . It was obvious things would become easy if the commanders were killed . ”    

“…Shuya-san is modest-san . ”    

With big shining eyes, Lushell says such a thing too .     

“Haha, we’ll keep praising you to death . Besides, I might still kill you?”    

Saying so, I look to the middle .     

“It’s just like that . Defeating those wyvern and imperial guard ants won’t be such an easy task . It will be a fierce battle if it comes to that . So, we will hold a strategy meeting . I will gather the leaders of the clans here, so wait a minute . ”    

“Roger . ”    

“Understood . ”    

Eris is going to gather everyone and is running out to the scattered adventurers .     

Sarah mutters while watching Eris summon everyone .     

“Strategy, it’s already night, can’t it wait till morning?”    


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