The General's Little Peasant Wife

Chapter 761

Chapter 761

0Chapter 761     

The thought of this made Song Clan Head gloomy, he looked at Ning Meng Yao’s darkened eyes . That poison-like gaze worried Mo Lin: “Tian Chang, I think you better ask Meng Yao to be a little more careful, this man is not a fair and upright gentleman . ”    

Song Clan Head was well-known in West Coast for being insidious and cunning . Apart from this, what made him the worst was that he was thick-skinned .     

Qiao Tian Chang sneered out loud: “We’ll see what happens if he dares . ”    

The days in the village were a bit boring, and he had also hoped to do something, it was not impossible if they wanted to make all the Song family members stay .     

Ning Meng Yao looked at Song Clan Head: “That’s all you got? If so, then I am not interested in continuing this fight with you . ”    

While she said this, she directly attacked Song Clan Head, her action was so rapid that Song Clan Head almost could not dodge it all . This made him even more terrified .     

Was this really a girl in her youth?    

A slight murderous intent flashed in Song Clan Head’s eyes . Since there was no way he could bring such a person to his side, then she should just die .     

When Ning Meng Yao turned around, the Song Clan Head suddenly took out a bottle . He crushed it violently and threw the powder with all his might towards Ning Meng Yao .     

“Meng Yao, be careful . ” When the Song Clan Head moved, Mo Lin exclaimed, but he was too late .     

Ning Meng Yao’s body began to falter, as if she was poisoned .     

When Song Clan Head saw that Ning Meng Yao was about to fall at any time, he could not help but laugh . This was the end of the fight against him .     

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When Song Clan Head was proud of himself, Ning Meng Yao slowly turned around and looked at Song Clan Head who kept smiling, she frowned: “Are you done laughing?”    

At this moment, Song Clan Head’s arrogant laughter stopped as if someone had hit the pause button . His laughter got stuck in his throat and he could neither get it out nor swallow it .     

“You… How did you…?”    

“How am I alright? Did you not investigate other people’s affairs before you come to trouble them?” If they had investigated, they would know that she had a miracle-working doctor . This kind of poison had no effect on her .     

Mo Lin patted his chest, and calmed down . Then, he remembered that Qiao Tian Chang had not been worried since the beginning . His eyes widened suddenly: “You already know?”    

“Yes . This kind of poison is a child’s play . ” Although Qiao Tian Chang’s tone was very calm, Mo Lin could still hear that Qiao Tian Chang really disliked Song family’s poison .     

Wasn’t it just terrible? Such a crappy poison was not even worth Qing Shuang looking into .     

“Tian Chang, then what kind of poison is not child’s play?”    

“I can let you experience it . ” The poison developed by Qing Shuang and Nan Yu was not only incurable, but also unheard of .     

Mo Lin looked at Qiao Tian Chang dryly: “Forget it, I’m not curious anymore . ”    

“Song Clan Head, as an elder, you dared to poison a junior, tsk tsk, did the Song family achieve its status using such non-influential means?”    

Ning Meng Yao guessed it correctly . After hearing her words, Mo Lin could not help laughing: “Meng Yao, you’re so amazing, you actually got it right . ”    

Ning Meng Yao blinked and said innocently: “Oh, it was just a wild guess . ”    

“I know . Everyone in Westcoast knows as well . ”    

Ning Meng Yao pouted: “In this case, what are these people proud of?”    

“Yao Yao, you don’t need to care about these people anymore . ”    

Song Clan Head’s expression became ugly, being mocked by the three of them: “Attack them, I want all of them to die . ”    

Qiao Tian Chang sneered . They did not even need to call those people in the workshop, just Qing Shuang and the other servants would be enough .     

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“Miss, are we having a fight?”    

“Yep . This elder seems to be an expert with poison, Qing Shuang, you can go play with him . ” Ning Meng Yao said leisurely, as if she was talking about the fine weather .     

“Okay . ”    

Although there were more people from the Song family, most of them were merely superficial when it came to fighting . It was obvious that they did not have any skill, and only a few were somewhat skilled .     


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