Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 167-171

Chapter 167-171

0Heroes of Marvel Chapter 167-171    

After Lin Rui said Wade Wilson’s name, Jack and Peter didn’t react much, but Daredevil, who was sitting on the sofa, suddenly straightened up. If he had not been wearing a mask now, Lin Rui would have seen the surprise on his face.    

“Wade Wilson? Deadpool? Who? Daredevil, Do you know him?” Hearing such a strange name, Peter asked Daredevil curiously. He obviously noticed his changes.    

“Yes, I do. But, mirage knight, are you sure this nameless person is Wade? He shouldn’t have… And why do you call him Deadpool? ” Nodded in response to Peter, Daredevil then asked Lin Rui.    

Although Matt didn’t finish what he said in the middle, Lin Rui also understood what Matt meant. Lin Rui and Matt have never seen Wade since they last worked with him. Although Wade had contacted Lin Rui once, Lin Rui didn’t intervene in his affairs in order to make Wade become a Deadpool according to the plot. Now, Deadpool finally appears, and Lin Rui can contact Wade again.    

“If there was no accident, it should be Wade, and his illness should have been cured.” Looking at Daredevil, Lin Rui seriously replied, “Besides, he is not the Wade he used to be.”    

“If this guy is really Wade, then his strength has increased by a lot.” Daredevil did not doubt when he heard Lin Rui’s answer, but he was curious about Wade’s current strength now.    

Two months ago, Wade was just a powerful mercenary, a kind of good player who could defeat several other people. But now, he has killed several gangs in a row, and more than 100 people have been killed or injured in his hands. In the past, Wade couldn’t do so much. Even Daredevil wouldn’t be able to do these things before he practiced the Soaring Dragon Art. However, according to the information they got, this guy called Deadpool by Mirage Knight easily defeated these gang members. Moreover, he seems to be strong and he can’t die at all.    

“Hey! I said, can you two not talk to each other and pretend that we don’t exist? Jack and I don’t know who this guy is yet! ” Just as Lin Rui and daredevil started talking, Peter started shouting. Now he is very curious about this Wade or Deadpool, and Lin Rui and his other teammate have been talking about him on their own.    

“Wade? I seem to have heard of this name?” Not to mention Spiderman’s dissatisfaction, Jack frowned and said.    

“Yes! The last time we dealt with Dracula, the Vampire Progenitor, Mirage Knight seemed to have mentioned that name! ” Soon Jack remembered where he had heard the name. Just two months ago, when they were dealing with Dracula, the creator of vampires, Lin Rui called Wade when he first saw Hannibal king, who looked the same as Wade Wilson.    

“Oh… yes, I did call Wade at the time. But at the time I admit that it was the wrong person. King and Wade just look very similar!” Lin Rui said a little embarrassedly when he heard Jack.    

“Hey! Did you even hear me! ” Seeing Jack knows such a person, Peter can’t help but come to Lin Rui and shout.    

“Well, let me introduce you to Wade Wilson.” Seeing Peter’s anxious look, Lin Rui waved his hand and prepared to tell him and Jack about the character who would be very famous in Marvel World.    

“Wade Wilson, a former member of a special national army, retired for a special reason and became the underground mercenary of New York, often doing something in the gray area. And we got to know him when we were dealing with the Frankenstein family, when… ” When it comes to the Frankenstein family, Lin Rui takes a look at Jack. Seeing that he has no other expression, Lin Rui goes on.    

“… After that, we didn’t contact Wade again, and we don’t know what he went through. ” Soon, Lin Rui told Wade Wilson’s information to Peter and Jack who didn’t know yet.    

Of course, Lin Rui didn’t elaborate on how Wade became a Deadpool or how he is now. It’s amazing that Lin Rui knows that the nameless person is Wade. If he even knows how Wade became like this, it would be too weird. Although Mirage Knight always gives Daredevil this strange feeling, such as the Gauss gun he used in the weapon warehouse behind the base, Lin Rui can’t explain the origin of that as it came from the system. And it is also something that Tony Stark hasn’t created yet, although it shouldn’t be too hard for Tony to make if he wants to.    

“Well, I won’t ask you why you know this guy is Wilson. So what do we do now? Let him just keep killing? Anyway, he is killing the bad guys. ” After listening to Lin Rui’s introduction, Peter continued.    

“Or, let’s help Wade find this guy. It’s Francis, isn’t it?” Matt said. After all, he fought with Wade, and some of his ideas were naturally different.    

“Well, I think so, too. Although Wade is about to find Francis according to the current situation, he may have some trouble dealing with that guy on his own.” Lin Rui nodded as he heard Daredevil.    

He just doesn’t know if the X-Men will appear as they did in the original plot. Lin Rui hasn’t seen any of the X-Men or Professor Charles’s school until now. Lin Rui is thinking about how to help Wade and he is silently planning for it. However, he doesn’t know if the X-Men in the Deadpool movie is real or not as he hadn’t heard about them. He doesn’t know what the real situation will be, but Lin Rui thinks that it’s definitely won’t only be the two guys in the movie.    

“Jack, you should be able to find Wade.” Since he decided to help, Lin Rui turned to look at Jack. Since this matter involves the underworld, the Frankenstein Family is still very useful now.    

“No problem at all. When do you need it? I only need about half an hour to get the news about this guy. His recent activities are still very frequent. ” Nodded, Jack asked lightly.    

“Then you can go back to find the information in the evening. I’ll find him tomorrow. I’d love to meet Francis and the organization behind him that controls mutants. ” Getting Jack’s answer, Lin Rui continued.    

Hearing what Lin Rui and Jack said, Peter on the other side came up again, “Mirage knight, is there another goal? Is this Francis? ”    

He has recovered from the Green Goblin incident slowly. Peter needs another thing to share his attention. This kind of fight against evil organizations is just in line with Peter’s current needs.    

“Well, if we can follow this Francis to find the organization behind him, maybe we can catch a big fish.” Nodded, Lin Rui said seriously.    

Actually, Lin Rui has a hunch that there must be a huge organization behind Francis. It’s not a small force that can do this, to induce mutation genes in the human body to make them mutants and then to completely control them and sell them. Maybe the X-Men led by Professor Charles have a fight with this organization, which Lin Rui can think of now. The key is that this can also be a potential hidden quest. Lin Rui will not miss any chance to get a large number of reward points at this time.    

“That’s all for the time being. We’ve had a relatively stable life in these past few days. Maybe we’ll face a lot of fierce enemies again.” Wade’s business and the organization behind Francis are temporarily discussed here. Lin Rui calmly said to Peter and others.    

For S.H.I.E.L.D. There should be quick action on Hydra. Lin Rui didn’t know what would happen if Hydra came out in advance, so he would prepare his teammates in advance.    

Then, after chatting for a while, everyone left the Guardian Base. However, Lin Rui and others didn’t notice that Jack’s eyes had changed since Lin Rui mentioned the organization behind Francis that can control mutants.    


Just as Lin Rui and others discussed how to help Wade deal with Francis, he was lying on the sofa in Weasel’s house. Today Wade went to pick another gang that might have something to do with Francis. During the fight, he was shot many times, but it’s a small matter for current Wade, who has a strong regeneration ability at this time.    

“Hey! Wade! Can you not put your blood on my sofa!” With a large bowl of popcorn in his hand, Weasel walked out of the kitchen and saw Wade rubbing the blood on his sofa and yelled at him.    

“Ah! I’m sorry, I didn’t notice it was bleeding.” After hearing Weasel’s words, Wade realized that the blood from his recovered wounds was all scratched on the sofa.    


“Forget it, I am going to change a sofa anyway.” Sitting down next to Wade, Weasel said helplessly. With a friend like Wade, Weasel doesn’t know if he should be happy or sad for his life.    

“Thank you!” Grabbing the popcorn from Weasel’s hand, Wade said bluntly.    

After escaping from Francis, Wade, who had awoke his mutant ability and disfigure himself, turned to Weasel as hid friend. Besides him, there was also a blind old woman whose small house was Wade’s temporary hiding place. Wade, who is very concerned about his appearance has not dared to go back to see Vanessa. When he left, he left with the idea of death. He didn’t even say goodbye to her, which has caused great harm to Vanessa. He was worried that Vanessa would not accept him even after he went back, especially now, since he looks like a hybrid avocado turtle.    

“Still no news of Francis?” Not minding Wade’s action, Weasel picked up the TV remote in front of him and changed the channel to another one and asked lightly.    

These days Wade is frantically looking for trouble with those gangs. He asked the same sentence when he sees anyone: Where is Francis. Seeing Wade in such a state, Weasel is getting worried. He is worried that Wade will soon begin to have problems if he goes on like this. And even if he did find Francis, what can he do to him alone?    

Although he now has his mutant ability and is a lot stronger than before and literally unkillable but faced with Francis and the organization behind him, Weasel does not feel that his hard work will produce any good results.    

Squeak, squeak, squeak~~    

“No, those guys didn’t say anything,” Munching on popcorn, Wade replied nonchalantly. Weasel doesn’t know whether those people really didn’t say anything or were they stabbed to death by Wade before they could say it. Wade’s recent actions are getting more and more crazier, and he often shoots or stab them directly after asking his question and he doesn’t wait for the reply.    

During the time when he was tortured by Francis, Wade’s spirit was also greatly tortured. If it wasn’t for his natural disposition to be funny, maybe he would not have survived so many death tortures until he successful awoke his mutation. However, although Wade is still funny, he is more dangerous than before.    

“What are you going to do? Keep looking for gangs like this? What if you find this Francis? Can you deal with him alone and the forces behind him? ” Looking at Wade’s ugly face, Weasel asked in a thoughtful way. They’ve had this conversation before, but Wade doesn’t care so much now. He’s just going to find Francis and get him to fix his face before killing him.    

“Continue, of course! I don’t believe nobody knows where Francis is.” Without looking at weasel, Wade replied seriously. He doesn’t care if he can deal with Francis and the forces behind him. Anyway, he can hardly die now. He has time to play with them. Even if Wade’s life is exhausted, he will fight against Francis.    

Weasel was not surprised to hear Wade’s answer at all, but he felt that since Wade is not dead now, there is someone he must care about.    

“What about Vanessa? You’re just gonna hide from her forever and make her think that you’re dead? To live forever in pain and sorrow?” Weasel finally brings out Vanessa, someone Wade really loves.    


Hearing Vanessa’s name, Wade, who was eating popcorn and watching TV, finally had a reaction. His mouth stopped moving up and down and his eyes began to drift.    

“I know you still love her, and you know how much Vanessa loves you. Do you really want to do this to her?” Seeing Wade’s silence, Weasel continued.    

“Of course I know how much Vanessa loves me! But I can’t go back when I’ve become like this! ” Finally, Wade is no longer silent. He points to his face and shouts loudly.    

One of the reasons Wade hates Francis so much now is that his appearance has changed from a handsome man to an ugly man. Wade’s mutant ability is so abnormal that he can recover even if his head is pierced by a bullet, but he can’t recover his previous appearance. Even if Wade cuts off his skin, it’s the disgusting skin that grows back.    

“Do you really think that Vanessa will care about your looks? Then you are taking her love too lightly!” Looking straight into Wade’s eyes, Weasel shouted loudly. It’s true that with Wade’s current appearance, it is enough to let 99.9% of the world’s women leave him, but Vanessa is definitely not one of them.    

“I know! I know that! But I have to get rid of Francis now! What he has done to me, I must give it back to him! ” Wade said while slumping back on the sofa.    

It seems that what Francis did to wade was too much for him to let him go unharmed. It’s obviously unrealistic for him and Vanessa to be together again before he kills Francis. Seeing Wade’s appearance, weasel thought helplessly.    

“In that case, why don’t you ask for some help. I know you don’t want to drag other people down. After all, that Francis is not a normal person. But what about Mirage Knight and them? Didn’t you have a connection with them before? Maybe they will help you.” Since Wade didn’t want to give up seeking revenge from Francis, he had to help him out for his safety.    

“Mirage Knight? They are really amazing. Even I may not be their opponent now. But my last relationship with them was just an employment relationship. They have no reason to come over and help me.” Wade’s eyes flashed back when he heard weasel’s words. He didn’t want to ask Mirage Knight for help. After all, their strength is very strong, and they have been fighting against the underground forces in New York. But more importantly, it’s Wade’s personal feud. He can’t let others interfere.    

“How do you know if you don’t try? Maybe they’ll be happy to help you. What’s more, listen to you, the organization behind Francis is a very evil organization, maybe Mirage Knight and others will be more then happy to deal with them.” Weasel continued to persuade. If it wasn’t for him not knowing how to contact Mirage Knight or Daredevil, he wouldn’t be talking right now, he would have already contacted them.    

“Forget it, I will do this thing alone and finish it alone. No matter how dangerous it is, I will bear it alone, there’s no need for other people to risk their lives for me.” In the end, Wade rejected Weasel’s suggestion and asked him to let him solve Francis alone. If the organization behind him wants to fight, let them come. Wade isn’t afraid!    

“Since you still decided this way, then I have nothing to say. But, do you really think you have to call this name?” The conversation didn’t work. Weasel shook his head helplessly but finally asked a strange question. Wade also made a name for himself when he killed all the gangs these days.    

“Deadpool! This is a very cool name! Don’t you think?”    

Weasel: “…”    


Wade’s greatest enemy had been informed just when he was looking for the gang to find Francis. But he didn’t know who this masked guy was and why was he looking for him. But Francis doesn’t care much. If he had the ability, he can find him. He doesn’t have time to care about such a guy.    

“Deadpool? Hehe…”    

Just after Lin Rui decided to help Wade deal with Francis and the mysterious organization behind him, Jack soon told Lin Rui about Wade’s latest move. However, Lin Rui did not get Wade’s current position in the gang that had been wiped out for the most part. So, thinking about it, Lin Rui dressed up a little and went to the Margaret Sister Bar. Weasel, Wade’s somewhat best friend, is in the Margaret sisters bar. Maybe Lin Rui can get Wade’s news from him.    

It was not much different from when he came here last time, Margaret’s sister bar was still crowded with a group of rough-looking men, everyone talking loudly, holding cheap bears in their hands. Although this time Lin Rui came alone, he still received a lot of curious looks, but it seems that his slight momentum didn’t let the surrounding mercenary get any other ideas.    

Lin Rui, who had just entered the bar, saw Weasel mixing drinks for customers behind the bar. Instead of asking him about Wade, he found a place in the corner and ordered a beer to sit down. Lin Rui thinks that when he asks Weasel in public, he will not get many answers. He is going to ask Weasel when he leaves the bar or after work.    

In this way, Lin Rui took the cheap beer in his hand and sat in the Margaret Bar and looked at the big guys around him to talk about the interesting things from their works. Unlike Lin Rui, these mercenaries have no special ability, but everyone is also a person who often rushes around in danger. Listening to the exaggeration of their achievements, Lin Rui just felt that they had a different sense of fun. These mercenary lives are not easy.    

Just like this, he has been sitting in the corner drinking beer for several hours, during which many girls or men came to talk with Lin Rui. Lin Rui didn’t remain silent like a fool, and simply joined them. Besides looking for Wade, Lin Rui also means to relax a little. He doesn’t mind bragging with the mercenary in the bar. Especially after Lin Rui showed his strength a little, many veteran mercenaries in the bar came around to invite him to drink.    

So Lin Rui stayed until Marguerite’s bar was about to close. Smiling, Lin Rui refused several invitations from mercenary and several girls and left alone. Seeing Lin Rui leave, several girls in the bar who haven’t left show a little regret.    

As for weasel, he has noticed Lin Rui for a long time. After all, Lin Rui and Matt also came here last time. Weasel still has some impression of him. But Wade didn’t tell weasel that the last request he received was from the young man in front of him, so after a few simple glances, Weasel didn’t care about him. When the bar closed, weasel cleared up and left through the back door.    


In the wet alley, Weasel avoided the low-lying puddles on the ground and hurried towards his house. However, before Weasel had gone far, his face suddenly changed. He stopped in the alley and put his right hand to his waist where his gun was located. Later, Weasel quietly looked at the dark lane in front of him, as if there was only danger in front of him.    

Under Weasel’s anxious gaze, a figure slowly comes out of the darkness on one side of the alley wrapped in a dark grey coat, he seems to blend in with the darkness just now and he wondered how Weasel had found him so soon. The person who comes out Is Lin Rui, who has been waiting here for some time. And he didn’t try to hide his body, or it would have been impossible for Weasel to find him even with his above-average observation ability.    

“Mirage Knight?!” Weasel asked with amazement as he saw the man coming out of the darkness.    

Originally, Weasel was not interested in or familiar with this kind of Vigilante. But last time Wade and Mirage Knight and Daredevil worked together so Weasel paid some attention to them. So when Lin Rui came out in his Phantom suit, weasel recognized him.    

“Hello, Weasel. You can put down the gun in your hand, it won’t do you any good and you won’t be needing to use it.” Lin Rui nodded faintly, then said calmly.    

“Haha. This is just in case of an emergency, this area of the city is not as peaceful as it looks.” Hearing Mirage Knight’s words, Weasel smiled and took out his hand. Naturally, the Gun is still behind his waist.    

“What can I do for you?” Now that he was sure that this person was indeed Mirage Knight, Weasel was relieved and asked.    

“I know Wade Wilson is still alive. He’s responsible for the recent massacre of New York’s Underground Gangs, right?” Lin Rui asked directly without turning around.    

“Er… How did you know that? Did Wade contact you? I told him to ask for help! ” Hearing Lin Rui’s words, Weasel was a little surprised at first and then he was a little excited.    

Hearing Weasel’s words, Lin Rui knew that he had misunderstood him, so he went on, “Wade didn’t contact me. I found it myself. I know he’s looking for some guy named Francis now, and I think we can help. ”    

“It turned out that he didn’t contact you. I thought… forget it. Since you found out for yourself, it’s better. I was going to contact you for Wade, but I didn’t have your contact information.” Hearing Lin Rui’s words, Weasel was disappointed but he recovered quickly.    

Although Wade doesn’t want others to interfere in his affairs, it’s obviously better to have someone help him, and he didn’t tell or asked for help from anyone. This is not Weasel going behind Wade’s back.    

“Contact me yourself? Is he not willing to ask us for help?” Lin Rui easily guessed Wade’s intentions when he heard Weasel. He didn’t want to involve others in the fight between him and Francis. In the movie, Wade didn’t like the two X-Men’s interventions. Of course, that was before Vanessa was taken away by Francis.    

“Well, he said that he wants to kill Francis alone. However, I am worried about him. So if you can really help Wade, please be sure to do it.” Weasel nodded and said seriously to Mirage Knight in front of him. .    

“Of course, that’s what I came to see you today. I know that Francis has done those horrible things, and Wade had become one of his victims, but I will help him in any way I can.” With a nod, Lin Rui expresses his intentions in a low voice.    

“But I haven’t found Francis and the organization that studies the Mutants gene behind him. So if Wade finds him, I hope you can let me know, I will get there as soon as possible.” Lin Rui directly raised his hand and threw a piece of paper at Weasel. Although it was just a thin piece of paper, it flew straight towards Weasel as if it had been given some strange power.    

“That’s Ok. I’ll pay attention to it. I’ll let you know as soon as Wade finds Francis.” Grabbing the scraps of paper Lin Rui threw, Weasel made a serious promise.    

“Well, then I will wait for your news, goodbye.” With Weasel’s assurance, Lin Rui also completed the purpose of him coming over today.    

Then, Lin Rui’s figure disappeared from Weasel’s eyes.    

After Lin Rui left, Weasel looked at the empty alley with complex eyes. Finally, he plunged the paper in his hand and walked away.    

New York, Tony’s seaside villa, in the basement’s lab.    

“Here’s the formula! … That number was too high!”    

“Do you think it’s good to gather so much energy here? Don’t you know how to lower it? ”    

“What is the degree of optimization?…not enough! Try again!”    

Lin Rui is constantly experimenting with evolution on the translucent screen in front of Tony’s constant instructions. Even though he has a strong mental force now, he is also a bit overwhelmed by these complex physical formulas and high-tech designs. After all, Lin Rui himself is just a little smart. Most of his talents are from memory capsule and cultivation techniques. There are still many gaps between him and Tony.    

“Well, just put the data together and it’s over.” Finally, after another experiment, Tony said to Lin Rui lightly.    



Hearing Tony’s words, Lin Rui wiped the nonexistent sweat on his head and then saved all the experimental data on the secret terminal of JARVIS. After that, Lin Rui sits on the stool and doesn’t want to move. It’s harder to do these complex experiments then fighting a real battle!    

In the days waiting for Weasel’s news, Lin Rui, in order to make Tony like him 100%, volunteered to follow Tony to learn all kinds of physics and artificial intelligence technology. Tony was very happy about Lin Rui’s behavior, so there was the scene Just now. Tony took Lin Rui as his personal student.    

“You did a good job today, you have made a little improvement.” Seeing Lin Rui sitting there tired and resting, Tony said plainly. However, if you look carefully, you can see the smile in Tony’s eyes.    

Lin Rui’s performance in these two days is not only good but also has the effect of memory capsule and strong mental power. Lin Rui’s learning speed of these things completely exceeds Tony’s expectation, so he wants Lin Rui to follow him to study higher technology. However, Tony is also worried that Lin Rui will get arrogant by this small improvement and will not be so stable to follow his own learning.    

“Mr. Stark, is there really only a little progress?” Hearing Tony, Lin Rui asked with a wry smile. Although he didn’t look Tony in the eye, Lin Rui also knows that his progress these days is not a little bit, and he is not a fool. If he has only made a little progress these days then all the people in the world are fools.    

“Don’t be complacent about being able to optimize five percent. There’s still a lot to learn.” Seeing Lin Rui’s tired but proud look, Tony said calmly. Tony naturally knows how good Lin Rui is, but he can’t praise him normally. Tony is not an ordinary person, nor is Lin Rui an ordinary person.    

“I know~” Understanding that Tony didn’t want him to get too proud, Lin Rui reluctantly agreed. However, he really does not want to achieve much in this regard, but he has a goal to become a Superhero, not a physical or intelligent scientist!    

“Right, Mr. Stark, what did the last sentence Captain Rogers told me to tell you mean?” Since today’s work is complete, Lin Rui chats with Tony.    

The quest for Tony’s most sincere friendship is only 0.1% behind, which may be completed after any sentence. Lin Rui is very short of reward points now. Whether it’s used to sacrifice reward points for the resurrection system or Lin Rui’s use to strengthen his strength, a lot of reward points are needed.    

“Oh, you mean that old popsicle. His words didn’t mean much, but I have reached an agreement with SHIELD. I will join SHIELD as an outside consultant and protect the earth together in a cooperative relationship.” Hearing Lin In Rui’s words, Tony simply replied.    

Since he came back from New Mexico last time, Tony has told Lin Rui something about SHIELD, otherwise, he would not let Lin Rui go to see Captain Rogers. Tony also thinks Lin Rui has been in contact with SHIELD so deeply that he will encounter more different things in the future, so it’s better to make it clear with him now, so as not to let SHIELD sink its claw into him, even though he doesn’t need to worry about it.    

“Ohh? Join S.H.I.E.L.D…….” When he heard Tony’s words, Lin Rui blinked, but did not say anything.    

After Lin Rui personally reminded Director Fury last time, there should be a series of secret investigations in SHIELD now, it seems that this is not the best time for Tony to join in. But at least he is freer. He’s not under too much control of SHIELD and he doesn’t have to worry too much about the impact of Hydra on Tony.    

“But that guy Nick seems to be doing something big inside SHIELD recently, he didn’t let me go to SHIELD headquarters. Instead, he asked for my help in preparing something in secret, I don’t know what he is doing.” Just as Lin Rui silently thought about something, Tony continued.    

“Sure enough, Fury is not stupid!” Lin Rui thought in his heart when he heard Tony’s words.    

It seems that Nick is really going to have a quiet cleaning inside SHIELD. with Captain Rogers on the surface and Iron Man who joined SHIELD in the dark as the backup force. In addition, Director Fury has a group of loyal agents. If his investigation goes well, maybe he can catch Hydra off guard.    

“You don’t have to think so much now, although you have a lot of weird secrets but SHIELD is not so simple, you just need to honestly learn from me.” Seeing Lin Rui’s thoughtful appearance, Tony thought he wanted to join SHIELD, so he quickly reminded him.    

“Oh, I know, Mr. Stark.” Hearing Tony’s reminder, Lin Rui smiled and replied.    

“As long as you know, Let’s go up, Pepper should have ordered us dinner.” Nodded, Tony took the data on the screen and walked outside the lab. Behind him, Lin Rui naturally followed.    


In the evening, when he came home from Tony’s seaside villa, Lin Rui didn’t lie on the bed as the mobile phone in his pocket vibrated. It was the mobile phone of Mirage Knight. Without delay, Lin Rui picked up the phone.    

“Mirage Knight? I am Weasel.” Soon, the voice of Weasel came from the phone.    

Did Wade find Francis? Thinking so, Lin Rui has already said, “Well, it’s me. Did Wade found Francis?”    

“Well, he should have found some clues. But he didn’t want to tell me the details. I saw him remodeling his Deadpool clothes to accommodate his guns and his blades.” Weasel told Lin Rui the latest news of Wade.    

Hearing Weasel said that Wade was remodeling his own suit, Lin Rui’s face was a bit odd. Wade this guy, even if he is now ugly because of the accident, he still want to look good in a dress, Lin Rui couldn’t help but mutter some words in his heart.    

“Well, I know. If Wade moves again, remember to inform me in time, I will follow him.” Lin Rui quickly said to Weasel.    

“I Know, Mirage Knight, I hope you can help Wade, I don’t want him to die out there.” After agreeing, Weasel said seriously to Lin Rui.    

“Don’t worry, I also regard Wade as a friend. I won’t let him die.” Hearing Weasel’s words, Lin Rui promised.    

“Thank you!” Then, Weasel hung up.    

Lin Rui on the phone is in deep thought: did he find Francis? He doesn’t know what will happen this time.    

Since Wade turned into Deadpool and started looking for Francis, Lin Rui always felt that the development of this matter may not be as simple as it was shown in the movie. However, even if there is something else behind this thing, Lin Rui feels that he can handle it. He is not alone now, and the League of Defenders is also much powerful. And there is an ally like Tony with the strength of Iron Man Regiment. If things are really tricky, Lin Rui doesn’t mind finding Tony to help.    

Just thinking like this, Lin Rui fell asleep in bed.    


In the remote suburb of New York, a small county called Westchester, there is a school for gifted teenagers called Xavier School For The Gifted. Just when Wade found the whereabouts of Francis and when Lin Rui followed him, something was happening in the school.    

In this beautiful castle school, there are hundreds of students from ten to twenty years old. In addition to the normal knowledge courses, these students also need to learn something very important to them, that is, the ability to control their powers. Yes, these children and teenagers are all mutants. This is a special school for mutants. The principle of this school is the famous Professor Charles, a level four mutants with telepathy and mind control powers.    

At this time, in the headmaster’s office of the ancient castle school, a smooth-faced old man sat in a wheelchair and calmly looked at the two men and a woman standing in front of him. One man was tall, and his body was all made of metal. The other man and a woman had nothing special to them in particular except for their handsome and beautiful appearance and they should be the teachers of the school. Obviously, the bald old man in the wheelchair is Professor Charles, and the three people standing in front of him should be X-Men.    

“Iceman, Colossus, Blink, this time you three go. Wade’s actions are getting bigger and bigger, and our Mutant image can’t be hit again.” Professor Charles clearly knows what Wade has done recently and it’s time for X-Men to do something about him.    

“Okay, Professor.” Hearing Professor Charles’s instructions, Iceman standing in front of him promised. The big guy around him, Colossus and an Asian girl, nodded silently.    

“There may be accidents in this operation. You should be careful. I’ll keep Storm and Alice on the lookout. ” Looking at the three X-Men in front of him, Professor Charles reminded them.    

Professor Charles doesn’t fully understand the organization behind Francis, but he has dealt with it at least many times. He knows that they are not as simple as they seem. Otherwise, X-Men would have killed the secret organization that researches mutants and persecutes mutants. Although Professor Charles’s X-Men represents the moderate group, it does not mean that they will endure such persecution of their own race.    

“We know.” Seeing Professor Charles’s solemn reminder, Colossus promised.    

“Well, if you’re ready to go, you’d better stop Wade before he makes a big move. Also, the organization behind Francis, if they interfere, you can handle them, but remember not to affect ordinary people.” He picked up a book on the table that he had just read, and Professor Charles finally ordered.    

“We Understand, Professor.”    

Then, Iceman, Colossus, and Blink turned and walked out of the office.    

“I hope nothing happens.” Looking at Iceman’s back when they left, Professor Charles, who looked down at the book, thought in silence. However, even if there is an accident, the X-Men can completely solve it with their ability.    


Three days later, in another direction in New York City, in Weasel’s home, Wade had just armed himself and went out. After Wade went out, Weasel immediately picked up the phone and called Mirage Knight.    

“Mirage Knight, Wade is gone, I couldn’t follow him, where are you now?” The phone was connected and Weasel asked anxiously.    

“Don’t worry, I’ve seen Wade. I’ll follow him.” At the other end of the phone came the quiet voice of Mirage Knight, which reassured Weasel a lot.    

“Okay, then please.” Seriously reassured with Mirage Knight, Weasel hung up.    

At the end of the phone, Lin Rui was sitting in a taxi, and in front of him was the car that Wade had just got on, and he didn’t know how someone would be willing to take a person who is dressed in red from head to toe.    

“Big brother, follow the car in front of you. Don’t lose it!”    

“I see. It’s not the first time I’ve done such a thing.” Hearing Lin Rui’s words, the taxi driver replied lightly.    

Lin Rui: “…”    

At the same time, Lin Rui sent a message to Spiderman, asking him to be on site. Once Wade and Francis fight, Lin Rui should still need support. Because he doesn’t know what’s going on with Francis. If Francis’s strength is too strong, he must help and he may also need to ask for help.    

In this way, the events caused by Deadpool and Francis involve the participation of several forces, and perhaps other hidden forces in the dark are also preparing and waiting for opportunities.    

After more than half an hour’s journey, the taxi that Wade was sitting on was suddenly stopped on an overpass. Lin Rui also told the driver to stop from far away, but his face was not looking very good. In addition to the money he had to pay the driver to promise his cooperation, he didn’t expect that Deadpool would really use this place as a battlefield for revenge against Francis. It’s an overpass with a lot of traffic. There are almost hundreds of cars passing by every minute. Lin Rui can’t imagine how many ordinary people will be killed if there is a battle here.    


Worried, Lin Rui has closed the door. Looking at Wade sitting on the guardrail of the overpass after getting off the car, Lin Rui was slowly getting a headache. He knew that the words he would use to persuade Wade will have no effect. His hatred for Francis could not be dispelled by any words. And Lin Rui also wants to see what’s behind Francis. However, this is not a good place for a battlefield. Unless Lin Rui can find a way to move the battlefield.    

“Maybe I can do that.” After a long look at Wade, Lin Rui seems to think of something. Then he slowly steps down the overpass. He needs a hidden place to transform himself. Unlike Wade, he doesn’t go out wearing weird tights directly.    


Just as Wade came to the overpass, Francis and a group of his men had just finished a transaction at a private airport, and he was driving this way. Looking at their route, they will soon pass under Wade’s location.    

Brush ~ brush ~ brush ~    

Ten minutes later, a series of seven or eight black cars and several locomotives drove into the overpass at high speed. It was Francis and his team. And they don’t know what’s waiting in front of them.    

“Ok! It’s time to kill the Bad People! Maximum Effort!” Wade, who had been sitting on the guardrail at the highest point of the overpass, had finally seen the team that was rushing down. He sighed and stood up from the guardrail and jumped down straight towards the cars downward.    


Wade quickly fell down from the side of the guardrail. However, just as Wade was about to rush directly into the lower motorcade, a red figure suddenly came from his side.    


“What?! The! Flying…Fuck..!……” After Wade saw clearly the appearance of the flying figure, he unconsciously uttered a rude remark. Because that guy’s dress is very similar to him. It’s all red tights, but Wade tights are darker, and they don’t have the silk-like lines.    


The next moment, the rushing figure has already taken hold of the fallen Wade.    


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