Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 164-166

Chapter 164-166

0Heroes of Marvel Chapter 164-166    

For the next five days, Lin Rui carefully prepared a schedule for the younger and older man like Captain America who had been asleep for over sixty years. After five days together, Lin Rui knows he’s getting along with Captain America. At least Captain Rogers seems to like him.    

Lin Rui also thought about arranging a chance encounter for Peter and Captain Rogers. Maybe Peter will be in a better mood when he sees his idol, and he can get out of the state of guilt and remorse faster. However, Lin Rui also knew that Captain Rogers was not to be exposed at this time, so he did not do so.    

Soon, Captain Rogers’s one-week vacation time was over, and Lin Rui’s guide duty was officially over. Standing at the door of an ecological park in New York, Captain Rogers silently looked at the pedestrians passing by. Sixty years have passed and the world has changed too much. However, even with Hydra not alive, there are still many unrest factors in the world, which is why Steve wants Tony to join the S.H.I.E.L.D. Avengers Alliance.    

“Jackson, thank you for these days. It’s time for us to part, but I have a message for you to tell Tony. ” Looking at Lin Rui through sunglasses, Captain Rogers said with a smile.    

“Well, what’s that?”    

“You say, I’m waiting for his reply.”    

“Oh ~ ok, Captain Rogers, I will talk to Mr. Stark.” Knowing that there should be some agreement between Steve and Tony, Lin Rui nodded and agreed.    

“So, goodbye, I will look forward to seeing you next time, Jackson.” Finally, Captain Rogers patted the young man on the shoulder and directly mixed within the crowd in front of him and left slowly towards the distance.    

“It looks like I have to move faster.  It doesn’t make much sense to stop Tony anymore.” Watching Steve’s burly figure slowly disappearing before him, Lin Rui thought silently and then walked towards the nearest subway exit.    


At night, Lin Rui arrives at the guardian base as Mirage Knight. Daredevil and Jack are already waiting for him. It had been a long time since they had fought side by side. As for Spiderman, he is not here. Although Lin Rui needs a lot of help now, he still wants Peter to slow down for a while.    

“Jack, Daredevil, did you get anything on the people I asked you to check a few days ago?” Lin Rui asked directly as he stepped into the base.    

“Mirage knight, though I don’t know where you got the names of these people. But apart from a name and appearance, we really can’t find out anything! Their jobs, their homes, their families, their identities, nothing can be found. ” Hearing Lin Rui’s words, Jack, who was sitting on the sofa and playing with the silver dagger, replied with a frown.    

Since Jack took over the Frankenstein family, the biggest source of information for the guardian team has been Jack. But the people Lin Rui asked him to investigate a few days ago surprised him. Even with the huge power of the Frankenstein family, he couldn’t find any information.    

“Daredevil, what about you? Did the tracking work?” Seemingly not surprised by Jack’s answer, Lin Rui asks Matt on the other side again.    

“No, these people are very secretive and very protective, and tracking them is completely ineffective.” Shaking his head, there is no good news from Matt. “It seems that it is difficult for us to find evidence. However, if there is no evidence, how can I let Nick believe me?” Sitting on his sofa, Lin Rui frowned slightly. With the current strength of Daredevil, even simple tracking has no effect. It seems that the protection personnel around those people are obviously not simple.    

In the original plot, Hydra, lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D., was eventually exposed because it had to seize three Helicarrier to eliminate the so-called threats. But now Tony has not yet joined S.H.I.E.L.D. and S.H.I.E.L.D. hasn’t acquired the anti-gravity technology yet, the Helicarriers are still just plans on paper, it is unrealistic for Hydra to expose themselves at this time.    

“However, I reminded Coulson last time and Nick Fury, the director still has some strength. He should have investigated something.” Although HYDRA is very hidden, Nick still has some powerful agents around him.    

“It’s just that Nick may not be able to find everyone out especially these high-level people. Maybe I can just tell Nick about them?” Sitting on the sofa, Lin Rui thought and scratched his head unconsciously.    

“Mirage Knight, what are you preparing for? You look very upset. ” Looking at Lin Rui, Jack couldn’t help asking. In those days, Lin Rui asked him to check the people he didn’t have any information on, and Lin Rui didn’t say why.    

When he heard Jack, Lin Rui raised his head: “I am thinking about how to deal with a hidden evil force, a force called Hydra, which has been hidden inside S.H.I.E.L.D.”    

Lin Rui had already explained the existence of S.H.I.E.L.D. with Jack, so now he’s not afraid that Jack wouldn’t understand. However, for Jack, he would not have much to do with SHIELD and Hydra. But with Lin Rui, it’s all uncertain.    

“So you asked me to investigate these Hydra people and you asked Matt to secretly follow them? Are they now hiding their identities within SHIELD?” Hearing Lin Rui’s reply, Jack asks again.    

“Yes, and they are sitting in high-ranking positions.” Lin Rui actually only remembers the main appearances of Hydra Advanced members, who would remember the other small shrimps.    

“Listening to what you said, they have been hiding for so long, how did you found out about them? Forget it, I know you won’t tell me. However, if you want them to be exposed, in addition to the most direct evidence, it seems that they are only allowed to be exposed on their own initiative. Since you know their hidden identity, don’t you have something to use? ” Hearing Lin Rui’s words, Jack received the knife turning in his hand and asked.    

“No.” Lin Rui replied honestly that the current Hydra is still in a latent state, and Lin Rui could not provide effective evidence for the time being.    

“There’s no way. This kind of guy is the hardest to deal with.” Since neither the investigation nor the follow-up has worked, Lin Rui has no other evidence, and no one knows how to expose them.    


But just then, Lin Rui suddenly sat up straight from the sofa. He seemed to come up with a way.    

“Although those guys can’t be dealt with now but they can still be frightened, I just don’t know if Nick will cooperate with me.” There’s a light in his eyes, Lin Rui said with a little excitement.    

“Mirage Knight, do you think of any good ideas?” Hearing Lin Rui’s endless words, Jack asked curiously.    

“Like I’m holding your dagger. What’s your reaction?” Instead of explaining to Jack, Lin Rui took out a sharp silver dagger from his waist and circled it twice in front of Jack.    

“Ah! My dagger! ” Seeing the silver dagger in Lin Rui’s hand, Jack exclaimed in surprise, and then quickly reached for his waist.    

“Eh? Still there!? ” Next second, Jack has taken out his dagger. It turns out Lin Rui only has a very similar one in his hand. He didn’t get Jack’s dagger at all.    

“So, I just want them to feel that they have been exposed. Then their next reaction will really expose them.” Smiling at Jack, Lin Rui continued.    

“So it is.” When Jack didn’t respond, Daredevil said, “It’s a typical psychological reaction. The first reaction in seeing someone holding something that belongs to you is not to grab it back, but to check whether it’s lost or not. And this exposes the position of your own things, good planning. ”    

“So it is! Mirage knight, you still have some brains! ” Hearing daredevil’s explanation, Jack finally understood and said with a smile.    

“Now, I need Director Nick to work with my plan. Although it is to let him doubt his colleagues and superiors, it is better than falling behind later. ” Now that we have a plan, Lin Rui is going to implement it step by step.    

“Daredevil, maybe, it’s a good time to join S.H.I.E.L.D. soon.” Then, Lin Rui looked at Matt, who was sitting across from him, smiling.    

“Haha, I’d love to.” Matt, of course, knew Lin Rui’s plan and agreed with a smile.    

“So, let’s take these guys out!”    


In an abandoned factory building outside the remote suburbs of Brooklyn, New York, where it seems that no one has visited here in a long time. However, if someone looks closely, they would find that the center of the factory has been remodeled, and a new huge factory covered with a special milky white curtain is hidden inside.    

Every few days, one or several cars with hidden identities will drive into the factory, and then leave quietly. No one knows what’s going on inside the factory.    

On this day, there was an unusual roar in the quiet factory building. Something exploded! After the first explosion, there were more than ten explosions in the factory. Then, a sudden burst of fire ignited the entire factory.    




Under such explosions and flames, some guys in white research suits rushed out of the factory building. One by one, they shouted and fled towards the distance. The factory is a hidden secret biological research base, but no one knows which force it belonged to.    

Bang! Boom!    

But the guys who looked like researchers didn’t get very far, and flame burst out of the back of the building, which then engulfed them directly.    



None of those people fled the explosion survived and they were all swallowed by flames.    


After several large explosions broke out in the factory, the solid structure of the plant was finally collapsed by flames and explosions. Huge steel bars and other pillars supporting the factory fell one by one, and the entire building collapsed quickly.    


In less than a minute, the large factory has been completely destroyed. As for how many people have escaped, it is not known. The location of this factory is too remote and until the flame is completely extinguished, no one would be able to found the situation here.    

And a few hours after the flame went out, the sky was completely dark. The original center of the factory was only a piece of ruin that burned into slag, and several broken cement columns were inserted on the ground. And in the ruins where life couldn’t exist, a slight movement suddenly came out of the ground.    

Bang Bang~    

At first it was only a small movement, and then it slowly became intense. After a few minutes, a slate in the ruins was suddenly opened, and a figure covered with black dust climbed out of the ruins!    

Although the whole body of the guy who lifted the slate and crawled out was covered with black ash and mud and it couldn’t be seen who he was because his body was not only covered with dust and ash, but also his skin was covered with scars of severe burns.    

“Francis!!” After climbing out of the ruins, the undead guy suddenly screamed out a name, as if he had a deep blood feud with this man.    

However, although the appearance of this person looks disgusting and horrible to a point where a child will cry seeing him walk on the road. But if Lin Rui is here, he would be able to recognize the voice. It is Wade Wilson! That mercenary who has been missing for more than a month!    

Wade has been on the brink of death countless times since he left everything for “treatment” more than a month ago. Because of Wade’s character, Francis, who is in charge of the secret manufacturing plant of mutants, was “taking good care of him”. In the last extreme hypoxia environment, Wade’s mutant gene was finally induced.    

Wade’s mutant gene gives him a super recovery ability and can survive in a very low oxygen environment, but it can’t repair the scar on his body caused by the induction process. After learning the real intention of Francis’s organization (to induce mutant genes in the ordinary human body, control these mutants and sell them to others as slaves after success), Wade, who was locked in the jar, found an opportunity to blow up the factory building. After a fight with Francis, Wade was hit and smashed underground by a collapsed concrete column, and Francis escaped.    

“Francis!!” Scanning the surrounding ruins, Wade looked up and roared again.    


Needless to say, Wade here has been out of the control of Francis and has successfully obtained his X-Gene which activated his Mutant ability, although he has changed from a handsome man to an extremely ugly man. At this time, Lin Rui is talking face-to-face with director Nick Fury, the head of S.H.I.E.L.D.    

“This is the information I can provide. I can guarantee that all the information I provide is true.” Lin Rui, dressed in the Phantom suit, looks at Nick Fury, who is sitting opposite him in a small café run by SHIELD.    

Since making up his mind that night, Lin Rui contacted Agent Coulson and asked him to get a meeting with Nick Fury. He had important things to say to the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Coulson didn’t ask what it was. After reporting this matter to Nick, Lin Rui quickly received a reply. Nick was willing to meet with the Vigilante, so he had a meeting tonight.    

The meeting place was arranged by S.H.I.E.L.D., Lin Rui did not worry that he would be identified by S.H.I.E.L.D. The special effect of the Phantom suit can not be detected by the high technology of S.H.I.E.L.D., and with Lin Rui’s skills, he is not afraid of some possible blocking methods of S.H.I.E.L.D. Unless they really use some sneak attack and heavy firepower shamelessly, they can’t contain him and Lin Rui doesn’t think they’re going to do that to anyone.    

So, after saying hello to each other, Lin Rui went straight to the point. And soon the list of prepared Hydra influential figures lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D. was taken out and those names were in the files that Lin Rui had just thrown on the table.    


Nick’s glares at Lin Rui with hi one eye. What this vigilante said just now is really shocking. Although Nick started to conduct a secret investigation in SHIELD after Coulson and Tony’s reminders last time, he only found out some small people, and there is no evidence that these people are related to Hydra. But just now, the file that Lin Rui had thrown contains the identity of people who has a very high internal status, including members of the World Security Council. Nick doesn’t know how Lin Rui knows these people.    

After staring at Lin Rui for a while, he didn’t see anything in his eyes. Nick finally picked up the document on the desk. After a brief look, there is some basic information about the people Lin Rui had just mentioned, their identities in Hydra and so on. Of course, Lin Rui doesn’t know all of them, but he can guess at will. Anyway, these people are Hydra.    


He closed the thin sheets of paper, and Nick’s face was looking even worse than before. If what Lin Rui said is true then SHIELD is almost under the control of Hydra, and even Nick himself is restricted by these people. But now Lin Rui is just talking about it, and he can’t give any evidence. Nick won’t believe him so simply.    

“If it’s just this list and the Hydra agents you’re talking about, do you really think I’ll believe you so easily?” Taking a deep breath, Nick continued.    

In fact, although Nick did not believe what Lin Rui said to him, he also had some doubts about the people on the list. Although Nick’s investigation didn’t have many significant findings, it also made him realize that SHIELD seems to have many hidden problems.    

“I have already said that I cannot provide the evidence. But, I think the word Hydra is enough for you to pay attention to this. And I am not so free to create unnecessary troubles for you. Even if Director Nick still doesn’t believe me, but for the sake of SHIELD, I hope you can conduct a secret investigation on these people. I’m sure your secret investigation will make them act. You may not believe it, but now SHIELD is really not what you think.” Knowing that Nick won’t simply believe in himself, Lin Rui continued.    

“You mean my investigation will keep them informed?! What will they do next? ” Nick is not like Jack. He soon figured out what Lin Rui meant.    

“Director Nick is a smart man, so you need to keep it a “secret”. I’m sure you’ll get something out of it. It’s an internal investigation. ” Nodded, Lin Rui said with a smile.    

Leaning forward and putting his hands on the table, Nick’s front body pressed against the table and he leans towards Lin Rui. “Mirage Knight, who are you? What is your purpose?”    

“About my identity, you don’t need to be bothered. As for my purpose, I just want Hydra to completely disappear from this world. After all, their purpose is not acceptable to me. Then, do you accept my proposal?”  Faced with Nick’s imposing pressure, Lin Rui replied faintly in from his chair, and he finally asked again.    

“I’ll investigate it in secret and if these people really act…” Nick couldn’t imagine what would happen.    

“Then I’ll wait for the news from Director Fury. I hope to meet you in a more advanced place next time.” Knowing that Nick is going to do what he had planned, Lin Rui didn’t want to stay much longer. He got up from his seat and walked out the door.    

“Mirage Knight, I welcome people like you to join S.H.I.E.L.D..” Looking at the back of Lin Rui, Nick suddenly said.    

“Haha, Solve your own problems first.”    


Subsequently, Lin Rui has already pushed the door away. And Nick didn’t send anyone to follow Lin Rui. This mirage knight is not easily tracked. A few minutes after Lin Rui left, Nick took the document and left the cafe quickly.    

Since that day, Lin Rui has been waiting for the development of follow-up events since he left the sorted list and some fabricated names on the Hydra members hidden inside SHIELD. Now, of course, he has nothing to do but wait.    

However, just as Lin Rui was waiting for the news from inside SHIELD, Tony was finally moved by Director Fury and Captain Rogers. He has agreed to join the Avengers alliance with Captain Rogers. However, Tony still made his own request that he would not be under the command of anyone, especially Rogers, an old veteran. He joined Avengers just to protect the earth better, not to let others abuse his technology.    

For the request made by Tony, Director Nick can only agree to it. After all, the relationship between them was not really good. It is not bad to have such a result now.  Moreover, Tony has no relationship with his superiors and subordinates in SHIELD and cannot direct Tony to do anything. But Tony is a super talented scientist after all. SHIELD can provide Tony with more advanced equipment to conduct scientific experiments. SHIELD obviously can also get many benefits from this.    

Just like the anti-gravity engine that Tony has only recently researched, S.H.I.E.L.D. needs that. Because S.H.I.E.L.D.’s goal is to have ultra-high mobile strike capability on a global scale, and the Hali-Carriers they have been manufacturing needs such a thing.    

In addition to Tony joining Avengers, Harry’s situation has improved a lot. I don’t know if it’s because of the most difficult time, or Harry finally figured it out. Now he seems to have come out of grief. Apart from being a little reticent and not smiling a lot, Harry is in recovery.    

Lin Rui and Peter are of course very happy with the change in Harry’s situation. Especially Peter, who has been blaming himself for some time now, he was very upset seeing Harry like that. Now it is a little easier for him to see Harry coming out of grief.    

On this day, Peter finally put on his Spider Suit and went out as Spider-Man to save the people in danger on the streets of New York. In the evening, Lin Rui, Peter, Matt, and Jack are all chatting with each other in the Guardian Base.    

After a period of rectification and development, Frankenstein’s Family still has a lot of industries involved in black trading, but under the control of Jack, they have slowly begun to develop in a good direction. After all, this is a huge family, and it is a family of gangsters. It is obviously impractical to change it quickly, and they will not give up such a big force that can give Wilson trouble. Moreover, sometimes black forces can do a lot of things that others can’t.    

Daredevil has also been in contact with S.H.I.E.L.D. these days, Matt is already a member of S.H.I.E.L.D., and the level of his confidentiality and clearance is relatively high. His direct contact is Agent Coulson. With Matt’s current strength, even if he can’t reach the Avengers team, he is at least a reserve player. Moreover, Matt also got more information about Wilson, the kingdom of Kingpin, through the internal intelligence system of S.H.I.E.L.D.    


Matt finally knew how powerful Wilson was. Even organizations like SHIELD could not completely eliminate such global power. So, Matt just wants to kill Wilson now. As for his underworld Empire, without this powerful boss, it will soon collapse.    

Spiderman has nothing to say. He killed the Green Goblin last time who was also Harry’s father. Peter can’t take this as a conversation between his teammates. Although Jack and Matt are both curious about this matter, neither Spiderman nor Mirage knight has told them about it and it seems that both of them don’t want to talk about it so Jack and Matt don’t ask anymore.    

After talking about his own affairs, Daredevil seemed to remember something again, and sat upright on the sofa a little bit: “Have you guys heard? Recently, there has been a very powerful figure in New York City, who specializes in finding the troublemakers of those underground forces, and is extremely ruthless, almost killing and injuring countless people every time. ”    

“Are you talking about that guy? I’ve heard that Frankenstein’s family has also been visited by him, but because the industries involved by my people are inconsistent with his purposes, he just asked for some information and left. ” Hearing daredevil’s words, Jack suddenly raised his eyebrows and added.    

“What are you talking about? Is there a new Vigilante in New York? Why don’t I know about it?” Lin Rui asked in confusion when he heard Daredevil and Jack. Dedicated to combating underground evil forces, isn’t this similar to what they used to do? Is it another Vigilante? Lin Rui silently recalled the Vigilantes in New York.    

“Vigilante? Haha, this guy can’t be called a hero. He is completely doing this for his own purposes. Fighting those forces is just a process for him to achieve his goal. I heard that he is doing this just to find someone, someone he wants to kill. ” Seeing Lin Rui raised a question, Jack suddenly dismissed and laughed and said.    

“Looking for someone? Who? It’s cruel to kill so many gangsters in order to find someone. Is it a big gangster?” Hearing this, Lin Rui felt that the story was a little familiar but still couldn’t remember who it was.    

“Francis, the unnamed person is looking for someone named Francis. Although the Frankenstein family has cooperated with many Mafia forces and other forces before, I have never heard of this person before.” Seeing Lin Rui ask, Jack soon said the name of the person who the unnamed person was looking for.    

“Well, it’s Francis, I heard about him.” After Jack finished, Daredevil also added a sentence.    

“Who is this again?” Seeing Jack and Daredevil seem to be curious about this person, Peter also asked with a puzzled expression.    

“Francis? Francis!!” Before Spiderman made his point, Lin Rui suddenly stood up from his sofa.    

Lin Rui thought that Jack described the crazy guy’s behavior pattern as a little familiar. Now hearing the name of the man he was looking for, Lin Rui finally remembered it. That’s the guy who turned Wade Wilson into Deadpool! Francis, who is also a mutant himself, also makes more mutants for a secret organization by experimenting on them and buying and selling them. Wade was induced to have a Super Strong Recovery Variant gene under his command and became the famous Deadpool of Marvel world.    

“Mirage Knight, do you know this guy? This Francis?” Seeing Lin Rui’s strange movements and surprises, both Jack and Matt asked curiously, and Peter looked at him.    


Embarrassed, Lin Rui sat down again and continued, “I don’t know him, I just know someone like that. He’s a mutant and works for a secret force. We can talk about that later. Now we have a closer question. ”    

“What’s the problem?” Without more detailed information about Francis from Lin Rui, Peter asked curiously.    

“I think, I know who the unnamed person is.” Glancing at the three teammates in front of him, Lin Rui said calmly.    

“Who is he?” Jack and Daredevil asked curiously.    

“Wade Wilson. We can call him: Deadpool!”    


Chapter 166 Deadpool    


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