Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 202-204

Chapter 202-204

0Heroes of Marvel Chapter 202-204    

Seeing both Mirage Knight and Black Widow looking at him, Steve Rogers standing at the door also lifted his foot and entered the room. However, there was no extra seat in this ordinary dormitory. Captain Rogers had to stand by the wall, and he didn’t need to sit anyway.    

“Natasha, what was the information you just said? Is it related to Hydra? ” Before Lin Rui answers Natasha’s questions, Captain Rogers questioned the Black Widow. He didn’t know about any mission that Natasha went on as he seemed to be on vacation at that time.    

“That was a mission that Director Fury gave me before, so I copied a copy of the information in the mission. The data was encrypted. The U-Disk containing the data should be in Fury’s hands. After getting that information, Director Fury’s internal investigation in SHIELD suddenly accelerated, and he was attacked soon afterward. ” As there was nothing to hide. Natasha shared her information truthfully.    

“In that case, it’s likely that there’s something about Hydra in that data. Mirage Knight, do you really know what those data contain? ” Although Captain Rogers can get the information from Fury when he wakes up, he still wants to hear it from Mirage Knight.    

“That information is actually a plan about Hydra. I don’t know if you have heard of Project Insight?” Seeing Captain Rogers looking at himself, Lin Rui asked after thinking for some time.    

“Project Insight?” When they heard Lin Rui, Natasha and Captain Rogers looked at each other and seemed to be a little surprised.    

“Looking at your expressions, it seems that you know about this plan.” Looking at Captain Rogers and Black Widow, Lin Rui spoke in a dry tone but he is ready to explain Hydra’s plans to them.    

This dormitory is really simple and boring. There is nothing but a bed, a chair, and a table. Lin Rui can’t find anything to play with. So, thinking about it, Lin Rui pulls a three-level Rubik’s cube out of the pocket of the Phantom Suit and twists it. Kaka ~    

“Yes, we do know about this plan. Is Project Insight a conspiracy of Hydra?!” After making eye contact with each other, Captain Rogers asked Lin Rui, who was sitting beside the bed playing with the Rubik’s cube. And the fact that this Vigilante is playing with a Rubik’s cube in such a serious situation is a sign of something else but he doesn’t care as long as he can help them.    

“What kind of Project Insight do you know? The three next-generation Helicarriers synced to a network of targeting satellites that will strengthen SHIELD’s Global protection capability?” Instead of answering Captain Rogers immediately, Lin Rui asked again without looking up. Kakka ~ his hands didn’t stop as he talked to them both, recently Lin Rui and Peter are competing against each other to see who can solve the three-way Rubik’s cube in the shortest time and Lin Rui always lost before.    

“Isn’t this the case? However, because the Helicarriers are still under construction, Project Insight has not yet been fully put on the agenda. Even if this plan is really problematic, it will not have any impact for the time being. Why did Director Fury react so quickly? ” Captain Rogers was surprised by the ease with which Lin Rui spoke of SHIELD’s previously unannounced and most secret plan, despite knowing the large intelligence capabilities of the person in front of him. But this is clearly not the time to dwell on it.    

Moreover, although Captain Rogers himself does not approve of Project Insight, Fury insists on completing this, and he can’t say anything. Holding a gun to someone’s head and claiming protection doesn’t seem like a good reason to Captain Rogers.    

“The slow construction of the Helicarriers are mainly due to the propellers, the traditional propellers can not support such a huge aircraft carrier flying in the sky, even the new propeller researched and made in SHIELD can barely do this, but the volume is too large and the height they can reach is not enough. According to the progress of SHIELD, it will be at least a year or more before Project Insight can see the light of the day.” With these words, Lin Rui’s three-way Rubik’s cube has been solved. It took 30 seconds, two seconds faster than the last time, which is an improvement.    

When they heard Mirage Knight, Natasha and Steve didn’t interrupt, they knew that Lin Rui wouldn’t say something and leave it in half.    

“But that was before. You know Iron Man, Tony Stark. He joined SHIELD shortly after he reached some kind of partnership with Director Fury, and that includes Captain Rogers’ efforts.” Lin Rui glanced up at Captain Rogers inclined against the wall, but there was no other expression on the Captain’s face. It seems that Steve is now immune to the powerful intelligence of Lin Rui, although his mind is already in turmoil.    

“And what I said next is related to Tony. I personally have some form of relationship with Tony. I believe that there should be a record of that in SHIELD. Then, you should know about the anti-gravity engine. Tony studied it before because he wanted to create a super-high-speed sports car. Although I always thought that this was overkill but I have to say that only geniuses like Tony can make such a thing.” When talking about Tony, Lin Rui’s mouth corner covered by the mask is slightly cocked up as he remembered Tony say that he would give him an anti-gravity super run before.    

“Anti-gravity engine?! What you mean is…” Hearing this, the two people in the room know what Lin Rui means.    

“Yes, Tony has been improving the anti-gravity engine after joining SHIELD to make it suitable for the Helicarriers. It happened that he had completed the technology of the Micro Arc Reactor some time ago, otherwise such a huge improvement may not have happened so fast.” Looking at the expressions of Captain Rogers and Natasha, Lin Rui continued.    

“As far as I know, the improvement of the large anti-gravity engine has almost been completed. As long as SHIELD gets this technology, the Helicarriers will soon be able to fly into the sky. So, Project Insight, which should have taken a long time to implement, will see its release ahead of time and will soon be implemented, which is probably why Director Fury suddenly wanted to completely eradicate Hydra inside SHIELD.” The three-way Rubik’s cube in Lin Rui’s hand was messed up and he put it in his pocket and said lightly.    

Speaking of the progress of the large anti-gravity engine, Lin Rui knows about it from Tony, there is a huge process and some of the progress can be credited to Lin Rui. However, it was Fury who pulled Tony into SHIELD and used Tony’s technology to speed up the construction of the Helicarriers to advance Project Insight ahead of time, which also let a chain reaction in Hydra getting them.    

“So, what’s the problem with Project Insight?” Since they know that the construction of the Helicarriers has been greatly accelerated, and Project Insight will soon be launched, and they also heard from Mirage Knight that there are obvious problems with the plan. Rogers and Natasha obviously want to know where the problem lies.    

“Well, there was an explanation in that U-disk. But if you want to know ahead of time let me tell you, do you know anything about Zola’s algorithm?…” Lin Rui then told Captain Rogers and Natasha about Hydra’s secret plan to use Zola’s Algorithm to turn Project Insight to target people who are hidden dangers to Hydra.    

After knowing Hydra’s plan, Captain Rogers and Natasha did not immediately leave the dormitory where Lin Rui rested but continued to stay for more than half an hour.  No one knows what happened during this period and no one knows what Lin Rui, Captain Rogers, and Natasha said to each other.    

An hour after Captain Rogers and Natasha left, Kate sent someone to call Lin Rui. By this time, he had almost finished visiting the secret base. After all, he would not stay in the dormitory for more than an hour.    

When Lin Rui followed the quiet young agent to Fury’s sick room, Fury, who was previously dying had already woken up and was leaning on his bed, talking to Agent Kate while Steve and Natasha stood by. However, Fury’s eyes had already turned when he saw Lin Rui approaching.    

“Mirage Knight, thank you. Agent Kate told me that you are the reason that I am alive right now.” When Lin Rui walks towards the bed, Fury smiles at him.    

If it wasn’t because of the quest and because I need you to deal with Hydra, I wouldn’t even be in this city, the value of that bottle of Elven Holy Spring Water was not low. Hearing Fury’s words, Lin Rui muttered secretly in his heart. But still keep a smile on his face: “It was nothing, Director Fury is now the key figure in destroying Hydra. Your safety still needs to be guaranteed.”    

“I’ve heard from Natasha that you already know about Project Insight and you have already told them. Do you have any more information about Hydra? After all, I’m not too sure if I had got them all and I want to completely wipe them out” Fury wasn’t an emotional person either. He simply said thank you and started talking.    

In fact, when Fury just woke up, Natasha and Captain Rogers had already verified the truth of what Lin Rui said to them before. Lin Rui’s information also made Fury very surprised, it was because of this that he asked this question just now. Now that Mirage Knight knows so much information, maybe he knows more about Hydra, so it will be easier for them to deal with it.    

“Actually, what I know is not much than what you know. I have already said everything I know and the rest will depend on your plan.” After hearing Fury’s words, Lin Rui waved his hand and said. Of course, Lin Rui knows more than that, but it’s not suitable to say now, he just needs to protect Fury and deal with Hydra.    

“My plan? Don’t you know everything already?” Seeing Lin Rui looking at himself, Fury asked with a smile.    

Fury hasn’t felt this kind of frustration for a long time now. The frustration of knowing that the person standing in front of him knows everything about him whereas he doesn’t know anything about him. It’s really uncomfortable. However, even though the mysterious vigilante in front of him doesn’t have a good impression of Shield, but his relationship with Hydra seems to be even worse. This is why Fury can trust Lin Rui for the time being. After all, Hydra is a very difficult organization for Fury to deal with it alone.    

“So what now? Are you just going to hide out here and wait? Waiting for Hydra to show themselves to the World? Are you sure your backup plan in SHIELD will work?” Seeing Fury’s indifference, Lin Rui asks curiously.  Even though Fury seemed to have protagonist halo on his head due to being the Head of the SHIELD, Lin Rui has, after all, undergone several incidents and the plot has been changed. At this time, he will not be so relieved about such things.    

“Hiding here? Of course not, Captain Rogers and Natasha both have their own missions. I’ve also borrowed an Iron Man legion from Mr. Stark, and when a fight breaks out, the Iron Man legion with high mobility and attack power will play a big role.” Hearing Lin Rui’s words, Fury’s only eye suddenly flashed with a sharp light as he uttered these words.    

“Well, It seems that you are ready, I just worry about Hydra.” Since Fury has his own arrangements, of course Lin Rui won’t say anything more.    

Lin Rui firmly belives in Fury’s ability and now there is even an Iron Man Legion that would support them in secret, even if there are any unexpected surprises from Hydra’s side, they should be able to defeat Hydra. After all, even if Lin Rui’s strength at this time is not as good as Tony’s latest Iron Man Armor, he is not far behind in.    

“What about you Mirage Knight? What are your plans?” Fury asked after seeing no other suggestions from Lin Rui.    

Although Lin Rui has stated that he will not interfere with Fury’s plan but if such a strong person is willing to help him than his plan will be easier to implement. At least, SHIELD will incur a little less loss at the beginning of the battle.    

“Me? As long as you can keep yourself safe, I don’t mind doing something for you during this time.” With his brow raised, Lin Rui replied.    

Protecting Fury for a week is a hidden quest, but eliminating Hydra is a mainline quest. Of course, Lin Rui is willing to weaken Hydra’s power in this battle between SHIELD and Hydra.    

“Haha, I was waiting for you to say that!” Lin Rui’s answer seemed to make Fury happy as he replied with a smile.    

After Natasha and Captain Rogers told Fury about their conversation with Lin Rui, he felt that the mysterious Vigilante clearly contradicted Hydra. In that case, maybe he wouldn’t mind helping SHIELD at this time. After all, it was he who first told him that Hydra was lurking inside SHIELD, and now he even came here to save him. These actions fully showed Lin Rui’s position.    

Lin Rui didn’t know that his attitude towards Hydra had been completely analyzed by Fury and he already had plans to use him. However, even if he knows that Fury intends to use his own power when dealing with Hydra, he probably won’t mind too much. Anyway, he wants to fight and who better than Hydra itself for him to fight against? However, even if he is working with Fury, he still have to be careful and keep an eye out. After all, Fury has a lot of secret plans that he doesn’t like to tell others about.    

“So, what do you want me to do? As long as it isn’t something outrageous, I will do my best.” Since he had decided to join forces with Shield, Lin Rui would not be arrogant anymore and asked calmly.    

“In fact, it’s not a troublesome thing. It’s just that we need some powerful people to protect our staff in SHIELD. And we’re short of people. If you are willing then you can guarantee the safety of many people after the start of the fight. ”    

“Is that all?” Lin Rui asks, somewhat unexpectedly after hearing Fury’s words. He thought he would have a big mission on his hands, given Fury’s knowledge of his power.    

“That’s it,” Fury replied earnestly.    

“Well, I will try my best to protect more people.” Nodding his head, Lin Rui assured him seriously.    


While Fury and others were secretly advancing their own plans in this remote secret base, Alexander Pierce at SHIELD’s headquarters was also carrying out his own plans. Because of Fury’s “death”, the entire SHIELD is now under his control as the acting Director. Of course, those who are still loyal to Fury and SHIELD do not know that they are in great danger at this time, and are still working in peace at their posts.    

“Director, will it be Ok for Project Insight to be advanced forward? After all, the technology of the anti-gravity engine has not yet been obtained.” In the Director’s office, Alexander stood with a member of Hydra wearing an expensive suit and it was the man in expensive suit that just said this. Obviously, Project Insight, which should have been launched a few months later, has been advanced to launch now and he is still a little worried.    

“Instead of worrying about some possible flaws in Project Insight ahead of time, it would be better for you to pay attention to the troubles after Fury’s death. You don’t really think Fury’s dead and gone? I don’t believe that guy hasn’t left much behind after he has lived for so long. You know, in the beginning, I supported Fury to be the SHIELD Director. That guy was not so easy to deal with. ” Alexander, sitting on his chair, said with a slight squint. Although he can be sure that Fury is dead because they have no antidote for that poison but there is always a bad feeling in his heart.    

“Director, you mean to say that there are still guys in SHIELD that may hinder our plans?” Hearing Alexander, the Hydra member asked with a shocked look.    

“It’s not possible, it’s certain. So, we can’t simply be defenseless. In addition to the previous arrangements, I have a few things for you to do … ” Alexander then whispered to the Hydra member next to him.    


Two days passed in a blink of an eye. After ensuring that Fury’s body was completely recovered and that he would not run around in danger, Lin Rui safely left the secret base. As for Natasha’s departure as early as the first night he came, Lin Rui didn’t know where she went. Captain Rogers returned to SHIELD’s headquarters as if it were all right, but Lin Rui knew that Steve planned to cooperate with Fury’s agents within SHIELD.    

These days, Lin Rui only saw his Uncle in the morning and spent the whole day outside, not knowing exactly where to play. Lin Rui’s uncle didn’t care much anyway, as long as nothing bad happened. Similarly, just after having breakfast this morning, Lin Rui answered a mysterious phone call and went out.    

“To be young! …” Looking at his nephew’s disappearance, Lin Rui’s Uncle muttered helplessly while sitting at the table, and then continued to eat his churros.    

The call that Lin Rui just answered was from Fury, and he was ready to start attacking Hydra. The war will break out today and Lin Rui needs to get ready first. It’s best to rush to the SHIELD headquarters as soon as possible and help when the battle breaks out.    

“Listening to Daredevil, Alexander at SHIELD’s headquarters seems to have invited several members of the World Security Council today to discuss things. It seems that Alexander intends to remove the obstacles in his way step by step, and then control the World Security Council.” Lin Rui, who was walking on the road, thought about some actions of Hydra that Daredevil had reported to him before. He knew that Fury didn’t choose today casually and that today was bound to be a big event.    

“Then, I should make some preparations in advance.” Lin Rui’s eyes flashed as he seemed to have thought of something, he took out the phone and dialed a familiar number.    

Toot ~    

“Well? Mirage Knight, you haven’t contacted me for a long time.” The call was soon connected, and Tony’s voice came from the other side filled with surprise. Although Tony and Mirage Knight have reached a mutual cooperation agreement before, there has been no formal cooperation so far. However, because of their strength and with some intelligence that Mirage Knight knows, Tony has always provided them with basic technical equipment and supplies.    

“Mr. Stark, I need your help this time. No, I need J.A.R.V.I.S’s help.” Lin Rui directly said what he wanted without beating around the bush.    

“What do you need JARVIS for? Do you want to carry out some large-scale computing experiments?” Tony asked curiously after hearing Lin Rui. J.A.R.V.I.S is an advanced artificial intelligence, the biggest role of which is network intelligence and strong computing power.    

“No, I want J.A.R.V.I.S to help intercept some of the network information.” Lin Rui at the end of the phone rejected Tony’s guess and continued.    

“Intercepting network information? Will J.A.R.V.I.S really need to do this? Can’t you find a hacker yourself?” It seems that Mirage Knight asked J.A.R.V.I.S to do too something that is low level in Tony’s opinion. As far as the ordinary network is concerned, J.A.R.V.I.S can be said to be roaming at his own home.    

“What if I said that the data I was going to intercept was stored in SHIELD?” Knowing that Tony would respond like this, Lin Rui said slightly.    

“What? SHIELD’s information ?! Mirage Knight, what are you going to do?” After hearing what Lin Rui said, Tony at the end of the phone took it seriously and asked in a serious tone. Although Tony thinks that Mirage Knight is a trustworthy teammate, SHIELD as a large global organization will have many secrets that should not be published. Tony doesn’t know what Mirage Knight wants this information for.    

“I didn’t plan to do anything, it’s just that some information in SHIELD is useful to me. Also, I don’t want some information about me and my friends to be leaked out and become common knowledge to people around the world.” Lin Rui didn’t explain to Tony why he is doing this and he just explained with a simple sentence.    

“Leaked? What do you mean?!” Tony was still guessing if Mirage Knight wanted to get some special information from SHIELD, but he asked in surprise after hearing the sentence behind Lin Rui.    

SHIELD, as a global secret organization, although its network intelligence system is not as “feeling” as J.A.R.V.I.S., but its level is not low at all. Simply speaking, it’s defense is still above J.A.R.V.I.S.    

“It’s hard to explain, but you know there’s something going on inside SHIELD. I heard Fury borrowed an Iron Man team from you, didn’t you wonder what was going on inside SHIELD for him to do that?” Without explaining anything more to Tony, Lin Rui asked lightly.    

“Well, I can’t ask too much about what’s going on inside SHIELD because of the deal I made with Fury, but I also know that something big is going on, which is probably related to what you said before. But what does this have to do with data leakage? Could this incident result in a breach of SHIELD’s internal data? ” After hearing Lin Rui’s words, Tony asked seriously.    

“That’s about it, and just in case, I’d like JARVIS to help intercept some SHIELD material when it comes out. Don’t worry, I will only take the information related to myself. I have no interest in the rest. Anyway, I know all about it.” Now that Tony has understood, Lin Rui repeats his request.    

“This is not impossible. If it is true like you said, I can ask JARVIS to help. JARVIS can only intercept this information if SHIELD proactively leaks this information. Otherwise, JARVIS has little chance to break through SHIELD’s strict network defense system.” It seems that Lin Rui persuaded Tony to agree at last.    

“Thank you, Mr. Stark, I will help you unconditionally once if I have the chance.” Listening to Tony agree to his request, Lin Rui on the phone said with a smile.    

“Well, I’ll hang up if there’s nothing else. You will contact J.A.R.V.I.S when you need help.”    

“Well, bye.”    

Then Lin Rui hung up. With J.A.R.V.I.S’s help, Lin Rui should be able to get what he wants from the SHIELD database as expected. However, Tony would never know that the information Lin Rui wanted this time had a great relationship with Tony himself.    

Putting away the phone, Lin Rui’s footsteps also accelerated. Now that Fury has decided to take a shot, Lin Rui will not miss this good show. However, Lin Rui whispered as he walked quickly, “It seems that I really need a Hacker, otherwise every time I encounter this kind of thing, I would have to ask Tony’s help and I will be exposed sooner or later!”    


Lin Rui hung up the phone and hurried to SHIELD headquarters. Tony, who is at the seaside villa in New York, slowly put a special construction in his hand on the table.    

“Is there information about SHIELD? … J.A.R.V.I.S!” There was a flash of light in his eyes, and Tony then shouted.    

“Yes, sir.”    

“When you help Mirage Knight intercept the information, check if there is anything about me, and if so, intercept it for me.”    

“Yes, sir.” J.A.R.V.I.S calmly agreed.    


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