Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 205-207

Chapter 205-207

0Heroes of Marvel Chapter 205-207    

Captain Rogers has just stepped out of Director’s office at SHIELD headquarters in Washington. Steve left after just chatting with the hypocritical acting agent, Director Alexander Pierce. Today is the day when Fury plan starts and after a while he won’t need to give these guys any fake smiles.    

As for Alexander’s meeting with the members of the World Security Council that he invited today, there are naturally people that will take charge of them and Captain Rogers only needs to do his own thing.    

Not long after walking out of the office, Captain Rogers felt like he was being followed by more than one person. It seems that Hydra is finally going to take a shot at the famous Captain America. In a way, Steve’s influence is much greater than Director Fury’s, Hydra will not let such an unstable factor exist.    

“Since you can’t help it, let’s give you a chance.” Without stopping, Captain Rogers thought to himself that he entered the elevator.    

Ding ~    


Just as the elevator door was closing, a hand reached out and stopped the door. Then a three-man secret service team walked in, the first of whom greeted Captain Rogers.    

“Hey, Cap.”    

“Hey.” In a simple response, Captain Rogers also knew several people who came in.    

The head guy is SHIELD’s secret service brigade Captain and he is quite good at what he does. However, Steve knows that the entire secret service team are Hydra’s sleeper agents and he doesn’t know how deep in SHIELD they are.    

Ding ~    

After the elevator descended several floors, it stopped and a five-member squad walked in from outside, all fully armed. At this moment, the entire elevator was almost filled with these nine tall and strong men, and Captain Rogers was surrounded by them in the center.    

Buzz ~    

The elevator descended quietly and the nine people in the elevator did not speak, but the atmosphere slowly became tense. The nearest Secret Service team around Captain Rogers clenched their hands unconsciously. The two people standing on Steve’s left and right had slowly stretched their hands behind their waists and seemed to be trying to pull out something.    

“Before we get started, does anyone want to get out?” Captain Rogers, surrounded by eight special agents, had already felt the small movements of several people around him and asked a little before they could start.    


Just after Steve suddenly said such a sentence, the four people closest to him moved at the same time. The two men behind Captain Rogers raised their hands directly to circle his neck, and the two special service teams close to him quickly took their hands from their waist, and then threw them over Steve’s wrist, in their hands were specially made magnetic handcuffs.    

Bang! Whirl!    

How could Captain Rogers, who had been on guard, let them get him so easily, with his head on one side and his arm raised, and the shield he had been holding in his hand smashed into the side.    

Puff! Puff! Puff!    

The shield smashed a few people in the narrow elevator and returned to Steve’s hands again. It really felt like an automatic positioning. And when the shield flew out, Captain Rogers also quickly moved and knocked down all the people around him.    

The handcuffs, with their powerful magnetic force, had been kicked off Steve’s feet and stuck to the elevator wall without even touching him, and the strong secret service members were little more than a few sturdy sandbags in front of people like Rogers. Within a minute of the fight, there were only two men standing in the elevator, Captain Rogers and the secret service Captain Rumlow, who also had a nickname: Crossbones.    

Standing in the middle of a circle of fallen men, Rumlow clutched a military bayonet in his hand and faced Captain Rogers. He knew that Captain America was very strong but he didn’t expect them to be beaten like dogs even after making such full preparation. He really felt helpless in his heart.    

“I just want you to know Cap, this isn’t personal.” Staring at Steve in front of him, Rumlow spoke as he rushed up.    


Five seconds later, another person fell in the elevator. Although Rumlow is already an Advanced thug in Hydra, he is still incomparable to Captain Rogers.    

“It kind of feels personal.” Looking at Rumlow lying at his feet, Steve spoke to him although Rumlow could no longer hear him.    


Putting the shield back on his back, Steve reached out and clicked the elevator button. Ding ~ Then, the elevator just locked by Rumlow slowly opened.    

Da Da Da ~    

Just halfway through the elevator, Captain Rogers had already seen a dozen-strong armed team outside the elevator rushing towards himself.    

“Rogers! Don’t move!” With a gun in his hand pointing at Captain Rogers, who was still inside the elevator, the rushing team had warned loudly.    

Even with a shield in hand, Steve wouldn’t want to fight with a team that’s carrying so much firepower all the time. After all, he’s stuck in an elevator. However, Captain Rogers was about to use his shield to snap the cable when he caught a glimpse of a figure and slowed down his movement.    


As the team of more than a dozen people hurried towards the elevator, they did not notice that a figure suddenly appeared in the rear. It was almost impossible to see the figure and the person who suddenly appeared rushed into the previous team.    

“Who?!” After the man rushed into the line, someone finally responded and shouted out. But they were met with a shadow of a stick.    

Puff Puff!    


“Be careful!”    

“He is the enemy !!”    

After the man rushed into the team and unexpectedly swept away a circle of secret service members, the others finally reacted. Some of them continued to rush towards the elevator, and some of them turned their guns around and pointed them at the man in the middle.    

Captain Rogers, who was about to avoid the fight, saw someone intervene and no longer ran away. He took the shield in his hand again and threw it out with his full force.    


The spinning shield, with Captain Rogers’s enormous force, rushed straight into the group of secret service men who were running toward the elevator, while the first two were knocked to the ground by the shield, the two men next to them actually flew backward and hit the men behind them.    

Da da da!    

When this happened, the special service members no longer hesitated and fired the guns in their hands. Dangdang Dangdang! The shield was still spinning backwards after being hit by countless bullets. However, at this time Captain Rogers had rushed out of the elevator and stretched out his hand. The shield that flew back was just caught by him.    

With his own weapon in his hand, Captain Rogers glanced coldly at these Hydra’s agents. The next second, with a little force under his feet, Steve has rushed into the crowd.    


Da da da!    

Two minutes later, only three people were still standing in the corridor, Captain Rogers, the man who had rushed into the secret service team, and a fellow who had been pointed at with a stick and seemed too afraid to move.    

Huh ~    

Two seconds later, the guy pointed by the stick fell down on his leg. It turned out that he had just been stunned by the stick, but he just kept standing. After the last secret service member fell, Captain Rogers, who had finished his battle looked at the guy in sunglasses in front of him.    


Whirl ~    

Packing up his shield, Captain Rogers lifted his foot over a dozen men lying unconscious on the ground and approached the man who had stepped in to help him.    

“Hello, I’m Steve Rogers. This seems to be the first time that we have met, Daredevil?” Steve greets Daredevil with a smile.    

“Hello, Captain Rogers.” With his stick tucked away, Matt reached out and shook hands with Steve.    

Today is the day that Fury plans to launch an official attack on Hydra. As Hydra begins to clean up the unstable personnel for it, the Avengers alliance team, who have been pretending not to know about it, and some reserve team members have all made their moves. Whether it’s Hawkeye, Daredevil, or Sam Wilson, the Falcon Steve recruited to the Avengers team a while ago, they are all capable of fighting alone.    

Therefore, while Hydra showed his minions, Fury finally took out his hidden cards. Now it depends on whether Hydra is better or Fury’s response is stronger.    

When fighting broke out throughout SHIELD headquarters, the top floor of the headquarters building was where Alexander hosted members of the World Security Council. Alexander not only has to take full control of SHIELD today, he also has to take control of the World Security Council. Once the members who have arrived today are under control, the future World Security Council will be home ground for Hydra.    

However, Alexander did not expect that his plan will encounter obstacles from the very beginning. Just as Alexander Pierce calmly introduced the immediate benefits of Project Insight to several members of the World Security Council, their room suddenly shook.    

The council members who had been listening to Alexander’s introduction had a flicker of doubt in their eyes. This was SHIELD headquarters, and this was the top-secret conference room on the top floor. What kind of vibrations are these that it reached here? There was also a flicker of doubt in Alexander’s eyes. Then he felt the mobile phone in his pocket vibrate.    

Buzz ~    

He took out his phone and glanced at it and Alexander’s face suddenly turned ugly. He could no longer keep his cool. No one knows what he just saw on his phone that caused the current Hydra boss to react like this.    

“What just happened, Alexander, do you know anything?” Alexander was holding his phone in his hand and was wondering what else he could do when a member of the council finally asked.    

After the middle-aged woman asked, the others also looked at Alexander for an explanation from the SHIELD Director. The vibration just now is obviously not something simple, they are two influential figures and they will not miss anything.    

“Oh, it’s nothing, it’s just …” Now that things have come to this point, Alexander has no intention of carrying on any longer. He picks up his phone with a smile.    

“It’s just that I need your cooperation now. In addition to agreeing with Project Insight’s advance planning, I also want you to support me unconditionally in the World Security Council in the future. As long as you agree, everyone can leave safely today, otherwise … “Glancing at several influential figures in front of him, Alexander finally gave up trying to hide anything and threatened them.    

“Alexander Pierce, what is the meaning of this? Do you want to control the council?!”    

“Don’t even think about it, do you think it would be so easy for you to threaten us?!”    

At Alexander’s words, two council members hissed, and the others suddenly looked at him with hostility. They had no idea that Alexander Pierce was trying to form a faction within the World Security Council with him as the head, asking for their unconditional support. It was an international joke.    

“Maybe, I didn’t make myself clear just now but you don’t have much choice now. Since you choose to be so uncooperative, then I have to …” Alexander was not surprised to see the arrogant attitude of the people in front of him. He only said his own words in a subtle way. Then, amid the confused glances of some council members, Alexander clicked on his phone screen.    


Just as Alexander pressed the button on his phone screen, the metal sign on the chest of the council member who had been so rude to Alexander flashed with electrical sparks.    

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!” With a scream, the council member’s chest had been punctured by a high-intensity electric current, and then he fell to the ground, looking dead.    


Other council members recoil in horror at the sight of the man next to them, while a fast-moving man raises his hand to rip the sign off his chest.    

Zi Zi Zi ~    

“Ah! But just as he raised his hand to his chest, the sign flashed and he, too, fell to the ground screaming.    


When the second man fell to the ground, the rest of the people on the scene were afraid to act rashly. Their lives were obviously in Alexander’s hands.    

“Now, will you consider what I have just proposed?” Seeing that the Council Members were afraid by his plan. Alexander just waved his mobile phone in front of them and asked calmly.    

Looking at Alexander’s indifferent expression, and then listening to the constant vibrations and faint explosions from outside, the Council Members’s faces looked distorted but they did not immediately express their attitude. The power of the World Security Council is very large, and it can affect the development of the entire world to a certain extent. If they are really controlled by Alexander in the future, the entire world will be greatly affected.    

Nor did Alexander urge the few people in front of him, he knew that they would make the right choice when their lives were threatened. However, he did not notice the small gesture of a middle-aged lady standing near the conference table.    



While Alexander was waiting for the council members to answer, the woman who had been standing at the conference table without saying anything suddenly took a small pistol out of her suit and shot Alexander without hesitation.    


The surprise attack left Alexander with a bullet in his arm and he almost dropped the phone in his hand. However, Alexander was not an ordinary person and he held on with his willpower. He was already in pain and was ready to press the button on his mobile phone the moment after being attacked. Even if the attacker was too fast, he/she could not rush towards him before he pressed the button.    


Seemingly oblivious to the threat of a special device in her chest, the middle-aged woman had already taken a few steps toward Alexander.    


With her hands on the edge of the conference table, the middle-aged woman rolled over briskly. The next moment, she kicked Alexander in the chest, sending him flying towards the floor    


“You! … how could you be all right?!” Alexander, who hit several chairs and fell to the ground, covered his chest and stared at the woman who was safe in front of him even after him pressing the button.    

“Do you mean this? Sorry, this is just a simple badge.” After hearing Alexander’s words, the lady finally spoke. While answering Alexander’s words, she reached out and tore off the sign on her chest. And listening to her voice, it turned out to be a rather young voice, totally inconsistent with her looks.    

“You are!!……”    

Pointing a gun at Alexander Pierce as he fell to the ground, the middle-aged woman raised her other hand and, to the amazement of several people around her, pulled a high-tech mask off her face. She was not a member of the World Security Council.    

“You are! ~~ Black Widow!” When he finally saw the beautiful face of the woman who had ruined his plans, Alexander shouted out in surprise. He obviously knew Natasha’s name.    

“Alexander, your plan won’t be successful, Hydra will eventually be a thing of the past.” Throwing away the artificial mask in her hand, Natasha looked at the shocked face of Alexander and said quietly.    


Black Widow has disappeared a few days ago, and her mission was to silently replace a member of the World Security Council who had been invited by Alexander to this meeting.    

As for why she knew about the badges Alexander had given them earlier, it was thanks to Lin Rui. Natasha and Captain Rogers and Lin Rui spent a long time in the secret base where Fury was being treated. Lin Rui had told Natasha about the dangerous situation she would found herself in when Alexender will give the badges to the members of the World Security Council, that bit of information saved her from danger.    

“Hydra?!” After Natasha finished saying that, Alexander on the ground hadn’t spoken yet, and several members of the council hiding behind her had already screamed.    

“Alexander is a member of Hydra?!”    

“It seems that he’s the biggest traitor lurking inside SHIELD!”    

When the members of the World Security Council were threatened by Alexander before, they only thought that he was simply too ambitious and wanted to control the World Security Council. They did not expect that he is a part of Hydra, who was being investigated by Fury before his death, he s the biggest traitor in SHIELD! With that said, this guy must have planned Fury’s death.    

“Yes! He is a High-Level member of Hydra and the highest level person lurking inside SHIELD.” With the gun pointed at Alexander, Natasha never looks back as she answered.    

“Hahaha! So what if you know? Do you have any proof? Even someone like Fury couldn’t do anything against us and he only caught some low-level grunts and in the end he died because of it, what can you do against us? “Seeing that his identity had been exposed, Alexander stopped pretending and laughed.    

Indeed, what if the council members knew that Alexander was a member of Hydra and killed him? That would just be a significant loss to Hydra, but they don’t know how many people are hiding inside SHIELD. After all, this time only a fraction of the combatants have been exposed, as have the scientists who lurk in SHIELD’s various divisions. And it’s not just SHIELD, there are other important organizations that are linked to SHIELD and they need to be checked internally.    

Alexander wasn’t afraid to die, but he knew that they wouldn’t kill him just yet. Even if he died, Hydra wouldn’t be hurt as long as the top-secret information wasn’t leaked. Access to the top-secret information requires two Alpha level clearance and that would include both his and Fury’s Alpha Level clearance, which is no longer possible.    

“Do you think no one can unlock SHIELD’s top-secret information? There’s information about all your Hydra members lurking in the SHIELD. Is that what you’re relying on?” Hearing Alexander’s words, Natasha asks without any change in her expressions.    

“Huh! What do you know? The top-secret information in SHIELD has been completely and intelligently controlled since it was set and you would need two Alpha-level clearance to open those information at the same time. However, Fury is now dead, No one can get that information.” Although Natasha was still calm, Alexander was also confident.    

“So, what if I’m not dead?” Just as Alexander finished speaking, a voice he knew very well came from behind him.    


At the sound, Alexander’s cool face suddenly changed and he looked back.    

“How can you possibly …” “Shouted Alexander as he stared at the figure in front of him in disbelief as he tumbled to his feet.    

“Still alive.” Fury, coming out of the conference room finished the sentence for Alexander before he could finish. “You’re the one who killed me, aren’t you?”    

“Oh, you know how these types of things usually go.” Since Fury wasn’t dead, Alexander said nothing more. He has killed Fury in the interests of Hydra as Fury was a huge stumbling block.    

“Why let me be the head of SHIELD?” Fury asked before he had reached Alexander, staring at his eyes.    

“Because you were the best and most ruthless person I have ever met.” Alexander recovered his usual calmness and answered while staring at Fury.    

“I did what I did to protect people …” Fury still couldn’t understand what Alexander was getting at.    

“Our enemies are your enemies, Nick … I can bring order to the lives of Seven Billion people by sacrificing 20 million. This is the next step, Nick. Do you have the courage to take it with me?” Alexander didn’t forget to make excuses for Hydra’s brutal behavior and wanted to pull Fury with him.    

“No, I have the courage not to take it.” With that, Fury was already pulling Alexander towards the transparent screen on the side. On the other hand, Natasha has called up the permission removal interface. As long as the two of them are authorized, the information stored in SHIELD can be made public.    

“You don’t think we wiped your clearance from the system?” Alexander was still trying to stay calm despite being pulled by Fury. While they were pretty sure that they’ll kill Fury, it’s not as if they haven’t made other plans.    

“I know you erased my password. Probably deleted my retinal scan. But, if you want to stay ahead of me, Mr. Pierce, you need to keep both eyes open.” With that, Fury had taken off his blindfold and exposed the injured eye inside. Then, with Natasha holding a gun to his head, Alexander and Fury look at the transparent screen.    

“Initiating iris scanning.” Facing the transparent screen, the intelligent system quickly scanned Fury and Alexander’s iris, “Alpha level of permission confirmation. Encryption code accepted. Safeguards removed.”    

“Do you really want to expose yourself all to the public like this, Miss Natasha?” At this point, Alexander looks at Natasha, who controls the computer nearby, and asks.    

Natasha’s eyes flashed when she heard Alexander’s words, and she finally pressed her hand down.    

Huh ~    

Then, about dozens of Hydra and many other top-secret materials locked by SHIELD for decades were sent to the outside world. With SHIELD’s network, all these data were sent to the extranet within minutes.    

“Done, and its trending.” She took out her phone and clicked it twice. Natasha didn’t care. It seems that she has just found her own information on the Internet, the information can make such a secret agent Natasha received widespread attention.    

At this point, Alexander had no other ideas and his plan was a complete failure. However, even if the SHIELD wins this time, this event will certainly hurt them and his previous arrangement will not be so simple.    

“You know, there was a time I would’ve taken a bullet for you,” Fury said calmly, looking at Alexander in front of him.    

“You already did.” Alexander also replied calmly as he looked at Fury. He was clearly talking about the shot that Fury had taken before as the Winter Soldier was sent out by Alexander himself.    

As soon as he had finished speaking, Fury pulled out a gun from behind his waist.    



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