Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 195-197

Chapter 195-197

0Heroes of Marvel Chapter 195-197    

Da da da ~    

The special service team that rushed in quickly checked the whole house with guns in their hands. There were several teams outside, surrounding the entire apartment building and blocking the routes around it. However, these people are obviously not a problem for Lin Rui who had just left by the window. After the upgrade, the Phantom Suit has more hidden features, and he quickly left in the shadows.    

Lin Rui, who left, knew that Fury had his own arrangements, but he was worried. After all, the plot has been ruined by him. Things won’t necessarily follow the plan that Fury had prepared. If Hydra really wants to fight Fury in SHIELD, his plan of feigning death may die before it is implemented.    

Now Lin Rui can’t stay by Fury’s side to protect him. The present SHIELD is almost in control of Hydra. If a mysterious figure like Mirage Knight appears in SHIELD, Hydra won’t ignore him. Lin Rui didn’t want to make trouble for himself, so after a little thought, Lin Rui took out his mobile phone and called daredevil.    

“Hey, Daredevil, there’s something I need you to do. The thing is, you should know Director Fury… As he walked toward his uncle’s house, Lin Rui talked to Daredevil about Fury.    

Lin Rui wants Daredevil to keep an eye on Hydra within SHIELD, and if they do decide to attack Fury directly within SHIELD, Daredevil will have to save Fury. After all, according to Hydra, this newly joined Vigilante member doesn’t know that SHIELD is already under their control, so they wouldn’t have taken any precautions against him like they would do against Captain Rogers.    

Speaking of it, Lin Rui doesn’t know the current strength of Daredevil and which steps he would take. However, what Lin Rui can confirm is that his strength has changed dramatically since the beginning of his encounter with Matt. Lin Rui doesn’t know if Soaring Dragon Art is more suitable for Matt or is it a bonus for someone with a protagonist aura. He didn’t reach the level of Daredevil when he practiced with it.    

So, if Hydra really doesn’t take Daredevil seriously, then they will definitely be surprised. In this way, Lin Rui quickly told Matt what he planned.    

“Well, no problem, I’ll keep an eye on it. If they make a small move, I will stop it. I will not let Director Fury have an accident. Of course, if they wouldn’t make a move, I would cooperate with Director Fury’s Fake-Death Plan.” After Lin Rui finished, Matt on the phone promised. At that time, Lin Rui agreed to Matt entering SHIELD as there would be such an aspect. He can help with some things that Lin Rui can’t do now.    

“OK, please. I’ll get in touch again.” With Matt’s assurance, Lin Rui hangs up.    

Next, Lin Rui’s pace is speeding up. It’s over 10 PM now. He needs to hurry back to his uncle’s house, or he will be grounded.    


Not to mention that Lin Rui was a little worried, so he asked Daredevil in SHIELD to pay more attention to the situation of Director Fury. After Captain Rogers’s apartment was surrounded by SHIELD, Director Fury who was injured and unconscious was quickly taken away. As for Agent Kate, she’s not with Steve and he doesn’t know where she has gone to.    

Since knowing that SHIELD has now been controlled by Hydra, Captain Rogers now trusts no one inside of it. He didn’t even trust Black Widow Natasha, who rushed here after hearing the news, he just said that Fury was injured after being attacked. There is no mention of Hydra.    

However, Natasha obviously already knows something, but she doesn’t ask much when there are people around. Before Fury’s accident, he had asked Natasha to do a secret mission. The mission was a bit strange. Natasha’s mission during the operation was to copy a piece of information, an encrypted piece of information. After that, Natasha gave the U-disk with the information to Fury. Because of Fury’s accident, Natasha hadn’t had time to figure out what the information in the U-disk was. However, she has a hunch that the information in the U-disk must be very important and perhaps it is related to the attack on Fury.    

Soon, Captain Rogers and SHIELD’s team returned to SHIELD’s headquarters in Washington, and Director Fury was immediately scheduled for a rescue operation. Captain Rogers and Natasha looked at the surgery outside the operating room, and the transparent glass in the operating room allowed them to see the progress of the entire operation. This was also arranged after Steve asked. He couldn’t worry about Fury doing surgery in a place he couldn’t see. Although he knew that Fury had already arranged something, he still had some concerns.    

The emergency operation didn’t last long. After the long non-beating sound from the electrocardiograph, the medical staff looked at each other for a few times. Finally, they put down all kinds of surgical equipment and looked at the clock on the wall. The doctor announced the time of Fury’s death. The cause of Fury’s death was that he lost too much blood.    

Drop ~~~~    

Staring at fury, who has no heartbeat on the other side of the glass wall, Captain Rogers unconsciously clenched his hand into a fist, and finally walked out to the wall beside him in the corridor. Bang! The thick wall was directly blown with a deep pit with cracks all over it.    

And like Steve, looking at Fury’s dead body, Natasha couldn’t believe the scene she was seeing. She took a few deep breaths and walked to the sidewalk like Steve.    


Just as Natasha was walking towards Captain Rogers, the mobile phone in his pocket suddenly gave him a slight vibration. The moment Steve felt the vibration, he took out the phone without any sign of emotion. He quickly skimmed the screen of the phone and stuffed it into his pocket again. This series of actions was very stealthily hidden from others.    

And after Captain Rogers just put his cell phone in his pocket, Natasha has come over. Captain Rogers chose this aisle intentionally because he wanted to wait for mobile phone information, so when Natasha came here, only two of them were here.    

“Steve, I think it’s weird. Fury was attacked. I think it’s probably related to the mission I completed before. In that mission, I got encrypted data, which was installed in a U disk. Do you know where the U disk is now? ” Quietly approaching Rogers, Natasha asked in a low voice.    

Hearing Natasha’s words, Steve’s eyes flickered slightly, but he replied calmly, “I don’t know, when I saw fury, he was already unconscious and didn’t say anything about a U disk. Do you think it’s the information in the U-disk that caused him to be attacked? ”    

“Steve, I know that you trust no one right now, and I am the same. But you have to believe me, I can’t let Fury die in vain!” It seems to her that Captain Rogers has something to hide from her and Natasha asked again in a low voice.    

“Now that you know I don’t trust anyone, don’t say anything more. Let’s help fury.” Instead of saying anything more to Natasha, Captain Rogers has pushed her to stop her hand and left the aisle.    

Looking at Steve’s back, Natasha’s eyes flashed and no one knows what she was thinking. In the end, her face remained the same and she went out.    

After Fury’s death, his body has been properly arranged. As the Director of Shield, it will be treated confidentially. After Fury’s death, Captain Rogers didn’t stay at SHIELD Headquarters anymore. He left alone at night and went to a remote place outside Washington.    

In an area full of old buildings, Steve took a few turns and disappeared completely without anyone’s attention. However, Lin Rui, who has returned to his uncle’s home for a rest, knows where Rogers is. But now, he’s not going to go to Captain Rogers. He’s going to give Steve time to find out for himself.    

After walking in several old buildings for a while, Captain Rogers stopped in front of a wall filled with graffiti. The graffiti on the wall may be meaningless to others, but Captain Rogers knows that this is the contact information of Fury’s secret agents.    

Da Da ~    

After Captain Rogers stood in the same place for a while, a slight footstep came from behind the graffiti wall. Later, a familiar figure came out from behind Steve, It was Agent Kate. It seems that she avoided the people in SHIELD and came here early. He just doesn’t know how many people there are besides her.    

“Captain Rogers, here you are.” Agent Kate calmly glances at the person in front of her, then says faintly.    

“Where is the Fury? I want to see him right now.” Without any nonsense, Captain Rogers asks seriously as he walks up to agent Kate.    

The message that Rogers received on his mobile phone at the SHIELD headquarters was sent by Agent Kate. The content is that everything is going well, Fury is safe, otherwise, Rogers may have broken out inside SHIELD. If Fury is really dead, Rogers won’t care about anything. Anyway, he knows that SHIELD has been controlled by Hydra inside, and it won’t be a big deal if he creates havoc in there.    

“Captain Rogers, don’t worry, although the situation of the Director is not very good now, there is no danger to his life. But we have to wait for someone before we can take you there. ” At Steve’s words, Agent Kate said with a smile, listening to her words, it seems that someone other than captain Rogers is coming.    

“Oh? Who else is coming?” Captain Rogers has some doubts. Is it Mirage Knight? Steve silently thought in his heart that the mysterious New York Vigilante seemed to know a lot of things.    

“Natasha, you can come out. We already know when you followed Captain Rogers to this residential building. Captain Rogers, you should have Natasha’s tracker on you.” When Captain Rogers was puzzled, The agent suddenly shouted at empty darkness behind him, and then said to Rogers.    

“Natasha!?” Hearing the agent’s reminder, Captain Rogers’s hand turned over in his pockets, and he finally found a small metal buckle. This was the tracker that Natasha put on him without his knowledge.    

Call ~    

Just as Rogers found the small tracker from his body, there was a slight movement behind him. Then, a slim figure slowly emerged from the darkness, it is exactly the Black Widow Natasha who came here with Captain Rogers. Natasha is the top agent of SHIELD, and her tracking is not even noticed by Captain Rogers. He dodged several people along the way, but he did not find Natasha.    

“Agent Kate? I knew that Director Fury would have a backup plan. So, he really didn’t die?”  Ignoring Steve’s uncomfortable look at herself, Natasha went towards Agent Kate and asked.    

“Since you two are here now, come with me. Captain Rogers, although there are not many people who can be trusted inside SHIELD, you can trust Natasha.” Instead of answering Natasha’s words, Agent Kate waved after greeting her and turned to her direction.    

Looking at each other, Captain Rogers and Black Widow Natasha walked into the darkness with Kate.    

“Good job, Agent Romanoff.” On the way down, Steve whispered to Black Widow nearby as he was obviously still upset about the fact that he had been put on the tracker. However, since Agent Kate has no defense against Natasha, she can be trusted so Rogers trusted her for the time being.    

“You’re good too, Captain Rogers. I would have been lost if it hadn’t been for the tracker.” Natasha didn’t care about Captain Rogers’s sarcastic words.    

Hearing Natasha’s words, Rogers said nothing more but walked quietly after Agent Kate. Natasha didn’t say a word. Both of them had their own thoughts.    

Ten minutes later, Agent Kate led Captain Rogers and Natasha to an underground secret base in this old building. This is the place whose location is only known by Fury’s trusted agents. Although the place is a little bit off, the equipment is complete, at least to ensure Fury’s follow-up treatment.    

Captain Rogers was relieved when he saw that Fury was not dead and was taken care of. Fury’s death in SHIELD really made Captain Rogers very nervous, for fear of planning a situation. As for Natasha, she also puts down her concerns. Although she still doesn’t know about Hydra, the recent series of things happening inside SHIELD is enough for her to feel that something was wrong.    

“Since the two of you have seen Director Fury, it’s time for us to discuss the director fury plan carefully.” Standing outside Fury’s ward, Agent Kate looked at the two in front of her and said seriously.    

“That’s exactly what I’m thinking, but shouldn’t you explain the situation to me first?” Staring at the agent in front of her, Natasha asked softly, she did not know anything.    

“Sure, so let’s go over there now.” With a nod, Agent Kate extends her hand in a please gesture.    


Just as Lin Rui went to Washington to take part in SHIELD’s internal cleanup plan for Hydra and protect Fury, Peter and Dr. Connors were standing in a private lab and they were holding their breath and staring at the data on the light screen in front of them.    


Dī dī drops~    

“The experiment was successful. The recovery of the subjects was good and no variation was produced.” Finally, in the expectation of Peter and Dr. Connors, a mechanical voice reported the results of their experiment.    

“Ah! It’s a success! The experiment was successful! We did it! ” Staring at the result of the experiment for several seconds, Dr. Connors exclaimed excitedly after confirming that the experiment was really successful.    

For this research, Dr. Connors didn’t know how much work he had done, and even he had made a fuss in New York as a mutant lizard. However, now the research is finally successful! Although they have removed many factors that may cause side effects and reduced the effect of the whole gene serum, the success of this study will still shake the whole world! This is a serum that can cure gene defects and recover the severed limbs slowly!    

“Yes! Doctor, we have succeeded! We have succeeded!” Peter, who is standing next to Dr. Connors, is also very excited.    

Although most of the work in this research was done by Dr. Connors, Peter also put a lot of effort into it. Especially after Peter knew the genetic disease that runs in Harry’s family, he was more concerned about whether the research could be successful. Now their gene serum can finally play its therapeutic role without side effects, which is also called the lifesaving serum for Harry!    

“Peter, thank you! Without you, I would not have succeeded!” After the excitement, Dr. Connors extended his one-arm to pat Peter on his shoulder and said sincerely.    

“Dr., this is the result of our joint efforts. There are still some follow-up work to be done, let’s fix them!”    



In a secret office in the headquarters building of SHIELD, several people belonging to Hydra are sitting in chairs discussing something.    

“Are you sure that Fury is dead?” Glancing at the men sitting opposite him, Alexander Pierce asked lightly.    

“I made sure that one of the peoples who operated on Nick Fury at that time was the one we arranged for. Fury is really dead.” At Alexander’s question, one of his men seriously replied, “but after the operation, his body was taken away by his agents. We didn’t stop them.”    

“Forget it, now that he is dead, even if he did found some evidence before, they will die with him now.” Without caring about that small detail, Alexander waved as he spoke.    

Although these days, Alexander can clearly feel that Fury has made a series of covert investigations against Hydra and has completely threatened his existence. However, once Director Fury dies, his investigations will be terminated. Even if his loyal agents want to follow Fury’s investigation and continue to find Hydra’s agents in SHIELD, Alexander is confident that he can handle them before they could do any damage. However, some people are not so easy to deal with, such as that one.    

“What about that guy? How much does he know? ” Playing with the silver coin with the Hydra badge in his hand, Alexander continued. Although no name was given, the people sitting opposite him knew who he was asking.    

“Captain Steve Rogers? We’ve been sending people to watch him, but we just got the report. Several teams who followed him have lost him. Now they have lost all of his traces. Director, are you worried about what Fury said to him before he died? ”    

“It’s a bit of a worry. After all, Fury went to him without anyone looking for him before he died. The guy who nearly knocked us down 60 years ago and Fury may leave him some evidence against us. And now Captain Rogers is gone, which means that he probably already knows something. ” Alexander’s expressions and tone remained unchanged as he spoke of this.    

“Then, shall we send someone to erase him? Even if he was told something by Fury, he is only one person, he wouldn’t be able to do anything against us. ” Steve Rogers, Captain America was taken too lightly as one of Alexander’s men suggested.    

“Huh! One person?! If he was just an ordinary person, why would Fury spend so much manpower, material, and financial resources to dig him out of the ice? This one person was the reason that we were almost wiped out, if we did not take the initiative to take him down now then Hydra will cease to exists this time as he will leave no stone unturned.” When he heard his men’s words, Alexander suddenly shouted at the men.    

“Yes! Sir, what are you planning…”    

“Keep watching him until he shows up again. I’ll take care of the rest. As for now, wasn’t Fury going to clean up the interior of SHIELD before he died? I’ll do what he wants, but it’s not what he wants to clean up. ”    


“Mirage Knight, Director Fury is dead, are you sure that he is all right?” Daredevil was quietly contacting Lin Rui as Alexander arranged for him to thoroughly wash SHIELD and hold the organization in his hands.    

Previously, Lin Rui asked Matt to focus on Director Fury and not let Hydra have a chance to finish him inside SHIELD. Matt also paid attention to him seriously. He didn’t know whether Hydra had arranged for him in the form of a doctor or whether they really had no other plans for Fury. Anyway, Daredevil didn’t see anyone bothering the operation. However, when he saw Fury die on the operating table, he was still worried, so he asked.    

“Don’t worry, Fury is fine, although not in great shape, but at least alive. And now he’s with Captain Rogers.” Lin Rui, who has been following the movements of Captain Rogers and Fury, broke the news to Daredevil after getting a worrying phone call.    

“That’s good. I was scared when I saw him die on the operating table. Also, Mirage Knight, although Hydra didn’t shoot Director Fury, I found the few people you paid close attention to. Their recent behavior is a bit weird, they seem to be plotting something. At the same time, SHIELD suddenly has a lot of strange faces in the past few days, like a professional team that appeared out of nowhere. Director Alexander said that it is a new team of SHIELD made with new recruits, but I know that Hydra must have arranged them to come here.” After knowing that Fury was fine, Daredevil told Lin Rui what he had discovered. He has recently become more and more uneasy inside SHIELD. With Daredevil’s current strength, he feels a few threats in those unfamiliar teams, so obviously there are some powerful people here.    

“Unfamiliar team? It seems that Alexander is planning to hold SHIELD in his hands, but we will not let simply achieve his goal.” After hearing Daredevil, Lin Rui’s eyes flashed and he said calmly.    

“Daredevil, you continue to watch them carefully and don’t do anything out of line. I think they will soon be unable to bear it. As soon as they start attacking SHIELD insiders, with Captain Rogers leading the way, us assisting and Director Fury in the Dark, Hydra inside SHIELD should be wiped out in one go.” Now that Fury is faking his death, he’s obviously not worried about Hydra making a move on SHIELD, which Lin Rui’s trust in Fury.    

“Well, I’ll see to it.” Daredevil, on the other end of the line, said yes.    

“Okay, that’s it. I’ll go see Captain Rogers in a moment and see how Director Fury is doing. I’ll get back in touch.” With these last words, Lin Rui hangs up. He doesn’t have to rest, but his uncle’s bedroom is next door so he couldn’t be too noisy.    

Did Hydra not pull the plug while Fury was injured and having an operation inside SHIELD? Are they too confident, or do they think Fury will die? Lin Rui, lying down again on the bed, thought of something puzzled. Fury’s apparent faked death in the movie is understandable, but in the real world, does Hydra really let Fury slip under its nose? Lin Rui thinks that this is weird.    

Anyway, no matter how fury did it, his plan has been half-successful now. Now he just needs to wait for Hydra’s actions, I hope everything goes well. Then Lin Rui, who was lying in bed, closed his eyes.    

Fury is dead, and Alexander Pierce’s biggest obstacle in SHIELD has disappeared. What he is most likely to do now is to clean up the departments and people who have not yet been infiltrated by Hydra. As soon as they started, Fury’s backhand would have worked.    


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