Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 181-183

Chapter 181-183

0Heroes of Marvel Chapter 181-183    

On the battlefield, when Lin Rui was distracted by the mysterious wave, Spiderman, Deadpool, and Colossus, who were not far away from him, had the same reaction as him, and even stood still for a while. Only Iceman in the center of the battlefield and Blink in the back are normal and they aren’t affected.    

However, if someone looks closely at Blink, they will notice that she is surrounded by a circle of black space cracks that are invisible to the naked eye. She even controls the space cracks to isolate herself from this space. Although everyone can see her, she is actually very far away. As for Iceman who fights with Wind Spirit in midair, although there are no such means as Blink, the invisible wave seems to have no effect after sweeping at him, and no one knows what is so special about Iceman but may be related to his biological frozen body.    

Lin Rui and others in the battlefield are in extreme danger because of this sudden and inexplicable attack. In addition to Lin Rui defeating his opponent, Spiderman and Deadpool still have one opponent to defeat. So, at the next moment of their sudden loss of mind, the two injured opponents jumped at them with a grim smile.    

As for Colossus, it seems to be better. Although he lost his mind for a moment when the wave swept him, he soon recovered. However, although he was just distracted for a while, it was enough for Tank to launch several attacks on him.    

Therefore, Colossus can only turn to defense after receiving three punches from Tank. Moreover, although Colossus recovered from the loss of mind, his combat effectiveness was obviously not as strong as before, and he gradually became weak under the attack of Tank.    

Compared with Colossus, Spiderman and Wade are in great danger at this time. Wade doesn’t matter. Even if that guy blows Wade’s head, he believes he can recover after enough time. But Peter is not the same. He is just strong in body and his recovery ability is strong but he is far from Deadpool’s near-immortality.    

So, Blink, who was on the edge of the battlefield, was ready to make a move when she saw this scene. That’s why she didn’t join the battle in the first place. She had to be on guard against that little boy. This is a variant of the ability of the mutant called Magician, to send out a special brain wave to influence his opponent and make his enemies fall in a hallucination.    


Looking at the Mutant who had come within two meters of Peter, Blink had raised her hand to materialize a space door to block the mutant. However, just as she was about to make a space door to save Peter, Blink caught a glimpse of something, and her raised hand stopped slowly, and there was no space door in front of Peter.    

Brush ~ Brush!    

Just as Blink raised her hand, a flash of purple energy suddenly appeared on Peter’s side and rushed to his front towards the Mutant who was trying to attack him. Before the rushing mutant could react, the purple light had already rushed towards him. After a small “poof” sound, the mutant, who was just about to take the opportunity to attack Peter, fell to the ground with lifeless eyes.    

And the situation at Deadpool’s position is also the same, there is a flash of purple light and the rushing mutant was dropped to the ground, dead and they don’t know what had happened.    

But Blink, who was on the edge of the battlefield, saw what was happening at the moment it happened. There was a flash of surprise in her eyes as she looked in the other direction. There, a figure was rushing toward the place where Colossus and Tank were fighting, and it was Lin Rui.    

It turns out that after the invisible wave swept past Lin Rui, he was really affected by some influences. The whole person suddenly lost his mind, as if there was something which was trying to pull him into sleep. However, Lin Rui’s consciousness body at this time has been continuously refined by cultivation techniques and the improvement of the residual effect of Advanced Spirit Fruit. That invisible force only affected him for less than two seconds. He recovered a second later then Colossus did.    

After he came to his senses, Lin Rui saw that Peter and Deadpool were in danger, so he directly converted the thunder power contained in the Thunder Sword into two sword light and split them directly, killing the two mutants who took the opportunity to sneak attack Peter and Wade and he was able to rescue Peter and Wade, although Wade didn’t necessarily need him to save him.    

However, after saving Peter and Deadpool, Lin Rui didn’t think about how to help them get rid of the current situation. Instead, he rushed to the position where Colossus and Tank were fighting.  As Iceman reminded before, Lin Rui already knew that the invisible mental attack just now was the mutant ability of the little guy. So, instead of trying to make Peter and them recover normally, it’s better to find the guy to defeat him directly.    


Lin Rui comes to Colossus and Tank after a few steps. Although Lin Rui aims to find the spiritual force behind him, he doesn’t mind helping Colossus who has fallen into a bad situation. So when Lin Rui waved his thunder blade a few meters away from them, a flash of light appeared on the side of Tank and split towards him.    


The blade light that killed the two mutants fell on Tank’s body and then disappeared after a brief arc, leaving only a blackened gash of less than 10cm in his shoulder, he was injured but apparently, it wasn’t fatal.    

“Eh? His defense is really high! ” Lin Rui can’t help muttering when he sees the effect of his attack.    

Although there are some small accidents, Lin Rui also knows that this kind of guy who can press Colossus can’t be compared with those low-level mutants. Moreover, the blade light he just sent out is only sent out by the thunder power contained in the thunder blade itself, which is far from his strongest attack. Now Lin Rui won’t waste his time here. He needs to find the hidden spiritual force user quickly. Otherwise, Peter and others will be affected by the mental attack for a long time and he doesn’t know what will happen.    


So, Lin Rui has rushed past them without hesitation after sending out the blade light to hurt Tank’s shoulder, and Tank, who was struggling with Colossus, has no way to stop him. Just now, although Lin Rui’s blow just opened a gap behind his shoulder, the residual force of thunder at the wound has been preventing his own healing, which has caused him to lost part of his right arm’s strength, and the situation was slowly pulled back by Colossus in the following battle.    

Without paying attention to the situation behind him, Lin Rui has rushed towards the position where the little guy had disappeared before. However, Lin Rui didn’t find the spiritual mutant for the first time after scanning around. However, the invisible fluctuation still exists, and the man is obviously hiding somewhere here.    

Although anxious, Lin Rui calms down and thinks of solutions. “Since it’s a mental attack, maybe I can find him…” Calming down, Lin Rui quickly mobilizes his mental energy and senses the surrounding area carefully. Soon Lin Rui’s eyes seemed to see something. A little under his feet, Lin Rui rushed towards the back of an overturned vehicle.    

Soon, Lin Rui rushed to the back of the car. Behind which the short guy who had disappeared before is hiding in the corner with his eyes closed. However, when Lin Rui appeared in front of him, he suddenly frowned and opened his eyes to look at Lin Rui. Then Lin Rui felt the invisible wave hit again, and the intensity was much higher than that of stronger before. Lin Rui was conscious of it and had already slashed out.    


However, Lin Rui’s sword light didn’t defeat the seemingly defenseless spiritual mutant. Because, from the mid-air, several wind blades were shot at his attacks and hit the blade light, and both attacks exploded together.    

The spiritual powered mutant saw that Lin Rui was not affected by his skills. His eyes were slightly flustered. After being rescued by those wind blades, he ran away without hesitation. Although Lin Rui also wants to continue chasing but the constant wind blade shot from midair gave him some trouble and he had to solve this trouble first. After a little delay, the guy named Magician had already run away.    

However, although Lin Rui did not kill or hurt the man, he also prevented him from using his ability. The invisible explanation fluctuation has disappeared and Peter and Deadpool in the back have recovered and came to their senses. They both shake their heads in place and are still confused. They don’t know how much danger they have been in just now.    

Without finding any trace of the man, Lin Rui had to go back with the thunder blade. The wind blade just shot from the air made him uncomfortable. Since Wind Spirit actively attacked him just now, Lin Rui didn’t mind joining hands with Iceman to deal with him.    


While Lin Rui on the ground stares at the battle in mid-air with his blade in his hand, Iceman seems to be angered by the Wind Spirit’s attempt to stop Lin Rui from attacking just now. His hands violently pushed outward, and a strong cold broke out immediately within 30 meters with him as the center, directly surrounding all three tornadoes controlled by Wind Spirit.    


Then, the three tornadoes were quickly frozen in the cold air, and the high-speed rotating wind blades were covered with light blue ice, and the ice on them was increasing. Although Wind Spirit hidden in the tornado is also trying to enhance the power of the tornado but Iceman at this time has completely suppressed him. The ice blue ice is rapidly spreading from the bottom of the tornado to the top. In just a few seconds, the three tornadoes have been completely frozen by the ice.    

On the road that is not very wide, there is a huge iceberg like a small hill on a cold ice ground, and there are three still tornadoes in it. Lin Rui, who was ready to make a move at the bottom, is stunned seeing these scenes. He was getting ready to make a move. Did it end? He was obviously frightened by Iceman’s power.    

“Is this the real power of Advanced Mutants? It’s unreasonable! ” Looking at the tens of meters high iceberg in front of him, Lin Rui muttered in a helpless voice.    

However, when Lin Rui thought that Wind Spirit was defeated by Iceman, one of the three tornadoes frozen in the iceberg suddenly vibrated. Originally, the tornado, which was completely confined by the ice, was moving hard in the cold ice. Although it was slow, it was really slowly recovering. In this way, the frozen Wind Spirit does not have the power to fight back but If you give him some time, he will control the tornado to break the ice and come out.    

Lin Rui noticed the movement in the iceberg, and Iceman apparently saw the tornado inside. However, the consumption of his stamina in covering in a large range in the moment just now is obviously not small, and it is impossible to make an effective attack for the time being. So, he can only watch the tornado in the iceberg slowly speed up with its rotation speed, and the ice layer that is broken by it has been slowly expanded. In less than a minute, the tornado would be able to completely break the iceberg and rush out of it.    

“Robert! Let me come up!” When Iceman stood outside the iceberg frowning, a voice suddenly came up from below. It’s Lin Rui. Seeing Iceman’s indifference to the tornado breaking the ice, he knew that he was probably weak now, so he still needed his help.    

“Ok!” Looking at Mirage Knight standing on the ice below, Iceman promised without much thought.    

Call ~    

Then, Iceman waved his hand and quickly condensed a layer of stairs at the foot of the iceberg, leading directly to his position.    

Puff! After the stairs appeared in front of the iceberg, Lin Rui had already rushed straight up and after several seconds, he appeared next to Iceman. Although he can rely on his internal energy to match Beginner’s light work, he can fly here, but it is to save some of his internal energy. He needs to save his energy to attack later.    

“Mirage Knight, do you have a way to deal with him? General physical attacks have little effect on Wind Spirit. ” Iceman asked as he saw Lin Rui fall easily to his immediate side.    

“Although I can’t guarantee it, I am at least 80% sure.” When he heard Iceman, Lin Rui stared at the tornado in the iceberg and replied.    

“Eighty percent?! That’s enough. I don’t know what you can do to hurt him, but I will cooperate with you. When he breaks the ice, I will be able to recover a lot. ” There was a flash of surprise in his eyes and Iceman continued.    

In fact, if Iceman has more control over his ability, he could have frozen the entity of Wind Spirit directly, and then Wind Spirit would have been completely defeated.    

Professor Charles has tested and inferred Iceman’s ability before. If he can really release his mutant ability completely, he can freeze everything, including space and time. However, it not only has a huge demand for Iceman’s body, but the horrible ability to change is also very difficult to control. Therefore, Iceman can only release a part of his ability of variety control at this time, otherwise, it will cause unpredictable consequences.    

“If you want to make a move, don’t wait for him to break the ice. Can you make the ice disappear in a flash when I need it?” Although Lin Rui knows Iceman wants to recover his physical strength while breaking the ice, Lin Rui doesn’t plan to let Wind Spirit rush out again. At that time, his next move may not be able to achieve its full effect.    

“Of course! Humm? You want me to let him out?” Hearing Lin Rui’s words, Robert answers first, then continues to ask.    

“No, it’s just that when I’m going to attack, you can remove all the ice in my attack direction, otherwise it will weaken my attack power.” Shaking his head, Lin Rui simply explained.    

“I see. You can do it at any time.” Iceman seems to know what Lin Rui is going to do next and he nodded and said seriously.    

“So, let’s get started now!” There is a sharp purple light in Lin Rui’s eyes as he jumps up.    


After jumping five meters up, Lin Rui has pulled out the Thunder Blade which was inserted back into his waist and held it high above his head. Then, the internal energy inside Lin Rui surged into the Thunder Blade. The originally flat Thunder Blade quickly gave out a dazzling purple light. Moreover, with the continuous influx of Lin Rui’s internal energy, the purple light became brighter and brighter. Finally, the figure of Lin Rui in the mid-air was completely covered.    

Buzz! After the purple light expanded to more than three meters, it stopped. Then it shrank and disappeared, revealing Lin Rui floating in the sky again. At this time, he held up the Thunder Blade with dazzling light, which could not be looked at directly. It seemed that its whole body was trembling slightly under the pressure of something.    


“Now!” When Lin Rui’s figure appeared from the purple light, he spoke to Iceman.    


In the next moment, Lin Rui’s high-altitude Thunder Blade slammed down and the target is the huge iceberg below.    

Boom! It’s like thunder in the clear sky. A sharp purple blade light rushes out of the Thunder Blade. The purple blade light expanded to five meters long and half meters wide in an instant after it was separated from the Thunder Blade. The next moment, it had already split into the iceberg.    


With the reminder of Lin Rui just now, Iceman wiped out the ice in that direction at the moment when the blade light was about to squat on the iceberg, leaving a crack that was just enough to get the attack in. At the end of the crack, it was the tornado that had broken through the small ice.    

Brush! A flash of purple blade light had already split on the tornado, with dazzling light, and then there was a violent explosion.    

Boom! Rumble~    

Such a drastic change in the center of the battlefield certainly attracted the attention of several people who were still fighting at that time. Peter’s eyes turned around and the fighting was paused a little. Even Blink on the edge of the battlefield and the short guy who was hidden after being attacked before jumped out and stared at the position of the iceberg. They all wanted to know what the result of mirage Knight’s attack would be.    

In fact, as early as Iceman’s powerful attack froze the three tornadoes, Tank, who fought with Colossus, had started to retreat. However, Peter and Wade, who have recovered normally, will not be idle. They join hands with Colossus and started to fight against Tank. If it had not been for his strong defense, he would have been killed by three people.    

Now, Lin Rui and Iceman cooperate to use his most powerful attack move. Perhaps to save himself the trouble, Lin Rui gave this attack a simple name: Thunder Hit. Wind Spirit, who was frozen in the iceberg, has nowhere to hide, and can only take this attack head-on. In Peter’s eyes, a purple sword light rushed into the iceberg in a flash. Then in a violent explosion, the whole iceberg began to collapse from the inside, and countless cracks filled the whole iceberg in an instant.    

Boom! Boom! Boom!    

Then the interior of the iceberg exploded like a little purple sun, and the whole iceberg was blown apart into countless pieces of ice, which looked very beautiful in the light of the sun and the purple light of the explosion. But before they had gone very far, the great mass pieces of the brilliant iceberg, which shot around them, dispersed one by one in midair. It turned out that Iceman saw the ice pieces flying out at a high speed and was worried that they would hurt Peter and others nearby, so he Made them disappear in mid-air.    

So, when all the ice disappeared, the whole battlefield center suddenly became a little empty. After all, the huge iceberg before was so impressive. At the center of the iceberg, the three tornadoes have disappeared, and only a ball of electric light with purple light is still there to release its afterglow.    

“Mirage Knight? Did it work?” After removing the iceberg, Iceman could no longer sense the situation of Wind Spirit and had to ask Lin Rui to the side.    

“It seems…should… it’s a success.” Lin Rui is also a little uncertain at this time. After all, this is the first time that he had used this move. All the internal energy in his body and the thunder power stored in the Thunder Blade itself are released. Lin Rui himself wouldn’t be able to block this attack.    

“Is it?” Hearing Lin Rui’s uncertain words, Iceman didn’t know what to say.    

However, Iceman also saw how powerful the blade light of Lin Rui’s sword was. If the trapped Wind Spirit was able to survive this attack then he would only have a few breaths left as Iceman was sure that Wind Spirit will be heavily injured. Moreover, Iceman has recovered a lot and even if the Wind Spirit is not dead, he will be able to take care of him.    

Under the gaze of seven people on the battlefield, the electric fire in midair slowly disappeared. Then, a figure appeared from the center of the fire, and in the next second, it fell straight toward the ground. It’s Wind Spirit, the Level 4 mutant, that can barely be recognized with his completely burnt black body.    

At the moment when he saw Wind Spirit fall, the short guy’s eyes suddenly changed and his face became ugly.    

“Run!” Then, he no longer looked at Wind Spirit still on the ground and he turned his head and shouted to the Tank in front of him.    

While shouting this at Tank, Magician turned around and ran away quickly without hesitation. Moreover, an invisible wave rushed out of him again, aiming at all the people on the battlefield except Tank. This time, he is using his mental ability to save his life.    


After hearing the short guy’s warning, Tank stepped on his feet and his big body had stepped back as he started to retreat. I don’t know how his huge body can keep so flexible. He has already rushed out more than ten meters in a few steps.    

Colossus and Peter naturally won’t simply let Tank leave like this, but when they were getting ready to stop Tank from leaving, an invisible force fluctuations have already been swept towards them and they have become fixed in their place on the ground. Even iceman, who was not affected by this mental force before the mid-air, is in a trance. Blink isolated the attack in the same way, but she was unable to make an effective attack at this time to prevent Tank from escaping.    

As for Lin Rui, although he has been able to block such mental attacks skillfully, he has no internal energy at this time, and the thunder power in the thunder knife is exhausted. Even if he catches up with the two guys, he may be beaten flat by Tank, so he chose to stand still with Iceman.    

Two seconds later, Iceman was the first to wake up. But he glanced at Tank, who had already jumped tens of meters away, and the short guy who had already ridden the motorcycle, and finally didn’t make a move.    

Lin Rui, standing beside iceman, was a little surprised to see that he didn’t move, but soon recovered normally. When Peter and Wade awoke, the two guys had already been out of sight.    

“Let’s go, let’s see if that guy is dead or not? But, looking at Magician’s appearance, he should be dead.” Looking back from the distance, Iceman has gone to the mutant who fell to the ground. Lin Rui is naturally following him.    

And not far away, Peter and others also came quickly. This is a Level 4 mutant, not the previous kittens and puppies.    

“Sure enough, he died.” After a brief look at Wind Spirit lying on the ground and unable to see clearly, Iceman said in a deep voice.    

This is not the first time that Iceman and the Wind Spirit have fought and although Iceman got the upper hand every time, he didn’t expect his opponent to be killed like this. Iceman looked at Lin Rui at his side. He was surprised that this seemingly ordinary Vigilante was so strong.    

“What should we do now? I am so worried that we will be wanted by the New York police now.” Glancing at the scattered bodies around him, Spiderman said with some helplessness.    

Although these people are not spared and only one was killed by Peter himself but the New York police will not take care of so many and more importantly they fought a battle in the daytime at an busy and important transportation hub! But if Lin Rui hadn’t let Daredevil stop the traffic in the back ahead of time, how many civilian casualties would have been caused by the battle.    

“The level of New York police is not enough to handle this kind of things, naturally there will be more professional departments who will deal with this. We don’t need to worry about this kind of things.” Hearing Spiderman, Iceman explained to him.    

If New York Police are in charge of all this battle of Mutants, then the Police Captain George is probably no lower in rank than Director Fury of SHIELD.    

“And now?”    

“Of course, it’s time to go home to our mothers!” Iceman did not reply this time and Wade had already given an exaggerated answer.    

“We’ll go straight back to school. If Mirage Knight wants to join us, I think Professor Charles will be happy to meet the vigilante who is willing to help the X-Men.” Without answering Wade, Iceman turned to Lin Rui.    

Although X-Men are powerful, they are only a small part of many mutants in the world. If they are helped by such powerful heroes as Mirage Knight and Spider-Man, then it will be a very good thing for the X-Men.    

“Go to your school?” After hearing Iceman’s invitation, Lin Rui was stunned but not surprised.    


However, although Lin Rui would like to meet X-Men, especially the famous Professor Charles, he still has something to consider. The most important one is his own identity. The phantom suit is not able to defend his mental attack ability at present, which can be seen from the magician mental attack just now. Professor Charles is a powerfull mind reader. Lin Rui did not grasp his mental power at this time to prevent Professor Charles from detecting his thoughts. Although Professor Charles doesn’t look at other people’s brains casually, he has to guard against it, especially Lin Rui’s own secrets.    

So, with a little thought, Lin Rui refused Iceman’s invitation: “Thank you for your invitation, but next time.”    

“Well, it’s Ok. If you want to go one day, you can contact me directly.” Lin Rui’s answer was expected by Iceman. He nodded and handed Lin Rui his phone number.    

“Sure.” As a result, for Iceman’s number, Lin Rui simply scanned the above letters and agreed.    

“Let’s go, Blink.” Then, Iceman said to Blink around him.    


Then, with a wave of blink’s arm, a space door appeared in front of them, and Iceman and others stepped in. Then the space door disappeared again.    

“Let’s go, or we may not be able to leave later.” Seeing the magic of the lower space door again, Lin Rui waved and walked away. And Peter around him also followed quickly. He was still regretting that Lin Rui had not promised to go to X-Men’s school just now. As for Wade, after a little hesitation, he left behind Lin Rui.    


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