Insanely Pampered Wife: Divine Doctor Fifth Young Miss

Chapter 2170 - Face Slap

Chapter 2170 - Face Slap

0Chapter 2170: Face Slap    

Translator: Misty Cloud Translations| Editor: Misty Cloud Translations    

Hearing Sima You Yue’s words, everyone present laughed.    

Some people thought of her as outrageous, while some people thought of her    

as whimsical.    

“Just a mere Paragon dares to speak nonsense in my Cerulean City!” Kong Fei    

Luo sneered, “This is not a place for you to be arrogant! These people disturbed    

the order of Cerulean City during the Guild Grand Meet and tried to influence    

the Grand Meet. They must be the enemy faction. Come. Now the City Lord has    

ordered to kill these people on the spot!”    

“Yes, City Lord!” The few people behind him moved, it turned out that they    

were all Paragon powerhouses!    

Sima You Yue had to say that the strength of Cerulean City was indeed not    

weak, there are so many powerful people of this rank. It’s a pity that the City    

Lord’s character was not good, which was not a good thing for the people in the    


“Kong Fei Luo, if you don’t ask who she is, you’re going to kill her?” Wei Zi Qi    

said leisurely with arms folded.    

“No matter who is provoking the Guild Alliance, it is unforgivable!” Kong Fei    

Luo said, “It’s too late to ask for mercy now!”    

“I didn’t say a word and I’m already on the death list. I’m afraid itll even be    

more so for those who are weaker in strength. You are really good as a City    

Lord! Why don’t I know that such scum has come out of the Guild Alliance?”    

Sima You Yue shrugged, “I have to tell them well when Igo back, if you want to    

choose the City Lord, you still need to check on the character!    

Kong Fei Luo thought Sima You Yue’s words were a bit strange, but he thought    

about it, there was no woman in the Guild Alliance with such strength, so these    

people were definitely not from the Guild Alliance.    

Then she said that just to bluff him. Such people were even more abominable!    

“Hmph, I’m not interested in your nonsense. If you want to see this scene, you    

probably have to wait in your next life!” Kong Fei Luo said, “Before you die, Ill    

give you a piece of advice, there are people that you can’t mess with!”    

Sima You Yue glanced at the end of the road, then smiled, and said, “Tll give    

you this sentence in return, don’t mess with people you can’t mess with!”    

“Still have such a sharp mouth before your death! Do it!” As soon as Kong Fei    

Luo waved his hand, several Paragon powerhouses were about to do it.    

The people watching the fun all fled quickly, when these Paragon powerhouses    

fought, they had to be careful not to be implicated!    

Sima You Yue and the others were very calm, even if those people started to    

activate their spiritual skills, they were not in a hurry at all.    

This calm… just made people speechless.    

However, soon, those people knew why.    

“Stop! Who dares to do it?!” A sharp holler came from the street, and then a    

group of people flew over quickly.    

Seeing the person coming, Kong Fei Luo, who was still proud and domineering,    

immediately changed his face: “President Xia, President Fang, President Xue,    

President Fan, why are you here?”    

The people who came were Xia Chang Tian, the President of the Alchemist    

Guild, Fang Ming, the President of the Array Master Guild, Xue Chang Lin, the    

President of the Spirit Seekers Guild, and Fan Yuanlong, the President of the    

Beast Tamer Master Guild.    

Four Presidents came together, and the fanfare was a little big.    

But several Presidents ignored him, came to Sima You Yue, and said, “Didn’t    

you just say that you were coming over? Why did you arrive so soon? Why    

didn’t you tell us when you arrived? We would have sent someone to pick you    


“If you had sent people here to pick me up, I wouldn’t have known that the City    

Lord here is so powerful. If he disagrees with anyone, he’ll simply kill people.”    

Sima You Yue said, “This is the City Lord you chose? You don’t care about the    


“Cough, this, at the time, his strength was alright.” Xue Chang Lin replied.    

That said, this person was from the Spirit Seekers Guild.    

“President Xue, I was asking them just now, do I have the right to dismiss a    

City Lord?I don’t seem to have asked you about this before, so I don’t know.”    

Sima You Yue said.    

“As the Vice President of the Guild Alliance, of course you have this right.” Xia    

Chang Tian said.    

“You Yue, you have always acted fairly. Since you said you would dismiss him,    

there must be a serious problem.” Fan Yuan Hui said. “old Xue, what do you    


Xue Chang Lin glanced at Kong Fei Luo without raising any objection.    

“Then let’s make a decision. I will remove Kong Fei Luo from the position of    

City Lord and detain him temporarily. We will talk about how to deal with him    

after the Grand Meet is over.” Fang Ming said.    

Of the four Presidents, none of them spoke for him, but all agreed with her.    

Only then did Kong Fei Luo know what kind of iron plate he kicked.    

Vice President of the Guild Alliance, Sima You Yue, she was the legendary    

woman in the Guild Alliance? Everyone in the guild knows that anyone in the    

guild can provoke them, but they must never ever provoke Sima You Yue. If you    

provoke her, then there is really no place to turn around!    

He suddenly regretted that he didn’t ask her identity just now. When she said    

that, he should have thought more about it.    

Although the people he brought followed his orders, they actually belonged to    

the Guild Alliance. Someone came up to arrest him, and his guards stayed    

where they were. He wanted to resist, thinking about the strength of the Guild    

Alliance, he still gave up and followed those people obediently.    

When the onlookers saw that he was really caught, they all cheered and held    


When several Presidents saw this scene, they didn’t have to think about how    

unpopular Kong Fei Luo was usually. How bad was he to make the people of the    

entire city so happy to see his downfall?    

“You Yue, when did you come?’ Weren’t you in the Sixty Fourth State just a few    

days ago? Why did you arrive so soon?”    

“I only arrived this evening, who would have known this would happen as soon    

as I arrived.” Sima You Yue was also helpless. At the point where she was now,    

she was no longer enthusiastic about those face-slapping things, but someone    

had to find her and seek the muzzle of her gun on their own, so she had no    

choice but to clean up the scum.    

“I remember that your birthday banquet was five days ago? It’s only five days.    

How did you come from the Sixty Fourth State to the Thirty Second State?”    

Fang Ming asked.    


“Someone gave me a treasure.” Sima You Yue didn’t say it clearly, but when she    

said that, no one would ask any more questions.    

Only Xia Chang Tian still pulled her and said, “Such a powerful treasure, later    

when we are back and bring it out and let me play with it too!”    

“Alright.” Sima You Yue nodded, “By the way, why didn’t you see the Presidents    

of other Guilds?    

“The Armament Refining Competition just ended today. He Chen Dong and the    

others are dealing with some things, so we came here first when we heard    

from you,” Fan Yuan Hui said.    

“Is the Armament Refining Competition over so soon?”    

“Yeah, in two days it will be the Alchemy Competition. You can just see if the    

boys in the guild have improved.” Xia Chang Tian said, “If they knew you were    

here, they would be so excited.”    

Sima You Yue wants to say that she doesn’t seem to be familiar with the people    

in the guild!    

“About the competition, let’s talk about it later. I have important news for you    

this time. I want to tell you.”    


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