Nine Star Hegemon Body Art

Chapter 224

Chapter 224

0Chapter 224     

Chapter 224 Death-Deciding Stage    

Although everyone was already prepared for it, hearing Long Chen’s voice still greatly shocked everyone . He had actually issued a life and death challenge to a peak mid Tendon Transformation expert .     

This was no ordinary challenge . Unless one party backed out, one of them had to die today .     

An icy smile appeared on Wu Qi’s face . Long Chen was powerful, but in his eyes, Long Chen had never been an actual match for him .     

If it weren’t for the monastery restricting him, he would have long since killed Long Chen . The fact that Long Chen would just send himself to be killed by him like this was a nice surprise .     

“You have to think this through Long Chen . Once the life and death challenge is issued, one party will die . This isn’t a game . If you feel you have received injustice or unfair treatment, you can make a complaint to me,” solemnly warned Ling Yun-zi .     

A life and death challenge was something that was only to be issued when the differences had reached an irreconcilable level . Unless the hatred between the two parties had reached an extremely high level, no one would issue such a challenge .     

Ling Yun-zi was worried . Although he was sure Long Chen was a Divergent, a legendary existence that would only die beneath the Heavenly Daos, those were just legends . A Divergent had not appeared in who knew how many tens of thousands of years . And even if one had appeared, no one would know about them .     

Only when those people were destroyed under a world-eradicating divine punishment would people realize that they had been a Divergent .     

But in all the recorded history, there had only ever been three definite Divergents . Furthermore, they had existed so long ago that those recordings were very vague .     

And so no one could be sure of any exact details about Divergents, and the legends could not be entirely trusted . Although Long Chen was powerful, in front of a peak mid Tendon Transformation expert, he would definitely lose .     

And so that was why Ling Yun-zi gave Long Chen this option to simply give him his complaints about any injustices . If Wu Qi really had abused his authority against him, he would get justice for Long Chen .     

“Reporting to sect leader, what happened was-” Tang Wan-er quickly walked out and was about to explain what had happened .     

But Long Chen waved his hand, “Great sect leader, in this world where only strength is respected, there is never any fairness or justice . Complaints of unfairness are just the excuses of the weak, only confirming their own incompetence and foolishness . And since the world has no fairness, then we should use strength to speak . Please help me out great sect leader . ”    

“Long Chen!” Tang Wan-er’s expression changed . He was clearly on the righteous side, but he refused to explain himself, stubbornly issuing this life and death challenge!    

That Wu Qi was a peak mid Tendon Transformation expert, and Long Chen was definitely not his match! He was just sending himself to death .     

Tang Wan-er grumbled inside . Why was Long Chen sometimes so smart that people felt he was a sage, yet sometimes so foolish that nothing could save him?    

“Faction leader, don’t try to persuade him . I understand the boss; he wants to personally revenge his enmity and not want to rely on the monastery’s power to punish Wu Qi,” said Guo Ran .     

Having been with Long Chen for this long, Guo Ran had a great understanding of Long Chen’s character . Long Chen wouldn’t easily become angry, but once he did, that meant that something had touched upon his taboos .     

Furthermore, he was not entirely free from fault in this matter . First of all, Little Snow couldn’t formally be considered his housepet since he hadn’t placed a spiritual imprint on him . There was no way to definitively prove they knew this was Long Chen’s Magical Beast .     

Wu Qi could easily make an excuse for himself by saying he had accidentally stumbled upon a Magical Beast in the wilderness and wanted to subdue it .     

An ownerless Magical Beast was something anyone had the right to subdue for their own . Even killing them was no problem .     

If Wu Qi simply said he didn’t know this was Long Chen’s Magical Beast, there wasn’t much they could do . Little Snow had no markings on him that showed he was Long Chen’s . And with no spiritual imprint, he definitely had a leg to stand on .     

Even the sect leader would not be able to prove the truth . And it was only because Wu Qi had known that that he had been so brazen as to capture Little Snow .     

With Long Chen’s intelligence, how could he not realize Wu Qi was sure of his own safety? So there was no way to get revenge through that route . And so Long Chen was disinclined to explain himself, directly forcing the life and death challenge .     

Tu Fang’s expression changed slightly, as he could easily tell that Long Chen had no chance of defeating Wu Qi .     

But in accordance to the monastery’s rules, not even the sect leader could change what was happening . He could only be worried inside . Long Chen was really too stubborn, not even knowing when to retreat! Tu Fang could only helplessly sigh .     

“You have to be think this thought . Once the challenge is issued, there’s no way to change it,” once more warned Ling Yun-zi .     

“Many thanks for the warning sect leader . Disciple is sure . ” Long Chen cupped his hands to Ling Yun-zi, knowing he was looking out for him . But he had to do this .     

Seeing Little Snow’s condition gave him so much fury he felt he might explode . If he couldn’t personally kill Wu Qi, living would be a complete disgrace to him .     

Although he had no guarantee against a peak mid Tendon Transformation expert, he no longer cared .     

This time it wasn’t that will in the back of his head that wasn’t forcing him, but his own will . No one would hurt those close to him without paying a price .     

“Wu Qi, do you accept the challenge?” Ling Yun-zi turned to glance at Wu Qi lightly .     

Wu Qi immediately felt as if all his thoughts were laid bare before Ling Yun-zi . It was as if Ling Yun-zi’s indifferent gaze could see completely through him, causing him to sweat .     

“Disciples… accepts the challenge . ” Wu Qi lowered his head, not even daring to look Ling Yun-zi in the eyes .     

If he didn’t accept the challenge, he would be expelled from the monastery . That was the harshest part of the life and death challenge .     

If you accepted the challenge, you theoretically had a fifty percent of death . If you didn’t accept the challenge, you would immediately have to scram . That was also why most similar situations were to be mediated differently . With this method, the monastery would lose one disciple no matter what .     

Everyone was silent . Their hearts sunk now that Wu Qi had accepted the challenge . This was an extremely unequal fight .     

But it was initiated by Long Chen . Those disciples watching couldn’t help feeling dissatisfied with this, as they were all members of the new generation . Anyone in Long Chen’s position would be feeling endless humiliation .     

If they were Long Chen, they would definitely have just endured it . They wouldn’t go issuing a life and death challenge against someone they clearly knew they couldn’t defeat .     

This was complete folly . But this kind of foolishness was also not something that just anyone had the courage to do .     

“Fine, follow me . ” Ling Yun-zi sighed and waved his hand . Their vision changed and they felt their bodies jolt, reappearing at an open space in the rear mountains of the monastery .     

This completely open space was hundreds of miles wide . But within that wide open space was an enormous iron cage with a huge monolith inside .     

The monolith was completely square and hundreds of meters high . None of the disciples knew why it was locked within this iron cage .     

“This is the death-deciding stage,” sighed Tu Fang . Now that the situation had developed to this point, there was no longer any retreat .     

He took out a spirit stone and placed onto a stele in front of the death-deciding stage . The stele had a groove just for that spirit stone .     

The stele lit up when the spirit stone was placed on it . The land began to shake intensely, giving everyone a fright .     

They were awed to see that the huge monolith inside the cage was rising up . Who knew just how heavy it was for it to be able to shake this land like it was .     

When it rose over thirty meters, it revealed a martial arena below it . People were startled to see a strange thing on top the martial arena . It seemed like a drawing .     

“It’s two people!” exclaimed someone . The ‘drawing’ seemed to be of two people, but they had been crushed into a flat paste .     

They were horrified to see these corpses . Then when they then looked at the huge monolith that was hundreds of meters thick, they immediately realized how they had died .     

Suddenly, a breeze blew by, and that ‘drawing’ blew away . Due to how many years it had been, those corpses had long since turned to ashes . With just a burst of wind, the martial arena returned to its normal state .     

People’s scalps turned numb . No wonder this was called the death-deciding stage .     

“The death-deciding stage will only be open for two hours . If neither of you is able to kill the other in that time, the rebirth monolith will fall .     

“You can all see how heavy the rebirth monolith is . If it were to fall, not even someone at the Elder level would be able to survive . Do your best to kill your opponent before the time is up, or you’ll end up like the last two,” solemnly warned Tu Fang .     

An iron gate opened onto the arena . This small opening of the huge iron cage looked just like the mouth of a savage beast .     

Long Chen nodded and gestured at Tang Wan-er and them to be at ease before just calmly walking onto the death-deciding stage .     

“Little Wilde, this brother of yours isn’t bad . He’s got guts . This old man likes that style . ” The old man looked at Long Chen brightly with a bit of admiration . “But are you not worried for him?”    

“What do I need to be worried about? My brother Long is super strong; no one can beat him!” Wilde shook his head . He was practically blindly confident in Long Chen .     

Of everyone present, Wilde was the only one who wasn’t worried for Long Chen . In his eyes, Long Chen was an undefeatable god .     

Even if Long Chen were to fight Ling Yun-zi, Wilde would still think Long Chen would win .     

That old man couldn’t help shaking his head . With his eyesight, he naturally managed to see through Long Chen’s cultivation base . He was at the peak of Blood Condensation, his blood and qi were surging, and his fighting power was definitely strong .     

But his physical body was still quite a bit weaker than Wilde’s, and that saber tooth bone blade he had wasn’t a true weapon, so its power was also not great .     

And so Long Chen essentially had no chance of defeating Wu Qi . If Long Chen could even manage to keep surviving until the rebirth monolith fell, that would already be amazing to him .     

“If he can survive, then I’ll personally go make him a weapon,” muttered the old man .     

“Old man, you should go back now,” said Wilde .     


“My brother Long will definitely win . If you start making the weapon now, you can save some more time . What are you wasting time here for?” Wilde said simple-mindedly as if Long Chen’s victory was already set in stone .     

That old man actually laughed . He knew Wilde’s temperament, so he didn’t say anymore, turning back to look at the death-deciding stage . At this point, Wu Qi also walked in .     

After Wu Qi entered, the gate immediately shut . A groove in the rebirth monolith lit up, and people saw that it was already starting to slowly descend .     

This death-deciding battle had begun .     


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