Nine Star Hegemon Body Art

Chapter 488

Chapter 488

0Chapter 488     


As soon as the two lightning pythons emerged from the tribulation clouds, heaven and earth began to rumble . Most terrifying of all, the two lightning pythons suddenly intertwined together, and an even stronger pressure descended, causing Long Chen’s hair to stand on end .     

As those huge pythons twisted around each other, a destructive aura attacked Long Chen .     

His expression completely changed . This attack was practically world-shaking, capable of exterminating all life . With a furious roar, two stars appeared in his eyes, his divine ring shining behind him . A three-hundred-meter lightning blade appeared in his hands .     

At this time, he had condensed all his thunderforce and energy into this blade . He no longer had the luxury to hold back . This lightning tribulation was trying to annihilate him .     

“Split the Heavens!”    

Brilliant light exploded from his lightning blade . It ferociously hacked into the two intertwining lightning pythons .     


Heaven and earth shook . Light lit up the entire sky . Every mountain within thousands of miles was turned to dust .     

The tribulation clouds in the sky faded . The ground was a complete mess, and a remnant destructive aura was still present .     

The soil bulged, and a charred-black hand broke out of the ground .     

Long Chen vomited a mouthful of blood as well as some broken bits of his organs . That final attack had almost killed him .     

Now, he was a few breaths off from death . His entire body was charred black, as that final attack had been too terrifying . It had instantly broken through his defenses, almost destroying his body .     

His insides had already been destroyed, and his body was like a cracked porcelain jar . Pieces of his skin were constantly falling to the ground, revealing his flesh .     

“My injuries are too heavy . ” Long Chen looked inside himself . That final attack had been too vicious . Even his bones were all covered with cracks . He might completely collapse at any moment . “But the first thing I need to do is get away from here . ”    

Clenching his teeth, all the medicinal ingredients in his primal chaos space withered, and a dense life energy poured into his body .     

Although that wasn’t as much life energy as had been in the trees, it was enough to make sure he wouldn’t immediately die .     

Clenching his teeth, he began to run into the distance with his broken body . He had to leave as soon as possible so others wouldn’t notice him .     

Not an hour after he had left, a large number of people appeared where the Wind Spirit Pavilion had been . Those were the experts from the neighboring sects .     

But what they saw was that a charred land had replaced the Wind Spirit Pavilion . They were all stunned .     

“Did the heavens bring down divine punishment on them?”    

They never would have imagined that this was just the result from a cultivator’s tribulation, and just the tribulation of a Tendon Transformation rookie .     

As for Long Chen, he was pushing his Spiritual Strength to its max to avoid others . If it wasn’t for the life energy from the medicinal ingredients supporting him, he would really have died this time .     

With his insides completely destroyed, even medicinal pills had no effect on him . At best, they could keep him alive . However, there was no way they could heal his heavy injuries .     

Only after rushing far away enough did he summon Little Snow . Jumping onto his back, they fled into the distance .     

Because of the battle in the secret realm, too many people would recognize Little Snow . If he had summoned Little Snow at the beginning and someone had noticed him, it would be all too easy to suspect it was him .     

By pushing his Spiritual Strength and spreading his divine sense to a constant hundred miles, he was fortunate enough to not run into any experts .     

It was three days later when Long Chen took advantage of the darkness to slip into the first monastery . When Guo Ran and the others saw his current state, they almost died from fright . They almost didn’t recognize him .     

Once he saw Guo Ran, Long Chen couldn’t hold on any longer and fainted . These three days, Long Chen had continuously pushed himself to keep going .     

The life energy from the primal chaos space had only been able to keep him just barely alive . It hadn’t been enough to heal him .     

So he needed a place to rest and heal, and the best option was to stealthily slip into the first monastery . Guo Ran and the others still didn’t know what had happened .     

But Long Chen had told them to keep everything secret, so they hastily brought him to his room, severely warning any disciples they encountered to keep their mouths shut .     

Even Ling Yun-zi jumped in fright upon seeing Long Chen’s current state . His injuries were absolutely appalling . His entire body was charred black, and his flesh was almost falling from his bones .     

Tang Wan-er was so frightened she cried . Guo Ran and the others didn’t know what to say . This was their first time seeing Long Chen in such a miserable state .     

“Who did this?!” asked Gu Yang, clenching his teeth .     

“Don’t get any crazy thoughts . That destructive aura on his body is not something a human is able to cause . ” Ling Yun-zi immediately saw through some clues from Long Chen’s state .     

After all, only he and Tu Fang were aware Long Chen was a Divergent . However, he had never imagined Long Chen would have to go through lightning tribulation so soon .     

He was unaware that this wasn’t the first tribulation for Long Chen, but the third . Ordinary people would only have to go through the baptism of heavenly tribulation once they reached the Xiantian realm . That baptism would transform their Houtian qi into Xiantian qi .     

The legends said Divergents would all suffer lightning tribulation when entering the Meridian Opening realm . The heavens wanted them dead before they could reach the Xiantain realm .     

For Long Chen to undergo lightning tribulation just for the Bone Forging realm toppled Ling Yun-zi’s understanding .     

“Sect leader, will boss be alright?” asked Guo Ran worriedly .     

“Don’t worry, there’s still a trace of vitality in his body . However, his outer injuries are too severe . The lightn- . . . cough, his injuries aren’t light, and so he’s unable to activate his own body’s healing abilities . I’ll use Xiantian power to help him activate the life energy within his physical body . He should recover quickly,” said Ling Yun-zi .     

Hearing that, everyone sighed a breath of relief . In order to allow Ling Yun-zi to heal Long Chen, they all withdrew .     

Once they left, Ling Yun-zi’s expression became incomparably grave . In truth, the destructive aura in Long Chen’s body was something that even made him tremble . That was a reverence that came from the depths of his soul .     

“Is this an opportunity the heavens have bestowed upon me?” Ling Yun-zi muttered to himself, looking at Long Chen lying on a bed .     

His injuries were incredibly severe, and although he was still alive, the destructive aura was continuously breaking down his body, making it so he couldn’t recover .     

Back then, Long Chen had underestimated the lightning tribulation, or perhaps it would be more accurate to say he had underestimated the lightning tribulation’s destructive aura . If this continued, then it wouldn’t be long before he died to it . Such an energy had surpassed Long Chen’s limits .     

That was why Long Chen had rushed to the first monastery when he had realized this problem . He knew Ling Yun-zi had the ability to save him .     

With Ling Yun-zi’s Xiantian power and his Sword Dao will, he should be able to expel the remnant destructive aura within his body .     

However, Ling Yun-zi was now hesitating . He didn’t act according to how Long Chen had anticipated . Instead, he extended a hand, touching the destructive aura with his Xiantian power and will .     

That destructive aura only had a desire to destroy . Ling Yun-zi’s Sword Dao will was essentially provoking it . It suddenly ferociously attacked him .     

Almost instinctively, his Sword Dao will raised a powerful defense to block the encroachment of the destructive aura .     

Ling Yun-zi had a complicated expression as he pondered a difficult problem . In the end, he clenched his teeth and released his defenses, allowing that destructive will to attack his mind .     

He collapsed on the ground, unconscious . Now that Ling yun-zi had absorbed the destructive aura attacking Long Chen, Long Chen’s body’s instinctive healing abilities activated .     

After some unknown time, Ling Yun-zi opened his eyes . “I’m still alive… Looks like I won the gamble . ”    

He smiled slightly and stood up . He looked over Long Chen and saw a portion of his black skin had already fallen off to reveal new skin beneath .     

Shockingly, Long Chen’s body possessed a vast vitality, one that was even more terrifying than a Magical Beast’s .     

“What a terrifying physical body . This physical body is already on the level of a Xiantian expert . ” Ling Yun-zi couldn’t help being shocked as he appraised one of Long Chen’s arms .     

According to the legends, Divergents would encounter annihilation lightning tribulations, and would always eventually die to one .     

But once they passed the lightning tribulation, their benefits were also dozens of times greater than other people . Long Chen’s current terrifying physical body was the best proof of that .     

By the time Ling Yun-zi left the room, Tang Wan-er, Meng Qi, and the others were all anxiously waiting .     

He smiled slightly, reassuring them and saying they could enter . They delightedly charged in to take a look, seeing Long Chen sleeping peacefully . He was snoring, his heart beating powerfully, a stark contrast from his previous self that seemed like he would breathe his last breath at any moment .     

However, Ling Yun-zi told them not to disturb him right now . Long Chen had suffered a spiritual blow, and his soul was slightly damaged . They should let him sleep until he naturally awoke on his own .     

They carefully left his room, all feeling much more relieved .     

Tang Wan-er still had Meng Qi to take care of . As for Guo Ran, Gu Yang, and the others, they took turns guarding Long Chen’s door, not letting anyone disturb him .     

They had asked how Long Chen had ended up injured, but Ling Yun-zi harshly warned them not to ask again . That was for their own benefit .     

That reason was odd, but if Ling Yun-zi refused to say, they could only drop it . They would never have imagined that Long Chen’s injuries weren’t from a person, but from the heavens .     

What would they do even if Ling Yun-zi told them? Would they go demand justice from the heavens? Furthermore, for them to learn Long Chen was a Divergent was not a good thing . It was best to conceal this matter .     

The day after Long Chen returned to the monastery, a piece of news spread that shook all of Su Prefecture: the Wind Spirit Pavilion had disappeared .     


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