Nine Star Hegemon Body Art

Chapter 236

Chapter 236

0Chapter 236     

Chapter 236 Bloodied Saber    

The inside of the small town looked like a scene straight from hell . Dozens of Corrupt path disciples were incessantly slaughtering the innocent commoners .     

The weapons in their hands were covered in blood, but it didn’t drip off . Instead, the blood quickly faded as it was absorbed into their weapons .     

After absorbing blood, those weapons would release an incredibly sinister air like they were bloodthirsty fiends that had smelled something delicious . A greedy desire could be felt from those weapons .     

Furthermore, each time one of those Corrupt path disciples killed a commoner, a trace of bloody mist would be absorbed into their body as well . That blood was like some kind of drug, making them even more excited, and their eyes were filled with a bloodthirsty light .     

This town only had a bit over ten thousand people . There weren’t many cultivators . Even the soldiers were only at the Qi Condensation realm . That cultivation base might as well have been nothing in front of these Tendon Transformation disciples . They didn’t even have the slightest ability to resist .     

The Corrupt path disciples were crazily killing the commoners who were frantically fleeing . But only a small portion of people managed to flee out of the town .     

The majority of people were all stuck in the town with no path of escape . Heads continuously flew through the air, blood splashed everywhere, and all they could do was let out helpless cries and weeping .     

In their eyes, these Corrupt path disciples were absolute fiends that were completely unstoppable . The adults were tightly holding their children, covering their vision . Even they couldn’t bear to watch that cruel scene in front of them, and they simply waited for death .     

The sounds of anguish filled the air as well as the sinister laughs from the Corrupt path’s disciples . They all revelled in this kind of feeling .     

After blocking the few exits, they began to slowly brandish their weapons, savoring this sensation . Those expressions of despair and terror filled them with excitement .     

“You fiends, I’ll take you down!”    

A child only seven or eight years old suddenly charged out with a small, wooden sword .     

That wooden sword was extremely crude . It was clearly just a child’s plaything . But that child charged forward in anger with that little, wooden sword at a Corrupt path disciple .     

“Little Hu-zi, come back here!”[1]    

A woman let out a sharp cry as soon as that child charged out . But it was already too late . That child had already arrived at that disciple .     

That disciple laughed sinisterly . The longsword in his hand slashed out mercilessly onto that child’s neck .     

His favorite thing to look at was a person’s head flying through the air . The expressions on those faces delighted him .     

Blood splashed, dyeing that entire child’s body red . The reek of blood was nauseating .     

But that child wasn’t afraid and continued charging forward with that wooden sword, stabbing it at that Corrupt disciple .     

What shocked everyone was that before that wooden sword touched his body, he split in two .     

Once the two portions split apart, people saw a figure holding a saber still dyed in blood, his robes fluttering and his hair dancing in the wind, looking just like a celestial god .     

After Long Chen cut apart that Corrupt disciple, he looked at that stubborn child . It was like looking at his younger self who used to play with a wooden sword as well .     

“Good kid . Once you grow up, you’ll definitely be an amazing man . ”    

With one hand, he threw the child back to his mother, immediately once more charging out at another Corrupt disciple .     

“Kill them all!”    

Long Chen’s roar shook the nine heavens, and his saber had already arrived at another Corrupt disciple .     

The saber he was currently using wasn’t the one Cang Ming had made for him, but something senior apprentice-brother Wan had lent him . The one Cang Ming had made him was too heavy, and he wasn’t able to use it without summoning his divine ring .     

Furthermore, it was extremely exhausting to use . Unless he met extremely powerful opponents, he would prefer not to use it . As for these disciples before him, they were obviously not worth him bringing out that saber .     

Tang Wan-er and the others all jumped off the Magical Beasts, bringing out their weapons and charging at the Corrupt disciples .     

They might have been a bit nervous before, but seeing the corpses of these innocents, they immediately forgot any fear they had . Rage and killing intent surged out of them .     

“Frigid Wind Slash!”    

Tang Wan-er started off with a full power attack . The Corrupt disciple in front of her was only an outer disciple . Although he was also in the Tendon Transformation realm, there was no way he could block a full power attack from a core disciple .     

He was immediately cut into broken pieces by a huge wind blade, his blood filling the sky . If it was a normal time, Tang Wan-er would definitely feel uncomfortable with that scene .     

But today was not the same . Seeing that Corrupt disciple’s broken flesh and blood fill the sky, Tang Wan-er was filled with an indescribable satisfaction . Just as she was preparing to attack again, she noticed the other dozens of Corrupt disciples had already been killed .     

“Get on the Magical Beasts! We’re leaving!” shouted Long Chen . He directly jumped onto one of the flying mounts and the others followed . From the time Long Chen jumped down to when they finished slaughtering them, only a couple breaths’ time had passed . Those Corrupt disciples had all been killed in a flash .     

The other disciples of the monastery hadn’t even had a chance to attack before the fight ended . But their hot blood was surging from seeing the core disciples fight .     

“So the Corrupt path’s disciples aren’t that much . ”    

Everyone’s confidence grew . Long Chen and them had killed all those Corrupt disciples in a flash .     

A dozen people jumped off the Magical Beast as Long Chen led it flying out again . Those people would comfort the commoners and lead them to withdraw a safe distance .     

Those dozen people were the ones who had failed the final disciple trial of the monastery . They had decided to stay behind as essentially workers, and they would be in charge of dealing with the aftermaths of these battles .     

This battle would not end in just one or two days . For everyone’s safety, they needed to withdraw .     

Long Chen looked at the map gravely . “That was just a small squad . We didn’t even have any news about them, meaning they weren’t worth reporting .     

“In other words, this time the Corrupt path’s invasion is much greater and fiercer than before .     

“So don’t get careless . Don’t think that the Elders and law enforcers will protect you from any danger!”    

“Long Chen, you mean…?” Song Mingyuan was startled .     

Long Chen nodded . “According to this record, the experts from the Righteous and Corrupt paths will watch from a distance during these battles . Unless there is danger of complete annihilation, none of them will take action .     

“But even if they do interfere, the other side will also move to block them . Both parties have already fought for countless years without being able to eliminate the other side . That means both sides are relatively even in terms of strength .     

“It seems this time the Corrupt path has brought in even more disciples than before, giving us even more pressure . Don’t assume that the Elders will be able to save you at a critical moment .     

“If the Elders try to interfere, the experts from the Corrupt path will also interfere, counteracting each other . In the end, you’ll still be on your own . ”    

Everyone was shaken by that . They had all assumed the Elders would be there to protect them during this trial .     

But now they all realized that Long Chen was most likely right . At that time, none of the Elders would be able to help them .     

“It’s better for only you guys to know this . Don’t let the other disciples learn it,” advised Long Chen .     

Li Qi bitterly smiled, “I kind of wish you hadn’t told us either . Maybe it’d be better for us to not know too . ”    

Long Chen shook his head solemnly . “If you can’t even handle this little pressure, how will you become an expert? How will you be able to maintain a calm heart while treading the line between life and death?”    

“Cough, I was just joking,” awkwardly laughed Li QI .     

Long Chen turned to everyone . “Since you’ve all chosen to be leaders of your squads, you have to be able to accept this pressure, and so you had to know this . Your brothers all trust you . That is a kind of life and death trust . In order to protect that trust, then even if you have to die, you have to die in front of everyone . ”    

“Hehe, what is there to be afraid of? I, Gu Yang, have long since been wanting to experience how strong the Corrupt path is . It doesn’t matter how strong they are; as long as they aren’t as abnormally strong as Long Chen . ”    

Gu Yang laughed heroically, and his last words caused everyone to laugh as well . Of all the monastery’s disciples, only Long Chen could suppress Gu Yang .     

Wilde wasn’t technically a disciple since his master was someone who was in the same generation as the sect leader . Furthermore, that fellow was only sleeping on the Magical Beast . Even during that previous fight, he still hadn’t woke up .     

Luckily that fellow’s weapon could be stored in a spatial ring, otherwise even a third rank Magical Beast wouldn’t have been able to fly with it .     

They once more flew over a small town, but that sight caused everyone’s hearts to sink . All the small towns in this region had become dyed in blood, corpses covering the land .     

“These brutes, I really want to bite them to death!” cursed one of the core disciples, clenching his teeth . Seeing those corpses of the innocent commoners, none of them liked that feeling .     

“Now you’ve all seen how savage the Corrupt path’s disciples are . You’ve all seen that their only belief is in vicious slaughter . Once we start fighting again, none of you hold back .     

“Ah, but remember to keep your minds this time and not do it like just now .     

“Although it’s nice to crush them into paste, but then we won’t be able to get out points . After all, we need to exchange their heads for our points,” said Long Chen .     

Everyone nodded . The monastery’s rules was that the points would be awarded in accordance to the Corrupt path’s disciples’ heads . The monastery has the ability to appraise a Corrupt disciple’s talent just from their head, and they would hand out the points in accordance to their level .     

Previously in everyone’s fury, they hadn’t cared at all about those points . Now that Long Chen brought it, that really did make them feel pained .     

Even a Corrupt outer disciple was worth five thousand points . Those disciples just now had been tens of thousands of points . But they had been wasted away just like that .     

Continuing flying, they suddenly heard the sounds of killing . They say an army of tens of thousands troops fighting against Corrupt disciples who were crazily besieging them .     

Corpses were already piled up into mountains there . But even as their fellow troops continued dying, more came to take their place, doing their best to resist those Corrupt disciples .     

“Everyone fight!”    

Looking at those ordinary warriors who were charging forward, replacing their fallen comrades one after another, Long Chen was reminded of his father . His eyes turned red .     

Following Long Chen’s order, everyone jumped off the Magical Beasts and charged forward . They formed their squads, the core disciples leading them . Then with Long Chen at the front, they all charged at the Corrupt disciples .     

[1] Little Hu-zi = Little Tiger    


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