Nine Star Hegemon Body Art

Chapter 571

Chapter 571

0Chapter 571: 571     

This voice rang out in everyone’s ears, sounding both like a bird and the tinkling of bells . Just hearing that voice could make a person feel like they were floating in the clouds .     

Everyone hastily turned to see that at some unknown point, a large stage had appeared at the front of the hall .     

There was a zither rest on the stage, and on it was a simple and unadorned zither . A woman in a white veil and white robes was sitting beside the zither . She appeared like a lotus blooming out of the water, untouched by the dust of the mortal world . That voice had come from her .     

“You’re all very fortunate . Elder sister Zi Yan is our Immortal Intoxication Building’s top expert in the Music Dao . Even we don’t normally get a chance to listen to her play,” said Yu Tong .     

When Zi Yan appeared, Yin Wushang’s pupils shrunk . He sensed a strange aura from her body . He and Yin Qing found a place to sit, temporarily putting aside their grudge with Long Chen .     

“The sun and moon are not whole; heaven and earth are imperfect . What is the point of struggling back and forth? I will be so bold as to play a song for everyone . I hope everyone can properly reflect on it!”    

Zi Yan slowly extended her hands, brushing gently upon the zither .     

Twang! Long Chen felt his own heart jump slightly along with that zither sound .     

Three more notes rang out . Long Chen suddenly felt as if he was being drawn into that beautiful music .     

“What a terrifying control! A single note from her zither can probe a person’s pulse, and from that, she adjusts the rhythm to draw you in . This woman is much more profound than Yu Tong . ”    

As Zi Yan played her zither, even Long Chen, who didn’t know the slightest thing about music, felt incomparably comfortable . This was a kind of musical meditation that delighted the heart .     

As the music played, Long Chen saw a scene before him: mountains spreading into the distance, crystal-clear water flowing to and fro, birds singing in trees . That beautiful scene was something a person couldn’t have the heart to destroy .     

In this scene, Long Chen felt a rare pleasure and peace within him . At that moment, he forgot all his vexation, all his fury . He immersed himself in this world .     

Peace, warmth, not the slightest struggle . Everything was tranquil and harmonious, comforting and natural . It was a wonderland without the struggles of the mundane world . Long Chen immersed himself within a green field, enjoying the feeling .     

Suddenly, the birds flew away in a panic . Countless fierce Magical Beasts appeared and charged in Long Chen’s direction . Looking at those Magical Beasts, Long Chen didn’t feel the slightest panic . He allowed them to run past his side .     

He knew this was all an illusion, just an artistic realm this white-robed woman was showing him .     

Once those Magical Beasts rushed past his side, the scene changed again . Those Magical Beasts appeared in a human city, crazily attacking people .     

The city’s army was defending as best as they could, but these Magical Beasts were too fierce . Blood and flesh flew through the air . Countless miserable screams and wails came from the city .     

Long Chen stood on the city wall, watching this bloody scene . For some unknown reason, this scene gradually began to transform into Phoenix Cry’s capital .     

Long Chen even saw Shi Feng, fatty Yu, and Shou Hou’s figures . They were brandishing their weapons . Even in the face of these Magical Beasts they had no chance of defeating, they still fought .     

“Even knowing this is all fake, I still can’t bring myself to just watch you all die in front of me . ”    

Long Chen took out a saber . With a single slash, those Magical Beasts were all killed and disappeared .     

“Chen-er, you’ve returned! Thank goodness . Otherwise, the capital wouldn’t have been able to hold on . ” Long Tianxiao looked at Long Chen with gratification .     

Seeing these figures before him, Long Chen felt a burst of warmth within him . After being parted for so long, he didn’t know how his father and mother were now .     

“Chen-er, where are you? Are you still alive? Mom and dad miss you…” Suddenly, a voice rang out in Long Chen’s mind .     

“That’s enough! Stop before you go too far!”    

Long Chen coldly shouted and smashed a fist forward . The space around him broke, and the entire scene disappeared .     


A strange sound rang out, and the zither music came to a sudden halt . Only now did everyone wake up . Some people were completely shocked, not knowing what had happened . They felt as if they had been dreaming .     

But in that dream, they had seen many things, things that were related to them . They hastily looked over to Zi Yan .     

They saw her motionless, her hand holding a zither string that had snapped .     

“My skills are still not refined enough . I’ve caused everyone to laugh,” she apologized .     

“Many thanks for this great favor! It felt like I had lived through my life again, and I’ve benefited greatly! I am truly endlessly grateful . ” Quite a few people stood up to thank her . Long Chen didn’t know what they had seen, but it seemed they had comprehended many things .     

“Everyone is too courteous . Right now, I feel a bit unwell, so I’ll take my leave first . ” After saying that, she turned and disappeared behind the zither stage .     

When that woman returned to the private room, before the pavilion master could say a word, she coughed up a mouthful of blood .     

“Zi Yan!” cried the pavilion master .     

Zi Yan’s veil fell from her face, revealing her incredibly beautiful complexion . She had picturesque eyebrows, a jasper nose, cherry lips, and a face that was like fine jade . However, her face was now slightly pale .     

“Pavilion master, I’m fine . I just suffered a slight backlash,” explained Zi Yan .     

“A backlash?”    

“Yes . When I played the Heart Reincarnation Song, everyone entered that reincarnation realm . Only Long Chen stayed at the edge the entire time, unwilling to enter .     

“I focused my spiritual music energy on him, but I didn’t expect his heart to be so firm . When I tried to draw him into the reincarnation, it seemed to have touched upon something that deeply aggrieved him .     

“He actually forcibly escaped from my realm, and being caught off guard, my mind received a heavy shock . The backlash also snapped one of my strings . ” Zi Yan was still shocked .     

“Did you see his secrets?” asked the pavilion master .     

“No . I didn’t deliberately try to pry . I just wanted to draw him into the reincarnation, letting him relive his life . But he had only just begun to enter that realm when he forcibly escaped . It seems his heart is hiding many things that he doesn’t want others to know about,” said Zi Yan .     

Although she hadn’t deliberately pried, she could still sense that at that time, she had touched something that pained Long Chen greatly . When playing that song, she had connected her mind to Long Chen’s . The change in Long Chen’s emotions was something she had clearly experienced .     

“This Long Chen is a dangerous person . Zi Yan, you should stay away from him as much as possible to avoid having your Dao-heart influenced,” sighed the pavilion master .     

“Pavilion master, do you still remember what my master said when she told my fortune? She said I would run into a devil star in my lifetime, and that would change my entire fate . One thought might turn me into a god, and another thought might turn me into a devil . It is all predestined . ” Zi Yan looked at the image on the wall .     

“Then you mean…”    

“I’m not sure . But when I touched Long Chen’s inner heart just now, my mental realm also became chaotic, and I was unable to maintain a peaceful heart . I bitterly focus my cultivation on my mental realm, and even my master said that my mental realm is something rarely seen . However, with just one brief interaction with Long Chen, my mental realm was broken . It really is hard to believe…” said Zi Yan .     

“Could you have made a mistake? How could Long Chen be your devil star? Don’t deceive yourself,” said the pavilion master .     

“Master’s cultivation base has reached Heaven Merging . Her Music Dao can peer into the Heavenly Daos, and with her all-encompassing perception, she rarely makes a mistake . However, whether or not my devil star is Long Chen is unknown for now . I need to wait and see,” said Zi Yan .     

“How about I go kill Long Chen? Then it won’t influence you . ” The pavilion master clenched her teeth .     

“You can’t . You know that if Long Chen really is my devil star, killing him will invoke karma . You’ll be consigned to eternal damnation . ” Zi Yan shook her head .     

“Zi Yan, you are a peerless genius . I couldn’t bear to see him ruin you . This little sacrifice is worth it,” said the pavilion master determinedly .     

“Thank you for the thought, but this matter has to be handled by me . When master said one thought could turn me into a god, and one thought could turn me into a devil, she meant that the choice was in my own hands .     

“If I kill my devil star, I will become a god . If I can’t kill my devil star, I will end up sinking with my devil star onto the devil path .     

“In any case, the initiative is in my hands . Right now, it’s still unknown whether Long Chen is my devil star . I can’t act rashly . After I can confirm it, I will personally kill him and continue cultivating my Music Dao . Then my future will be an unobstructed path!”    

The pavilion master looked from Zi Yan to Long Chen’s image reflected on the wall . A trace of unease appeared in her eyes, but she could only watch . This was Zi Yan’s own fate .     

Once Zi Yan left, Long Chen felt a strange emotion arise in his heart . It was very odd, and he was unable to tell what that emotion was .     

“It’s getting late . Many thanks miss Yu Tong for your warm hospitality . We’ll say our goodbyes now . ” Long Chen felt that it was about time, and he had already stood up to leave .     

That stunned Yu Tong and the others . It seemed this was the first time anyone took the initiative to say goodbye to them . For others, saying even an extra sentence to them was precious . It was only Long Chen who didn’t feel reluctant to leave this place .     

However, Yu Tong didn’t display that . She magnanimously said, “You’re welcome to visit again . ”    

“Hehe, I don’t really know how to talk that well . Today, my words were a bit contrary . I hope miss Yu Tong will forgive me . I’m sure we’ll meet again someday . ” Long Chen cupped his fists to Yu Tong . After all, releasing his fury on her had been a bit too much .     

After saying goodbye, Long Chen began walking towards the exit . When he walked past Yin Wushang’s table, Yin Wushang suddenly said, “Long Chen, properly enjoy your final moments . ”    

Long Chen didn’t even glance at him, nor did he slow down . He lightly threw out, “If you want to die, you can come find me at any time . I will quickly, conveniently, and painlessly send you to another world . ”    

Yin Wushang immediately felt like he had been slapped in the face . Killing intent erupted from him, but he still endured .     

“It’s Yin Wushang, right?” Mo Nian suddenly paused by Yin Wushang’s side .     

“What is it?”    

“Ah, nothing . I just want to say, if you want to die, you can go find him at any time . He will quickly, conveniently, and painlessly send you to another world . I was just afraid you didn’t hear, so I helped repeat it for you . There’s no need to thank me!”    

Mo Nian followed Long Chen away . Mu Xue and the others hastily kept up, leaving behind a black-faced Yin Wushang .     

“Hehe, Long Chen, I feel like you really have talent when it comes to pissing people off . ” Once they were out of the Immortal Intoxication Building, Mo Nian patted Long Chen’s shoulders and gave him a thumbs-up .     

Long Chen was about to say that he was overpraising him when a familiar figure suddenly appeared in the distance . A powerful force abruptly pushed him, and Long Chen involuntarily flew towards that person .     


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